15 research outputs found

    Helsingin alueen kuurojen kokemuksia tulkkauspalvelun ammattimaistumisesta

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    Opinnäytetyössä on tutkittu miten kuurot ovat kokeneet vuosien varrella tulkkauspalvelussa tapahtuneet muutokset. Opinnäytetyön aineisto koottiin haastattelemalla marraskuu 2009- tammikuu 2010 välisenä aikana viittä Helsingin Kuurojen Yhdistyksen jäsentä. Haastattelut muodostuivat yhden kuulevan tulkin esihaastattelusta sekä neljän kuuron henkilön päähaastatteluista. Haastatteluiden kautta kerättiin arvokasta materiaalia, joka on aikaisemmin kulkenut vain suullisena tietona. Opinnäytetyö oli tilaustyö, jonka tilaajana toimi Helsingin Kuurojen Yhdistys. Helsingin Kuurojen Yhdistyksen tarkoitus on vuonna 2015 julkaista poimintoja opinnäytetyöstä osana yhdistyksen 120-vuotishistoriikkia. Historiikista tehdään teos, johon on koottu yhdistyksen jäsenten henkilökohtaisia muistoja ja kokemuksia yhdistettynä heidän aikakautensa merkittäviin tapahtumiin. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite oli sama, ja opinäytetyön avulla haluttiin ennen kaikkea kerätä arvokasta kokemuspohjaista tietoa. Työstä haluttiin tehdä mielenkiintoinen ja kuurojen maailmaa valaiseva kokonaisuus keskittyen erityisesti Helsingin alueen kuuroihin. Koska kuurojen historiaa on Suomessa tutkittu hyvin vähän, opinnäytetyömme tuo uutta tietoa kuurojen historiasta kiinnostuneille. Viittomakielen tulkkauspalvelusta tuli laissa määritelty oikeus kuulovammaisille vuonna 1979. Ennen lakimuutosta kuulovammaiset saivat kielen kääntämiseen apua esimerkiksi kuulevilta, viittomakielentaitoisilta sukulaisiltaan. Kuulovammaiset jäivät usein paitsi heitä koskevasta tiedosta. Heille tulkattiin tiivistelty versio siitä, mitä muut olivat juuri keskustelleet. Tulkkauspalvelun ammattimaistuminen sekä tulkkien koulutuksen alkaminen olivat suuri parannus tulkkia tarvitsevien ihmisten oikeuksiin. Tulkkauspalvelu mahdollistaa tasa-arvoisen kommunikaation kuulevien ja kuurojen välillä. Tekniikan kehittyminen on tuonut huomattavasti parannusta tulkkien tilaamiseen sekä erilaisten käytännön asioiden hoitamiseen.This thesis is a qualitative research how the hearing impaired have observed changes to their inter-preting services over the passing years. The data used in this thesis has been collected by interviewing five (5) members of The Helsinki Deaf Club between November 2009 and January 2010. The interviews were split into two parts that were conducted as one preliminary interview with a hearing interpreter and the main interviews with four (4) hearing impaired persons. These interviews collected valuable information that has previously only been transmitted as oral interpretation. This thesis was a commissioned research ordered by The Helsinki Deaf Club. The objective of The Helsinki Deaf Club is to publish in 2015 extracts from different thesis as part of a publication comemorating their 120 year history. The publication will comprise recollections and experiences of its members during the historically significant events during their lifetime. The objective of this thesis was the same as the publication under work, to collect valuable empiric information. The desire was to create an interesting thesis that would shed insight into the world of the Helsinki hearing impaired community. Because there is little historical research of the hearing impaired in Finland, this thesis is of importance to those interested in its history. The legislation for the right of Interpreting Services for the hearing impaired was passed in 1979. Before the legislation was passed, interpreting for the hearing impaired was the responsibility of the hearing who were familiar with sign language, typically their relations. The hearing impaired often did not have the essential information they needed. The hearing impaired were interpreted compressed interpretations of the subjects discussed. The legislation formalising the Interpreting Services and the establishment of the education of interpreters were significant improvements to the rights of people who needed these interpreting services. The Interpreting Services enable equal communication between the hearing and hearing impaired. The development of technology has significantly improved the possibility to reserve interpreters and take care of other practical matters

    Understanding the Participatory Development approach to Solid Waste Management -A case study of Mnyamatsini, Swaziland

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    In the field of development studies, few concepts have gained as much prominence as the Participatory Development (PD) approach, which emphasizes on putting the poor and marginalized groups at the heart of development policy planning practices. Central to the PD approach is bottom-up management of development policymaking and practices, which considers learning, empowerment and local ownership as both a means to an end, and an end in itself. However, it has not gone without criticism, especially with regards to conceptual slips in visualizing community as a homogenous group, and underestimating the embedded power relations. This paper relies on the concept of PD and the related criticisms as a lens to understand the participation behavior in a bottom-up waste management project in Mnyamatsini, a semi-rural area of Swaziland. The project, ‘Mbabane Dry Sanitation and Waste Management’ (MDSWM) uses the PD approach as a core element to enable the project’s efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability and ultimately to contribute to solving the poor waste management practices in the community. However, central to the project’s success is the level of local participation of community members as both implementers and users. The findings of the paper demonstrate that the local community’s participation or not in the project as users and implementers is determined by a complex interplay of factors, including social relations, ownership issues and environmental health aspects. This complexity requires in this context, a “middle-ground” approach between “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches to this development project

    Modelling the potential effect of shared bicycles on public transport travel times in Greater Helsinki : An open data approach

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    In many European cities, support for public transport and cycling in daily mobility is considered an efficient means to reduce air pollution, traffic jams, and carbon emissions. Shared bicycle systems have turned out effective in increasing cycling in many urban areas, particularly when combined with public transportation. In this study, we make an effort to model a hypothetical shared bike system and quantify its spatial effect on public transport travel times. The study area is one of the fastest growing urban agglomerations in Europe, the Greater Helsinki area in Finland. We model the travel times between the population and 16 important destinations in the city centre of Helsinki by public transportation and by public transportation extended with shared bikes. We use open route and timetable databases and tools developed in-house to perform extensive data mining through application programming interfaces (APIs). We show 1) that open transport information interfaces can provide a new effective means to evaluate multimodal accessibility patterns in urban areas and 2) that the launch of a bicycle sharing system could reduce public transportation travel times in the study area on average by more than 10%, meaning some 6 min per each individual trip. We conclude that bicycle sharing systems complementing the traditional public transport system could potentially increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of sustainable modes of urban transport and thus help cities to promote sustainable daily mobility. Finally, we emphasize that the availability of open data sources on urban transport information – such as the public transport data in our case – is vital for analysis of multimodal urban mobility patterns.In many European cities, support for public transport and cycling in daily mobility is considered an efficient means to reduce air pollution, traffic jams, and carbon emissions. Shared bicycle systems have turned out effective in increasing cycling in many urban areas, particularly when combined with public transportation. In this study, we make an effort to model a hypothetical shared bike system and quantify its spatial effect on public transport travel times. The study area is one of the fastest growing urban agglomerations in Europe, the Greater Helsinki area in Finland. We model the travel times between the population and 16 important destinations in the city centre of Helsinki by public transportation and by public transportation extended with shared bikes. We use open route and timetable databases and tools developed in-house to perform extensive data mining through application programming interfaces (APIs). We show 1) that open transport information interfaces can provide a new effective means to evaluate multimodal accessibility patterns in urban areas and 2) that the launch of a bicycle sharing system could reduce public transportation travel times in the study area on average by more than 10%, meaning some 6 min per each individual trip. We conclude that bicycle sharing systems complementing the traditional public transport system could potentially increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of sustainable modes of urban transport and thus help cities to promote sustainable daily mobility. Finally, we emphasize that the availability of open data sources on urban transport information – such as the public transport data in our case – is vital for analysis of multimodal urban mobility patterns.Peer reviewe

    Promoting source separation of Biowaste for a Sustainable Circular Economy in the Baltic Region

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    BackgroundThe European Union Waste Framework Directive mandates the separate collection and sustainable utilization of biowaste at the source in member states from January 1, 2024, to achieve the EU's target of recycling 65% of municipal solid waste by 2035. However, less than 50% of municipal biowaste is being collected separately in member states. This presents significant challenges for the Baltic countries, where some need to develop new collection systems and waste treatment facilities, while others must improve their existing systems. Moreover, up to 60% of biowaste still ends up in residual waste bins, which poses a concern for the solid waste management system. Study AreaThe cities examined in this study include Bornholm, Lappeenranta, Rostock, and Gdańsk distributed across different countries. The selected cities are located within the geographical vicinity of the Baltic Sea, a brackish inland sea in Northern Europe  (Figure 1).MethodsThis study was a collaborative effort involving experts from Germany, Finland, Denmark, and Poland The methodology employed in this study involved an extensive review of scientific literature and seven discussion meetings from January to March 2023 between involved experts. The research aimed to identify the challenges, gaps, and potential measures to improve the source separation of biowaste in the Baltic region.ResultsManagement of biowaste varies significantly due to consumption patterns, economic wealth, regional policies, technical infrastructure, and public awareness. The studied areas have national-level regulations on biowaste source separation and landfill bans. Aside from Germany, other countries have recently implemented these regulations, leading to a transitional phase in biowaste management.Local authorities often struggle to adapt solutions to their specific context due to limited flexibility and resources. Sharing experiences and knowledge can mitigate repeating mistakes, foster cross-border collaboration, and enhance local authorities' capacity to improve biowaste source separation.</div

    Hiki, ähky ja loikka - Osallistujien pedagogisia mietteitä ja ideoita hankkeen varrelta

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    DIGIJOUJOU-hankkeessa työskennelleet opettajat ovat hankkeen toimintavuosien 2017-2019 aikana pohtineet opetuksen ja oppimisen digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta eri näkökulmista: mitä digitaalisuus ja joustavuus suomen ja ruotsin opiskelussa tarkoittaa, miten soveltaa, lisätä ja kehittää digitaalisuutta ja joustavuutta omassa opetuksessa ja opiskelijoiden oppimisessa. Hankelaisten blogikirjoituksissa näemme askeleita opettajien omasta ja yhdessä muiden kanssa oppimisesta hankkeen edetessä; epävarmuus muuttuu varmuudeksi, ajoittainen digiähky oman asiantuntijuuden kasvuksi ja joustavuus osaksi opettajan arkipedagogiikkaa. Antoisia ja inspiroivia lukuhetkiä! Lisätietoa: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi/Lärarna i DIGIJOUJOU-projektet har under projektets verksamhetsår 2017-2019 reflekterat över digitalisering och exibilitet från olika perspektiv; vad betyder digitalisering och exibilitet i lärandet av finska och svenska, hur ska man implementera, öka och utveckla dessa i den egna undervisningen och i hur studerande lär sig finska och svenska. I projektdeltagarnas bloginlägg får vi inblick i hur allas lärandeprocess i projektet framskrider; osäkerhet utvecklas till säkerhet, digikaoset får ordning och exibilitet blir en del av den egna sakkunnigheten och pedagogiken. Med önskan om givande och inspirerande läsning! Mer information: https://digijoujou.aalto.fi

    Teaching practice research through fieldwork placements : Critical factors for successful trialogical learning processes

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    In this chapter, the authors describe and analyse the implementation of practice research teaching in cooperation with work communities. They are interested in what critical factors should be taken into account when students carry out their practice research in work communities. First, the authors examine the pedagogical basis of the practice research module, trialogical learning and how the module is built around it. After this they describe the practical implementation of the module. The practice research module was born from a need to produce competencies and information to help develop social work practices, as the results from academic research diverged into narrower and narrower subjects at the end of the 1990s. Trialogical learning is a broadly used pedagogical approach that strives to create new knowledge in working-life contexts. The trialogical approach to learning was developed as a part of a collaborative project with educational technology.Peer reviewe

    Koronapandemian ja Ukrainan sodan vaikutus matkailualaan Suomessa ja työllistymiseen alalla

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii koronapandemian ja Ukrainan sodan vaikutuksia Suomen matkailualaan ja restonomien työllistymiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena käyttäen haastatteluja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä. Tutkimuskysymyksinä olivat, Miten koronapandemia ja Ukrainan sota ovat vaikuttaneet Suomen matkailun alaan? Millaista on työllistyä matkailun alalla kriisien jälkeen? Miten restonomit työllistyivät kriisien jälkeen? Kokivatko restonomit vaikeuksia työllistyä? Millainen on matkailun alan tulevaisuus Suomessa kriisien jälkeen? Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu useista keskeisistä aiheista, jotka liittyvät tutkimuksen kontekstiin. Opinnäytetyössä puhutaan matkailusta toimialana, kotimaanmatkailusta, koronapandemiasta, ja sen vaikutuksista Suomessa, Ukrainan sodan vaikutuksista matkailualaan Suomessa, matkailualan vetovoimaisuudesta ja tulevaisuudesta Suomen matkailualalla. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tutkitaan matkailualaa kokonaisvaltaisesti, ja pohditaan kotimaanmatkailun merkitystä, ja koronapandemian vaikutuksista matkailuun Suomessa, sekä Ukrainan sodan vaikutuksista matkailualaan Suomessa. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä selvitetään myös matkailualan vetovoimaisuutta, sekä arvioidaan Suomen matkailualan tulevaisuutta. Näiden aiheiden pohjalta teoreettinen viitekehys luo ymmärrystä nykytilanteesta ja tarjoaa näkökulmia matkailualan kehitykseen Suomessa. Opinnäytetyön aineistonkeruu pohjautui laadullisiin haastatteluihin ja haastattelut toteutettiin videotapaamisilla, jonka kautta vastaajia haastateltiin. Haastatteluissa oli viisi valmistunutta restonomia, jotta opinnäytetyöhön saataisiin tietoa heidän kokemuksistaan matkailualan työmarkkinoista kriisien jälkeen. Haastateltavina oli viisi restonomia. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisesti, ja sen tavoitteena on saada kattava käsitys viimeaikaisten kriisien vaikutuksista Suomen matkailualaan ja restonomikoulutuksen merkityksestä työllistymisen kannalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että koronapandemia ja Ukrainan sota ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet Suomen matkailualaan ja restonomien näkemyksiin alasta. Kriisit ovat vaikuttaneet työllisyyteen, kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen ja lisänneet haavoittuvuutta alalla

    Exploring waste prevention possibilities through public procurement in public institutions -A case study from Bornholm, Denmark

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    The thesis explored how waste could be prevented through public procurement in the public institutions on the Danish island, Bornholm. The island has set an ambitious vision, ‘Bornholm showing the way – without waste 2032’, aiming for 100 % waste recycling and reuse by 2032. To reach the vision, it is essential to include waste prevention, particularly dematerialisation before goods are procured on to the island. The study aimed to look at how decision-makers could work towards preventing waste in public institutions. The thesis narrowed down to particularly focus on public procurement as a tool to steer towards waste prevention, hence to steer consumption. The study examined closer barriers and enablers to utilise public procurement of goods as a waste prevention method. To reach conclusion, this thesis took a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews with various stakeholders. Findings showed that key success factors to prevent waste in public institutions by using public procurement was to include strong political will, the presence of front runners in public procurement that can champion the cause, and strong propagation of the vision, independent of the tenure of the front runners in public office. Another important finding was the misconception that “greener” products are more expensive than conventional ones. Hence, what is necessary is the allocation of resources and particularly knowledgeable human resources, with the necessary sourcing expertise to seek these products out which has fewer materials used during production phase but also when procuring, for example, less packaging around goods. Furthermore, Bornholm would benefit from a clear definition of waste prevention and how it should be implemented on Bornholm. By positioning itself as a leader in green thinking, Bornholm can attract crucial partnerships with other municipalities, as well as private industries to partner on the waste prevention and dematerialisation initiatives, in public procurement

    Näkökulmia kulttuurin merkityksiin sosiaalityön käytännöissä ja tutkimuksessa

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