162 research outputs found

    Convergence rate of numerical scheme for SDEs with a distributional drift in Besov space

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    This paper is concerned with numerical solutions of one-dimensional SDEs with the drift being a generalised function, in particular belonging to the Holder-Zygmund space CγC^{-\gamma} of negative order γ<0-\gamma<0 in the spacial variable. We design an Euler-Maruyama numerical scheme and prove its convergence, obtaining an upper bound for the strong L1L^1 convergence rate. We finally implement the scheme and discuss the results obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Protocolo HBIM para la restitución histórica del patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico: Reconstrucción virtual del Foro Romano de Sagunto

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    [ES] Las intervenciones patrimoniales son de carácter multidisciplinar, en ellas actúan arqueólogos, restauradores, arquitectos, ingenieros estructurales entre otros, los cuales generan informaciones sin ninguna vinculación. Por esta razón, surge la necesidad de desarrollar nuevas soluciones para la mejora de la gestión de proyectos patrimoniales y es aquí donde nace el Heritage Building Modeling (HBIM) que consiste en la aplicación de la metodología BIM en una edificación de orden histórico, generando una mejora en la documentación de la misma. La presente investigación se basa en el uso de un protocolo para la gestión de la información en proyectos históricos, donde el objetivo es la reconstrucción virtual del Foro Romano de la ciudad de Sagunto. Para la elaboración del modelo y el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados se emplean diversas tecnologías como es la fotogrametría, una nube de puntos para la obtención primaria de un levantamiento gráfico del Foro. Con dicha información se crea el modelo 3D por medio de la herramienta Autodesk Revit y se detalla con la ayuda de la documentación encontrada en diversas investigaciones sobre el conjunto arqueológico. Este modelo de información tiene como principal función el control y seguimiento para un mejor desempeño en la gestión por parte del organismo correspondiente, ya que contará con una nueva base de datos donde podrá vincular informaciones arqueológicas, arquitectónicas y estructurales.[EN] Patrimonial interventions are multidisciplinary in nature, in which archaeologists, restorers, architects, structural engineers, among others, generate information without any connection. For this reason, the need arises to develop new solutions for the improvement of heritage project management and this is where the Heritage Building Modeling (HBIM) was born, which consists of the application of the BIM methodology in a building of historical order, generating an improvement in the documentation of it. The present investigation is based on the use of a protocol for the management of information in historical projects, where the objective is the virtual reconstruction of the Roman Forum of the city of Sagunto. For the elaboration of the model and the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, various technologies are used, such as photogrammetry, a point cloud for the primary collection of a graphic survey of the Forum. With this information, the 3D model is created by means of the Autodesk Revit tool and it is detailed with the help of the documentation found in various researches on the archaeological site. This information model has as its main function the control and monitoring for a better performance in the management by the corresponding body, since it will have a new database where you can link archaeological, architectural and structural information.Linares Jáquez, YM. (2019). Protocolo HBIM para la restitución histórica del patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico: Reconstrucción virtual del Foro Romano de Sagunto. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128390TFG

    Climate Change Mitigation in Livestock Production: Nonconventional Feedstuffs and Alternative Additives

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    Livestock production has widely contributed to increase global production of greenhouse gases (GHG), mostly through digestive fermentation in ruminants. Moreover, emissions derived from livestock are estimated over 14% of the total anthropogenic GHG emissions to atmosphere. In addition, methane emitted from ruminal enteric fermentation is responsible for 25% of the total global methane emissions, which turns livestock activity into a main promoter of the climate change effect. However, these emissions may be diminished by modifying livestock diets through alterations in forage-concentrate ratios, the supplementation of feed additives, and the inclusion of alternative feedstuffs not commonly used as forage and protein sources in farm animal feeding. Additionally, the use of nonconventional feedstuffs is highly recommended since their production does not compete with human feeding and may provide metabolites used as methanogenesis suppressors. Likewise, agricultural by-products should be considered as potential feedstuffs for animal production by increasing the livestock efficiency and reducing the energy losses due to methane synthesis

    Influence of library infrastructure in developing scientific production in teachers and researchers from Mexican universities

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    El papel que juegan las bibliotecas universitarias en los procesos educativos ha sido considerado relevante, debido a sus contribuciones de apoyo a las actividades académicas y científicas que suceden en los centros de educación superior, tanto con fines de transferencia como de generación de conocimiento por parte de diversos actores que interactúan en relación con los recursos informativos. Este artículo, a partir de la integración de un modelo teórico simplificado, analiza el comportamiento que observan docentes e investigadores de 33 universidades mexicanas que han experimentado algún proceso de acreditación, en relación con diversos indicadores de producción científica (evaluada en tres aspectos generales: productividad, calidad e innovación), al tiempo que se estudia a la infraestructura bibliotecaria disponible, la cual comprende: volúmenes impresos disponibles, suscripciones a revistas impresas, suscripciones a bases de datos, cantidad de usuarios docentes, cantidad de usuarios estudiantes y superficie física en metros cuadrados. A partir del análisis estadístico y la ponderación de datos, debido a la disparidad en el tamaño de las universidades participantes, se desarrollaron una serie de correlaciones, mismas que propiciaron la identificación de aquellos indicadores de infraestructura física que han tenido influencia en los de producción científica, infiriéndose además, patrones de uso y acceso a los recursos informativos por parte de los docentes e investigadores.The role of university libraries in education has been considered relevant, because this to their contributions to support the academic and scientific activities that occur in higher education institutions, both for knowledge transfer and generation, by various actors interacting in relation to information resources. This article, based on the integration of a simplified theoretical model analyzes the behavior they see teachers and researchers from 33 universities in Mexico participating in accreditation processes, on various scientific production indicators (evaluated in three broad areas: quality, production and innovation), the while studying at the library infrastructure available, such as: printed volumes available, subscriptions to print journals, subscriptions to databases, quantity of teachers as users, quantity of students as users and physical area in square meters. From the statistical analysis and data weighting, due to the disparity in the size of the participating universities, developed a series of correlations; same that led to the identification of those physical infrastructure indicators have influenced those of scientific production, inferring addition, patterns of use and access to information resources by teachers and researchers

    Uso y acceso a las TIC en estudiantes de escuelas secundarias públicas en la ciudad de Chihuahua, México: inclusión en la didáctica y en la alfabetización digital

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    This paper addresses the issue of the digital divide in students of public secondary schools at Chihuahua City, Mexico. It seeks to identify potential inequality of opportunities with regards to subjects’ access to information, knowledge and education through the ICT (internet, mobile telephony, broadband and television). The study takes three schools as investigative stage, using the survey as a data collection instrument, identifying patterns of behavior regarding: general knowledge of them, access to computer equipment and internet, and characterization of their use. Other aspects of analysis are the identification of the educational level of parents and access to technology resources available for academic and non-academic purposes in various application areas (home, school and social environment). The proposal concludes, that it is through the recollection of alternatives suggested by the teachers themselves to incorporate ICT for teaching purposes in a systematic and planned fashion, whose greatest reflection manifests in better digital literacy indicators.El presente artículo aborda la cuestión de la brecha digital en estudiantes de escuelas secundarias públicas de la ciudad de Chihuahua, México, en razón de identificar la desigualdad de posibilidades que observan los sujetos estudiados para acceder a la información, conocimiento y educación por medio de las TIC (internet, telefonía móvil, banda ancha y televisión). El estudio toma como escenario investigativo tres escuelas, utilizando la encuesta como instrumento de recolección de datos, identificando patrones de comportamiento en cuanto a: conocimiento generalizado de las mismas, acceso a equipo de cómputo e internet y caracterización de su uso. Otros aspectos de análisis es la identificación del nivel educativo de los padres de familia y el acceso a los recursos tecnológicos disponibles con fines académicos  no académicos en diversos ámbitos de aplicación (hogar, escuela y entorno social). La propuesta concluye, a través de la recopilación de alternativas sugeridas por los docentes para incorporar las TIC con fines didácticos de forma sistemática y planeada, cuyo mayor reflejo se manifieste en mejores indicadores en alfabetización digital

    Determinantes del déficit comercial de la República Dominicana

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    The objective of this paper is to identify the factors that influenced the trade deficit of the Dominican Republic for the period 2000-2014. For them, the role of the real exchange rate, private consumption and foreign direct investment are examined using a ordinary least square model (OLS) and an error correction mechanism (ECM). The results indicate that an increase in private consumption and increased foreign direct investment increases the trade deficit, while an increase in US GDP as well as the depreciation of the real exchange rate implies an improvement in the trade balance

    Determinantes del déficit comercial de la República Dominicana

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    The objective of this paper is to identify the factors that influenced the trade deficit of the Dominican Republic for the period 2000-2014. For them, the role of the real exchange rate, private consumption and foreign direct investment are examined using a ordinary least square model (OLS) and an error correction mechanism (ECM). The results indicate that an increase in private consumption and increased foreign direct investment increases the trade deficit, while an increase in US GDP as well as the depreciation of the real exchange rate implies an improvement in the trade balance

    Animal Models in Rodents for the Study of Schizophrenia

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    El cerebro humano es complejo y en muchos casos el estudio de enfermedades como la esquizofrenia (ESQ) plantea algunos problemas éticos y logísticos, por lo que a través de los modelos animales se trata de solventar estas dificultades. En el presente estudio se realiza una revisión sobre los modelos animales existentes para el estudio de la ESQ que de algún modo simulen los síntomas positivos, negativos y/o cognitivos, como por ejemplo, modelos farmacológicos, de desarrollo, de lesión y genéticos, dentro de los cuales, algunos modelos presentan una mayor validez predictiva, aparente y de constructo que otros. Sin embargo, la aplicación de uno u otro modelo va a depender de la hipótesis relacionada con la ESQ que se desee probar. La hipótesis más desarrollada y aceptada hasta el momento, es la que considera que las causas de la ESQ se encuentran principalmente asociadas con el desarrollo cerebral temprano. En esta revisión se presentan los principales síntomas reproducidos en cada modelo y se mencionan las pruebas conductuales más utilizadas. En general, todos los modelos aportan información relevante para tratar de entender la etiología de la enfermedad, sin embargo, los modelos del desarrollo parecen simularla de forma más fidedigna.The human brain is complex and in many cases the study of human diseases like schizophrenia (SCH) showed ethic and logistic difficulties and through animal models we can solve some of these issues. In the present study, we conducted a review about animal models in the study of schizophrenia that simulate at least in some way the positive, negative and/or cognitive symptoms, for example: developmental models, pharmacological models, lesion and genetic models, and among them, some models showed higher predictive value, face value and construct value than others. However, the application of one model or another is going to depend on the hypothesis related to the SCH that we want to prove. The most accepted and developed hypothesis so far, is the one that considers that SCH causes are related mainly with the early developmental brain. In this review, we present the main symptoms reproduced in each model and mention the most used behavioral tests. In general, all of these models, bring information in different ways to understand the etiology of this disease, however, the developmental models simulate it in a more reliable way.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Neurociencias (CIN

    Rescue and participatory conservation of Creole goats in the agro-silvopastoral systems of the Mountains of Guerrero, Mexico

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    The objective was to implement a participatory process involving rescue and conservation of Creole goats in agro-silvopastoral systems, as a development strategy for the indigenous and marginalized region of the Mountains of Guerrero (MG), Mexico. The study focused on the caprine agroecosystem, documenting aspects of goat development and identifying caprine areas in 13 municipalities, zoometrically characterizing 680 goats. One hundred and ten goat producers were interviewed for evaluating farmer perception of goat production. Fifty-seven producers were trained in holistic management, and four producers raised 300 goats in outstanding herds. Data were analyzed using social networks, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Two goat agroecosystems were identified: 1) agro-silvopastoralism, with crossbreeding of goat populations and, 2) traditional systems, involving grazing of Creole goats on native vegetation. We identified three types of goats: 1) Mixteco mosaic (61%), 2), Pastoreña (31.8%), and 3) Crossbreeds (7.2%), based on bicoastal diameter, chest depth, body length, thoracic perimeter, height at withers, shoulder point width and liveweight. Smallholder goat farmers in the MG preferred Creole goats for their greater productivity and better environmental adaptation. Highlights: Farmer-participatory programs to rescue and conserve the Creole goat breed. Goats agro-silvopastoral systems with low resource smallholders. Sustainable utilization of Creole goats. Goat production systems in the Mexican Mountains.The objective was to implement a participatory process involving rescue and conservation of Creole goats in agro-silvopastoral systems, as a development strategy for the indigenous and marginalized region of the Mountains of Guerrero (MG), Mexico. The study focused on the caprine agroecosystem, documenting aspects of goat development and identifying caprine areas in 13 municipalities, zoometrically characterizing 680 goats. One hundred and ten goat producers were interviewed for evaluating farmer perception of goat production. Fifty-seven producers were trained in holistic management, and four producers raised 300 goats in outstanding herds. Data were analyzed using social networks, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Two goat agroecosystems were identified: 1) agro-silvopastoralism, with crossbreeding of goat populations and, 2) traditional systems, involving grazing of Creole goats on native vegetation. We identified three types of goats: 1) Mixteco mosaic (61%), 2), Pastoreña (31.8%), and 3) Crossbreeds (7.2%), based on bicoastal diameter, chest depth, body length, thoracic perimeter, height at withers, shoulder point width and liveweight. Smallholder goat farmers in the MG preferred Creole goats for their greater productivity and better environmental adaptation. Highlights: Farmer-participatory programs to rescue and conserve the Creole goat breed. Goats agro-silvopastoral systems with low resource smallholders. Sustainable utilization of Creole goats. Goat production systems in the Mexican Mountains