185 research outputs found

    Johannes Sylvester’s Grammatical legacy (1539) and its European background

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    In 1539, a peculiar Latin-Hungarian (more precisely: Hungarian-Latin) grammar was published by Johannes Sylvester, dedicating the grammar (probably symbolically) to his son. Unfortunately enough, his grammar got lost in the war-stricken times of the first half of the 16th century. At the end of the 18th century, however, it was found again and then republished. Being lost, the grammar in question could not influence the grammarians of Sylvester’s age.The “discovery” of the mother tongues in Europe, the birth of a new spirituality (Reformation) and the compelling drive to translate the Bible into vernaculars were the unmistakable signs of the first linguistic revolution.The grammar actually is a contrastive analysis of Latin, Greek and a lesser degree German, Hebrew and Hungarian. What is more interesting, its deals with structure and not with single word comparisons. Sylvester was the first in Europe to articulate the basic difference between the chief European languages (Latin, [Ancient] Greek, German and the non-European Hebrew) and Hungarian revealing that Hungarian is of postpositional character; so he was the first in Europe to discover agglutination as the basic feature of Hungarian (though he was not familiar with this term). Among other things, he casually mentions the relationship of Hebrew (the “lingua sancta”) to Hungarian, as was the linguistic trend of his age

    Nyelvrokonságunk felismerésének útvesztői

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    3D camera augmented Autonomous Mobile Robot for intralogistics purposes

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    AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) are driverless vehicles programmed to perform a variety of tasks and are often used to transport goods or materials. However, there can be several problems with the driving performance of this type of vehicle. Safety in the workplace is important everywhere, but there are some areas that are particularly exposed to safety risks. Limited visibility is the main cause of accidents at work. Yet, robots can map these dangerous areas with their sensors. We will present a mobile robotic sensor development that can be implemented to increase the security of robotic warehouses. Testing is necessary in order to check the quality of existing defects in safety elements before delivery and to carry out a risk assessment. Our goal was to add a safety element to the robot to prevent the most common problem, namely it is colliding with a forklift truck, hitting objects outside the sensor planes or hanging in. Based on our experience with robots over the years, this has been a big challenge, as we have had several such collisions. Therefore, we selected and installed a modern 3D camera system and tested its compliance with the safety requirements and the difference between the safety level of a robot without 3D sensor (Alpha) and a robot with 3D sensor (Beta), based on the knowledge of the installed camera


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    A haditechnikai kutatás-fejlesztés helye, szerepe és sajátosságai = State, Role and Speciality of the Defence Research and Development

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    A Zrínyi 2026 Honvédelmi és Haderőfejlesztési Program egyszerre tűzte célul a haderő korszerűsítését, illetve a magyar hadiipar élénkítését. A program megvalósítása érdekében a Honvédelmi Minisztérium új haditechnikai kutató-fejlesztő intézetet állított fel. Új hadiipari cégek megalapítására, illetve megvásárlására is sor került. Az új magyar hadiipari és intézeti szereplők hatékonyan kapcsolódnak be az akadémiai és felsőoktatási intézmények között zajló tudományos tevékenységbe, aminek következtében új innovációs környezetben kezd működni a haditechnikai kutatás-fejlesztés a Zrínyi 2026 Honvédelmi és Haderőfejlesztési Program során. Ennek alapján a tanulmány a haditechnikai kutatás-fejlesztés elméleti és szervezeti összefüggéseit, hazai viszonyait törekszik vizsgálni

    Szív-és érrendszeri megbetegedések közösségre irányuló prevenciója: fókuszban a stroke

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    Az elvégzett kutatás arra irányult, hogy felmérjük az egészségügyi centrumoktól távol eső, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye Újdombrád község lakóinak betegség specifikus tudását, jelen esetben a stroke-kal kapcsolatban. Ezen túlmenően megvizsgáltuk, mennyire hatékonyak a prevenciós előadások, a lakosság mennyire tartja ezeket hasznosnak, és hogy tartanak-e igényt további, más betegségekről szóló előadásoknak is. COMMUNITY-BASED PREVENTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: FOCUS ON STROKE The aim of the study was to assess the disease-specific knowledge of the inhabitants of the municipality of Újdombrád in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County in this case in relation to strokes. In addition, we examined how effective the health education was, and how useful the population finds them, lastly if they want more additional lectures about other diseases