679 research outputs found

    Ernst Jünger and the problem of Nihilism in the age of total war

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    As a singular witness and actor of the tumultuous twentieth century, Ernst Jünger remains a controversial and enigmatic figure known above all for his vivid autobiographical accounts of experience in the trenches of the First World War. This article will argue that throughout his entire oeuvre, from personal diaries to novels and essays, he never ceased to grapple with what he viewed as the central question of the age, namely that of the problem of nihilism and the means to overcome it. Inherited from Nietzsche’s diagnosis of Western civilization in the late nineteenth century to which he added an acute observation of the particular role of technology within it, Jünger would employ this lens to make sense of the seemingly absurd industrial slaughter of modern war and herald the advent of a new voluntarist and bellicist order that was to imminently sweep away timorous and decadent bourgeois societies obsessed with security and self-preservation. Jünger would ultimately see his expectations dashed, including by the forms of rule that National Socialism would take, and eventually retreated into a reclusive quietism. Yet he never abandoned his central problematique of nihilism, developing it further in exchanges with Martin Heidegger after the Second World War. And for all the ways in which he may have erred, his life-long struggle with meaning in the age of technique and its implications for war and security continue to make Jünger a valuable interlocutor of the present

    EAPC task force on education for psychologists in palliative care

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    It is argued that psychological aspects of care and psychosocial problems are essential components of palliative care. However, the provision of appropriate services remains somewhat arbitrary. Unlike medical and nursing care, which are clearly delivered by doctors and nurses respectively, psychological and psychosocial support in palliative care are not assigned exclusively to psychologists. It is generally expected that all professionals working in palliative care should have some knowledge of the psychological dynamics in terminal illness, as well as skills in communication and psychological risk assessment. On the one hand, palliative care education programmes for nurses and doctors comprise a considerable amount of psychological and psychosocial content. On the other hand, only a few palliative care associations provide explicit information on the role and tasks of psychologists in palliative care. Psychologists’ associations do not deal much with this issue either. If they refer to it at all, it is in the context of the care of the aged, end-of-life care or how to deal with grief

    Universality-class dependence of energy distributions in spin glasses

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    We study the probability distribution function of the ground-state energies of the disordered one-dimensional Ising spin chain with power-law interactions using a combination of parallel tempering Monte Carlo and branch, cut, and price algorithms. By tuning the exponent of the power-law interactions we are able to scan several universality classes. Our results suggest that mean-field models have a non-Gaussian limiting distribution of the ground-state energies, whereas non-mean-field models have a Gaussian limiting distribution. We compare the results of the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain to results for a disordered two-leg ladder, for which large system sizes can be studied, and find a qualitative agreement between the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain in the short-range universality class and the disordered two-leg ladder. We show that the mean and the standard deviation of the ground-state energy distributions scale with a power of the system size. In the mean-field universality class the skewness does not follow a power-law behavior and converges to a nonzero constant value. The data for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model seem to be acceptably well fitted by a modified Gumbel distribution. Finally, we discuss the distribution of the internal energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model at finite temperatures and show that it behaves similar to the ground-state energy of the system if the temperature is smaller than the critical temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, 1 tabl

    Characterizing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same Jordan curve in the simultaneous drawings. While any number of planar graphs have a simultaneous embedding without fixed edges, determining which graphs always share a simultaneous embedding with fixed edges (SEFE) has been open. We partially close this problem by giving a necessary condition to determine when pairs of graphs have a SEFE

    Characterizations of Restricted Pairs of Planar Graphs allowing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the Euclidean plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same simple curve in the simultaneous drawing. Determining in polynomial time which pairs of graphs share a simultaneous embedding with ?xed edges (SEFE) has been open. We give a necessary and su?cient condition for whether a SEFE exists for pairs of graphs whose union is homeomorphic to K5 or K3,3 . This allows us to characterize the class of planar graphs that always have a SEFE with any other planar graph. We also characterize the class of biconnected outerplanar graphs that always have a SEFE with any other outerplanar graph. In both cases, we provide e?cient algorithms to compute a SEFE. Finally, we provide a linear-time decision algorithm for deciding whether a pair of biconnected outerplanar graphs has a SEFE

    Characterizing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same Jordan curve in the simultaneous drawings. While any number of planar graphs have a simultaneous embedding without ?xed edges, determining which graphs always share a simultaneous embedding with ?xed edges (SEFE) has been open. We partially close this problem by giving a necessary condition to determine when pairs of graphs have a SEFE

    An SPQR-Tree Approach to Decide Special Cases of Simultaneous Embedding with Fixed Edges

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    We present a linear-time algorithm for solving the simulta- neous embedding problem with ?xed edges (SEFE) for a planar graph and a pseudoforest (a graph with at most one cycle) by reducing it to the following embedding problem: Given a planar graph G, a cycle C of G, and a partitioning of the remaining vertices of G, does there exist a planar embedding in which the induced subgraph on each vertex partite of G C is contained entirely inside or outside C ? For the latter prob- lem, we present an algorithm that is based on SPQR-trees and has linear running time. We also show how we can employ SPQR-trees to decide SEFE for two planar graphs where one graph has at most two cycles and the intersection is a pseudoforest in linear time. These results give rise to our hope that our SPQR-tree approach might eventually lead to a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the general SEFE problem for two planar graphs

    Graph-Drawing Contest Report

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    This report describes the Sixth Annual Graph Drawing Contest, held in conjunction with the 1999 Graph Drawing Symposium in Prague, Czech Republic. The purpose of the contest is to monitor and challenge the current state of the art in graph-drawing technology

    The critical exponents of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass revisited: Exact Ground State Calculations and Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The critical exponents for T0T\to0 of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass model with Gaussian couplings are determined with the help of exact ground states for system sizes up to L=50L=50 and by a Monte Carlo study of a pseudo-ferromagnetic order parameter. We obtain: for the stiffness exponent y(=θ)=0.281±0.002y(=\theta)=-0.281\pm0.002, for the magnetic exponent δ=1.48±0.01\delta=1.48 \pm 0.01 and for the chaos exponent ζ=1.05±0.05\zeta=1.05\pm0.05. From Monte Carlo simulations we get the thermal exponent ν=3.6±0.2\nu=3.6\pm0.2. The scaling prediction y=1/νy=-1/\nu is fulfilled within the error bars, whereas there is a disagreement with the relation y=1δy=1-\delta.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 7 eps-figures include

    Optimization by thermal cycling

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    Thermal cycling is an heuristic optimization algorithm which consists of cyclically heating and quenching by Metropolis and local search procedures, respectively, where the amplitude slowly decreases. In recent years, it has been successfully applied to two combinatorial optimization tasks, the traveling salesman problem and the search for low-energy states of the Coulomb glass. In these cases, the algorithm is far more efficient than usual simulated annealing. In its original form the algorithm was designed only for the case of discrete variables. Its basic ideas are applicable also to a problem with continuous variables, the search for low-energy states of Lennard-Jones clusters.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the Workshop "Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity", held in Erice 20-26 July 2004. Latex, 7 pages, 3 figure