18 research outputs found

    Animal welfare: new governance in France and european projects

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    The General States of 2010 were aimed at reforming the Health governance in Agriculture in France. One of the aims was, in particular to give a better definition of the notion of “health veterinarian” (habilitated or mandated). Since these, a new organization was set up. It affects in particular the settlement of new consultative committees for animal protection at the national level as well as at the regional level. In addition a project of a single “Welfare Law” is being setting up by the European institutions in the context of the other laws: Food Law and Health Law. This follows the New 2012- 2015 Animal Welfare Strategy of the European commission. This strategy would modernize and simplify the old European texts and would be inspired by the HACCP system. This new paradigm would give more responsibilities to operators. It would be based on auto controls which results would be checked at the end by official veterinarians in all Member states of the UnionDepuis les États gĂ©nĂ©raux du sanitaire de 2010, destinĂ©s Ă  rĂ©former la gouvernance sanitaire en France et en particulier Ă  mieux redĂ©finir les missions du vĂ©tĂ©rinaire sanitaire (habilitĂ© ou mandatĂ©), une nouvelle organisation s’est mise en place concernant notamment la construction et la consultation de comitĂ©s dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  la protection animale au niveau national et rĂ©gional. Cette nouvelle organisation est explicitĂ©e dans cet article. Par ailleurs, dans le contexte gĂ©nĂ©ral de la mise en place de « Paquets cadres » par l’Union EuropĂ©enne comme le Paquet HygiĂšne ou le Paquet SantĂ© « Health Law », est prĂ©vue, pour faire suite au Plan d’action 2012-2015 de la Commission europĂ©enne, une « Welfare Law ». Le but de ce projet, affichĂ© par les instances communautaires, est de moderniser et simplifier les textes communautaires actuels concernant la protection des animaux. Pour ce faire, la Commission se base, comme dans les autres « Law » d’une obligation de rĂ©sultats primant sur l’obligation et le contrĂŽle des moyens, systĂšme inspirĂ© des pratiques « HACCP ». Ce systĂšme octroie plus de responsabilitĂ©s aux opĂ©rateurs ou professionnels. Il prĂ©voit, entre autres, des autocontrĂŽles dont les rĂ©sultats seront Ă  postĂ©riori contrĂŽlĂ©s par les vĂ©tĂ©rinaires officiels (en France : inspecteurs de santĂ© publique vĂ©tĂ©rinaires

    Copernicus Sentinel-2 Calibration and Products Validation Status

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    As part of the Copernicus programme of the European Commission (EC), the European Space Agency (ESA) has developed and is currently operating the Sentinel-2 mission that is acquiring high spatial resolution optical imagery. This article provides a description of the calibration activities and the status of the mission products validation activities after one year in orbit. Measured performances, from the validation activities, cover both Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) and Bottom-Of-Atmosphere (BOA) products. The presented results show the good quality of the mission products both in terms of radiometry and geometry and provide an overview on next mission steps related to data quality aspect