117 research outputs found

    Leczenie padaczki dietą: renesans starej terapii

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    Since its introduction in 1921, the ketogenic diet has been in continuous use for children with difficult-to-control epilepsy. After decades of relative disuse, it is now both extremely popular and well studied, with approximately two-thirds of children demonstrating significant seizure reduction after 6 months. It is being used for less intractable seizures in children as well as recently adults. Modifications that help improve tolerability include the medium chain triglyceride diet, modified Atkins diet, and low glycemic index treatment. Major side effects include acidosis, increased cholesterol, kidney stones, gastroesophageal reflux, and growth disturbance. However, these side effects are usually treatable and nowadays often even preventable. Future non-epilepsy indications such as Alzheimer disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, and brain tumors are under active investigation. This dietary treatment for epilepsy has undergone a rebirth. Its widespread use in Poland and Europe is a welcome additional treatment for those with drug-resistant epilepsy.Dieta ketogenna od jej opracowania w 1921 r. znalazła stałe miejsce w leczeniu lekoopornej padaczki u dzieci. Po kilku dekadach względnego zapomnienia, stała się znowu popularna i szeroko badana – u ok. 2/3 dzieci stwierdza się istotne zmniejszenie częstości napadów w ciągu 6 miesięcy leczenia. Dieta ketogenna coraz częściej jest wykorzystywana w leczeniu mniej opornych padaczek, a ostatnio także u dorosłych. Pojawiają się łatwiej tolerowane odmiany diety: dieta oparta na średniołańcuchowych trójglicerydach, zmodyfikowana dieta Atkinsa czy dieta z niskim wskaźnikiem glikemicznym. Do głównych objawów ubocznych stosowania tego typu diety należą: kwasica, hipercholesterolemia, kamica nerkowa, refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy i zaburzenia wzrostu. Powyższe objawy uboczne poddają się obecnie leczeniu, a nawet można im zapobiegać. Bardzo aktywnie bada się możliwości stosowania diety poza padaczką: w chorobie Alzheimera, stwardnieniu zanikowym bocznym, autyzmie i guzach mózgu. Leczenie padaczki dietą przeżywa swój renesans. Należy się spodziewać jej szerszego zastosowania w Polsce i Europie u chorych na lekooporną padaczkę

    Kształtowanie się instytucji odpowiedzialności posiłkowej na ziemiach polskich w prawie karnym skarbowym do 1936 r.

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    Początek systemu prawa skarbowego i idącego zaraz za nim prawa karnego skarbowego na ziemiach polskich wyznaczały niejednolicie ustawodawstwa państw zaborczych. Tak też odpowiedzialność osób trzecich za grzywny wymierzone sprawcy przestępstwa skarbowego pojawiła się po raz pierwszy na ziemiach polskich choć jeszcze w okresie zaborów, to jedynie na obszarze zaboru pruskiego. Dopiero ustawa z 2 sierpnia 1926 r. wprowadziła jednolite, ogólnopolskie rozwiązania. Fiskalny charakter tej regulacji nie przesłonił jednak racjonalnego podejścia do kwestii uprawnień oskarżonego w toku procesu, co przyjmuje także orzecznictwo stanowiąc, iż o odpowiedzialności osób trzecich (art. 33, 34 u.k.s.) sąd wyrokujący nie jest obowiązany orzekać z urzędu. Brak orzeczenia w tej kwestii nie rodził dla oskarżonego negatywnych skutków, skoro przepisy powyższe miały na względzie wyłącznie interesy Skarbu Państwa, w szczególności zabezpieczenie wpływu kary pieniężnej w wypadku, gdy ściągnięcie jej z majątku skazanego było niemożliwe.The beginning of the system of fiscal law and ensuing criminal fiscal law in Poland was defined by the dissimilar legislations of the three partitioning powers. This is why the liability of the third parties for the fines administered on to the perpetrator of a fiscal crime, although it emerged in Poland for the first time still during the partitioning, it did so only within the Prussian Partition. It had not been until the Act of 2nd August 1926 that uniform solutions were introduced for the entire country. The fiscal nature of that regulation did not overshadow the rational approach to the question of the rights of the accused during the trial, which was followed also by the judicature, assuming that the ruling court is not bound to rule exofficio on third party liabilities (Art. 33, 34 UKS). The lack of a statement in this area did not cause any negative impact for the accused as the above legislation protected only at the interests of the State Treasury, and especially the guarantee of paying the penalty, should it be impossible to collect it from the assets of the condemned.Die Gestaltungsanfänge des Steuerrechtssystems und des unmittelbar folgenden Steuerstrafrechts wurden auf den polnischen Gebieten von unterschiedlichen Gesetzgebungen der Teilungsmächte geprägt. Und so erschien zwar die subsidiäre Verantwortung der Dritten für die einem Steuerverbrecher zugemessenen Geldbußen auf den polnischen Gebieten bereits während der Teilungszeit, doch nur auf dem preußischen Teilungsgebiet. Erst führte das Gesetz vom 2. August 1926 einheitliche Lösungen dafür in ganz Polen ein. Dem fiskalen Charakter dieser Bestimmung folgt aber auch die rationelle Einstellung den Berechtigungen des Beschuldigten in einem solchen Verfahren gegenüber, was auch in der Rechtsprechung übernommen wurde, indem darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass das beurteilende Gericht nicht gezwungen sei, über die Verantwortung Dritter (Art. 33, 34 des Steuerstrafgesetzes) von Amts wegen zu entscheiden. Das Fehlen einer Entscheidung in dieser Hinsicht brachte für den Beschuldigten keine negative Folgen, zumal diese Vorschriften ausschließlich die Interessen der Staatskasse, und insbesondere die Sicherung der Zahlung von Geldbuße zu wahren hatten, sollte diese aus dem Vermögen des Verurteilten nicht beizutreiben sein

    Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cell wall components and prenyl lipids in the leaves of Tilia x euchlora trees growing under salt stress

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    The study was focused on assessing the presence of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and pectins within the cell walls as well as prenyl lipids, sodium and chlorine content in leaves of Tilia x euchlora trees. The leaves that were analyzed were collected from trees with and without signs of damage that were all growing in the same salt stress conditions. The reason for undertaking these investigations was the observations over many years that indicated that there are trees that present a healthy appearance and trees that have visible symptoms of decay in the same habitat. Leaf samples were collected from trees growing in the median strip between roadways that have been intensively salted during the winter season for many years. The sodium content was determined using atomic spectrophotometry, chloride using potentiometric titration and poly-isoprenoids using HPLC/UV. AGPs and pectins were determined using immunohistochemistry methods. The immunohistochemical analysis showed that rhamnogalacturonans I (RG-I) and homogalacturonans were differentially distributed in leaves from healthy trees in contrast to leaves from injured trees. In the case of AGPs, the most visible difference was the presence of the JIM16 epitope. Chemical analyses of sodium and chloride showed that in the leaves from injured trees, the level of these ions was higher than in the leaves from healthy trees. Based on chromatographic analysis, four polyisoprenoid alcohols were identified in the leaves of T. x euchlora. The levels of these lipids were higher in the leaves from healthy trees. The results suggest that the differences that were detected in the apoplast and symplasm may be part of the defensive strategy of T. x euchlora trees to salt stress, which rely on changes in the chemical composition of the cell wall with respect to the pectic and AGP epitopes and an increased synthesis of prenyl lipids

    Topoisomerase IIβ Binding Protein 1 c.*229C>T (rs115160714) Gene Polymorphism and Endometrial Cancer Risk

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    TopBP1 (topoisomerase IIβ binding protein 1) protein is involved in DNA replication, DNA damage checkpoint response and transcriptional regulation. In this study we investigated whether alterations in the TopBP1 gene can influence the risk of endometrial cancer. We examined the association between five single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs185903567, rs116645643, rs115160714, rs116195487, and rs112843513) located in the 3′UTR region of the TopBP1 gene and endometrial cancer risk as well as allele-specific gene expression. One hundred twenty-one endometrial cancer patients were genotyped for these SNPs. Allele-specific TopBP1 mRNA and protein expressions were determined by real time PCR and western blotting methods, respectively. Only one SNP (rs115160714) showed an association with endometrial cancer. Compared to homozygous common allele carriers, heterozygous for the T variant had significantly increased risk of endometrial cancer [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 5.59, 95 % confidence interval (CI): 1.96–15.91, p = 0.0003]. Mean TopBP1 mRNA and protein expression were higher in the individuals with the CT genotype. There was a significant association between the rs115160714 and tumor grade and FIGO classification. Most carriers of minor allele had a high grade tumors (G3) classified as FIGO III/IV. The results of our study raise a possibility that a genetic variation of TopBP1 may be implicated in the etiology of endometrial cancer

    Anxiety in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease - multicenter national study results

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    Background/Aims: Chronic medical illness is a significant risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders. The aims of the study were: to investigate the level of anxiety in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to identify factors associated with the presence of that emotional problem. Methods: CKD children on hemodialysis (HD, n=22), peritoneal dialysis (PD, n=20,) and on conservative treatment (CT, n=95) were enrolled in the study. We used State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for adolescents and STAI-C for children. Socio-demographic and physical factors were assessed. Results: There was a significantly higher level of anxiety-state among HD children (8-12 years) compared with other groups of participants of the same age and Polish population norms. The level of anxiety among adolescents (13-18 years), both anxiety-state and anxiety-trait, was significantly higher in the HD group compared with other groups, which did not differ among themselves. In the HD adolescents, there was a correlation between the anxiety-state and the duration of the disease as well as with the number of hospitalizations. PD adolescents in the mainstream education had higher levels of anxiety-state and anxiety-trait compared with home schooled patients. Conclusions: Even though children and adolescents with CKD are at risk of developing a variety of emotional disorders, the level of anxiety among the researched group, with the exception of HD patients, was not significantly different than the level of anxiety among healthy subjects. Adolescents on HD who present a high level of anxiety should undergo long-term psychological treatment