526 research outputs found

    Lysosomal involvement in cell death and cancer

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    AbstractLysosomes, with their arsenal of degradative enzymes are increasingly becoming an area of interest in the field of oncology. The changes induced in this compartment upon transformation are numerous and whereas most are viewed as pro-oncogenic the same processes also render cancer cells susceptible to lysosomal death pathways. This review will provide an overview of the pro- and anti-oncogenic potential of this compartment and how these might be exploited for cancer therapy, with special focus on lysosomal death pathways

    Toiseus ja moraali musiikissa : Poliittisten identiteettien tarkastelua puoliautonomisella Sansibarilla

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    TyössÀ tutkitaan sitÀ, kuinka sansibarilaista identiteettiÀ muodostetaan moraalis-poliittisten diskurssien ja musiikin kommentoimisen kautta erottautumalla mannertansanialaisista ja Tansaniasta, jonka puoliautonominen osa Sansibar on. Sansibarilaista identiteettiÀ tarkastellaan musiikin kautta, joka tarjoaa vÀylÀn laajemman yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun ymmÀrtÀmiseen. Tutkielman aineisto on kerÀtty syksyllÀ 2013 kolmen kuukauden kenttÀtyöjakson aikana Ungujan saarella Sansibarilla. Aineisto koostuu osallistuvasta havainnoinnista ja haastatteluista sekÀ musiikkiesityksissÀ tehdyistÀ tallenteista ja kerÀtyistÀ laulujen sanoista. Työ etenee mikrotason arkikeskustelusta makrotason poliittisen kritiikin tarkasteluun. Performanssit ja laulut ovat lÀpi tutkielman keskeinen osa aineistoa. Aineiston analyysissa vertaillaan kahta erilaista musiikkityyliÀ, joista perinteinen taarab liitetÀÀn vahvasti sansibarilaiseen kulttuuri-identiteettiin kun taas modernia taarabia pidetÀÀn mannertansanialaisten musiikkina ja se suljetaan sansibarilaisuuden ulkopuolelle. Modernin taarabin performansseja, yleisön kÀytöstÀ ja laulujen sanoituksia kritisoimalla sansibarilaiset osallistuvat keskusteluun, jossa mÀÀritellÀÀn, millainen kÀytös on moraalisesti hyvÀksyttÀvÀÀ ja millainen toiminta suljetaan moraaliyhteisön ulkopuolelle. Vaikka perinteistÀ taarabia ei Sansibarilla enÀÀ soiteta juurikaan paikallisille yleisöille, on sillÀ autenttinen asema sansibarilaisen kulttuurin osana ja moraalisesti hyvÀksyttÀvÀnÀ toimintana, johon modernia taarabia verrataan. Sansibar ja sansibarilaisuus koetaan jonakin muista erillisenÀ ja erityisenÀ. Sansibarilaista identiteettiÀ rakennetaan erityisesti toiseuttamalla mantereen ihmisiÀ. TÀtÀ toiseutta tuotetaan sekÀ musiikista puhuttaessa ettÀ arkisissa diskursseissa. Musiikki ei itsessÀÀn ole yleensÀ poliittista, mutta sille voidaan antaa voimakkaita ja latautuneita merkityksiÀ. TÀmÀn vuoksi performansseja tarkastelemalla voi ymmÀrtÀÀ myös laajempaa poliittista ja moraalista keskustelua. Tutkielmassa kÀsitellÀÀn erilaisten identiteetti- ja performanssiteorioiden avulla kahta erilaista performanssityyppiÀ ja analysoidaan, kuinka nÀissÀ vahvistetaan sosiokulttuuristen ryhmien yhteenkuuluvuutta, rakennetaan ryhmÀidentiteettiÀ erottautumalla toisista ryhmistÀ ja toisaalta myös tuotetaan henkilökohtaisia identiteettejÀ suhteessa vallitseviin yhteiskunnallisiin arvoihin. TyössÀ tarkastellaan sitÀ, kuinka taarab -performansseista ja musiikista puhuttaessa rakennetaan sansibarilaista identiteettiÀ; mitÀ asioita valitaan identiteetinmuodostamisen keskiöön ja mitkÀ ovat sellaisia sosiaalisesti mÀÀriteltyjÀ asioita, joiden kautta eroja tuotetaan. TÀmÀ keskustelu kytketÀÀn lopuksi laajempaan yhteiskunnalliseen ja poliittiseen kontekstiin, jota voi makrotasolla tulkita myös nationalistiseksi diskurssiksi puoliautonomisella Sansibarilla, jossa kÀydÀÀn keskustelua siitÀ, tulisiko Sansibarin itsenÀistyÀ vai tulisiko unionia Tansanian mantereen kanssa vahvistaa. TyössÀ tutustutaan myös musiikin kÀyttöön politiikassa ja arvioidaan sen vaikuttavuutta viestin vÀlittÀjÀnÀ. Työn johtopÀÀtös on se, ettÀ arvoihin ja moraaliin vetoavat diskurssit ovat osin poliittisia ja toimivat kritiikkinÀ unionipolitiikkaa vastaan. EliitillÀ ei ole valtaa mÀÀritellÀ kansallista identiteettiÀ, sillÀ sen neuvotteluun ja tuottamiseen osallistuvat ihmiset kaikilta yhteiskunnan tasoilta

    Cathepsin B Acts as a Dominant Execution Protease in Tumor Cell Apoptosis Induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor

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    Death receptors can trigger cell demise dependent or independent of caspases. In WEHI-S fibrosarcoma cells, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced an increase in cytosolic cathepsin B activity followed by death with apoptotic features. Surprisingly, this process was enhanced by low, but effectively inhibiting, concentrations of pan-caspase inhibitors. Contrary to caspase inhibitors, a panel of pharmacological cathepsin B inhibitors, the endogenous cathepsin inhibitor cystatin A as well as antisense-mediated depletion of cathepsin B rescued WEHI-S cells from apoptosis triggered by TNF or TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. Thus, cathepsin B can take over the role of the dominant execution protease in death receptor-induced apoptosis. The conservation of this alternative execution pathway was further examined in other tumor cell lines. Here, cathepsin B acted as an essential downstream mediator of TNF-triggered and caspase-initiated apoptosis cascade, whereas apoptosis of primary cells was only minimally dependent on cathepsin B. These data imply that cathepsin B, which is commonly overexpressed in human primary tumors, may have two opposing roles in malignancy, reducing it by its proapoptotic features and enhancing it by its known facilitation of invasion

    Hsp70 interactions with membrane lipids regulate cellular functions in health and disease

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    Beyond guarding the cellular proteome the major stress inducible heat shock protein Hsp70 has been shown to interact with lipids. Non-cytosolic Hsp70 stabilizes membranes during stress challenges and, in pathophysiological states, facilitates endocytosis, counteracts apoptotic mechanisms, sustains survival pathways or represents a signal that can be recognized by the immune system. Disease-coupled lipid-associated functions of Hsp70 may be targeted via distinct subcellular localizations of Hsp70 itself or its specific interacting lipids. With a special focus on interacting lipids, here we discuss localization-dependent roles of the membrane-bound Hsp70 in the context of its therapeutic potential, particularly in cancer and neurodegenerative disease

    Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization Induces Cell Death in a Mitochondrion-dependent Fashion

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    A number of diseases are due to lysosomal destabilization, which results in damaging cell loss. To investigate the mechanisms of lysosomal cell death, we characterized the cytotoxic action of two widely used quinolone antibiotics: ciprofloxacin (CPX) or norfloxacin (NFX). CPX or NFX plus UV light (NFX*) induce lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP), as detected by the release of cathepsins from lysosomes. Inhibition of the lysosomal accumulation of CPX or NFX suppresses their capacity to induce LMP and to kill cells. CPX- or NFX-triggered LMP results in caspase-independent cell death, with hallmarks of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation and phosphatidylserine exposure on the plasma membrane. LMP triggers mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP), as detected by the release of cytochrome c. Both CPX and NFX* cause Bax and Bak to adopt their apoptotic conformation and to insert into mitochondrial membranes. Bax−/− Bak−/− double knockout cells fail to undergo MMP and cell death in response to CPX- or NFX-induced LMP. The single knockout of Bax or Bak (but not Bid) or the transfection-enforced expression of mitochondrion-targeted (but not endoplasmic reticulum–targeted) Bcl-2 conferred protection against CPX (but not NFX*)-induced MMP and death. Altogether, our data indicate that mitochondria are indispensable for cell death initiated by lysosomal destabilization

    Heat Shock Protein 70 Promotes Cell Survival by Inhibiting Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization

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    Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is a potent survival protein whose depletion triggers massive caspase-independent tumor cell death. Here, we show that Hsp70 exerts its prosurvival function by inhibiting lysosomal membrane permeabilization. The cell death induced by Hsp70 depletion was preceded by the release of lysosomal enzymes into the cytosol and inhibited by pharmacological inhibitors of lysosomal cysteine proteases. Accordingly, the Hsp70-mediated protection against various death stimuli in Hsp70-expressing human tumor cells as well as in immortalized Hsp70 transgenic murine fibroblasts occurred at the level of the lysosomal permeabilization. On the contrary, Hsp70 failed to inhibit the cytochrome c–induced, apoptosome-dependent caspase activation in vitro and Fas ligand–induced, caspase-dependent apoptosis in immortalized fibroblasts. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that endosomal and lysosomal membranes of tumor cells contained Hsp70. Permeabilization of purified endo/lysosomes by digitonin failed to release Hsp70, suggesting that it is physically associated with the membranes. Finally, Hsp70 positive lysosomes displayed increased size and resistance against chemical and physical membrane destabilization. These data identify Hsp70 as the first survival protein that functions by inhibiting the death-associated permeabilization of lysosomes

    Spatially and temporally defined lysosomal leakage facilitates mitotic chromosome segregation.

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    Lysosomes are membrane-surrounded cytoplasmic organelles filled with a powerful cocktail of hydrolases. Besides degrading cellular constituents inside the lysosomal lumen, lysosomal hydrolases promote tissue remodeling when delivered to the extracellular space and cell death when released to the cytosol. Here, we show that spatially and temporally controlled lysosomal leakage contributes to the accurate chromosome segregation in normal mammalian cell division. One or more chromatin-proximal lysosomes leak in the majority of prometaphases, after which active cathepsin B (CTSB) localizes to the metaphase chromatin and cleaves a small subset of histone H3. Stabilization of lysosomal membranes or inhibition of CTSB activity during mitotic entry results in a significant increase in telomere-related chromosome segregation defects, whereas cells and tissues lacking CTSB and cells expressing CTSB-resistant histone H3 accumulate micronuclei and other nuclear defects. These data suggest that lysosomal leakage and chromatin-associated CTSB contribute to proper chromosome segregation and maintenance of genomic integrity
