23 research outputs found

    Mangalica kanok fertilizációs képességének elemzése a here endokrin és exokrin működésének tükrében = Studies on the fertilizing ability of Mangalica boars with special emphasis on the testicular endocrine and exocrine function

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    GnRH-teszttel vizsgáltuk a mangalica kanok tesztikuláris endokrin funkciót. Az életkor, élősúly, heretérfogat és a tesztoszteron alapérték ? mint független változók ? együttes hatását vizsgálva megállapítottuk, hogy a négy vizsgált jellemző a tesztoszteron emelkedés mértékét jelentősen befolyásolja. Komplex spermatológiai vizsgálataink szerint a mangalica sertés esetében az ejakulátum volumen kisebb (177,8?18,92 ml), az átlagos spermiumkoncentráció (490x106?160x106/ml) és az ejakulátumonkénti összes spermium (894x108?308,1x108) viszont jóval magasabb az intenzív sertésfajták azonos paramétereihez képest. Sperma eltarthatósági vizsgálatokban a legjobb eredményeket a Standard (110h) és a BTS (95,5h) hígítókkal értük el. A kanok ivartalanítás előtt elvégzett GnRH-teszt, és a szövettani vizsgálat eredményeit összevetve az ép heréjű kanoknál 27 %-kal nagyobb volt a hormon koncentráció növekedés, mint a degenerált heréjű állatoknál. Az ivari funkciók szezonális változásának tanulmányozása során a testoszteron alapértékekben szignifikáns különbséget csak a nyári és az őszi adatok között tapasztaltunk (p=0,028). A GnRh-val provokált tesztoszteron hormonszintek között (p=0,007) az őszi és tavaszi medián értékek között mutatkozott szignifikáns eltérés. A here térfogatokban az őszi-téli (p=0,012) és az őszi-tavaszi (p=0,015) eredmények között szignifikáns különbséget tapasztaltunk. A spermajellemzők közül az ejakulátum mennyisége és motilitási%-a kiegyenlített képet mutatott. | The testicular endocrine function was investigated with GnRH treatment in Mangalica boars. The effect of age, live weight, testis volume and basic testosterone level as independent factors was investigated on testosterone increase (Tincr%). The combination of these factors had a high effect on the level of Tincr%. A lower semen volume (177.8?18.92 ml), but higher mean concentration (490?160 x 106 spermatozoa/ml) and mean number of sperm cells per ejaculate (894?308.1 x108) was observed in Mangalica boars compared to modern swine breeds.During the liquid preservation period the best result was obtained with Standard (110h) and BTS (95.5h) extenders. A weak correlation could be detected between testosterone increase (GnRH response) and histological findigs of the testes. The testosterone increase was 27% higher in boars with healthy testes than that had pathological alteration, however further investigation needed to confirm these findings. Basic testosterone concentrations were distinct in seasons, however significant difference was observed only between summer and autumn samples (p=0.028). Effect of seasonal changes was recorded on the volume of the testes too. Among semen parameters only small monthly variation was noticed in mean ejaculate volume and motility %

    Effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms on specific reproduction parameters in Hungarian Large White sows

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    The aim of this study was to reveal the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the total number of piglets born (TNB), the litter weight born alive (LWA), the number of piglets born dead (NBD), the average litter weight on the 21st day (M21D) and the interval between litters (IBL). Genotypes were determined on a high-density Illumina Porcine SNP 60K BeadChip. Data screening and data identification were performed by a multi-locus mixed-model. Statistical analyses were carried out to find associations between individual genotypes of 290 Hungarian Large White sows and the investigated reproduction parameters. According to the analysis outcome, three SNPs were identified to be associated with TNB. These loci are located on chromosomes 1, 6 and 13 (−log10P = 6.0, 7.86 and 6.22, the frequencies of their minor alleles, MAF, were 0.298, 0.299 and 0.364, respectively). Two loci showed considerable association (−log10P = 10.35 and 10.46) with LWA on chromosomes 5 and X, the MAF were 0.425 and 0.446, respectively. Seven loci were found to be associated with NBD. These loci are located on chromosomes 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 (−log10P = 10.95, 5.43, 8.29, 6.72, 6.81, 5.90, and 5.15, respectively). One locus showed association (−log10P = 5.62) with M21D on chromosome 1 (the MAF was 0.461). Another locus was found to be associated with IBL on chromosome 8 (−log10P = 7.56; the MAF was 0.438). The above-mentioned loci provide a straightforward possibility to assist selection by molecular tools and, consequently, to improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian Large White (HLW) breed

    Dr. Cseh Sándor tanszékvezetőnk vendégprofesszor Olaszországban

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    The Role of Estrous Synchronization and Artificial Insemination in Improving the Reproductive Performance of Moo Lath Gilts

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    Considering the different problems facing the Lao indigenous pig breed Moo Lath. This study was performed to evaluate the efficiency of applying estrous synchronization for the better reproductive management of this species with the use of Altrenogest Regumate® to increase the litter size and birth weight of crossbred piglets using artificial insemination (AI) with Duroc semen. In total, 36 gilts (age: 6.5−10.5 months, weight at insemination: 36.60−51.42 kg) were used. The gilts were divided into three groups (G1, 2, and 3); G1 (18) were synchronized, while G2 (12) were not. Both G1 and G2 gilts were inseminated using Duroc semen, whereas a local boar naturally serviced the G3 (6) gilts. Our results showed that G1 produced the largest litter, compared with G2 and G3 (8.66, 7.50, and 5.50, respectively; p < 0.000). The birth weight of the piglets was not different between the groups (p = 0.464), and higher birth weight was observed in the gilts younger than 7 months and lower in those older than 9 months. In conclusion, the litter size of Moo Lath primiparous gilts was improved in the F−1 Duroc−Moo Lath crossbreed, but their birth weight did not. Moreover, estrous synchronization and AI are novel techniques among Lao farmers who still need more training. Both the optimal body weight and age of gilts at first mating should be clarified for a better economic outcome

    The role of animal breeding with special regard to native pigs of food supply and rural development in Laos

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    The present paper explored the influence of breeding native pigs on livelihood conditions and the contribution of native pigs to the rural development and rural poverty reduction in the rural areas of Lao PDR. Pig production plays an important role in meat supply for both urban and rural areas of Laos. It is clear that most of the pig products in the country come from smallholder pig farms, and more than 90 percent of those products are the native pigs mostly raised by farmers in remote areas. In general, livestock production distributed between 15–18 percent to GDP, while most of animal production still remains as the traditional methods. Rural development is always the first priority of the Laos government since its independence in 1975, however, the poverty rate in rural areas remained high at 23% in 2018. It might block the development goal of the government which will lead the country out of the least development status by 2020. The food security and malnutrition in the rural or mountainous areas are considered as the majority issue that both government and several international organizations have been thriving hard to overcome, which researchers showed that more than 45% of children under 5 years of age were stunted, and 28% of them were underweight. Inspired of more than 50 % of the households in the rural areas of Laos reported they consumed chicken and pork at least one day a week. While native pigs play an important role on meat supply, it also constituted around 9–14 % of annual income of the households in rural areas. Therefore, the increase the production of pigs and poultry is one option to promote the meat supply to households in the rural areas of Laos. This paper will be a pathway to guide and identify for the final decision to what experiment will be implemented on Lao native pig in Laos (2021–2023) to complete the comparative study on reproductive physiology and reproductive management methods of Hungarian and Lao Indigenous pig breed. Which found it still needs further afford to research and improve more about native pig performance for all areas of productive and quality management

    The Role of Estrous Synchronization and Artificial Insemination in Improving the Reproductive Performance of <i>Moo Lath</i> Gilts

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    Considering the different problems facing the Lao indigenous pig breed Moo Lath. This study was performed to evaluate the efficiency of applying estrous synchronization for the better reproductive management of this species with the use of Altrenogest Regumate® to increase the litter size and birth weight of crossbred piglets using artificial insemination (AI) with Duroc semen. In total, 36 gilts (age: 6.5−10.5 months, weight at insemination: 36.60−51.42 kg) were used. The gilts were divided into three groups (G1, 2, and 3); G1 (18) were synchronized, while G2 (12) were not. Both G1 and G2 gilts were inseminated using Duroc semen, whereas a local boar naturally serviced the G3 (6) gilts. Our results showed that G1 produced the largest litter, compared with G2 and G3 (8.66, 7.50, and 5.50, respectively; p p = 0.464), and higher birth weight was observed in the gilts younger than 7 months and lower in those older than 9 months. In conclusion, the litter size of Moo Lath primiparous gilts was improved in the F−1 Duroc−Moo Lath crossbreed, but their birth weight did not. Moreover, estrous synchronization and AI are novel techniques among Lao farmers who still need more training. Both the optimal body weight and age of gilts at first mating should be clarified for a better economic outcome

    Storage of ram semen in gelatin supplemented extender

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    The aim of our study was to examine how different gelatin concentrations affect ram semens viability in liquid storage at 5 oC for five days. Our hypothesis was if we add gelatin to the semen extender, than the viability of ram semen will be better in the extenders containing gelatin, than the control. We used two different semen extenders:1.5% UHT milk and 1.5% UHT milk + 5% egg yolk. We added 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0% Dr. Oetker gelatin to the semen extenders. We stored the semen for five days at 5 oC and in every 24 hour we made sampling.We stained the smears with Kovács-Foote staining and evaluated them with light-microscope. We categorized the cells in five groups like: live and intact cells, live cells with injured acrosome, dead cells, live head with dead tail and live tail with dead head. We used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assign how gelatin concentration affects the number of the categorized cells. On the fifth day, the viability was the best in the following semen extenders: 1.5% fat UHT milk + 1.0% gelatin and 1.5% fat UHT milk + 1.5% gelatin, but it was not significant (p&gt;0.05)