69,219 research outputs found

    Bell's theorem as a signature of nonlocality: a classical counterexample

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    For a system composed of two particles Bell's theorem asserts that averages of physical quantities determined from local variables must conform to a family of inequalities. In this work we show that a classical model containing a local probabilistic interaction in the measurement process can lead to a violation of the Bell inequalities. We first introduce two-particle phase-space distributions in classical mechanics constructed to be the analogs of quantum mechanical angular momentum eigenstates. These distributions are then employed in four schemes characterized by different types of detectors measuring the angular momenta. When the model includes an interaction between the detector and the measured particle leading to ensemble dependencies, the relevant Bell inequalities are violated if total angular momentum is required to be conserved. The violation is explained by identifying assumptions made in the derivation of Bell's theorem that are not fulfilled by the model. These assumptions will be argued to be too restrictive to see in the violation of the Bell inequalities a faithful signature of nonlocality.Comment: Extended manuscript. Significant change

    Not throwing out the baby with the bathwater: Bell's condition of local causality mathematically 'sharp and clean'

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    The starting point of the present paper is Bell's notion of local causality and his own sharpening of it so as to provide for mathematical formalisation. Starting with Norsen's (2007, 2009) analysis of this formalisation, it is subjected to a critique that reveals two crucial aspects that have so far not been properly taken into account. These are (i) the correct understanding of the notions of sufficiency, completeness and redundancy involved; and (ii) the fact that the apparatus settings and measurement outcomes have very different theoretical roles in the candidate theories under study. Both aspects are not adequately incorporated in the standard formalisation, and we will therefore do so. The upshot of our analysis is a more detailed, sharp and clean mathematical expression of the condition of local causality. A preliminary analysis of the repercussions of our proposal shows that it is able to locate exactly where and how the notions of locality and causality are involved in formalising Bell's condition of local causality.Comment: 14 pages. To be published in PSE volume "Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation", edited by Dieks, et a

    Rare or threatened vascular plant species of Wollemi National Park, central eastern New South Wales

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    Wollemi National Park (c. 32o 20’– 33o 30’S, 150o– 151oE), approximately 100 km north-west of Sydney, conserves over 500 000 ha of the Triassic sandstone environments of the Central Coast and Tablelands of New South Wales, and occupies approximately 25% of the Sydney Basin biogeographical region. 94 taxa of conservation significance have been recorded and Wollemi is recognised as an important reservoir of rare and uncommon plant taxa, conserving more than 20% of all listed threatened species for the Central Coast, Central Tablelands and Central Western Slopes botanical divisions. For a land area occupying only 0.05% of these divisions, Wollemi is of paramount importance in regional conservation. Surveys within Wollemi National Park over the last decade have recorded several new populations of significant vascular plant species, including some sizeable range extensions. This paper summarises the current status of all rare or threatened taxa, describes habitat and associated species for many of these and proposes IUCN (2001) codes for all, as well as suggesting revisions to current conservation risk codes for some species. For Wollemi National Park 37 species are currently listed as Endangered (15 species) or Vulnerable (22 species) under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. An additional 50 species are currently listed as nationally rare under the Briggs and Leigh (1996) classification, or have been suggested as such by various workers. Seven species are awaiting further taxonomic investigation, including Eucalyptus sp. ‘Howes Swamp Creek’ (Doherty 26), known from a single location within the park, and Pultenaea sp. (Olinda) from Dunns Swamp – both these species remain undescribed, but are listed as endangered species. After applying IUCN criteria to the 94 taxa, 2 are considered Critically Endangered; 11 are considered Endangered; 23 are considered Vulnerable; 3 are considered Near Threatened; 19 are considered Data Deficient; and 36 are considered of Least Concern. It is likely that additional highly restricted plant taxa await discovery in remote locations

    Maximal abelian and Curci-Ferrari gauges in momentum subtraction at three loops

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    The vertex structure of QCD fixed in the maximal abelian gauge (MAG) and Curci-Ferrari gauge is analysed at two loops at the fully symmetric point for the 3-point functions corresponding to the three momentum subtraction (MOM) renormalization schemes. Consequently the three loop renormalization group functions are determined for each of these three schemes in each gauge using properties of the renormalization group equation.Comment: 23 latex pages, 4 figures, anc directory contains txt files with electronic version of renormalization group functions, coupling constant mappings, conversion functions and amplitudes in analytic form for each gaug

    Bilinear quark operator renormalization at generalized symmetric point

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    We compute Green's functions with a bilinear quark operator inserted at non-zero momentum for a generalized momentum configuration to two loops. These are required to assist lattice gauge theory measurements of the same quantity in matching to the high energy behaviour. The flavour non-singlet operators considered are the scalar, vector and tensor currents as well as the second moment of the twist-2 Wilson operator used in deep inelastic scattering for the measurement of nucleon structure functions.Comment: 19 latex pages, 4 figures, anc directory contains electronic version of amplitude

    Correlation functions, Bell's inequalities and the fundamental conservation laws

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    I derive the correlation function for a general theory of two-valued spin variables that satisfy the fundamental conservation law of angular momentum. The unique theory-independent correlation function is identical to the quantum mechanical correlation function. I prove that any theory of correlations of such discrete variables satisfying the fundamental conservation law of angular momentum violates the Bell's inequalities. Taken together with the Bell's theorem, this result has far reaching implications. No theory satisfying Einstein locality, reality in the EPR-Bell sense, and the validity of the conservation law can be constructed. Therefore, all local hidden variable theories are incompatible with fundamental symmetries and conservation laws. Bell's inequalities can be obeyed only by violating a conservation law. The implications for experiments on Bell's inequalities are obvious. The result provides new insight regarding entanglement, and its measures.Comment: LaTeX, 12pt, 11 pages, 2 figure

    Maximal violation of Bell inequality for any given two-qubit pure state

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    In the case of bipartite two qubits systems, we derive the analytical expression of bound of Bell operator for any given pure state. Our result not only manifest some properties of Bell inequality, for example which may be violated by any pure entangled state and only be maximally violated for a maximally entangled state, but also give the explicit values of maximal violation for any pure state. Finally we point out that for two qubits systems there is no mixed state which can produce maximal violation of Bell inequality.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure

    On separability of quantum states and the violation of Bell-type inequalities

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    In contrast to the wide-spread opinion that any separable quantum state satisfies every classical probabilistic constraint, we present a simple example where a separable quantum state does not satisfy the original Bell inequality although the latter inequality, in its perfect correlation form, is valid for all joint classical measurements. In a very general setting, we discuss inequalities for joint experiments upon a bipartite quantum system in a separable state. We derive quantum analogues of the original Bell inequality and specify the conditions sufficient for a separable state to satisfy the original Bell inequality. We introduce the extended CHSH inequality and prove that, for any separable quantum state, this inequality holds for a variety of linear combinations.Comment: 13 pages, extended versio

    A simple model of quantum trajectories

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    Quantum trajectory theory, developed largely in the quantum optics community to describe open quantum systems subjected to continuous monitoring, has applications in many areas of quantum physics. In this paper I present a simple model, using two-level quantum systems (q-bits), to illustrate the essential physics of quantum trajectories and how different monitoring schemes correspond to different ``unravelings'' of a mixed state master equation. I also comment briefly on the relationship of the theory to the Consistent Histories formalism and to spontaneous collapse models.Comment: 42 pages RevTeX including four figures in encapsulated postscript. Submitted to special issue of American Journal of Physic

    Is there contextuality for a single qubit?

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    It was presented by Cabello and Nakamura [A. Cabello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 190401 (2003)], that the Kochen-Specker theorem applies to two dimensions if one uses Positive Operator-Valued Measures. We show that contextuality in their models is not of the Kochen-Specker type. It is rather the result of not keeping track of the whole system on which the measurement is performed. This is connected to the fact that there is no one-to-one correspondence between POVM elements and projectors on the extended Hilbert space and the same POVM element has to originate from two different projectors when used in Cabello's and Nakamura's models. Moreover, we propose a hidden-variable formulation of the above models.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, comments welcom
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