22 research outputs found


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    A large database of more than 400 existing historical atlases released after 1950 was createdas a result of an extensive analytic research within the preparation of cartographic works on theCzech Historical Atlas. The database was published in the form of a web application that allows theuser to reveal and analyse associated information about historical atlases across interactivedashboards. To improve the information value of the database, the authors decided to arrangefurther possibilities of data excerption with the use of specialized data visualization methods thatmay reveal additional information and new phenomena which are not clearly visible from thedatabase itself. The performed analyses supplement the paper in the form of diagrams and chartsand present the data from various perspectives with the focus on similarities and differences betweenthe cartographic and the thematic content of the historical atlases in the publishing countries, thechanges in the thematic focus of the atlases or changes in the use of methods of thematiccartography in atlas works over time. The authors also deal with relations between the thematicfocus of the atlas and the applied methods of thematic cartography. All analyses are performed onthe sample of 88 atlas works

    Representation of the world in early maps

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    Representation of the World in Early Maps Abstract The thesis deals with an analysis of the representation of the world in early small scale maps in the 16th - 18th centuries. The theoretical framework consists of the outline of the historical context of the given period with emphasis on the representation of the world in connection with the progress of the discoveries and the expansion of the geographical horizon. The development of navigation methods and technical means used to determine the latitude and longitude that had a direct impact on the positioning accuracy of topographic map elements are depicted, too. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the cartometric evaluation of selected map works of European cartographers of the period of 16th - 18th centuries, which consisted of the analysis of cartographic projection and the analysis of the positional accuracy of topographic content. The geometric accuracy of the maps is assessed mainly by the value of the positional deviations in the north-south and west-east directions. Based on the results of the cartometric evaluation, the evolution of the topographic content positioning is determined and the approximate time process of expanding the image of the known world on the contemporary maps is captured. The graphical outputs of the thesis are...Vývoj znázorňování světa na starých mapách Abstrakt Obsahem práce je podrobná analýza vývoje způsobu znázornění světa na mapách malých měřítek v období 16.-18. století. V teoretické části práce je nastíněn historický kontext doby s důrazem na vývoj představ o podobě světa v souvislosti s postupem objevných plaveb a rozšiřováním geografického obzoru. Přiblížen je také vývoj navigačních metod a technických prostředků užívaných k určení zeměpisné délky a šířky, jež měly přímý vliv na přesnost určení polohy topografických prvků na mapách. Praktická část je zaměřena na kartometrické zhodnocení vybraných mapových děl evropských kartografů z období 16.-18. století, v rámci něhož byla provedena analýza mapového zobrazení a analýza polohové přesnosti zákresu topografického obsahu. Geometrická přesnost map je posuzována zejména dle hodnoty polohových odchylek v severojižním a západovýchodním směru. Na základě výsledků kartometrického zhodnocení je dále hodnocen vývoj přesnosti zákresu topografického obsahu a zachycen přibližný časový postup rozšiřování obrazu známého světa na soudobých mapách. Grafickými výstupy práce jsou tematické mapy zobrazující prostorové rozložení odchylek zeměpisné délky a zachycující proměnu obrazu světa na mapách, včetně vývoje zákresu vybraných kontinentů se zaměřením na změnu jejich tvaru...Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografieDepartment of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc


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    The article introduces the Czech historiographical work called the Czech Historical Atlas and presents its analysis in terms of its concept, structure, and technical layout. The primary focus is on the atlas content and its subdivision into thematic and logical sections or the semiological structure of the used space. Last but not least, the cartographic and technical aspects of the atlas format are also analysed, including, for example, the analysis of used scales or cartographic projections. The findings are presented through a series of visuals and interpreted in the context of the thematic concept of the atlas. The authors’ aim is to present the currently not much addressed structural analysis of a cartographic atlas, which allows revealing the potential for the innovation of an original cartographic work

    The Provisions of the Economic Subject in Accountancy

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to characterize provisions and to analyse their impact on the tax base. The thesis is devided into two parts. The theoretical part is fosuced on explaining the term "accrual principal". It deals with description of accounting provisions, tax provisions and defining the ways of reporting provisions. In the practical part the gained knowledge is used for analysis the provisions in the chosen company. The calculation of the tax base an income tax is made in the next chapters. The joint-stock company XYZ recognizes only accounting provisions. Some of the tax provisions are proposed in the last chapters


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    Diplomová práce oboru architektura a urbanismus, modul památkové péče, se skládá ze dvou částí: části stavebně-historického průzkumu a části návrhové. V návaznosti na téma fary je diplomní část SHP pojata jako 1. rešerše dostupné literatury pojednávající o vývoji vesnice Blansko u Kaplice a 2. úvodní průzkum památky včetně vyznačení o odůvodnění problémových míst pro další průzkumy. Část návrhová: projekt obsahuje návrh nového využití jednotlivých budov fary, návrh na úpravu plochy dvora, zadního dvora a sadu. Nové využití: bydlení správce, knihovna, kavárna, konferenční centrum ve staré části; novostavba penzionu v zahradě fary.The diploma project of architecture and urbanism, the module of monument care, consists of two parts: the part of the building-historical survey and the design part. In relation to the theme of the parish, the diploma part of buil-ding-historical survey is conceived as follows: 1st - research of available lite-rature dealing with the history of the village Blansko by Kaplice, and 2nd: initial survey of the monument, including the highlight of problem areas for further surveys. Design part: The project icludes a concept for new use of individual parish buildings: courtyard, back yard and garden. New use: house manager apartment, library, café, conference center in the old part; where-as new hotel building is designed in the bottom side of the garden

    The North America in Early Maps

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    The North America in Early Maps Abstract The objective of this thesis is to analyze selected map works of European cartographers h showing the territory of North America in the period from 16. to 19. century. Using the cartometric and semiotic methods the map attributes are analyzed focusing the detection and description of the cartographic projection. Next, within the analysis of the topographic content the map symbols and the language of the map are discussed and interesting geographical mistakes of the authors are noticed. On the basis of the partial analyzes the progression of the continent depiction is documented with emphasis on the progression of map symbols and on the change of the shape of the continent in the given period. Key words: North America, cartometry, semiotics, European cartography, discovery, detectpro

    The North America in Early Maps

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    The North America in Early Maps Abstract The objective of this thesis is to analyze selected map works of European cartographers h showing the territory of North America in the period from 16. to 19. century. Using the cartometric and semiotic methods the map attributes are analyzed focusing the detection and description of the cartographic projection. Next, within the analysis of the topographic content the map symbols and the language of the map are discussed and interesting geographical mistakes of the authors are noticed. On the basis of the partial analyzes the progression of the continent depiction is documented with emphasis on the progression of map symbols and on the change of the shape of the continent in the given period. Key words: North America, cartometry, semiotics, European cartography, discovery, detectpro

    The ethic and human rights in mental health case in psychiatric institutions

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    Cílem mé diplomové práce je přinést aktuální informace o právech pacientů a jejich dodržování v psychiatrických zařízeních u nás. V teoretické části prostřednictvím přehledu mezinárodních dokumentů a etických kodexů, legislativy České republiky, která tuto oblast upravuje, společně s hodnocením stávající praxe odborníky zabývajícími se péčí o duševní zdraví. V praktické části pak výzkumem s uživateli psychiatrické péče

    Vliv argonování v elektrické obloukové peci na technologický režim tavby

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (618) metalurgi

    Comparison of excise duty on tobacco products in the Czech Republic and the EU

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    This thesis is concerned with a comparison of excise duty on tobacco products in the Czech Republic and the member countries of the European Union. Its aim is to find groups of countries with similar indicators, to explore the similarities between these countries and to try to identify the possible effects that may cause differences. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of excise duties and primarily on excise duty on tobacco products. It deals with European Commission directives and minimum excise rates. The practical part deals with selected indicators related to excise duty on tobacco products. These indicators are excise duty on tobacco products as percentage of GDP and percentage of total taxation, specific excise per 1 000 cigarettes as percentage of WAP and excise yield in EUR per 1 000 cigarettes of the WAP. The last indicator is cigarettes consumption per capita, which is not included in the analysis. Data is processed by cluster analysis for the years 2003 and 2014 in computer software STATISTICA 12. The task of cluster analysis is to find groups of countries which are similar. The results of cluster analysis are described in the next chapters. The differences of the individual clusters and the possible influences that these differences may have caused are also described in the last chapters