146 research outputs found

    Sand provenance and implications for paleodrainage in a rifted basin: the Tera Group (N. Spain)

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    Fluvial-fan and fluvial siliciclastic strata, developed during the rifting that generated the Cameros Basin (North Spain), record important provenance changes that reveal source areas compositions and locations, paleodrainage evolution and rift patterns. The Tera Group represents the first rifting stage in the Cameros Basin, containing fluvial-fan sediments at the lower part of the sedimentary fill that evolve to fluvial and lacustrine systems in the upper part of the record. Our quantitative sandstone petrographic analysis evidences the presence of three main petrofacies related closely to the rift basin evolution. At the base of the sedimentary succession, Petrofacies 1 (quartzolithic) indicates that the fluvial-fans source areas included Juras¬sic marine carbonates and older siliciclastic Mesozoic units, as well as metamorphic supplies from the West Asturian Leonese Zone (WALZ). Variscan basement sources of this metamorphic area (WALZ) were more abundant in the upper fluvial record (Petrofacies 2, quartzofeldspathic). Further, the influence of plutonic source areas with a mixed potassic and calcium-sodium composition is also recorded, probably related to the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ). In addition, a local sedimentary input was active during the fluvial and lacustrine stages (Petrofacies 2 and 3, both quartzofeldspathic), as a function of the palaeogeographical position of the Jurassic marine rocks and the level of erosion reached. Plutonic rock fragments have not been observed in the Tera Group sandstones of the western part of the basin. Thus, deeper erosion of the basement in the eastern Cameros Basin is suggested. The provenance evolution from quartzolithic to quartzofeldspathic petrofacies registered in Tera Group siliciclastic deposits is due to the higher influence of transversal supplies during the fluvial-fan stage (quartzolithic) to more important axial inputs during the fluvial stage (quartzofeldspathic). This provenance change represents the evolution from an undissected rift shoulder stage to more advanced stages of rifting (dissected rift shoulder) and during the beginning of a provenance cycle in a rifted basin.Los sedimentos de abanicos fluviales y fluviales propiamente dichos desarrollados durante el proceso de rift que generó la Cuenca de Cameros (Norte de España) registraron importantes cambios de procedencia que proporcionan información sobre la composición y localización de sus áreas fuente, la evolución del paleodrenaje y los patrones de rift. Este estudio se centra en el Grupo Tera (Tithoniense) en el sector oriental de la Cuenca de Cameros. El Grupo Tera representa el primer estadio de rift en dicha cuenca, y está constituido por sedimentos de abanicos fluviales en la parte inferior del relleno sedimentario, que evolucionan a sistemas fluviales y lacustres hacia la parte superior del registro. El estudio petrográfico cuantitativo de las areniscas indica la presencia de tres petrofacies principales que muestran una estrecha relación con la evolución del rift. En la base del registro sedimentario, la Petrofacies 1 (cuarzolítica) manifiesta que las áreas fuente de los abanicos fluviales incluyen tanto carbonatos Jurásicos marinos como unidades siliciclásticas mesozoicas previas, así como influencias metamórficas de la Zona Asturoccidental Leonesa (WALZ). Los aportes del basamento varisco procedentes de esta área fuente metamórfica (WALZ) fueron más importantes en la parte alta del registro (Petrofacies 2, cuarzofeldespática). Además, se detecta la influencia de áreas fuente plutónicas con una composición mixta (potásica y calcosódica), probablemente relacionadas con la Zona Centroibérica (CIZ). También existió un aporte sedimentario local durante los estadios fluviales y lacustres (Petrofacies 2 y 3, ambas cuarzofeldespáticas), que tuvo lugar en función de la posición paleogeográfica de las rocas marinas Jurásicas y del nivel de erosión alcanzado. Si comparamos los dos sectores de la cuenca, los fragmentos de roca plutónica no han sido observados en las areniscas del Grupo Tera en el sector occidental de la cuenca. Por lo tanto, se deduce un nivel de erosión del basamento más profundo en el sector occidental. La evolución de la procedencia desde petrofacies cuarzolíticas a petrofacies cuarzofeldespáticas registrada en los depósitos siliciclásticos del Grupo Tera se debe a una mayor influencia de los aportes transversales durante la sedimentación de los abanicos fluviales (cuarzolíticos) hacia una mayor influencia de aportes axiales durante la etapa fluvial (cuarzofeldespática). Esta variación en la procedencia representa la evolución desde un estadio de hombrera de rift no erosionada a estadios más avanzados del rifting (hombrera de rift erosionada) y el comienzo de un ciclo de procedencia en una cuenca de rift

    Synchronization in populations of globally coupled oscillators with inertial effects

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    A model for synchronization of globally coupled phase oscillators including ``inertial'' effects is analyzed. In such a model, both oscillator frequencies and phases evolve in time. Stationary solutions include incoherent (unsynchronized) and synchronized states of the oscillator population. Assuming a Lorentzian distribution of oscillator natural frequencies, g(Ω)g(\Omega), both larger inertia or larger frequency spread stabilize the incoherent solution, thereby making harder to synchronize the population. In the limiting case g(Ω)=δ(Ω)g(\Omega)=\delta(\Omega), the critical coupling becomes independent of inertia. A richer phenomenology is found for bimodal distributions. For instance, inertial effects may destabilize incoherence, giving rise to bifurcating synchronized standing wave states. Inertia tends to harden the bifurcation from incoherence to synchronized states: at zero inertia, this bifurcation is supercritical (soft), but it tends to become subcritical (hard) as inertia increases. Nonlinear stability is investigated in the limit of high natural frequencies.Comment: Revtex, 36 pages, submit to Phys. Rev.

    Invariant submanifold for series arrays of Josephson junctions

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    We study the nonlinear dynamics of series arrays of Josephson junctions in the large-N limit, where N is the number of junctions in the array. The junctions are assumed to be identical, overdamped, driven by a constant bias current and globally coupled through a common load. Previous simulations of such arrays revealed that their dynamics are remarkably simple, hinting at the presence of some hidden symmetry or other structure. These observations were later explained by the discovery of (N - 3) constants of motion, each choice of which confines the resulting flow in phase space to a low-dimensional invariant manifold. Here we show that the dimensionality can be reduced further by restricting attention to a special family of states recently identified by Ott and Antonsen. In geometric terms, the Ott-Antonsen ansatz corresponds to an invariant submanifold of dimension one less than that found earlier. We derive and analyze the flow on this submanifold for two special cases: an array with purely resistive loading and another with resistive-inductive-capacitive loading. Our results recover (and in some instances improve) earlier findings based on linearization arguments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Luminescence Dynamics of Silica-Encapsulated Quantum Dots During Optical Trapping

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    "This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b11867."[EN] The trade-off between photobrightening and photobleaching controls the emission stability of colloidal quantum dots. This balance is critical in optical trapping configurations, where irradiances that confine and simultaneously excite the nanocrystals in the focal region cannot be indefinitely lowered. In this work, we studied the photobrightening and bleaching behaviors of two types of silica-encapsulated quantum dots excited upon two-photon absorption in an optical trap. The first type consists of alloyed CdSeZnS quantum dots covered with a silica shell. We found that the dynamics of these as-prepared architectures are similar to those previously reported for bare surface-deposited quantum dots, where thousands of times smaller irradiances were used. We then analyzed the same quantum dot systems treated with an extra intermediate sulfur passivating shell for the better understanding of the surface traps influence in the temporal evolution of their emission in the optical trap. We found that these latter systems exhibit better homogeneity in their photodynamic behavior compared to the untreated ones. These features strengthen the value of quantum dot preparations in optical manipulation as well as for applications where both long and maximal emission stability in physiological and other polar media are required.The authors thank A. Blanco and D. Granados for fruitful discussion and S. de Lorenzo for technical help. H.R-R. is supported by an FPI-UAM fellowship and M. A. by a contract from Fundacion IMDEA Nanociencia. The research leading to these results has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers MAT2015-71806-R and FIS2015-67367-C2-1-P), from Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-2740) and from UAM-Banco Santander (CEAL-AL/2015-15).Rodríguez-Rodríguez, H.; Acebrón, M.; Juárez, B.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR. (2017). Luminescence Dynamics of Silica-Encapsulated Quantum Dots During Optical Trapping. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121(18):10124-10130. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b11867S10124101301211

    Chapman-Enskog method and synchronization of globally coupled oscillators

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    The Chapman-Enskog method of kinetic theory is applied to two problems of synchronization of globally coupled phase oscillators. First, a modified Kuramoto model is obtained in the limit of small inertia from a more general model which includes ``inertial'' effects. Second, a modified Chapman-Enskog method is used to derive the amplitude equation for an O(2) Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation corresponding to the tricritical point of the Kuramoto model with a bimodal distribution of oscillator natural frequencies. This latter calculation shows that the Chapman-Enskog method is a convenient alternative to normal form calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 2-column Revtex, no figures, minor change

    Dynamics of fully coupled rotators with unimodal and bimodal frequency distribution

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    We analyze the synchronization transition of a globally coupled network of N phase oscillators with inertia (rotators) whose natural frequencies are unimodally or bimodally distributed. In the unimodal case, the system exhibits a discontinuous hysteretic transition from an incoherent to a partially synchronized (PS) state. For sufficiently large inertia, the system reveals the coexistence of a PS state and of a standing wave (SW) solution. In the bimodal case, the hysteretic synchronization transition involves several states. Namely, the system becomes coherent passing through traveling waves (TWs), SWs and finally arriving to a PS regime. The transition to the PS state from the SW occurs always at the same coupling, independently of the system size, while its value increases linearly with the inertia. On the other hand the critical coupling required to observe TWs and SWs increases with N suggesting that in the thermodynamic limit the transition from incoherence to PS will occur without any intermediate states. Finally a linear stability analysis reveals that the system is hysteretic not only at the level of macroscopic indicators, but also microscopically as verified by measuring the maximal Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, contribution for the book: Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, Springer Series in Energetics, eds E. Schoell, S.H.L. Klapp, P. Hoeve

    Sandstone petrofacies in the northwestern sector of the Iberian Basin

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    During the most active rifting stages in the northwestern sector of the Iberian Basin (Cameros Basin and Aragonese Branch of the Iberian Range), thick sequences of continental clastic deposits were generated. Sandstone records from Rift cycle 1 (Permo-Triassic) and Rift cycle 2 (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) show similarities in composition. Based on the most recent data, this paper describes sandstone petrofacies developed during both rifting periods. Six petrofacies can be distinguished: two associated with Rift cycle 1 (PT-1 and PT-2) and four with Rift cycle 2 (JC-1 to JC-4). All six petrofacies can be classifi ed as sedimentoclastic or plutoniclastic. Sedimentoclastic petrofacies developed during early rifting stages either through the recycling of pre-rift sediments or signifi cant palaeogeographical changes. These facies comprise a thin succession (<100 m) of clastic deposits with mature quartzose and quartzolithic sandstones containing sedimentary and metasedimentary rock fragments. Carbonate diagenesis is more common than clay mineral diagenesis. Sedimentoclastic petrofacies have been identifi ed in Rift cycle 1 (Saxonian facies, PT-1) and Rift cycle 2 (JC-1 and JC-3; Tithonian and Valanginian, respectively). In the absence of the pre-rift sedimentary cover, metasedimentoclastic petrofacies sometimes develop as a product of the erosion of the low- to medium-grade metamorphic substratum (Petrofacies JC-2, Tithonian-Berriasian). Plutoniclastic petrofacies were generated during periods of high tectonic activity and accompanied by substantial denudation and the erosion of plutonites. Forming thick stratigraphic successions (1000 to 4000 m), these feldspar-rich petrofacies show a rigid framework and clay mineral diagenesis. In Rift cycle 1, plutoniclastic petrofacies (PT-2) are associated with the Buntsandstein. This type of petrofacies also developed in Rift cycle 2 in the Cameros Basin (JC-4) from DS-5 to DS-8 (Hauterivian-Early Albian), and represents the main basin fi ll interval. Sedimentoclastic and plutoniclastic petrofacies can be grouped into three pairs of basic petrofacies. Each pair represents a ‘provenance cycle’ that records a complete clastic cycle within a rifting period. Petrofacies PT-1 and PT-2 represent the ‘provenance cycle’ during Rift-1. In the Cameros Basin, two provenance cycles may be discerned during Rift cycle 2, related both to the Tithonian-Berriasian and the Valanginian-Early Albian megasequences. Tectonics is the main factor controlling petrofacies. Other factors (e.g., maturation during transport, local supply) may modulate the compositional signatures of the petrofacies yet their main character persists and even outlines he hierarchy of the main bounding surfaces between depositional sequences in the intracontinental Iberian Rift Basin.Durante las fases de rifting más activas en el sector noroccidental de la Cuenca Ibérica (Cuenca de Cameros y Rama Aragonesa de la Cordillera Ibérica), se generaron potentes sucesiones detríticas de depósitos continentales. Los registros arenosos del ciclo Rift 1 (Permo-Triásico) y Rift-2 (Jurásico Superior-Cretácico Inferior) muestran similitudes en cuanto a su composición. El presente rabajo describe las petrofacies arenosas desarrolladas durante los dos períodos de rifting. Es osible establecer un total de seis petrofacies: dos relacionadas con el Rift-1 (PT-1 y PT-2) y cuatro con el Rift-2 (JC-1 a JC-4). Todas estas petrofacies pueden ser consideradas bien como sedimentoclásticas o como plutoniclásticas. Las petrofacies sedimentoclásticas se desarrollaron durante las etapas iniciales de rifting debido al reciclado del registro sedimentario rerift, o por importantes cambios paleogeográfi cos. Aparecen constituyendo sucesiones de depósitos clásticos poco potentes

    Solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction

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    We describe a solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction. We derive self-consistent equations of the order parameters and obtain three non-trivial solutions characterized by the rotation number. We also derive relevant characteristics such as the location-dependent distributions of the resultant frequencies of desynchronized oscillators. Simulation results closely agree with the theoretical ones

    Photoluminescence Activation of Organic Dyes via Optically Trapped Quantum Dots

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Nano, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.[EN] Laser tweezers afford quantum dot (QD) manipulation for use as localized emitters. Here, we demonstrate fluorescence by radiative energy transfer from optically trapped colloidal QDs (donors) to fluorescent dyes (acceptors). To this end, we synthesized silica-coated QDs of different compositions and triggered their luminescence by simultaneous trapping and two-photon excitation in a microfluidic chamber filled with dyes. This strategy produces a near-field light source with great spatial maneuverability, which can be exploited to scan nanostructures. In this regard, we demonstrate induced photoluminescence of dye-labeled cells via optically trapped silica-coated colloidal QDs placed at their vicinity. Allocating nanoscale donors at controlled distances from a cell is an attractive concept in fluorescence microscopy because it dramatically reduces the number of excited dyes, which improves resolution by preventing interferences from the whole sample, while prolonging dye luminescence lifetime due to the lower power absorbed from the QDs.H.R.-R. is supported by an FPI-UAM 2015 fellowship (BES-2009-027909). Authors acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through MAT2017-85617-R and MAT2015-71806-R. B.H.J. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Maria de Maeztu (IFIMAC) and Severo Ochoa (IMDEA Nanoscience) Programmes for Units of Excellence in R&D.Rodríguez-Rodríguez, H.; Acebrón, M.; Iborra, F.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR.; Juárez, B. (2019). Photoluminescence Activation of Organic Dyes via Optically Trapped Quantum Dots. ACS Nano. 13(6):7223-7230. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.9b02835S7223723013

    How to suppress undesired synchronization

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    It is delightful to observe the emergence of synchronization in the blinking of fireflies to attract partners and preys. Other charming examples of synchronization can also be found in a wide range of phenomena such as, e.g., neurons firing, lasers cascades, chemical reactions, and opinion formation. However, in many situations the formation of a coherent state is not pleasant and should be mitigated. For example, the onset of synchronization can be the root of epileptic seizures, traffic congestion in communication networks, and the collapse of constructions. Here we propose the use of contrarians to suppress undesired synchronization. We perform a comparative study of different strategies, either requiring local or total knowledge of the system, and show that the most efficient one solely requires local information. Our results also reveal that, even when the distribution of neighboring interactions is narrow, significant improvement in mitigation is observed when contrarians sit at the highly connected elements. The same qualitative results are obtained for artificially generated networks as well as two real ones, namely, the Routers of the Internet and a neuronal network