254 research outputs found

    Kindertageseinrichtungen und Fachberatung im Wandel

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    Kindertageseinrichtungen sind vielfältigen Veränderungsprozessen unterworfen, in denen Fachberatung eine Schlüsselrolle zukommt. Bevor überhaupt über Effizienz nachgedacht werden kann, gilt es, diese Veränderungen und deren Auswirkungen auf Fachberatung zu beschreiben. Dies geschieht in diesem Beitrag am Beispiel der Evangelischen Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder in der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland und der Diakonie Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe e. V. mit besonderem Bezug zur aktuellen Landesgesetzgebung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Abschließend sind erste Überlegungen zu einer Effizienzdarstellung formuliert. (DIPF/Orig.

    Der "Kindergarten" im Wandel: Aktuelle Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen für Kindertageseinrichtungen

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    Die Arbeit in Kitas hat in den vergangenen Jahren einen erheblichen Bedeutungszuwachs erlangt und steht viel mehr als früher auch in der öffentlichen Diskussion. In diesem einführenden Kapitel werden die »großen Linien« der Veränderungen beschrieben und in ihren fachlichen, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Zusammenhang gestellt. Zugleich wird deutlich, vor welchen Herausforderungen Leitungen, Mitarbeitende und Träger stehen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Die neue Generation der Sun Ray Ultra-Thin Clients: Produktübersicht und ausgewählte Anwendungen

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    Workshop der Mitarbeiter der EDV-Abteilungen der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken in Thüringen am 09. Mai 2007, Erfur

    Proton irradiation of gold targets for 197(m)Hg production

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    Introduction Irradiation of gold with protons provides access to no-carrier-added 197mHg and 197Hg. Interests in these radionuclides were awakened by the unique chemical and physical properties of mercury and its compounds combined with convenient nuclear properties like suitable half life (197mHg: T1/2 = 23.8 h, 197Hg: T1/2 = 64.14 h), low energy gamma radiations for imaging, Auger – and conversion electrons for therapy. The high thermal conductivity of gold enables high current irradiations and the monoisotopic natural abundance of 197Au supersedes expensive enrichment of the target material. The 197Au(p,n)197(m)Hg reaction was applied until now only for beam monitoring1, stacked foil meas-urements2 or very small scale tracer production. Material and Methods The irradiations were performed at a Cyclone 18/9 (IBA, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium). Its beam-line was sealed with a 1.0 mm vacuum foil (high purity aluminum, 99.999 %) from Goodfellow (Huntingdon, England). High purity gold disks (23 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness, 99.999% pure, 1 ppm Cu) as target material were purchased from ESPI (Ashland, USA). Gold foils as alternative gold targets (12.5×12.5 mm, 0.25 mm thickness, 99.99+ %, 1 ppm Cu) between an aluminum disk (22 mm diameter, 1 mm thickness, 99.0 %, hard) and an aluminum lid (23 mm diameter, 99.0 %, hard) were purchased from Goodfellow (Huntingdon, England). Hydrochloric acid (30%) and nitric acid (65%) were purchased from Roth (Karlsruhe, Germany) in Rotipuran® Ultra quality. Deionized water with > 18 MΩcm resistivity was prepared by a Milli-Q® system (Millipore, Molsheim, France). For separation of target material and side products a liquid-liquid extraction method (Gold was extracted with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) from 2 M HCl target solution) and an ion exchange method (cation exchange resin (Dowex50W-x8, 100–200 mesh, H+ form) were applied. Results and Conclusion No-carrier-added 197(m)Hg was produced from gold via the 197Au(p,n)197(m)Hg reaction at proton energies of 10 MeV in sufficient quantity and quality for imaging studies. Two different methods were studied for the separation of Hg radionuclides generated from Au targets. The results demonstrate the possibility to produce 197(m)Hg from gold at low proton energies. Combined with the presented radiochemical separation methods, the 197Au(p,n) reaction could be the basis for repeatable production of 197(m)Hg for imaging and therapy research on sufficient activity level

    TRAFIS.NB Prozessbegleitende Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für innovative Infrastrukturlösungen

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    TRAFIS.NB PROZESSBEGLEITENDE NACHHALTIGKEITSBEWERTUNG FÜR INNOVATIVE INFRASTRUKTURLÖSUNGEN TRAFIS.NB Prozessbegleitende Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für innovative Infrastrukturlösungen / Olfert, Alfred (Rights reserved) ( -

    Comprehensive assessment of frailty for elderly high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery

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    Objective: Cardiosurgical operative risk can be assessed using the logistic European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation (EuroSCORE) and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) score. Factors other than medical diagnoses and laboratory values such as the ‘biological age' are not included in these scores. The aim of the study was to evaluate an additional assessment of frailty in routine cardiac surgical practice. Methods: ‘The comprehensive assessment of frailty' test was applied to 400 patients ≥74 years who were admitted to our centre between September 2008 and January 2010. For comparison, the STS score and the EuroSCORE were calculated. The primary end point was the correlation of Frailty score to 30-day mortality. A total of 206 female and 194 male patients were included. Results: Median Frailty score was 11 [7,15]. Median of logistic EuroSCORE was 8.5% [5.8%; 13.9%]. Median of STS score was 3.3% [2.1%; 5.1%]. There were low-to-moderate albeit significant correlations of Frailty score with STS score and EuroSCORE (p≪0.05). There was also a significant correlation between Frailty score and observed 30-day mortality (p≪0.05). Patients received isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) (n=90), isolated valve surgery (n=128), trans-catheter valve implantation (n=59) or combined procedures (n=123). Conclusions: The comprehensive assessment of frailty is an additional tool to evaluate elderly patients adequately before cardiac surgical interventions. The Frailty score combines characteristics of the Fried criteria [1], of patient phenotype, of his physical performance and laboratory results. Further analysis on a larger patient population is warranted. A combination of the new Frailty score and the traditional scoring systems may facilitate a more accurate risk scoring in elderly high-risk patients scheduled for conventional cardiac surgery or trans-catheter aortic valve replacemen