57 research outputs found

    Mucocele of the appendix: An unusual cause of lower abdominal pain in a patient with ulcerative colitis

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    The authors report the case of a 60-year-old male patient. In November 2001 he developed intestinal symptoms of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Colononoscopy and biopsy established the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (proctosigmoiditis). The disease activity was moderate at the beginning. No significant laboratory alterations were found (including CEA, CA19-9), and mesalazine was started orally. He was in remission until November 2003, when he was admitted to our Outpatient Clinic for upper and right lower abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy found proctosigmoiditis with a moderate activity, gastroscopy revealed chronic gastritis, laboratory data was normal. Treatment was amended with mesalazine clysma and methylprednisolone (16 mg) orally. Symptoms ameliorated; however, right lower abdominal pain persisted. US and CT examination demonstrated a pericecal cystic mass (11 cm x 3.5 cm). At first pericecal abscess was suspected, as the previous US examination (6 mo earlier) had revealed normal findings. Fine needle aspiration was performed. Cytology confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. The patient underwent partial cecum resection and extirpation of the mucocele. He recovered well and the final histology revealed a cystadenoma of the appendix. Follow up was started. The patient is now free of symptoms. Although primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is uncommon, the authors emphasize that preoperative diagnosis of an underlying malignancy in a mucocele is important for patient management; however, it is difficult on imaging studies

    Az aspirációs citológia szerepe a daganatdiagnosztikában.

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    Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of focal lesions is a quick, relatively simple and cost-effective diagnostic method. However, performing aspirations and interpreting smears require skill and experience. Before initiating an aspiration the doctor needs to be aware of the limits of cytology as it is vital to know what kind of diagnostic issues can be answered upon a smear and what kind of questions cannot. Traditionally FNAB was performed without radiologic guidance, and therefore almost only palpable lesions were aspirated. Since ultrasound (US) has become widely used in medicine, it is axiomatical that FNAB is ideally performed with US guidance not only for the protection of the patients but also for targeting the lesion more safely. Several cytologists find US guidance unnecessary as a routinely used examination, which may lead to unsatisfactory smears and false negative results. This means not only a loss for the patient, but leads to a negative judgement of this diagnostic method. Our interventional cytology diagnostic team developed a working method resulting in excellent statistical results. In the followings we would like to share our experience refined the past two decades to restore the reputation of this diagnostic method

    Az emlőrák patológiai diagnosztikája, feldolgozása és kórszövettani leletezése. Szakmai útmutatás a III. Emlőrák Konszenzus Konferencia alapján

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    There have been relevant changes in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer to implement the updating of the 2010 recommendations made during the 2nd national consensus conference on the disease. Following a wide interdisciplinary consultation, the present recommendations have been finalized after their public discussion at the 3rd Hungarian Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer. The recommendations cover non-operative and intraoperative diagnostics, the work-up of operative specimens, the determination of prognostic and predictive markers and the content of the cytology and histology reports. Furthermore, it touches some special issues such as the current status of multigene molecular markers, the role of pathologists in clinical trials and prerequisites for their involvement, some relevant points about the future

    A pajzsmirigygöbök genetikai vizsgálata újgenerációs szekvenáláson alapuló platformon kifejlesztett génpanel segítségével = Genetic testing of thyroid nodules using a gene panel developed on a new generation sequencing platform

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Vékonytű-biopsziás pajzsmirigygöbminták 25%-ánál bizonytalan citológiai eredményt kapunk. A göbök genetikai vizsgálata hozzájárulhat a pontos diagnózishoz. Célkitűzés: Európában az első és a legtöbb, 23 releváns pajzsmirigyonkogént (568 mutációval) tartalmazó génpanel kialakítása. Módszer: A biopsziás mintákból izolált DNS vizsgálata Ion Torrent újgenerációs szekvenálással történt. Eredmények: Módszerünk validációját tumorszövetmintákon végeztük, ennek során 127, a pajzsmirigydaganatokban eddig nem ismert eltéréseket azonosítottunk. Az AXIN1 a legpolimorfabb génnek, míg a BRAF c.1799T>A (V600E) a leggyakrabban azonosított mutációnak bizonyult. A vékonytű-biopsziás mintáinkban 36-féle, klinikailag releváns variánst detektáltunk, melyek 75%-a az irodalomban még nincs leírva. A citológiailag malignus nyolc mintánk közül hatban, a bizonytalan citológiájú tizennégy mintánk közül nyolcban, míg a citológiailag benignus huszonnyolc mintánk közül húszban azonosítottunk patogén variánst valamely driver génben (BRAF c.1799T>A, NRAS c.181C>A). Következtetés: Olyan validált, megbízhatóan működő újgenerációs szekvenáláson alapú módszert fejlesztettünk ki, amely nagy pozitív prediktív értékkel (89%) és szenzitivitással (79%) képes a pajzsmirigy rosszindulatú elváltozásainak korai felismerésére. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1417–1425. | Abstract: Introduction: Twenty-five percent of fine-needle aspiration biopsy samples of thyroid nodules produce indeterminate cytological results. Genetic testing of nodules can contribute to accurate diagnosis. Aim: Developing the first gene panel in Europe utilizing the 23 most relevant thyroid oncogenes with 568 mutations. Method: Examination of the isolated DNA from biopsy samples by Ion Torrent new generation sequencing. Results: The validation of our method was performed on tumor tissue samples, in which 127 genetic variations were identified, yet unknown in thyroid tumors. AXIN1 was the most polymorphic gene, while BRAF c.1799T>A (V600E) was the most frequently identified mutation. We detected 36 clinically relevant variants, 75% of which have not been described in the literature. Six of our 8 cytologically malignant and 8 of our 14 indeterminate as well as 20 of our 28 cytologically benign samples were identified as containing pathologic variants in a driver gene (BRAF c.1799T>A, NRAS c.181C>A). Conclusion: We have developed a validated, reliable new generation sequencing-based method with high positive predictive value (89%) and sensitivity (79%), suitable for the early detection of malignant lesions in the thyroid. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1417–1425

    Pathological Diagnosis, Work-Up and Reporting of Breast Cancer 1st Central-Eastern European Professional Consensus Statement on Breast Cancer

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    Abstract This text is based on the recommendations accepted by the 4th Hungarian Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer, modified on the basis of the international consultation and conference within the frames of the Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology. The recommendations cover non-operative, intraoperative and postoperative diagnostics, determination of prognostic and predictive markers and the content of cytology and histology reports. Furthermore, they address some specific issues such as the current status of multigene molecular markers, the role of pathologists in clinical trials and prerequisites for their involvement, and some remarks about the future.The 1st Central-Eastern European Professional Consensus Statements on Breast Cancer were initiated, organized and granted by the Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology (CEEAO), the National Institute of Oncology, Hungary and the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital. This regional oncological project was supported by Prof. Miklós Kásler, founder of CEEAO, Minister of Human Capacities, the Government of Hungary

    Szomatikus onkogén mutációk összehasonlító vizsgálata egészséges és tumoros pajzsmirigyszövetmintákban = Comprehensive examination of somatic oncogene mutation in normal and pathologic thyroid tissues

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    Az elmúlt években több munkacsoportnak sikerült olyan szomatikus mutációkat (BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS génekben) és génátrendeződéseket (RET/PTC, PAX8/PPAR-gamma) azonosítani, amelyek összefüggést mutatnak a pajzsmirigydaganatok kialakulásával. Jelen vizsgálatban 11 személy 22 (11 kóros és 11 betegségmentes) intraoperatív pajzsmirigy-szövetmintáit elemezték. A RAS géncsalád és a BRAF gének szomatikus egypontos nukleotid polimorfizmusait LigthCycler olvadáspontanalízis-módszerrel, míg a génátrendeződéseket valós idejű polimeráz láncreakció módszerével vizsgálták. A daganatos mintákban 3 BRAF-, 2 NRAS-, 1 HRAS-mutációt, valamint 1 RET/PTC1 átrendeződést találtak. Az eredmények megerősítik a nemzetközi adatokat, miszerint ezek az egypontos nukleotidpolimorfizmusok és génátrendeződések megtalálhatók a daganatos pajzsmirigyszövetekben. Valószínűsíthető, hogy ezen genetikai vizsgálatokkal kiegészült citológiai vizsgálat segítheti a malignus göbök azonosítását, illetve elképzelhető, hogy prognosztikai faktorként előre jelezhetik a későbbi daganatos átalakulást. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 672–677. | It is established that numerous somatic oncogene mutation (BRAF, NRAS, HRAS, KRAS) and gene translocations (RET/PTC, PAX8/PPAR-gamma) are associated with the development of thyroid cancer. In this study 22 intraoperative thyroid tissue samples (11 pathologic and 11 normal) were examined. Somatic single nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed by LigthCycler melting method, while translocations were identified by real-time polymerase chain reaction technique. In tumorous sample 3 BRAF, 2 NRAS and one HRAS mutations were found, as well as one RET/PTC1 translocation. Results confirm international data showing that these oncogene mutations and translocations are linked to thyroid cancer. Cytological examination completed with genetic data may support the diagnosis of thyroid malignancies. In addition, genetic alterations may indicate malignant transformation and may become prognostic factors in future. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 672–677