854 research outputs found

    Evaluating Similarity Measures for Dataset Search

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    Hierarchical clustering of a Finnish newspaper article collection with graded relevance assessments

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    Abstract Search facilitated with agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods was studied in a collection of Finnish newspaper articles (N = 53,893). To allow quick experiments, clustering was applied to a sample (N = 5,000) that was reduced with principal components analysis. The dendrograms were heuristically cut to find an optimal partition, whose clusters were compared with each of the 30 queries to retrieve the best-matching cluster. The fourlevel relevance assessment was collapsed into a binary one by (A) considering all the relevant and (B) only the highly relevant documents relevant, respectively. Single linkage (SL) was the worst method. It created many tiny clusters, and, consequently, searches enabled with it had high precision and low recall. The complete linkage (CL), average linkage (AL), and Ward's methods (WM) returned reasonably-sized clusters typically of 18-32 documents. Their recall (A: 27-52%, B: 50-82%) and precision (A: 83-90%, B: 18-21%) was higher than and comparable to those of the SL clusters, respectively. The AL and WM clustering had 1-8% better effectiveness than nearest neighbor searching (NN), and SL and CL were 1-9% less efficient that NN. However, the differences were statistically insignificant. When evaluated with the liberal assessment A, the results suggest that the AL and WM clustering offer better retrieval ability than NN. Assessment B renders the AL and WM clustering better than NN, when recall is considered more important than precision. The results imply that collections in the highly inflectional and agglutinative languages, such as Finnish, may be clustered as the collections in English, provided that documents are appropriately preprocessed

    Population-based data at ages 31 and 46 show decreased HRQoL and life satisfaction in women with PCOS symptoms.

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    CONTEXT: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with decreased health-related quality of life (HRQoL), but longitudinal data beyond the reproductive years are lacking, and the impact of isolated PCOS symptoms is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To study generic HRQoL using 15D, life satisfaction, and self-reported health status in women with PCOS symptoms at ages 31 and 46yr. DESIGN: A longitudinal assessment using the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. SETTING: General community. PARTICIPANTS: The 15D data were available for women reporting isolated oligomenorrhea (OA;at age 31yr:214 and 46yr: 211), isolated hirsutism (H; 31yr:211 and 46yr:216), OA+H (PCOS; 31yr:74 and 46yr:75), or no PCOS symptoms (controls; 31yr:1382 and 46yr:1412). Data for life satisfaction and current health status were available for OA (31yr:329 and 46yr:247), H (31yr:323 and 46yr:238), PCOS (31yr:125 and 46yr:86), control (31yr:2182 and 46yr:1613) groups. INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): 15D HRQoL, questionnaires on life satisfaction, and self-reported health status. RESULTS: HRQoL was lower at ages 31 and 46 in women with PCOS or H compared with the controls. PCOS was an independent risk factor for low HRQoL, and the decrease in HRQoL in PCOS was comparable to that of women with other chronic conditions, like asthma, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression. The risk for low HRQoL in PCOS remained significant after adjusting for BMI, hyperandrogenism, and socioeconomic status. Mental distress was the strongest contributing factor to HRQoL. PCOS was also associated with a risk for low life satisfaction and a 4-fold risk for reporting a poor health status. CONCLUSIONS: Women with PCOS present with low HRQoL, decreased life satisfaction, and a poorer self-reported health status up to their late reproductive years. Assessments and interventions aiming to improve HRQoL in PCOS should be targeted beyond fertile age

    Empirical Comparison of Graph Embeddings for Trust-Based Collaborative Filtering

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    In this work, we study the utility of graph embeddings to generate latent user representations for trust-based collaborative filtering. In a cold-start setting, on three publicly available datasets, we evaluate approaches from four method families: (i) factorization-based, (ii) random walk-based, (iii) deep learning-based, and (iv) the Large-scale Information Network Embedding (LINE) approach. We find that across the four families, random-walk-based approaches consistently achieve the best accuracy. Besides, they result in highly novel and diverse recommendations. Furthermore, our results show that the use of graph embeddings in trust-based collaborative filtering significantly improves user coverage.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted as a full paper on the 25th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'20

    Pre-pregnancy overweight or obesity and gestational diabetes as predictors of body composition in offspring twenty years later : evidence from two birth cohort studies

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    Background. Global prevalence of overweight/obesity and gestational diabetes (GDM) is increasing. In pregnant women both conditions affect offspring's later health. Overweight/obesity is a risk factor of GDM; to what extent maternal overweight/obesity explains long-term effects of GDM in offspring is unknown. Objective. To evaluate effects of maternal pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity (BMI ⩾25 kg/m2) and GDM, occurring together or separately, on body composition among adult offspring. Methods. Participants include 891 individuals aged 24.1 years (s.d. 1.4) from two longitudinal cohort studies (ESTER and AYLS). Adult offspring of normoglycemic mothers with overweight/obesity (ONOO, n=153), offspring of mothers with GDM (OGDM; n=191) and controls (n=547) underwent anthropometric measurements and bioimpedance analysis. GDM was diagnosed by oral glucose tolerance test. Data were analyzed by linear regression models adjusted for confounders. Results. Compared with controls, ONOO-participants showed higher BMI [men 1.64 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval 0.57, 2.72); women 1.41 kg/m2 (0.20, 2.63)] and fat percentage [men 2.70% (0.99, 4.41); women 2.98% (0.87, 5.09)] with larger waist circumferences [men 3.34 cm (0.68, 5.99); women 3.09 cm (0.35, 5.83)]. Likewise, OGDM-participants showed higher fat percentage [men 1.97% (0.32, 3.61); women 2.32% (0.24, 4.41)]. BMI was non-significantly different between OGDM-participants and controls [men 0.88kg/m2 (-0.17, 1.92); women 0.82 kg/m2 (-0.39, 2.04)]. Also waist circumferences were larger [men 2.63 cm (-0.01, 5.28); women 3.39 cm (0.60, 6.18)], this difference was statistically significant in OGDM-women only. Differences in body composition measures were stronger among offspring of women with both GDM and overweight/obesity. For instance, fat mass was higher among OGDM-participants of overweight mothers [men 4.24 kg (1.36, 7.11) vs controls; women 5.22 kg (1.33, 9.11)] than OGDM participants of normal weight mothers [men 1.50 kg (-2.11, 5.11) higher vs controls; women 1.57 kg (-3.27, 6.42)]. Conclusions. Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and GDM are associated with unhealthy body size and composition in offspring over 20 years later. Effects of maternal pre-pregnancy overweight appear more pronounced

    Use of private gynaecologist does not relate to better prevention outcomes – An ecological analysis from Finland

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    BACKGROUND: Control of reproduction and prevention of reproductive health problems are important reasons for women to use health services, but the proper organisational level of service provision is not clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether visits to private gynaecologists correlate with better health outcomes and worse participation in organised screening for cancer programs. METHODS: This is an ecological analysis using municipalities and groups of women at 5-year age intervals within municipalities as study units. First, the Finnish municipalities (n = 452) were classified into three groups by the age-adjusted level of use of private gynaecologists. Secondly, each age group within municipalities was classified into tertiles by the level of private gynaecologist use. The outcomes were participation in cervical and organised breast cancer screening for cancer programmes, stage of gynaecological and breast cancers at diagnosis, and abortion rates and ratios. All data were obtained from national registers by groups at 5-year age intervals and by municipality. Raw and adjusted (age groups, and in some analyses, municipality social class index) odds ratios, total and by urbanity, were calculated. RESULTS: The proportions of women participating in cervical cancer and organised breast cancer screening for cancer were somewhat higher in the groups having a low use of private gynaecologists. The proportions of local cancers of all cervical, uterine, ovarian and breast cancers were similar in the three groups, even though the first analysis method suggested somewhat better results for the low-use group in case of cervical cancer and for the high-use group in case of uterine and breast cancer. The rates of induced abortion were higher in municipalities having a high use of private gynaecologists than in those having lower use. CONCLUSION: This ecological analysis suggests that frequent use of private gynaecologists relates somewhat to lower organised screening for cancer participation, and is not better in preventing abortions or in detecting cancer earlier. Our results suggest that a planned system relying mainly on general practitioners and public health nurses as the first line care providers is equally good for women's reproductive health as that in which specialists are used

    Postexercise Heart Rate Recovery in Adults Born Preterm

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    Objective To evaluate postexercise heart rate recovery (HRR) in adults born preterm. Study design We studied the association between preterm birth and postexercise HRR in 545 adults (267 women) at 23.3 years of age (range 19.9-26.3 years). One hundred three participants were born early preterm ( Results Mean peak HR was 159.5 bpm in the early preterm (P = .16 with controls), 157.8 bpm in the late preterm (P = .56), and 157.0 bpm in the control group. Mean HRR 30 seconds after exercise was 3.2 bpm (95% CI 1.1-5.2) lower in the early preterm group and 2.1 bpm (0.3-3.8) lower in the late preterm group than the full term controls. Mean 60s HRR was 2.5 (-0.1 to 5.1) lower in the early preterm group and 2.8 bpm (0.6-4.9) lower in the late preterm group. Mean maximum slope after exercise was 0.10 beats/s (0.02-0.17) lower in the early preterm group and 0.06 beats/s (0.00-0.12) lower in the late preterm group. Conclusions Our results suggest reduced HRR after exercise in adults born preterm, including those born late preterm. This suggests altered reactivation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which may contribute to cardiovascular risk among adults born preterm.Peer reviewe