27 research outputs found

    Molecular foundations of chilling-tolerance of modern maize

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    Gene Ontology categories of GO class “Molecular Function” significantly over-represented among transcripts down-regulated by cold treatment in S50676 inbred line. (PDF 233 kb

    Design of a Planting Module for an Automatic Device for Forest Regeneration

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    Forest regeneration by means of seedlings grown in container nurseries is usually performed manually with the use of the standard dibble bar or the tube dibble. Manual placement of a large number of seedlings in the soil requires a lot of work. Manual removal of the soil cover and digging the soil in spots with a diameter of 0.4 m requires, under average conditions, about 38 man-hours/ha, while planting with a dibble bar requires about 34 man-hours/ha. Additional work time is needed to carry seedlings over an area that is being afforested. At present, forestry does not have automatic planters that would enable the establishment of forest cultures. The aim of the paper is to present the concept of an autonomous robot and an innovative technology of performing forest regeneration and afforestation of former agricultural and reclaimed areas. The paper also presents the design solutions of the key working unit, which is a universal, openable dibble, cooperating with a three-toothed shaft to prepare a planting spot. The solution proposed enables continuous operation of the machine, i.e. without the need to stop the base vehicle

    Przewodnik illustrowany po Jasnej Górze w Częstochowie. Cz. 1

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    Anatomical traits of seven corn-inbred lines including two with gene brown midrib

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    Anatomical investigations of the stem in seven Zea mays L. Inbred lines were performed on specimens bred in the Experimental Institute of Breeding and Plant Acclimatization in Smolice. Two of the lines (bm1 and bm2) including the gene brown midrib were characterized by a higher digestability. The remaining five lines (S215, S335, 5336, S336A and S339) were selective inbred lines used as components in hybrid breeding at the Institute in Smolice. The investigated lines were compared in respect to 50 anatomical traits of the stem. The comparisons were performed by means of the Wrocław dendrite method. The lines formed three distinct groups according to the degree of similarity. The first group consisted of two lines with the gene brown midrib (bm1 and bm2), the second of four lines (5215, S336, S336A and S339), and the third of line S335. The inclusion of both the lines with gene bm into one group was based on similarity regarding the set of traits of parenchyma, particularly of the peripheral part of the stem, as well as metaxylem and metaphloem traits. However, these lines differed considerably in respect to epidermis traits. It was peculiar that the stomata of the Amaryllis type occurred in one of the lines (S339). Each line made a specific mosaic of traits. The sets of traits characterizing the particular lines were specific in such a degree that they could be used, like a fingerprint, for their identification

    Determination of the tolerance of maize cross-breeds and their parent material to bromoxynil – an inhibitor of photosystem II

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    Herbicides can exert a phytotoxic effect on maize (Zea mays L.) plants. High maize cross-breeds tolerance to herbicides can be obtained by proper selection of parent material. Based on the knowledge of phenotypic signs of damage, it is possible to discard the parents that are the most susceptible to herbicides. The aim of the study wasto compare the response of maize cross-breeds Dumka and Rywal, their parental forms, and lines to bromoxynil – the herbicide belonging to PSII photosynthesis inhibitor group. Herbicide was used at the recommended (400 g ha-1) and double (800 g ha-1) rates. Bromoxynil phytotoxicity was reflected in changes in plant morphological traits,growth inhibition, and green matter reduction of the female parent of cross-breed Dumka and its component S64423- 2. This indication was confirmed in the study of photosynthesis parameters –chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves. The cross-breed Rywal and their male parent proved to be tolerant to the bromoxynil.

    Analysis of the breeding progress in maize on the basis of trial data conducted in the years 2006–2016 with hybrid cultivars from HR Smolice

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    Ostatecznym celem każdego hodowcy roślin jest zgłoszenie wyhodowanych odmian do ośrodka zajmującego się rejestracją. Hodowla Roślin Smolice Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR każdego roku zgłasza od kilkunastu do kilkudziesięciu nowych odmian mieszańcowych kukurydzy do doświadczeń rejestrowych Centralnego Ośrodka Badania Odmian Roślin Uprawnych (COBORU). Ostatnim etapem badań wewnątrz Spółki przed zgłoszeniem do doświadczeń państwowych w przypadku kukurydzy są doświadczenia wstępne. Materiał do badań stanowiło 789 (532 do uprawy na ziarno, 257 do uprawy na kiszonkę z całych roślin) eksperymentalnych mieszańców liniowych kukurydzy Hodowli Roślin Smolice (odmiany SMH), badanych w latach 2006–2016 w ramach doświadczeń wstępnych. Doświadczenia zakładane były w pięciu miejscowościach w trzech powtórzeniach w Smolicach, Dłoni (woj. wielkopolskie), Radzikowie (woj. mazowieckie), Kobierzycach (woj. dolnośląskie) i Mikulicach (woj. podkarpackie). Średni plon ziarna odmian SMH w doświadczeniach na ziarno z 10 lat badań wyniósł 11,8 t∙ha-1, przy średnim plonie odmian wzorcowych 11,4 t∙ha-1. W przypadku zawartości suchej masy w ziarnie w czasie zbioru odmiany SMH uzyskały średnio 73,4%, a odmiany wzorcowe 74,0%. Średni plon ogólny suchej masy odmian SMH w doświadczeniach do zbioru na kiszonkę wyniósł 22,4 t∙ha-1 przy średnim plonie odmian wzorcowych 21,7 t∙ha-1. Średnia zawartość suchej masy w całych roślinach w momencie zbioru wyniosła 35,7% u odmian SMH i 36,7% u odmian wzorcowych.The main goal of plant breeder is to submit the new experimental varieties to the registration center. Hodowla Roślin Smolice Sp. z o.o. Grupa IHAR each year submits from a dozen to several dozen of new varieties of maize to registration trials COBORU. Preliminary trials are the highest stage of experiments within HR Smolice. The material consisted 789 new experimental hybrids of maize from HR Smolice (SMH varieties) tested in 2006–2016. 532 of those hybrids were tested for grain and 257 hybrids were tested for whole-plant silage. The experiments were carried out in five localities: Smolice, Dłoń (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship), Radzików (Mazowieckie Voivodeship), Kobierzyce (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship) and Mikulice (Podkarpackie Voivodeship). The average yield of SMH hybrids from 10 years of experimentation was 11.8 t∙ha-1, with an average yield of three standard hybrids 11.4 t∙ha-1. In the case of dry matter content in the grain, SMH varieties obtained on average 73.4% and standard varieties 74.0%. The average dry matter yield of SMH varieties in the silage experiments was 22.4 t∙ha-1 with average yield of standard varieties of 21.7 t∙ha-1. The average dry matter content in total plants at harvest was 35.7% for SMH varieties and 36.7% for standard varieties