7 research outputs found

    Physiological effects of water flow induced swimming exercise in seabream Sparus aurata

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    A longer on-land rearing period of Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata before transfer to sea-cages would allow the farmer to benefit from exercise-enhanced growth, resilience, and robustness as induced by increasing water flow in the tanks. In this study, the physiological effects of flow-conditioning were investigated by subjecting large groups of experimental fish to minimal flow or to flow regimes inducing swimming exercise at 1 or 2 body length (BL) s−1 for a period of 8 months (February–October) in 1,500 L tanks. Fish representing the three treatment groups were then used for: (1) a stress challenge netting test and plasma cortisol measurement (baseline, peaking, and recovery levels), (2) blood plasma measurements of glucose, triglycerides, lactate, cholesterol, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and (3) heart and muscle gene expression of the GH and IGF1 receptors and the muscle transcriptome by deep RNA sequencing (RNAseq). Fish size after 8 months of flow conditioning was 92 ± 27 g body weight (BW) for fish under minimal flow, 106 ± 24 g BW (+15%) at 1 BL s−1, and 125 ± 27 g BW (+36%) at 2 BL s−1. Flow conditioning at 1 BL s−1 provided optimal conditions for growth and uniformity, but also stress (lowest baseline plasma cortisol), robustness (higher condition factor and larger hearts), and energy mobilization (increased plasma glucose). Although flow enhanced growth linearly with swimming speed, also the percentage of lordotic fish increased with exercise, particularly high for swimming at 2 BL s−1. The absence of important differences in plasma GH and IGF1, and expression levels of their receptors in heart and white skeletal muscle, indicated that other factors may be involved in growth enhancement. RNAseq of the white skeletal muscle showed upregulated expression of genes involved in muscle contraction, muscle development and its molecular regulation, and immune genes that may play a role in the muscle repair mechanism. An exercise regime of swimming at 1 BL s−1 can be considered as optimal for farming robust seabream although the increase of skeletal deformities should be avoided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physiological effects of water flow induced swimming exercise in seabream Sparus aurata

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    A longer on-land rearing period of Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata before transfer to sea-cages would allow the farmer to benefit from exercise-enhanced growth, resilience, and robustness as induced by increasing water flow in the tanks. In this study, the physiological effects of flow-conditioning were investigated by subjecting large groups of experimental fish to minimal flow or to flow regimes inducing swimming exercise at 1 or 2 body length (BL) s−1 for a period of 8 months (February–October) in 1,500 L tanks. Fish representing the three treatment groups were then used for: (1) a stress challenge netting test and plasma cortisol measurement (baseline, peaking, and recovery levels), (2) blood plasma measurements of glucose, triglycerides, lactate, cholesterol, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and (3) heart and muscle gene expression of the GH and IGF1 receptors and the muscle transcriptome by deep RNA sequencing (RNAseq). Fish size after 8 months of flow conditioning was 92 ± 27 g body weight (BW) for fish under minimal flow, 106 ± 24 g BW (+15%) at 1 BL s−1, and 125 ± 27 g BW (+36%) at 2 BL s−1. Flow conditioning at 1 BL s−1 provided optimal conditions for growth and uniformity, but also stress (lowest baseline plasma cortisol), robustness (higher condition factor and larger hearts), and energy mobilization (increased plasma glucose). Although flow enhanced growth linearly with swimming speed, also the percentage of lordotic fish increased with exercise, particularly high for swimming at 2 BL s−1. The absence of important differences in plasma GH and IGF1, and expression levels of their receptors in heart and white skeletal muscle, indicated that other factors may be involved in growth enhancement. RNAseq of the white skeletal muscle showed upregulated expression of genes involved in muscle contraction, muscle development and its molecular regulation, and immune genes that may play a role in the muscle repair mechanism. An exercise regime of swimming at 1 BL s−1 can be considered as optimal for farming robust seabream although the increase of skeletal deformities should be avoided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ultrasonography to assist with timing of spawning in European eel

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    Ovulation in the European eel can be induced by injection of DHP (17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one). The timing of injection is based on the developmental stage of the oocytes. The oocyte stage is determined by invasive biopsy or through external indicators of the oocyte hydration response: body weight index (BWI) and body girth index (BGI). However, in European eel, BWI and BGI are inaccurate indicators because the individual hydration response is highly variable. The aim of this study was to identify indicators of oocyte maturation non-invasively by applying ultrasonography. Ultrasound parameters that were determined were the body wall thickness; diameter of the cloaca opening; grey scale median (GSM) of the ovary, and diameters (vertical and horizontal) and surface area of ovary, liver and swim bladder. Data of farmed and wild eels were combined for correlation analyses and principal component analyses (PCA). Ovary and liver parameters were not correlated with the average oocyte stage. Body wall thickness was negatively correlated to the average oocyte stage but variability was high. The swim bladder vertical diameter (Sbv) was negatively correlated with the average oocyte stage and with the oocyte diameter. Swim bladder area (Sba) was also negatively correlated to the average oocyte stage but less accurate. Results showed that during the final stages of oocyte maturation, the swim bladder becomes smaller. This is most probably due to the pressure that is caused by the increasing ovaries as a result of the oocyte hydration response. Females with an average oocyte stage between 4.5 and 7.0 and an average oocyte diameter higher than 800 μm, had Sbv values decreasing from 4.3 to 2.4 mm and Sba values from 52 down to 11 mm2. The correlation between Sbv and oocyte stage is more strict than for BWI or BGI which makes Sbv not only a parameter that can be determined non-invasively but also one that is more accurate in indicating the oocyte developmental stage. Therefore, ultrasonography, and in particular the ultrasound imaging of the swim bladder, represents a useful tool to assist with the timing of spawning as induced by injection of DHP.</p

    Heart Rate and Acceleration Dynamics during Swim-Fitness and Stress Challenge Tests in Yellowtail Kingfish (<i>Seriola lalandi</i>)

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    The yellowtail kingfish is a highly active and fast-growing marine fish with promising potential for aquaculture. In this study, essential insights were gained into the energy economy of this species by heart rate and acceleration logging during a swim-fitness test and a subsequent stress challenge test. Oxygen consumption values of the 600–800 g fish, when swimming in the range of 0.2 up to 1 m·s−1, were high—between 550 and 800 mg·kg−1·h−1—and the heart rate values—up to 228 bpm—were even among the highest ever measured for fishes. When swimming at these increasing speeds, their heart rate increased from 126 up to 162 bpm, and acceleration increased from 11 up to 26 milli-g. When exposed to four sequential steps of increasing stress load, the decreasing peaks of acceleration (baseline values of 12 to peaks of 26, 19 and 15 milli-g) indicated anticipatory behavior, but the heart rate increases (110 up to 138–144 bpm) remained similar. During the fourth step, when fish were also chased, peaking values of 186 bpm and 44 milli-g were measured. Oxygen consumption and heart rate increased with swimming speed and was well reflected by increases in tail beat and head width frequencies. Only when swimming steadily near the optimal swimming speed were these parameters strongly correlated

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Enhancement of Early Maturation and Consequences for Reproductive Success of Feminized European Eel (<i>Anguilla anguilla</i>)

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    To induce oocyte development, eels are weekly injected with salmon or carp pituitary extract (CPE). The weekly handling and hormone peaks result in inferior oocyte quality; therefore, alternative treatments that improve oocyte quality and reproductive success require investigation. The enhancement of early sexual maturation by a single injection with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), administered prior to CPE treatment, was investigated. Fifty feminized eels were subjected to simulated migration, after which eels received either a hCG or a sham injection. After two months, the hCG-treated eels showed an increase in eye size, gonadosomatic index (GSI), and plasma 11-ketotestosterone concentration, when compared with the sham-injected controls. The hCG-treated eels showed increases in oocyte diameter and lipid area, and in ovarian expression of aromatase (cyp19), follicle stimulating hormone receptor (fshr) and lipoprotein lipase (lpl). Yolk was present in the oocytes of the hCG-treated eels, not yet in the oocytes of the controls. The hCG-induced deposition of yolk may relate to early-life treatment with 17β-estradiol during feminization. hCG-treated eels required four CPE injections less to mature than the controls. hCG treatment may benefit reproductive success in feminized eels by initiating vitellogenesis and reducing the hypophysation period, although larvae were obtained from most females in both groups

    Steroid implants for the induction of vitellogenesis in feminized European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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    Assisted propagation of the European eel will lead to a closed production cycle supplying the aquaculture industry with juvenile glass eels. Females require long-term weekly treatment with pituitary extract (PE), which is stressful and causes abnormalities in oogenesis. We tested the effects of 17α-methyltestosterone (17 MT), as potent androgen activating the androgen receptor, and 17β-estradiol (E2), as an inducer of vitellogenesis, to shorten the duration of PE treatment.Four groups of feminized eels were subjected to a simulated migration and subsequent injection with implants containing 17 MT (17 MT-group), E2 (E2-group) or 17 MT plus E2 (17 MT + E2-group) to test for synergistic effects, or without any steroids as controls (C-group). The effects of a 2-months treatment were investigated by determining the eye index (EI), hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic index (HSI and GSI, respectively), plasma steroid concentrations by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS), gonadal histology, expression of androgen receptors a and b (ara, arb); estrogen receptor 1 (esr1); FSH receptor (fshr); vitellogenin receptor (vtgr) and aromatase (cyp19), and the required number of weekly PE injections to fully mature. For many parameters, both the 17 MT and E2 groups showed an increase vs. controls, with the 17 MT + E2 group showing a synergistic effect, as seen for EI, GSI (3.4 for 17 MT and for E2, 6.6 for 17 MT + E2), oocyte diameter and ara, arb and esr1 expression. Concentrations of almost all focal steroids decreased with simulated migration and steroid treatment. Only eels of the 17 MT-group showed increased expression of cyp19 and of fshr, while fshr expression increased 44-fold in the 17 MT + E2 group, highlighting that co-implantation is most effective in raising fshr mRNA levels. Specific for eels of the E2 groups were vitellogenesis-associated changes such as an increase of HSI, plasma E2, and presence of yolk in the oocytes. Steroid treatments reduced the duration of PE treatment, again synergistically for co-implantation. In conclusion, E2 is necessary to start vitellogenesis, but 17 MT has specific effects on cyp19 and fshr expression. The combination is necessary for synergistic effects and as such, steroid implants could be applied in assisted reproduction protocols for European eel to improve oocyte quality leading to the production of more vital larvae