13 research outputs found
Valorization of food processing wastes and by-products for bioplastic production
The global plastic production is reaching new altitudes every year. Growing production of petroleum-based
plastics has incurred in disposal issues raising the concerns of plastic pollution and impact to the environment.
These issues have encouraged innovation and research activities in the field of bioplastics, offering alternatives
for conventional plastics. In recent years, global bioplastic production has also witnessed tremendous
growth and expansion. Some of the main drivers of this growth are innovative biopolymers such as Polylactic
acid (PLA) and Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). However, industrial expenses to produce bioplastics are much
higher when compared to petroleum-derived plastics (e.g. industrial PHA production is estimated to be 5–10
times more expensive than petroleum-derived polymers). In this regard, globally many researchers have
investigated for more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives to produce plastics. One potential
option to pursue would be to explore agri-food wastes and by-products for bioplastic production. This would not
only reduce the volume of wastes and by-products, but also production costs incurred. This review paper provides
an overview of bioplastics, including production methods and possibilities of industrial food waste valorization
for bioplastic production.This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 810630:
ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorization Technologies of the
Estonian University of Life Sciences (VALORTECH)
Compositional evaluation of hot-pressed rapeseed cake for the purpose of bioplastic production
Received: January 29th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 10th, 2021 ; Published: April 13th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is widely cultivated for biodiesel or food-grade oil production. As the oil production process generates huge amounts of wastes and by-products (e.g. oil press cake and meal) that have relatively high crude protein content, valorisation as input material for protein-based bioplastics has a lot of potential. There is a limited number of studies undertaken on using rapeseed cake directly (without prior protein extraction) for biomaterial production, but the initial results have been very promising. As rape and turnip rapeseeds are also some of the most harvested crops in Estonia, the rapeseed oil press cake as a by-product is also available from local food-grade rapeseed oil production. In this regard, we investigated locally available rapeseed oil press cake for chemical composition and explored suitability for bioplastic production. The results indicate suitability for direct biomaterial production, meaning properties for biomaterial formation could be further explored.This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 810630: ERA Chair for Food
(By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences
(VALORTECH). In addition, funding received from Mobility Plus ERA-Chair support
(Grant no. MOBEC006 ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the
Estonian University of Life Sciences) is also gratefully acknowledged
Ülevaade kutsehariduse- ja tööturuteemalistest uuringutest Eestis
Eestis puudub hetkel organisatsioon, mis tegeleks (kutse)haridusalaste uuringutega, kogudes, säilitades ja kooskõlastades vastavat informatsiooni, kuigi vajadus sellise asutuse järele on vägagi suur vältimaks vähemalt uuringute kordamist, kuna uurimustööde finantseerimiseks on niigi vähe raha eraldatud. Üldiselt ollakse nõus sellise metodoloogilise keskuse loomisega Eestisse, mis tooks kasu ka kutsehariduse reformijatele, halduritele ja poliitika loojatele, kuid see probleem on olnud päevakorras juba viimased paar aastat ja seni pole veel tehtud midagi konkreetset antud idee realiseerimiseks.
Käesoleva kogumikuga on antud ülevaade ning lühikokkuvõte viimaste aastate jooksul teostatud uuringutest, mis puudutavad kutseharidust ja tööturgu. Ülevaade on antud nii uuringufirmade poolt teostatud uuringutest kui ka üliõpilaste teostatud diplomitöödest
Õpetajate juhendamispraktika seosed õpilaste kaasatusega õppimisse I ja III kooliastme tundides
Artiklis keskendutakse õpetajate juhendamispraktika seostele õpilaste kaasatusega õppimisse. Õpetaja poolt tunnis rakendatud juhendamisstiili väljaselgitamisel võeti aluseks isemääramisteooria (self-determination theory), mille kohaselt on õppijate motivatsiooni ja seda väljendavat kaasatust toetava õpikeskkonna loomisel olulised kaks õpikeskkonna dimensiooni: autonoomsuse toetamine ja struktureeritus. Täpsemalt analüüsiti, millist mõju avaldavad õpetajapoolne autonoomsuse toetamine ja struktureeritus põhikooli 2. klassi (N = 260) ja 7. klassi õpilaste (N = 207) kaasatusele tunnis. Andmete kogumisel kasutati tunnivaatlust ning küsitleti õpilasi. Uurimistulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et 2. klassi õpilaste hinnangud oma kaasatusele olid 7. klassi õpilaste omadega võrreldes oluliselt kõrgemad ning tüdrukud hindasid mõlemas klassis enda kaasatust kõrgemalt kui poisid. Kaasatuse komponentidest ennustas õpetajapoolne autonoomsuse toetamine 2. klassi õpilaste pingutamist ning 7. klassi õpilaste tunni nautimist. Tunni struktureeritusel oli mõju õpilaste kaasatusele ainult 7. klassis, kus enam struktureeritud tundides olid õpilased keskmiselt tähelepanelikumad ning pingutasid samuti tugevamini.
Kutseõppeasutuste võrgu korraldamine lähtuvalt regionaalsest spetsialiseerumisest
Uuringu eesmärgiks oli, toetudes haridussüsteemi ja regionaalse arengu taustaanalüüsile, töötada välja võimalikud mudelid kutseõppeasutuste võrgu optimaalseks ümberkorraldamiseks kaasates Euroopa Liidu tõukefondide vahendeid alates aastast 2004, seejuures arvestades põhimõtteid, mis on sõnastatud Vabariigi Valitsuse kinnitatud ”Tegevuskavas kutseharidussüsteemi arendamiseks Eestis aastatel 2001-2004”.
Uurimisprojekti eesmärgi saavutamiseks püstitati kaks alameesmärki.
Esiteks, regionaalse koolitusvajaduse väljaselgitamine lähtudes nii piirkondade majanduslikust (tööjõu-) vajadusest kui demograafilisest õppurite koolitusvajadusest Eesti eri regioonides. Teiseks, analüüsil põhinevate ettepanekute väljatöötamine optimaalse kutseharidust andvate õppeasutuste võrgu kujundamiseks
Cohort Profile: Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study
The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study was established to assess the prevalence of chronic airflow obstruction, a key characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and its risk factors in adults (≥40 years) from general populations across the world.
The baseline study was conducted between 2003 and 2016, in 41 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Oceania, and collected high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry from 28 828 participants.
The follow-up study was conducted between 2019 and 2021, in 18 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. At baseline, there were in these sites 12 502 participants with high-quality spirometry. A total of 6452 were followed up, with 5936 completing the study core questionnaire. Of these, 4044 also provided high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry.
On both occasions, the core questionnaire covered information on respiratory symptoms, doctor diagnoses, health care use, medication use and ealth status, as well as potential risk factors. Information on occupation, environmental exposures and diet was also collected
Mitteformaalõppe tähenduse konstrueerimine poliitikadokumentides
Artikkel tugineb uuringule, mille fookuses on mitteformaalõppe tähendus ja diskursuse muutus Eesti arengut suunavates poliitikadokumentides. Selline rõhuasetus on tingitud asjaolust, et mitteformaalõppe tähendus on sotsiaalselt konstrueeritud, paradigma- ja kontekstispetsiifiline ning sõltub ideoloogiast, hariduspoliitilisest korraldusest, traditsioonidest ja väljakujunenud tavadest. Uurimuses kombineeritakse kriitilist diskursuseanalüüsi poliitikaradade meetodiga ning esitatakse mitteformaalõppe diskursuse ajalise ja valdkondliku kasutuse analüüs. Analüüsi tulemusena eristus kuus valdkondlikku poliitikadokumentide rada, kümme mitteformaalõppe aladiskursust ja viis diskursust: keskkonna-, eristumis-, kaasamis-, süsteemi- ja tunnustamisdiskursus. Mitteformaalõppe tunnustamise diskursus eristus diskursusteülesena ning selles ilmnevad võimalikud edasised muutused mitteformaalõppe sisu ja vormi sotsiaalsel konstrueerimisel poliitikadokumentides.
Bioeconomy Youth Vision
Scientists have clearly shown the impact of humanity’s actions on the ecosystems on which we
depend. We are already witnessing the collapse of biodiversity, the shattering of climate records, and
a significant reduction in food security, three key priorities of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy. Such
problems should be alarming not only for young people but for everybody. Young people are typically
the ones trying to drive the transformative change that scientists are telling us we need, yet are
significantly underrepresented in positions of power, reducing their ability to raise concerns.
Therefore, those in influential positions have a responsibility to be courageous, think in the long
term, and act in consideration of the impacts (e.g. economical, societal, environmental) that we are
already beginning to face.
The EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors (BYAs) were selected by the European Commission in 2022
to represent the voice of the youth within bioeconomy, at the local, national, and European levels.
Knowing that bioeconomy does not stand alone, since it is indeed nested within broader economic,
social, political, and scientific systems, this document aims to declare our vision on how to shape the
bioeconomy concept & upcoming EU and national bioeconomy policies to align them with our
shared mission of tackling climate change and protecting nature.
This document addresses the bioeconomy at different levels in terms of geographic boundaries,
economic models, technology relevance, educational systems, and citizen engagement, being aware
of differential priorities, and the need for coordinated political action from various sides. As young
people witnessing a worrying future, we ask policymakers to show courage, take a systems lens,
listen to the scientists, and remember that their decisions will impact not only the distant future of
all life on Earth but also the lives of most of us on earth today and all the elements that support it.
Our vision for future bioeconomy policies is clustered into five main key messages as listed below.
Each section is then detailed with our demands for specific topics, aiming to provide strong guidance
to policymakers.
1. Involvement of Youth: From spotlight into decision-making
2. Cultivating inclusive debate: Bridging gaps in bioeconomy education
3. Rethinking economics: From infinite to post growth
4. Responsible use of bio-based resources: From exploitation to valorisation
5. Assessing the Bioeconomy: True burdens and benefits
We, as EU BYAs of the European Commission, believe that bioeconomy has the potential to allow a
change from the current unsustainable systems paradigm, towards a system that supports our
mission of tackling climate change and protecting nature. This document has been officially
presented during the Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival (Brussels, March 2024), with different
satellite events throughout Europe. It was drafted by the EU BYAs and reviewed with fruitful insights
by youth organisations, together with representatives from the satellite events
Overdiagnosis of COPD in subjects with unobstructed spirometry
Background: There are several reports on the underdiagnosis of COPD, while little is known about COPD overdiagnosis and overtreatment. We describe the overdiagnosis and the prevalence of spirometrically defined false-positive COPD, as well as their relationship with overtreatment across 23 population samples in 20 countries participating in the BOLD Study between 2003 and 2012. Methods: A false-positive diagnosis of COPD was considered when participants reported a doctor's diagnosis of COPD, but postbronchodilator spirometry was unobstructed (FEV1/FVC > LLN). Additional analyses were performed using the fixed ratio criterion (FEV1/FVC < 0.7). Results: Among 16,177 participants, 919 (5.7%) reported a previous medical diagnosis of COPD. Postbronchodilator spirometry was unobstructed in 569 subjects (61.9%): false-positive COPD. A similar rate of overdiagnosis was seen when using the fixed ratio criterion (55.3%). In a subgroup analysis excluding participants who reported a diagnosis of "chronic bronchitis" or "emphysema" (n = 220), 37.7% had no airflow limitation. The site-specific prevalence of false-positive COPD varied greatly, from 1.9% in low- to middle-income countries to 4.9% in high-income countries. In multivariate analysis, overdiagnosis was more common among women, and was associated with higher education; former and current smoking; the presence of wheeze, cough, and phlegm; and concomitant medical diagnosis of asthma or heart disease. Among the subjects with false-positive COPD, 45.7% reported current use of respiratory medication. Excluding patients with reported asthma, 34.4% of those with normal spirometry still used a respiratory medication. Conclusions: False-positive COPD is frequent. This might expose nonobstructed subjects to possible adverse effects of respiratory medication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio