325 research outputs found

    Incidencia del aumento de la temperatura, en el comportamiento del ciclo biológico de la polilla del brote del pino (Rhyacionia buoliana Den. & Schiff.) en la región del Maule

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    Alvear, J. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Talca. Casilla 747, Talca. Chile. Vidal, C . Docente, cátedra de Entomología y Patología Forestal, Universidad de Talca.Se estudió el comportamiento del ciclo biológico de Rhyacionia buoliana Den & Schiff en la Región del Maule, Chile. El método de grados días fue utilizado a fin de demostrar la incidencia de las temperaturas en el ciclo biológico de la polilla del brote del pino. Este estudio usó como datos de entrada las temperaturas máximas y mínimas de la estación climatológica Pencahue ubicada a 35° 22’ 19’’ de latitud sur y 71° 49’ 57’’ de longitud oeste. Para establecer los grados-días para la emergencia de adultos, de la polilla del brote, se empleó el ciclo biológico propuesto para la Región del Maule determinado por Huerta y Pérez (1997), y la utilización del método de los promedios o también conocido como método simple. Se concluye, que la duración del ciclo biológico de la polilla del brote está directamente relacionado por el aumento de las temperaturas, logrando una disminución del ciclo biológico de una semana cada 6,87 años

    When Geopolitics becomes Moral Panic: El Mercurio and the use of international news as propaganda against Salvador Allende’s Chile (1970–1973)

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    This article analyses how geopolitics was used to create moral panic during Salvador Allende’s government in Chile (1970–1973) and examines the type of recursive devices—such as geopolitical strategic narratives—that were employed by El Mercurio to advance specific discourses that intended to undermine the legitimacy of Allende while mobilising the public agenda towards the political right. Our thesis is that this was done by selective and framed use of international news in ways that somehow created moral panics by bringing geopolitics into the realm of the general public. In so doing, El Mercurio invisibilised important elements and effects of US Foreign Policy while highlighting similar elements and effects of the Soviet Foreign Policy. Our thesis is that in doing so, Allende’s government became associated with the ‘Red Scare’ and subsequently associated with the communist threat. This theme, we argue, remains relevant in times in which there continues to be a prevalent strategic narrative of enemies and foes in international news that continues to be used to create fear and mobilise public opinion towards the right of the political spectrum

    Costos reales de tratamientos intensivos por paciente y día cama

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    Alvear, S (Alvear, Sandra); Rodriguez, P (Rodriguez, Patricia).Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Empresariales, Talca, ChileReal daily costs of patients admitted to public intensive care units Background: Patient care costs in intensive care units are high and should be considered in medical decision making. Aim: To calculate the real disease related costs for patients admitted to intensive care units of public hospitals. Material and Methods: Using an activity associated costs analysis, the expenses of 716 patients with a mean age of 56 years, mean APACHE score of 20 (56% males), admitted to intensive care units of two regional public hospitals, were calculated. Patients were classified according to their underlying disease. Results: The costs per day of hospital stay, in Chilean pesos, were 426,265forsepsis, 426,265 for sepsis, 423,300 for cardiovascular diseases, 418,329forkidneydiseases, 418,329 for kidney diseases, 404,873 for trauma, 398,913forrespiratorydiseases, 398,913 for respiratory diseases, 379,455 for digestive diseases and $ 371,801 for neurologic disease. Human resources and medications determined up to 85 and 12% of costs, respectively. Patients with sepsis and trauma use 32 and 19% of intensive care unit resources, respectively. Twenty seven percent of resources are invested in patients that eventually died. Conclusions: A real cost benefit analysis should be performed to optimize resource allocation in intensive care units. (Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 202-208)

    Ultra-pure digital sideband separation at sub-millimeter wavelengths

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    Deep spectral-line surveys in the mm and sub-mm range can detect thousands of lines per band uncovering the rich chemistry of molecular clouds, star forming regions and circumstellar envelopes, among others objects. The ability to study the faintest features of spectroscopic observation is, nevertheless, limited by a number of factors. The most important are the source complexity (line density), limited spectral resolution and insufficient sideband (image) rejection (SRR). Dual Sideband (2SB) millimeter receivers separate upper and lower sideband rejecting the unwanted image by about 15 dB, but they are difficult to build and, until now, only feasible up to about 500 GHz (equivalent to ALMA Band 8). For example ALMA Bands 9 (602-720 GHz) and 10 (787-950 GHz) are currently DSB receivers. Aims: This article reports the implementation of an ALMA Band 9 2SB prototype receiver that makes use of a new technique called calibrated digital sideband separation. The new method promises to ease the manufacturing of 2SB receivers, dramatically increase sideband rejection and allow 2SB instruments at the high frequencies currently covered only by Double Sideband (DSB) or bolometric detectors. Methods: We made use of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and fast Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) to measure and calibrate the receiver's front end phase and amplitude imbalances to achieve sideband separation beyond the possibilities of purely analog receivers. The technique could in principle allow the operation of 2SB receivers even when only imbalanced front ends can be built, particularly at very high frequencies. Results: This digital 2SB receiver shows an average sideband rejection of 45.9 dB while small portions of the band drop below 40 dB. The performance is 27 dB (a factor of 500) better than the average performance of the proof-of-concept Band 9 purely-analog 2SB prototype receiver.Comment: 5 page

    The activated endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor IRE1 oligomerizes into filaments contained in 30 nm membrane tubes of complex topology

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an intracellular signaling network that adjusts the abundance and protein folding capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) according to need. The most conversed branch of the UPR is mediated by the ER‐resident transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease IRE1. It senses unfolded protein accumulation within the ER and transduces the signal via a non‐conventional mRNA splicing mechanism. In response to direct binding of unfolded proteins in the ER lumen, IRE1 activates by oligomerization and accumulates in dynamic foci. IRE1 foci are not autophagosomes as they did not colocalize with the autophagosomal marker LC3. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments indicate that IRE1 molecules in the foci remain in equilibrium with IRE1 molecules in the surrounding ER network. We determined the structure of IRE1 foci in cells by whole cell correlative light – electron tomography. Our results show that IRE1 oligomers induce membrane deformations, leading to the protrusion of narrow 30 nm ribosome‐free tubes that remain connected to the ER and are twisted into glomeruli of complex topology. The tubes contain two parallel filaments in their lumen, likely representing oligomerized IRE1 ER‐lumenal domains. Taken together, our findings define a previously unrecognized subdomain of the ER membrane and shed new light on the structure and organization of active mammalian IRE1 inside the cell

    Síntesis de materiales compuestos tio2-tpa/biochar vía ultrasonido y sol-gel para la degradación de ibuprofeno y diclofenaco

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    En este trabajo, se sintetizó material residual de biomasa (cáscaras de semillas de girasol -CSG) mediante activación química y térmica para obtener carbón activado (AC) y se utilizó como soporte de TiO2 modificado con 30% de ácido tungstofosfórico (TPA) para formar fotocatalizadores compuestos para potenciar la adsorción y fotodescomposición de productos farmacéuticos y productos de cuidado personal (PPCPc)

    Dynamics of Weyl Scale Invariant non-BPS p=3 Branes

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    In this paper a Weyl scale invariant p=3p=3 brane scenario is introduced, with the brane embedded in a higher dimensional bulk space with N=1,5DN=1, 5D Super--Weyl symmetry. Its action, which describes its long wave oscillation modes into the ambient superspace and breaks the target symmetry down to the lower dimensional Weyl W(1,3) symmetry, is constructed by the approach of coset method.Comment: 12 pages, modified versio

    Grain quality as Influenced by the structural properties of weed communities in Mediterranean wheat crops

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    Weed community structure, including composition, taxonomic and functional diversity, may explain variability in crop quality, adding to the variability accounted by management, climatic and genetic factors. Focusing on Mediterranean rainfed wheat crops, we sampled weed communities from 26 fields in Spain that were either organically or conventionally managed. Weed communities were characterized by their abundance and taxonomic, compositional and trait-based measures. Grain protein concentration and the glutenin to gliadin ratio were used as indicators of wheat grain quality. Linear mixed effects models were used to analyze the relationship between crop quality and weed community variables, while accounting for environmental factors. Nitrogen fertilization, previous crop and precipitation explained a large portion of the variation in wheat grain protein concentration (R2marginal = 0.39) and composition (R2marginal = 0.26). Weed community measures had limited effects on grain quality (increasing R2marginal of models by 1% on average). The weed effects were related to the composition and the functional structure of their communities, but not to their abundance. Environmental conditions promoting higher protein concentration were also selecting for weed species with competitive attributes, whereas the role of weed functional diversity depended on the functional trait and on the resource limiting crop grain quality. Understanding the mechanisms of weed effects on crop quality could aid on designing sustainable weed management practices.This research was supported by grants AGL2012-33736 and AGL2015-64130-R funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. D.J.G. was partially supported by the United States National Science Foundation (DUE 1758497 and DUE 1949969)Postprint (published version

    Variabilidad de los Parámetros de Salida del Modelado de Fluidodinámica Computacional de Incendios frente a Resultados Experimentales

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    Es conocido que las magnitudes físicas que caracterizan un fluido gaseoso cuando este es turbulento, varían bruscamente tanto espacial, como temporalmente[1, 2]. Esto es particularmente válido para los fluidos gaseosos que tienen lugar en los escenarios de incendios. No obstante, frecuentemente la variabilidad, sobre todo temporal, de los resultados obtenidos para estas magnitudes mediante algunos modelos de fluidodinámica computacional (CFD) parece ser exagerada y contradecir la natural inercia que los procesos termodinámicos y aerodinámicos suelen tener para las bajas velocidades de flujo que son comunes en estos escenarios. A efectos del trabajo de investigación fue empleado el modelo Fire Dynamics Simulator-FDS, donde esta intensa variabilidad se observa tanto en parámetros de salida locales como globales del programa. El propósito del trabajo fue analizar en que grado esta variabilidad se corresponde con la realidad o es artificialmente introducida por la simulación. Inicialmente, se procedió a estudiar la posible aleatoriedad de esta variabilidad, debido a la introducción de una cierta cantidad de ruido de forma aleatoria en algunas variables iniciales del modelo FDS a efectos de asegurar la resolución numérica. Para comprobar la afectación de este ruido aleatorio en los parámetros de salida, se realizaron simulaciones de escenarios idénticos en equipos diferentes para observar si esta aleatoriedad estaba presente en los resultados. Después de comprobar la no afectación de la aleatoriedad en los resultados mediante este análisis inicial, se procedió a comprobar que grado de la variabilidad presente en la simulación no se corresponde con los experimentos. Para ello se ha elaborado y aplicado un método basado en el análisis espectral de los resultados simulados y experimentales de estas variables