81 research outputs found

    AEinfluss der arbeitsbedingungen auf die positiven Effekte der Aerobic Gymnastik

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    It has been showed that the positive mood effects of aerobics may be eliminated by unpleasant working conditions. The aim of this study was to test the dependence of fitness improvement in aerobics on environmental conditions. The study was performed on three aerobic dance groups (total of 42 women, aged between 19 and 27 years old). According to a special questionnaire, the participants evaluated the environmental working conditions as good in two groups and unsatisfactory in the third group. Mood testing (STAI and PANAS) confirmed positive acute affects in groups 1 and 2 and a lack of positive mood changes in group 3. The heart rate monitoring showed that the workload of the exercise sessions observed was approximately the same. The 12-week training programme caused significant improvements of forward trunk bend in all groups. No significant changes occurred in Harvard step-test index (obviously due to the high initial level) and standing broad jump. The medicine ball throw improved in group 1 and group 3 but not in group 2. The number of squats in 30 s increased in groups 1 and 2, and of sit-ups only in group 3. In conclusion, the negative mood affects generated by the unpleasant working conditions did not alter the influence of aerobics dance on fitness improvement.Uvod Dokazano je da neprikladni uvjeti rada (vježbanja) mogu poništiti pozitivan učinak vježbanja aerobike na raspoloženje. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio testirati ovisnost aerobikom uzrokovanog poboljšanja funkcionalnih sposobnosti o uvjetima u kojima se vježba. Metode Istraživanje je provedeno na tri skupine vježbačica aerobika (ukupno 42 žene u dobi od 19 do 27 godina). Ispitanice su prema specijalnom upitniku ocijenile uvjete vježbanja. Tijekom slučajno odabranih satova aerobike testirano je raspoloženje (STAI i PANAS) i praćena je frekvencija srca. Napredak u stupnju funkcionalnih sposobnosti tijekom 12-tjednog perioda vježbanja procijenjen je pretklonom na klupi, brojem čučnjeva u 30 sekundi, brojem podizanja trupa iz ležanja na leđima u 30 sekundi, skokom udalj iz mjesta, bacanjem medicinke i harvardskim step-testom. Rezultati Analiza ispunjenih upitnika pokazala je da su ispitanice situaciju tijekom i nakon sata ocijenile kako je bilo i očekivano. Vježbačice iz skupina 1 i 2 pozitivno su ocijenile dvoranu, njeno osvjetljenje i čistoću, kao i sanitarne uvjete svlačionica i kupaonica. Prosječne ocjene na skali od tri stupnja kretale su se između 2.44 i 2.89 (tablica 1). Nešto niže ocjene dale su vježbačice dvoranskoj ventilaciji, veličini i opremljenosti svlačionica (prosječna ocjena između 1.67 i 2.11). U skupini 3 većina ocjena bila je značajno niža (tablica 1). Na satovima vježbanja svih grupa, instruktor i ostali polaznici grupe dobili su većinom pozitivne ocjene (tablica 2). Objašnjenje vježbe i uzvratna potvrda grupe ocijenjeni su gotovo maksimalnim ocjenama. U tim evaluacijama nisu pronađene razlike među skupinama, osim u evaluaciji težine vježbi. Za razliku od skupina 1 i 3, skupina 2 ocijenila je da su vježbe manje teške. Prosječna frekvencija srca tijekom glavnog dijela slučajno odabranog sata vježbanja u skupini 1 bila je 157±12 otk/min (aritmetička sredina + SD), u skupini 2 iznosila je 159±10, a u skupini 3 160±12 otk/min. Porast frekvencije srca tijekom zagrijavanja, kao i pad frekvencije srca tijekom završnog dijela sata bili su najizraženiji u skupini 1 (tablica 3). Rasprava i zaključak Kod skupina 1 i 2, koje su vježbale u dobrim uvjetima, t-test za zavisne uzorke pokazao je značajnu redukciju anksioznog stanja i anksioznosti (slika 1). U skupini 3, koja je vježbala u neprikladnim, lošim uvjetima nisu nađene značajne razlike. U skupini 1 i 2 značajno je porasla razina pozitivnih osjećaja i snizila se razina negativnih osjećaja (slika 2), do čega nije došlo u skupini 3. U toj skupini inicijalna razina anksioznosti te razine pozitivnih i negativnih osjećaja bile su više no u ostalim skupinama. Prema pravilu inicijalne razine, to bi trebalo potaknuti smanjenje anksioznosti i pad razine negativnih osjećaja te inhibirati porast razine pozitivnih osjećaja. Među skupinama nisu pronađene značajne razlike u inicijalnoj razini funkcionalnih sposobnosti, osim viših vrijednosti harvardskog indeksa u skupini 2 (tablica 4). Sve skupine pokazale su značajan napredak u pretklonu na klupi. Nijedna skupina nije pokazala poboljšanje indeksa harvardskog step-testa ni skoka udalj iz mjesta. Poboljšanje u bacanju medicinke zabilježeno je u skupinama 1 i 3, ali ne i u skupini 2. Broj čučnjeva u 30 sekundi povećao se u skupinama 1 i 2, a broj podizanja trupa iz ležećeg položaja samo u skupini 3. Zaključno, ovo istraživanje kontroliranog dizajna pokazalo je da negativni učinci na raspoloženje, izazvani neprikladnim uvjetima za vježbanje, nisu izmijenili utjecaj programa aerobike na poboljšanje razine funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti, odnosno fitnesa.Es wurde schon bewiesen, dass die positiven Effekte des aeroben Trainings auf die Laune in unangenehmen Arbeitsbedingungen abhanden kommen können. Diese Arbeit hat das Ziel, die Abhängigkeit zwischen durch Aerobic-Gymnastik bewirkte Fitnessverbesserung und den Arbeitsbedingungen festzustellen. Die Untersuchung wurde in drei Gruppen durchgeführt (insgesamt 42 Frauen im Alter zwischen 19 und 27 Jahren). Mittels Fragebogen bewerteten die Befragten die Arbeitsbedingungen als gut in zwei Gruppen und als ungenügend in der dritten Gruppe. Die Tests der Laune (STAI und PANAS) bestätigten den positiven akuten Effekt in Gruppen 1 und 2, und die Abwesenheit von positive Änderungen der Laune in Gruppe 3. Die Herzfrequenzkontrolle zeigte, dass die Belastung während einer Trainingseinheit fast gleich war. Das 12-wöchige Trainingsprogramm verursachte signifikante Verbesserung der Rumpfvorbeuge in allen Gruppen. Keine signifikanten Änderungen waren im Harvard Step-Test Index (offensichtlich wegen hohen Anfangsniveaus) und Standweitsprung zu merken. Die Medizinballwurfwerte nahmen in Gruppen 1 und 3 zu, nicht aber in Gruppe 2. Die Anzahl von Hocken in 30 Sekunden nahm in Gruppen 1 und 2 zu, und von Sit-Ups nur in Gruppe 3. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die durch unangenehmen Arbeitsbedingungen entstandenen negativen Effekte den Einfluss der Aerobic-Gymnastik auf die Fitnessverbesserung nicht ändern

    Muusikakriitika väärtushoiakud Eesti trükiajakirjanduses

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on uurida muusikakriitika väärtushoiakuid Eesti trükiajakirjanduses ning selgitada, kuidas need kultuuriväljal suhteid organiseerivad. Töö põhineb kaheksa Eesti ajakirjandusväljaande kolme kuu materjali kvalitatiivsel sisuanalüüsil. Valimisse kuuluvad täielikult riigi poolt rahastatud Sihtasutuse Kultuurileht väljaanded Sirp, Teater.Muusika.Kino ja Muusika, üldlehed Postimees, Eesti Päevaleht ja Eesti Ekspress ning kultuuriväljaanded Müürileht ja KesKus. Kõnealune töö lähtub väärtushoiakute tuvastamisel nii klassikalisest esteetikateooriast (Immanuel Kant) kui ka muusikaesteetika vanematest ja uuematest käsitlustest (Roger Scruton), aga selle teoreetiliseks keskmeks on kultuurisotsioloog Pierre Bourdieu maitse- ja väljade teooria ning temast inspireeritud muusikasotsioloogide uurimistöö (Simon Frith, Motti Regev jt). Toetudes magistritöö autori bakalaureusetööle (Järvekülg 2012) ning värsketele Eesti kultuuriajakirjanduse uuringu tulemustele, kinnitab antud töö, et Eesti trükiajakirjanduse muusikakriitikat võib vastavalt eelistatud kajastamiseks valitud objektidele vaadelda polariseerununa: Sihtasutuse Kultuurileht väljaannetes domineerib klassikalise muusika kajastus kontserdiarvustuse vormis ning ülejäänud väljaannetes popmuusika kajastus plaadiarvustuse vormis. Tulemustest selgub, et Sihtasutuse Kultuurileht väljaannete muusikakriitikas avalduvad positiivsed väärtused nagu professionaalsus, romantiseeritud „kunst kunsti pärast” ideoloogia, traditsioon ja haridus, mille kaudu ilmnevad ringkonnale omane institutsionaalne hoiak, universaalse „õige” taotlus ning ka otsesed negatiivse alatooniga vastandused nii-öelda kommertsialiseerunud massimuusikaga laiemal muusikaväljal. Üldlehtede, Müürilehe ja KesKusi muusikakriitika baseerub eelkõige aga individualiseeritud, eneseväljenduslikul, personaalselt seostatud käsitlusel, mis on selle grupi läbiv hoiak. Ka nende väljaannete puhul võib leida ühiseid väärtusi, mis on organiseeritud näiteks autentsuse või originaalsuse ümber, aga mida ei pruugita näha üheselt läbi positiivse või negatiivse hinnangu. Kõikvõimalike hierarhiate loomine aga ei välju seejuures popmuusikavaldkonnast. Sellest võib järeldada, et riigi poolt toetatud väljaannete autorid teadvustavad oma teatavat kõrgemat staatust kultuuriväljal ning tunnetavad, et see on traditsiooniliselt madalamaks peetud muusikavormide poolt ohustatud. Eeltoodu alusel sobiks intervjuude abil edasi uurida seda, kuidas suhtuks kultuuriväljal tegutsevad professionaalid popmuusika eri vormide võimalikku legitimatsiooni riiklikult rahastatud kultuuriväljaannetes ja ühiskonnas laiemalt. Enne seda peaks aga tuvastama, mida erinevates klassikasfäärides tegutsevad inimesed popmuusikana tajuvad ja mida selle juures väärtustavad.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4605022*es

    Akute beruhigende und stimmungsbalancierende Wirkung des Aerobic im Bezug auf Umgebungsbedingungen

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    The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that diverse environmental conditions may modulate the acute psychological outcome of sessions of aerobics. 70 healthy women (age 17 to 35 years) exercised in three groups, two in unsatisfactory environmental conditions and one in excellent conditions. The acute effects of a standardized 40-min session of aerobics were recorded using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Personality traits were assessed with the aid of the Big Five Personality Inventory. The paired t-test showed that the session reduced state anxiety and negative affect in the group exercising in excellent conditions. In the groups exercising in unsatisfactory conditions the negative affect level did not change. State anxiety was reduced only in one of the two groups. MANOVA showed that the initial levels of state anxiety or negative affect had a stronger main effect on the changes of these parameters than the environmental conditions. Taking into account the results of the univariate test of F significance and the level of statistical power, it was possible to establish that the environmental conditions attributed 11%, the initial level of state anxiety 36%, the initial level of trait anxiety 18%, openness 24% and interaction of extroversion with environmental conditions 12% to the variance of state anxiety.Das Ziel der Studie war es, die Hypothese zu prüfen, ob unterschiedliche Umgebungsbedingungen das akute psychologische Ergebnis einer Aerobicstunde modulieren können. 70 gesunde Frauen (im Alter von 17 bis 35 Jahre) übten in drei Gruppen, von denen zwei in den unbefriedigenden und eine in den außerordentlichen Bedingungen arbeiteten. Akute Wirkungen einer standardisierten 40-Minuten langen Aerobicstunde wurden mittels State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) und Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) aufgezeichnet. Persönliche Gefühle wurden mit Hilfe von Big Five Personality Inventory bewertet. Der gepaarte t-Test zeigte, dass die Beängstigung und die negativen Gefühle in der Gruppe, die in den außerordentlichen Bedingungen übte, durch die Aerobicsstunde vermindert wurden. In den beiden in unbefriedigenden Bedingungen übenden Gruppen ist die Ebene der negativen Gefühle gleich geblieben. Die zuständliche Beängstigung wurde nur in einer dieser Gruppen reduziert. MANOVA zeigte, dass die Anfangsebenen der Beängstigung oder der negativen Gefühle eine stärkere Hauptwirkung auf die Umwandlung dieser Parameter hatten, als die Umgebungsbedingungen. Wenn man die Ergebnisse des univariaten Tests von F-Bedeutung sowie die Ebene der statistischen Kraft in Betracht zieht, konnte man feststellen, dass die Umgebungsbedingungen für etwa 11%, die Anfangsebenen der zuständlichen Beängstigung für 36%, die Anfangsebenen der persönlichen Beängstigung für 18%, die Offenheit für 24%und die Interaktion des Extravertiertseins mit Umgebungsumstanden für 12% der Varianz der zuständlichen Beängstigung verantwortlich waren

    The impact of Sillaoru hydroelectric power station on the downstream migration of salmon smolts in the Purtse River

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    Bakalaureusetöö Vee ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia õppekavalEesti jõgedel on üle 50 hüdroelektrijaamaga (HEJ) paisu ning kõigi nende juures on oluliseks probleemiks kaladele ohutute allarände tingimuste tagamine. 2015. a Purtse jõel Sillaoru HEJ juures läbi viidud lõhesmoltide laskuva rände uuring oli Eestis esimene sellelaadne. Eesmärgiks oli uurida smoltide laskuva rände ajalist ja ruumilist kulgu ning erinevate rändeteede ohutust töötava HEJ, kalapääsu ja liigveelaskmega paisu juures. Uuringus kasutati RMK Põlula kalakasvatuskeskuses ettekasvatatud lõhesmolte, kes enne asustamist märgistati rasvauime lõikamisega, 40 isendit ka individuaalsete akustiliste märgistega. Kalade laskuva rände kulgu jälgiti mõrrapüükide ja akustilise telemeetria meetodit kasutades. Selgus, et vaatamata suhteliselt väikesele vooluhulgale valis enamik smolte (71–74%) paisu juures laskumiseks kalapääsu. Oluline osa laskujatest (23–26%) valis rändeteeks põhivoolul oleva HEJ derivatsioonikanali ning vaid üksikud isendid (3%) eelistasid allarändeteena paisu liigveelasku, mille vooluhulk oli lähedane kalapääsu vooluhulgale. Rände ajaline analüüs näitas, et asustatud kalad alustasid koheselt allarännet. Esimesel päeval läbis paisu 69%, teisel 20%, kolmandal 6% ja neljandal 3% laskujatest. Laskumise intensiivsus oli kõrgem perioodil õhtul kella 18-st hommikul kella 6-ni, maksimum vahetult enne südaööd. Laskumisel läbi HEJ oli smoltide kohene suremus vähemalt 33% ning järelsuremus 7%. Laskumisel üle liigveelaskme ja läbi kalapääsu suremus puudus. Uuringust järeldub, et senini seadusega nõutud 25 mm võre HEJ turbiinide sissevoolul pole piisava tihedusega tõkestamaks lõhesmoltide sattumist turbiinidesse.There are more than 50 dams with hydroelectric power stations (HPS) on Estonian rivers and providing safe conditions for the downstream migration of fish is an important issue with all of them. The study of the downstream migration of salmon smolts, conducted in 2015 at the Sillaoru HPS on Purtse river, was the first of its kind in Estonia. The goal was to analyze the spatial and temporal progress of the downstream migration of smolts and the safety of passage in the HPS channel, fish pass and water spillway. The salmon smolts used in the study originated from RMK Põlula fish rearing centre. All of them were marked by removing the adipose fin and 40 of the smolts were fitted with individual acoustic trackers. The downstream migration was monitored using trapping and acoustic telemetry. Most smolts (71–74%) preferred the fish pass for downstream migration despite the relatively low water flow. A significant part of the smolts (23–26%) chose the HPS channel and only a few (3%) migrated over the water spillway. The fish started their downstream migration right after being introduced to the river. 69% of the smolts descended through the dam complex on the first day, followed by 20% on the second, 6% on the third and 3% on the fourth day. The descent intensity was highest from 18 PM to 6 AM, reaching the maximum just before midnight. The immediate mortality while descending through the HPS was at least 33%, with an after-mortality of 7%. The mortality while descending through the fish pass or water spillway was 0. The study shows that a grate with 25 mm (legally required minimum) gaps is not sufficient to stop smolts from reaching the HPS channel

    Piiri konstrueerimine ajakirjanduses klassikalise ja popmuusika vahel Sirbi ja Areeni näitel

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    The purpose of this bachelor thesis titled „Construction of Borders between Classical and Pop Music. The Case of Sirp and Areen” is to analyze differences between the musical writings in two weekly cultural Estonian newspapers of which state-funded Sirp is presumably focusing on classical music and Eesti Ekspress´ culture addition Areen focusing on pop music. Main idea is to find out if music journalism in Estonia differentiates classical music as something “high” and pop music as something “low” and therefore applies to the modernist approach on music or not. The work is based on classic theoretical writings by Pierre Bourdieu and Theodor Adorno as well as more recent postmodernist works by Herbert J. Gans or Estonian publicists on music classification. The key question of this paper goes as follows: How Sirp and Areen construct the border between classical and pop music? This problem is examined by qualitative text analysis using elements of grounded theory. Sample includes all music-themed articles of January and two earliest issues of February 2011 from Sirp and Areen. It is supported by two interviews with music editors from both newspapers. Author tries to analyze attitudes toward border-building or –braking in music, different viewpoints on music, the style of writing and compare those aspects between two substantially different newspapers. Prior to that a small-scale quantitative analysis is added. Results of this research show that there were very few articles in Sirp involved with pop-music and only couple of articles in Areen about classical music. Authors in Sirp show up for their extensive academic education on music. It was difficult to detect different viewpoints from creator to consumer in every phrase of the articles because they were often mixed in one sentence. In Areen music is more viewed in the context of commercialization and distribution and in Sirp the context of musical performance itself, interpretation is common. That’s because majority of the articles in Areen were record reviews and concert reviews dominated in Sirp. CD, a record, is clearly more observable as a product of consumer society than a concert. Object, that is reviewed, creates that difference. When writing about creation, the essence of the musical pieces, authors in Areen stylistically tended to be less formal, slang and colloquialism was often used. Selfexpression as a motive for writing seems more important in Areen than in Sirp and it was also supported by interviews´ results. Border-breaking in music as a topic was also more popular in Areen. The use of words among Sirp authors was often overly expansive. Classical music was referred to as something grandiose, monumental, deep etc. Although there was rarely clear, what was being viewed as “low”, such use of words concealedly considers classical music as something “high”. Professionalism was seen quite differently when comparing two newspapers. In Sirp it was linked to musical education and interpretation, the technical instrument-handling skill, but in Areen it was mostly used to describe the production of music, work in the recording studio. Again, this probably comes from the difference of objects that are reviewed in both newspapers. Still, the main aspect that makes Areen and Sirp different is their dissimilar orientation in music. Classical music by nature is more conservative tied to rules traditions and modernist values, when pop music seems more liberal and pursues more postmodernist values. Undoubtedly, the choice of music reviewed in both newspapers has affected the way music is written about.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2610718~S1*es

    Alternatiivsete ja järjestatud nõuete olemus ja menetlemise erisused Eesti tsiviilkohtumenetluses

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    Akute Anxiolytische und stimmungshebende Wirkung der Aerobic-gymnastik: die Beziehung zum alter, persönlichkeit und Anfangsbangigkeitsniveau

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    The purpose of the study was to establish the significance of personal traits, age, initial anxiety and affect levels in changes of state and trait anxiety and of any positive and negative affect during a 40- min session of aerobic gymnastics. Participants were 70 healthy women in age range from 17 to 57 years. The testing took place before and after the session with the aid of State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). The examinees filled in the NEO- PI (Big Five Personality Inventory) and the Beck Depression Inventory on the next day. The session of aerobic gymnastics resulted in a reduced state anxiety and diminished negative affect level. The anxiolytic effect appeared to be promoted by high initial levels of state anxiety, pronounced negative affect before the session, and interaction of age with openness and conscientiousness. The dimi- nished negative affect level was related to the initial levels of state anxiety and negative affect level. Interaction of age, and initial levels of state anxiety and negative affect attributed 83% to the variance of the anxiolytic effect and 77% of the decrease in negative affect. In conclusion, the acute effects of aerobic gymnastics are reduced anxiety and a balancing mood. Both effects are promoted by initial high anxiety and mood imbalance.Svrha je ovoga istraživanja bila utvrditi kolika je važnost crta licnosti, životne dobi, inicijalnog stupnja anksioznosti i raznih afektivnih stanja za promjene anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja, kao i za pozitivne i negativne učinke 40-minutnog vježbanja aerobike. Uzorak ispitanica činilo je 70 zdravih žena u dobi od 17 do 57 godina. Za mjerenja, koja su provedena neposredno prije i poslije sata aerobike, korišteni su upitnici State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STA) i Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Ispitanice su idući dan popunile još dva upitnika – Big Five Personality Inventory (NEO-PI) i Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Ustanovljeno je sniženje anksioznoga stanja nakon četrdesetominutnog vježbanja aerobike. Dob nije korelirala ni sa jednom varijablom crta ličnosti, kao ni sa razinom anksioznosti i anksioznoga stanja prije i nakon treninga, ali je uspostavila korelaciju s redukcijom anksioznoga stanja tijekom vježbanja. Prema rezultatima multivarijatne analize varijance (MANOVA ), dob ne utječe znatnije na razine anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja niti na veličinu njihove promjene. Razine anksioznosti i anksioznih stanja korelirale su s neuroticizmom, ekstravertiranošću, savjesnošću i BDI-om, ali ne i sa stupnjem ugodnosti osobe. Eta-kvadrat je pokazao da se razina anksioznoga stanja prije vježbanja može pripisati ekstraverziji (29%). Varijanca anksioznoga stanja nakon vježbanja mogla se pripisati neuroticizmu (18%), ekstraverziji (27%), otvorenosti prema iskustvu (17%), savjesnosti (20%), stupnju ugodnosti osobe (21%) i BDI- u (33%). Veličina promjene anksioznosti nije korelirala s utvrđenim crtama licnosti. Samo je inicijalna razina anksioznoznog stanja značajno utjecala na ostale mjere anksioznosti. Udio inicijalne anksioznosti u varijanci anksioznoga stanja nakon vježbanja bio je 30%, a u promjeni anksioznoga stanja 39%. Interakcijom između dobi i inicijalnih razina anksioznoga stanja može se objasniti 37% varijance promjene anksioznoga stanja. Trening nije značajnije utjecao na razinu pozitivnih emocija, ali je znatno smanjio negativne emocije. Na temelju rezultata MANOVA-e, utvrđen je glavni utjecaj ekstraverzije. Ostale crte ličnosti i dob nisu imale utjecaja na parametre emocija. Ekstraverzija objašnjava 24% varijance inicijalnih pozitivnih emocija i 19% varijance negativnih emocija nakon vježbanja. Pokazalo se da je inicijalna razina anksioznoga stanja, ali ne i anksioznosti, najznačajnije utjecala na promjene i pozitivnih i negativnih emocija tijekom vježbanja – 22% varijance promjene pozitivnih emocija i 15% varijance promjene negativnih emocija objašnjeno je individualnim razlikama u inicijalnom stupnju anksioznog stanja. Iinicijalna razina pozitivnih emocija sudjelovala je u promjeni anksioznoga stanja sa 25%, a inicijalna razina negativnih emocija sa 29%. Zaključimo, na anksiolitički učinak aerobike utjecale su, prije svega, visoka inicijalna razina anksioznoga stanja, inicijalno jasno izražene negativne emocije te interakcija između životne dobi, s jedne strane, i otvorenosti prema iskustvu i savjesnosti, s druge. Sniženje razine negativnih emocija povezano je s inicijalnim razinama anksioznoga stanja i negativnih emocija. Interakcija životne dobi s inicijalnim razinama anksioznoga stanja i negativnih emocija objašnjava 83% varijance anksiolitičkog efekta aerobike i 77% sniženja negativnih emocija.Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die Bedeutung des Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, des Alters, des initialen Bangigkeitsniveaus und des Affektniveaus bei den Veränderungen der Bangigkeit und des Bangigkeits-zustands, sowie des positiven und negativen Affekts während einer 40-Minuten langen Stunde von Aerobic-Gymnastik festzustellen. 70 gesunden Frauen im Alter von 17 bis 57 Jahren nahmen an der Untersuchung teil. Sie wurden vor und nach der Aerobic-Gymnastik-Stunde mittels State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) und Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) geprüft. Am nächsten Tag füllten die Teilnehmerinnen die Fragebögen “NEO-PI (Big Five Personality Inventory)” und “Beck Depression Inventory” aus. Die Ergebnisse der Aerobic-Gymnastik-Stunde waren reduzierter Bangigkeitszustand und verminderter negativer Affekt. Die anxiolytische Wirkung scheint durch einen hohen Anfangsbangigkeitszustandniveau, den ausgeprägten vorherigen negativen Affekt, sowie durch die Wechselwirkung vom Alter und Unbefangenheit und Gewissenhaftigkeit verstärkt zu sein. Vermindertes negatives Affektniveau korrelierte mit dem Anfangsbangigkeitszustandniveau, sowie mit dem Niveau des negativen Affekts. Die Wechselwirkung vom Alter, Anfangs und negativem Affektniveau war für 83% der Varianz der anxiolytischen Wirkung, sowie für 77% der Verminderung des negativen Affekts verantwortlich. Es kann beschlossen werden, dass die akute Wirkungen von Aerobic-Gymnastik reduzierte Bangigkeit und bessere Stimmung seien. Beide Wirkungen werden durch eine hohe Anfangs- bangigkeit und Stimmungsstörung verstärkt