60 research outputs found

    Dependence of the kinetic energy absorption capacity of bistable mechanical metamaterials on impactor mass and velocity

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    Using an alternative mechanism to dissipation or scattering, bistable structures and mechanical metamaterials have shown promise for mitigating the detrimental effects of impact by reversibly locking energy into strained material. Herein, we extend prior works on impact absorption via bistable metamaterials to computationally explore the dependence of kinetic energy transmission on the velocity and mass of the impactor, with strain rates exceeding 10210^2 s1^{-1}. We observe a large dependence on both impactor parameters, ranging from significantly better to worse performance than a comparative linear material. We then correlate the variability in performance to solitary wave formation in the system and give analytical estimates of idealized energy absorption capacity under dynamic loading. In addition, we find a significant dependence on damping accompanied by a qualitative difference in solitary wave propagation within the system. The complex dynamics revealed in this study offer potential future guidance for the application of bistable metamaterials to applications including human and engineered system shock and impact protection devices

    Metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics profiling of myoblasts infected with Trypanosoma cruzi after treatment with different drugs against Chagas disease.

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    INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease, the most important parasitic infection in Latin America, is caused by the intracellular protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. To treat this disease, only two nitroheterocyclic compounds with toxic side effects exist and frequent treatment failures are reported. Hence there is an urgent need to develop new drugs. Recently, metabolomics has become an efficient and cost-effective strategy for dissecting drug mode of action, which has been applied to bacteria as well as parasites, such as different Trypanosome species and forms. OBJECTIVES: We assessed if the metabolomics approach can be applied to study drug action of the intracellular amastigote form of T. cruzi in a parasite-host cell system. METHODS: We applied a metabolic fingerprinting approach (DI-MS and NMR) to evaluate metabolic changes induced by six different (candidate) drugs in a parasite-host cell system. In a second part of our study, we analyzed the impact of two drugs on polar metabolites, lipid and proteins to evaluate if affected pathways can be identified. RESULTS: Metabolic signatures, obtained by the fingerprinting approach, resulted in three different clusters. Two can be explained by already known of mode actions, whereas the three experimental drugs formed a separate cluster. Significant changes induced by drug action were observed in all the three metabolic fractions (polar metabolites, lipids and proteins). We identified a general impact on the TCA cycle, but no specific pathways could be attributed to drug action, which might be caused by a high percentage of common metabolome between a eukaryotic host cell and a eukaryotic parasite. Additionally, ion suppression effects due to differences in abundance between host cells and parasites may have occurred. CONCLUSION: We validated the metabolic fingerprinting approach to a complex host-cell parasite system. This technique can potentially be applied in the early stage of drug discovery and could help to prioritize early leads or reconfirmed hits for further development

    How installers select and explain domestic heating controls

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    Though central heating controls have the potential to reduce the energy consumed through domestic space heating, their installation does not guarantee savings. End users do not always understand their controls, or operate them in an energy-efficient way, but there is little appreciation of why this is. Drawing on an ethnographic study, this paper investigates how installers select and explain central heating controls. With reference to the concept of technology scripting, which suggests that the assumptions made about users during the design of devices can influence their eventual use, it shows how heating installers also draw on certain user scripts. Through these means the paper illuminates the significant role that heating installers play in influencing the control products fitted into homes, and how they might be used. Though their use of these scripts is understandable, it is not always conducive to ensuring that central heating systems are operated in the most energy-efficient way. It is suggested that industry and policy-makers might engage with how installers understand users and revise current guidelines to foster better communication between them

    Expert consensus document: Clinical and molecular diagnosis, screening and management of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: an international consensus statement.

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    Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), a human genomic imprinting disorder, is characterized by phenotypic variability that might include overgrowth, macroglossia, abdominal wall defects, neonatal hypoglycaemia, lateralized overgrowth and predisposition to embryonal tumours. Delineation of the molecular defects within the imprinted 11p15.5 region can predict familial recurrence risks and the risk (and type) of embryonal tumour. Despite recent advances in knowledge, there is marked heterogeneity in clinical diagnostic criteria and care. As detailed in this Consensus Statement, an international consensus group agreed upon 72 recommendations for the clinical and molecular diagnosis and management of BWS, including comprehensive protocols for the molecular investigation, care and treatment of patients from the prenatal period to adulthood. The consensus recommendations apply to patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann spectrum (BWSp), covering classical BWS without a molecular diagnosis and BWS-related phenotypes with an 11p15.5 molecular anomaly. Although the consensus group recommends a tumour surveillance programme targeted by molecular subgroups, surveillance might differ according to the local health-care system (for example, in the United States), and the results of targeted and universal surveillance should be evaluated prospectively. International collaboration, including a prospective audit of the results of implementing these consensus recommendations, is required to expand the evidence base for the design of optimum care pathways

    Vika/vox, a novel efficient and specific Cre/loxP-like site-specific recombination system.

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    Targeted genome engineering has become an important research area for diverse disciplines, with site-specific recombinases (SSRs) being among the most popular genome engineering tools. Their ability to trigger excision, integration, inversion and translocation has made SSRs an invaluable tool to manipulate DNA in vitro and in vivo. However, sophisticated strategies that combine different SSR systems are ever increasing. Hence, the demand for additional precise and efficient recombinases is dictated by the increasing complexity of the genetic studies. Here, we describe a novel site-specific recombination system designated Vika/vox. Vika originates from a degenerate bacteriophage of Vibrio coralliilyticus and shares low sequence similarity to other tyrosine recombinases, but functionally carries out a similar type of reaction. We demonstrate that Vika is highly specific in catalyzing vox recombination without recombining target sites from other SSR systems. We also compare the recombination activity of Vika/vox with other SSR systems, providing a guideline for deciding on the most suitable enzyme for a particular application and demonstrate that Vika expression does not cause cytotoxicity in mammalian cells. Our results show that Vika/vox is a novel powerful and safe instrument in the 'genetic toolbox' that can be used alone or in combination with other SSRs in heterologous hosts

    A self-assembled metamaterial for Lamb waves

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    Use of pressure cycling technology for cell lysis and recovery of bacterial and fungal communities from soil

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    Selection of cell lysis methodology is critical to microbial community analyses due to the inability of any single extraction technology to recover the absolute genetic structure from environmental samples. Numerous methodologies are currently applied to interrogate soil communities, each with its own inherent bias. Here we compared the efficacy and bias of three physical cell lysis methods in conjunction with the PowerLyzer PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit (MO BIO) for direct DNA extraction from soil: bead-beating, vortex disruption, and hydrostatic pressure cycling technology (PCT). PCT lysis, which is relatively new to soil DNA extraction, was optimized for soils of two different textures prior to comparison with traditional bead-beating and vortex disruption lysis. All cell lysis methods successfully recovered DNA. Although the two traditional mechanical lysis methods yielded greater genomic, bacterial, and fungal DNA per gram soil than the PCT method, the latter resulted in a greater number of unique terminal restriction fragments by terminal RFLP (T-RFLP) analysis. These findings indicate the importance of diversity and quantity measures when assessing DNA extraction bias, as soil DNA retrieved by PCT lysis represented populations not found using traditional mechanical lysis methods

    Engineering of a target site-specific recombinase by a combined evolution- and structure-guided approach.

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    Site-specific recombinases (SSRs) can perform DNA rearrangements, including deletions, inversions and translocations when their naive target sequences are placed strategically into the genome of an organism. Hence, in order to employ SSRs in heterologous hosts, their target sites have to be introduced into the genome of an organism before the enzyme can be practically employed. Engineered SSRs hold great promise for biotechnology and advanced biomedical applications, as they promise to extend the usefulness of SSRs to allow efficient and specific recombination of pre-existing, natural genomic sequences. However, the generation of enzymes with desired properties remains challenging. Here, we use substrate-linked directed evolution in combination with molecular modeling to rationally engineer an efficient and specific recombinase (sTre) that readily and specifically recombines a sequence present in the HIV-1 genome. We elucidate the role of key residues implicated in the molecular recognition mechanism and we present a rationale for sTre's enhanced specificity. Combining evolutionary and rational approaches should help in accelerating the generation of enzymes with desired properties for use in biotechnology and biomedicine