19 research outputs found

    Energy Demand and Temperature: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

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    This paper is a first attempt to investigate the effect of climate on the demand for different energy vectors from different final users. The ultimate motivation for this is to arrive to a consistent evaluation of the impact of climate change on key consumption goods and primary factors such as energy vectors. This paper addresses these issues by means of a dynamic panel analysis of the demand for coal, gas, electricity, oil and oil products by residential, commercial and industrial users in OECD and (a few) non-OECD countries. It turns out that temperature has a very different influence on the demand of energy vectors as consumption goods and on their demand as primary factors. In general, residential demand responds negatively to temperature increases, while industrial demand is insensitive to temperature increases. As to the service sector, only electricity demand displays a mildly significant negative elasticity to temperature changes

    Behandelmogelijkheden bij het oplossen van diepe carieuze laesies bij kinderen.

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    De behandeling van carieuze laesies is een veeleisend probleem. In de literatuur zijn preventieve en meer of minder invasieve behandelmethoden voor de behandeling te vinden. Deze serie beschrijft stapsgewijs de behandelmogelijkheden van de carieuze laesie. In Mondhygiënisten Vademecum nr. 4 stond het eerste deel met een inleiding over het cariësproces en deel twee stond in nr. 5 en ging over de preventieve behandeling. In deze artikelen wordt diepe cariës omschreven als een carieuze laesie waarvan op grond van klinische en radiologische observatie verwacht wordt dat bij het verwijderen van het geïnfecteerde dentineweefsel de pulpa wordt geëxponeerd. In deel 3 zal de indirecte pulpa overkapping, stepwise excavation en directe pulpa overkapping worden besproken

    Indirect pulp treatment in a permanent molar: case reort of 4-year follow-up

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    This case report describes the Indirect Pulp Treatment (IPT) of deep caries lesion in a permanent molar. A 16-year-old male patient reported discomfort associated with thermal stimulation on the permanent mandibular left first molar. The radiographs revealed a deep distal caries lesion, very close to the pulp, absence of radiolucencies in the periapical region, and absence of periodontal space thickening. Pulp sensitivity was confirmed by thermal pulp vitality tests. Based on the main complaint and the clinical and radiographic examinations, the treatment plan was established to preserve pulp vitality. Clinical procedures consisted of removing the infected dentin and lining the caries-affected dentin with calcium hydroxide paste. The tooth was provisionally sealed for approximately 60 days. After this period, tooth vitality was confirmed, the remaining carious dentin was removed, and the tooth was restored. At 4-year follow-up, no clinical or radiographic pathological findings were found