249 research outputs found

    The impact of chromatin modifiers on the timing of locus replication in mouse embryonic stem cells

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    A panel of mutant embryonic stem (ES) cell lines lacking important chromatin modifiers was used to dissect the relationship between chromatin structure and replication timing, revealing the importance of several chromatin modifiers for maintaining correct replication of satellite sequences in pluripotent ES cells

    Oil degradation potential of microbial communities in water and sediment of Baltic Sea coastal area

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    Two long-term potentially oil exposed Baltic Sea coastal sites near old oil refineries and harbours were compared to nearby less exposed sites in terms of bacterial, archaeal and fungal microbiomes and oil degradation potential. The bacterial, archaeal and fungal diversities were similar in oil exposed and less exposed sampling sites based on bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene and fungal 5.8S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing from both DNA and RNA fractions. The number of genes participating in alkane degradation (alkB) or PAH-ring hydroxylation (PAH–RHDα) were detected by qPCR in all water and sediment samples. These numbers correlated with the number of bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies in sediment samples but not with the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons or PAHs. This indicates that both the clean and the more polluted sites at the Baltic Sea coastal areas have a potential for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation. The active community (based on RNA) of the coastal Baltic Sea water differed largely from the total community (based on DNA). The most noticeable difference was seen in the bacterial community in the water samples were the active community was dominated by Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria whereas in total bacterial community Actinobacteria was the most abundant phylum. The abundance, richness and diversity of Fungi present in water and sediment samples was in general lower than that of Bacteria and Archaea. Furthermore, the sampling location influenced the fungal community composition, whereas the bacterial and archaeal communities were not influenced. This may indicate that the fungal species that are adapted to the Baltic Sea environments are few and that Fungi are potentially more vulnerable to or affected by the Baltic Sea conditions than Bacteria and Archaea

    Development and comparison of a real-time PCR assay for detection of Dichelobacter nodosus with culturing and conventional PCR: harmonisation between three laboratories

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ovine footrot is a contagious disease with worldwide occurrence in sheep. The main causative agent is the fastidious bacterium <it>Dichelobacter nodosus</it>. In Scandinavia, footrot was first diagnosed in Sweden in 2004 and later also in Norway and Denmark. Clinical examination of sheep feet is fundamental to diagnosis of footrot, but <it>D. nodosu</it>s should also be detected to confirm the diagnosis. PCR-based detection using conventional PCR has been used at our institutes, but the method was laborious and there was a need for a faster, easier-to-interpret method. The aim of this study was to develop a TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay for detection of <it>D. nodosus </it>and to compare its performance with culturing and conventional PCR.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A <it>D. nodosus-</it>specific TaqMan based real-time PCR assay targeting the 16S rRNA gene was designed. The inclusivity and exclusivity (specificity) of the assay was tested using 55 bacterial and two fungal strains. To evaluate the sensitivity and harmonisation of results between different laboratories, aliquots of a single DNA preparation were analysed at three Scandinavian laboratories. The developed real-time PCR assay was compared to culturing by analysing 126 samples, and to a conventional PCR method by analysing 224 samples. A selection of PCR-products was cloned and sequenced in order to verify that they had been identified correctly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The developed assay had a detection limit of 3.9 fg of <it>D. nodosus </it>genomic DNA. This result was obtained at all three laboratories and corresponds to approximately three copies of the <it>D. nodosus </it>genome per reaction. The assay showed 100% inclusivity and 100% exclusivity for the strains tested. The real-time PCR assay found 54.8% more positive samples than by culturing and 8% more than conventional PCR.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The developed real-time PCR assay has good specificity and sensitivity for detection of <it>D. nodosus</it>, and the results are easy to interpret. The method is less time-consuming than either culturing or conventional PCR.</p

    CTG repeat-targeting oligonucleotides for down-regulating Huntingtin expression

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    Sjuksköterskeyrket innebär ofta långvarig stress och bristfällig arbetsmiljö. Personalbrist, hög arbetsbelastning och bristande inflytande på arbetsplatsen är orsaker till att sjuksköterskor väljer att sluta inom yrket. För lite forskning gällande den upplevda stressen på arbetsplatsen inom sjuksköterskeyrket råder. Därför finns anledning till ökad kunskap kring ämnet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i hur hög utsträckning sjuksköterskor upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö, och studien är baserad på 1044 yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor över hela landet som är medlemmar i Facebookgruppen ”Sjuksköterskan”. Dessa personer har fått svara på enkäten Work Stress Questionnaire med 21 frågor. Resultatet från denna studie visar att arbetsbelastningen ökat och personalen har inte möjlighet att påverka beslut som tas på arbetsplatsen. Konflikter är också förekommande där chefen, i de flesta fall, inte gör något för att lösa dessa konflikter. Sjuksköterskorna sätter höga krav på sig själva och är mycket engagerade i arbetet, men har ofta svårt att sätta gränser. Resultatet visar också att en hög andel har svårt att hinna med familj, vänner och fritidsintressen. Det finns tidigare studier med samma mätinstrument som visar att arbetsbelastningen och ansvarstagandet har ökat under de senaste åren. Eventuellt kan detta i slutändan innebära en risk för ökad utbrändhet och fler sjukskrivningar

    Methylmercury Exposure and Adverse Cardiovascular Effects in Faroese Whaling Men

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    Background: Methylmercury (MeHg), a worldwide contaminant found in fish and seafood, has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Objective: We examined 42 Faroese whaling men (30–70 years of age) to assess possible adverse effects within a wide range of MeHg exposures from consumption of pilot whale meat. Methods: We assessed exposure levels from mercury analysis of toenails and whole blood (obtained at the time of clinical examination), and a hair sample collected 7 years previously. Outcome measures included heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP), common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP). We carried out multiple regression and structural equation model (SEM) analyses to determine the confounder-adjusted effect of mercury exposure. Taking into account correlations among related measures, we categorized exposure and outcomes in groups to derive latent exposure and response variables in SEMs. We used multiple regression analysis to compare the predictive validity of individual exposure biomarkers and the latent exposure variable on individual and latent outcomes. Results: The toenail mercury concentrations varied widely and had a geometric mean of 2.0 μg/g; hair concentrations averaged about 3-fold higher. Mercury exposure was significantly associated with increased BP and IMT. This effect was reflected by SEMs, but mercury in toenails tended to be the best effect predictor. Conclusions: The results support the notion that increased MeHg exposure promotes the development of cardiovascular disease

    Xenoandrogenic Activity in Serum Differs across European and Inuit Populations

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    Background: Animal and in vitro studies have indicated that human male reproductive disorders can arise as a result of disrupted androgen receptor (AR) signalling by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) . Our aim in the present study was to compare serum xenoandrogenic activity between study groups with different POP exposures and to evaluate correlations to the POP proxy markers 2,2\ub4,4,4\ub4,5,5\ub4-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) -ethylene (p,p\ub4-DDE) .Methods: We determined xenoandrogenic activity in the serum fraction containing the lipophilic POPs but free of endogenous hormones. Adult male serum (n = 261) from Greenland, Sweden, Warsaw (Poland) , and Kharkiv (Ukraine) was analyzed. Xenoandrogenic activity was determined as the effect of serum extract alone (XAR) and in the presence of the synthetic AR agonist R1881 (XARcomp) on AR transactivated luciferase activity.Results: The study groups differed significantly with respect to XARcomp activity, which was increased in the Inuits and decreased in the European study groups ; we observed no difference for XAR activity. We found the highest level of the AR antagonist p,p\ub4-DDE in Kharkiv, and accordingly, this study group showed the highest percent of serum samples with decreased XARcomp activities. Furthermore, the percentage of serum samples with decreased XARcomp activities followed the p,p\ub4-DDE serum level for the European study groups. No correlations between serum XAR or XARcomp activities and the two POP markers were revealed.Conclusions: The differences in XARcomp serum activity between the study groups suggest differences in chemical exposure profiles, genetics, and/or lifestyle factors

    Understanding the impact of more realistic low-dose, prolonged engineered nanomaterial exposure on genotoxicity using 3D models of the human liver

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    Abstract Background With the continued integration of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) into everyday applications, it is important to understand their potential for inducing adverse human health effects. However, standard in vitro hazard characterisation approaches suffer limitations for evaluating ENM and so it is imperative to determine these potential hazards under more physiologically relevant and realistic exposure scenarios in target organ systems, to minimise the necessity for in vivo testing. The aim of this study was to determine if acute (24 h) and prolonged (120 h) exposures to five ENMs (TiO2, ZnO, Ag, BaSO4 and CeO2) would have a significantly different toxicological outcome (cytotoxicity, (pro-)inflammatory and genotoxic response) upon 3D human HepG2 liver spheroids. In addition, this study evaluated whether a more realistic, prolonged fractionated and repeated ENM dosing regime induces a significantly different toxicity outcome in liver spheroids as compared to a single, bolus prolonged exposure. Results Whilst it was found that the five ENMs did not impede liver functionality (e.g. albumin and urea production), induce cytotoxicity or an IL-8 (pro-)inflammatory response, all were found to cause significant genotoxicity following acute exposure. Most statistically significant genotoxic responses were not dose-dependent, with the exception of TiO2. Interestingly, the DNA damage effects observed following acute exposures, were not mirrored in the prolonged exposures, where only 0.2–5.0 µg/mL of ZnO ENMs were found to elicit significant (p ≤ 0.05) genotoxicity. When fractionated, repeated exposure regimes were performed with the test ENMs, no significant (p ≥ 0.05) difference was observed when compared to the single, bolus exposure regime. There was < 5.0% cytotoxicity observed across all exposures, and the mean difference in IL-8 cytokine release and genotoxicity between exposure regimes was 3.425 pg/mL and 0.181%, respectively. Conclusion In conclusion, whilst there was no difference between a single, bolus or fractionated, repeated ENM prolonged exposure regimes upon the toxicological output of 3D HepG2 liver spheroids, there was a difference between acute and prolonged exposures. This study highlights the importance of evaluating more realistic ENM exposures, thereby providing a future in vitro approach to better support ENM hazard assessment in a routine and easily accessible manner