219 research outputs found

    The mid-infrared extinction law in the darkest cores of the Pipe Nebula

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    Context. The properties of dust grains, in particular their size distribution, are expected to differ from the interstellar medium to the high-density regions within molecular clouds. Aims. We measure the mid-infrared extinction law produced by dense material in molecular cloud cores. Since the extinction at these wavelengths is caused by dust, the extinction law in cores should depart from that found in low-density environments if the dust grains have different properties. Methods. We use the unbiased LINES method to measure the slope of the reddening vectors in color-color diagrams. We derive the mid-infrared extinction law toward the dense cores B59 and FeSt 1-457 in the Pipe Nebula over a range of visual extinction between 10 and 50 magnitudes, using a combination of Spitzer/IRAC, and ESO NTT/VLT data. Results. The mid-infrared extinction law in both cores departs significantly from a power-law between 3.6 and 8 micron, suggesting that these cores contain dust with a considerable fraction of large dust grains. We find no evidence for a dependence of the extinction law with column density up to 50 magnitudes of visual extinction in these cores, and no evidence for a variation between our result and those for other clouds at lower column densities reported elsewhere in the literature. This suggests that either large grains are present even in low column density regions, or that the existing dust models need to be revised at mid-infrared wavelengths. We find a small but significant difference in the extinction law of the two cores, that we tentatively associate with the onset of star formation in B59.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to A&

    No evidence for mass segregation in massive young clusters

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    Aims. We investigate the validity of the mass segregation indicators commonly used in analysing young stellar clusters. Methods. We simulate observations by constructing synthetic seeing-limited images of a 1000 massive clusters (10^4 Msun) with a standard IMF and a King-density distribution function. Results. We find that commonly used indicators are highly sensitive to sample incompleteness in observational data and that radial completeness determinations do not provide satisfactory corrections, rendering the studies of radial properties highly uncertain. On the other hand, we find that, under certain conditions, the global completeness can be estimated accurately, allowing for the correction of the global luminosity and mass functions of the cluster. Conclusions. We argue that there is currently no observational evidence of mass segregation in young compact clusters since there is no robust way to differentiate between true mass segregation and sample incompleteness effects. Caution should then be exercised when interpreting results from observations as evidence of mass segregation.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, typos corrected. Download a high-resolution version at http://www.astro.up.pt/~jascenso/mseg_v2.pdf (1 MB

    Distributed video coding with multiple side information

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    Coding binary local features extracted from video sequences

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    Local features represent a powerful tool which is exploited in several applications such as visual search, object recognition and tracking, etc. In this context, binary descriptors provide an efficient alternative to real-valued descriptors, due to low computational complexity, limited memory footprint and fast matching algorithms. The descriptor consists of a binary vector, in which each bit is the result of a pairwise comparison between smoothed pixel intensities. In several cases, visual features need to be transmitted over a bandwidth-limited network. To this end, it is useful to compress the descriptor to reduce the required rate, while attaining a target accuracy for the task at hand. The past literature thoroughly addressed the problem of coding visual features extracted from still images and, only very recently, the problem of coding real-valued features (e.g., SIFT, SURF) extracted from video sequences. In this paper we propose a coding architecture specifically designed for binary local features extracted from video content. We exploit both spatial and temporal redundancy by means of intra-frame and inter-frame coding modes, showing that significant coding gains can be attained for a target level of accuracy of the visual analysis task

    The effect of different remineralizing agents on caries-like lesions – a pilot study

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    Poster apresentado no XXV Congresso da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, 10-12 Novembro 2016, Porto, PortugalSob uma licença CC-BY-NC - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Aim: To quantify the surface microhardness of enamel when using different remineralizing agents, after the induction of artificial dental caries.N/

    Imaging the dense stellar cluster R136 with VLT-MAD

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    We evaluate the performance of the Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator (MAD) from H and Ks imaging of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Maps of the full-width half maximum (FWHM) of point sources in the H and Ks images are presented, together with maps of the Strehl ratio achieved in the Ks-band observations. Each of the three natural guide stars was at the edge of the MAD field-of-view, and the observations were obtained at relatively large airmass (1.4-1.6). Even so, the Strehl ratio achieved in the second pointing (best-placed compared to the reference stars) ranged from 15% to an impressive 30%. Preliminary photometric calibration of the first pointing indicates 5 sigma sensitivities of Ks=21.75 and H=22.25 (from 22 and 12 min exposures, respectively).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to appear in "Adaptive Optics Systems", SPIE conference, Marseille, 23-28 June 2008. Full resolution version can be downloaded from http://www.roe.ac.uk/~mac/MAD.htm

    Rate-accuracy optimization of binary descriptors

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    Binary descriptors have recently emerged as low-complexity alternatives to state-of-the-art descriptors such as SIFT. The descriptor is represented by means of a binary string, in which each bit is the result of the pairwise comparison of smoothed pixel values properly selected in a patch around each keypoint. Previous works have focused on the construction of the descriptor neglecting the opportunity of performing lossless compression. In this paper, we propose two contributions. First, design an entropy coding scheme that seeks the internal ordering of the descriptor that minimizes the number of bits necessary to represent it. Second, we compare different selection strategies that can be adopted to identify which pairwise comparisons to use when building the descriptor. Unlike previous works, we evaluate the discriminative power of descriptors as a function of rate, in order to investigate the trade-offs in a bandwidth constrained scenario

    Controlled drug release from hydrogels for contact lenses: drug partitioning and diffusion

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    Optimization of drug delivery from drug loaded contact lenses assumes understanding the drug transport mechanisms through hydrogels which relies on the knowledge of drug partition and diffusion coefficients. We chose, as model systems, two materials used in contact lens, a poly-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (pHEMA) based hydrogel and a silicone based hydrogel, and three drugs with different sizes and charges: chlorhexidine, levofloxacin and diclofenac. Equilibrium partition coefficients were determined at different ionic strength and pH, using water (pH 5.6) and PBS (pH 7.4). The measured partition coefficients were related with the polymer volume fraction in the hydrogel, through the introduction of an enhancement factor following the approach developed by the group of C. J. Radke (Kotsmar et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013). This factor may be decomposed in the product of three other factors EHS, Eel and Ead which account for, respectively, hard-sphere size exclusion, electrostatic interactions, and specific solute adsorption. While EHS and Eel are close to 1, Ead > > 1 in all cases suggesting strong specific interactions between the drugs and the hydrogels. Adsorption was maximal for chlorhexidine on the silicone based hydrogel, in water, due to strong hydrogen bonding. The effective diffusion coefficients, De, were determined from the drug release profiles. Estimations of diffusion coefficients of the non-adsorbed solutes D = De Ă— Ead allowed comparison with theories for solute diffusion in the absence of specific interaction with the polymeric membrane.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The extinction law from photometric data: linear regression methods

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    Context. The properties of dust grains, in particular their size distribution, are expected to differ from the interstellar medium to the high-density regions within molecular clouds. Since the extinction at near-infrared wavelengths is caused by dust, the extinction law in cores should depart from that found in low-density environments if the dust grains have different properties. Aims. We explore methods to measure the near-infrared extinction law produced by dense material in molecular cloud cores from photometric data. Methods. Using controlled sets of synthetic and semi-synthetic data, we test several methods for linear regression applied to the specific problem of deriving the extinction law from photometric data. We cover the parameter space appropriate to this type of observations. Results. We find that many of the common linear-regression methods produce biased results when applied to the extinction law from photometric colors. We propose and validate a new method, LinES, as the most reliable for this effect. We explore the use of this method to detect whether or not the extinction law of a given reddened population has a break at some value of extinction.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, accepted to A&A, in pres
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