106 research outputs found

    A borsmenta hatóanyagai mézben = The active ingredients of peppermint in honey

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    Célkitűzésünk az volt, hogy a méhészek által készített borsmentakivonatot tartalmazó mézkészítményekről bebizonyítsuk, hogy azokban megtalálhatók a gyógynövény hatóanyagai. Ennek megvalósításához olyan módszert dolgoztunk ki, amelyben a borsmenta (Mentha x piperita) levelek felhasználásával készült szirup és a méz illő komponenseit, azok összetételét elemeztük SPME mintavételezéssel és GC, valamint GC-MS módszerrel. A kromatográfiás elemzésekkel és az azt követő kiértékelések során sikerült bebizonyítanunk, hogy a gyógynövények illő komponenseinek nagy része a szirup révén bekerült a mézbe. Mivel az adott gyógynövényre jellemző komponensek az abból elkészített mézkészítményben is kimutathatóak, jogosan feltételezhetjük, hogy más nem illő, viszont gyógyhatásért felelős anyagok is bekerültek a mézekbe. Apiarists let prepare by bees honey products containing medicinal drugs. Our aim was to prove that the active ingredients originated from the herbs are also present in the honey products. To fulfill that task we developed a method analyzing the volatile components of the syrup and honey prepared using the leaves of peppermint (Mentha x piperita). That method involves a sample preparation by SPME followed by GC and GC-MS analysis. The analyses and the data evaluations proved that the volatile components of the herb containing syrups were transferred to honeys by bees. As the characteristic components of certain herbs could be identified also in the honey product it is obvious that the components responsible for the medicinal effects (if they are not identical with the volatile components) are also transferred to honey

    A new European record of Diadesmis fukushimae and its transference to Humidophila genus (Bacillariophyta)

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    Diadesmis fukushimae, a rare oligotraphenic diatom, was found in some high mountain lakes of Romania. Its occurrence in the Parâng and Retezat Mountains is the second European record of the species. To date D. fukushimae has been known only from the type locality (Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA) and from a spring (Grotta Guernica, Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps, Italy). Investigation by scanning electron microscopy showed that this species should be transferred to the recently established genus Humidophila. A new combination is proposed, Humidophila fukushimae. The morphological details of the European population are also presented

    Tectonostratigraphic terranes and zones juxtaposed along the Mid-Hungarian Line: their contrasting evolution and relationships

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    Abstract The Mid-Hungarian (or Zagreb-Zemplin) Line of WSW–ENE strike divides the Pannonian basement into two mega-units, the Tisia Composite Terrane in the SE and the ALCAPA Composite Terrane in the NW. They became juxtaposed no earlier than the Middle Miocene (Karpathian). Their present adjacent zones show very different Variscan and Alpine evolution and relationships, which are briefly reviewed here and confronted in the light of detailed correlational work published during the last decade. The present contribution summarizes Variscan and Alpine evolution of units/terranes juxtaposed along the Mid-Hungarian Line, the major terrane boundary in the pre-Neogene basement of the Pannonian Basin, as can be seen on the Circum-Pannonian terrane maps

    Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on the Elemental Concentration in Surface Sediment of Oxbows

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    The Upper Tisza floodplain region provides a mosaic of aquatic habitats including a series of oxbows. Inorganic contaminants can accumulate in the sediment; thus, the sediment is good indicator of the contamination of these oxbows. Our aim was to explore the effects of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of ele- ments and also to study the influence of vegetation types on the element in surface sediment of oxbows. We studied eight oxbows: two of them were protected, four of them were used for fishing and two of them were contaminated with domestic sewage. The following el- ements were measured with MP-AES in surface sedi- ment: Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The elemental concentration was compared to the toxicity classes of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the as- sessment of the level of toxicity was based on this comparison. We found that studied oxbows were differ- ent from each other based on the elemental concentra- tions of sediment using canonical discriminant analysis and analysis of variance. Based on the elemental con- centration in surface sediment of oxbows, separation was also found among vegetation types. But significant difference was not found in the concentrations of ele- ments based on vegetation types. Our results demon- strated that the anthropogenic activities had remarkable effects on the elemental concentration of surface sedi- ment in oxbows. Our findings suggest that the sediment is useful to assess the effects of anthropogenic activities on elemental concentrations of oxbows

    A magyarországi sportszolgáltató vállalkozások gazdasági helyzete 2016-ban

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the economic situation of the Hungarian sport companies in 2016. Due to the high number of companies in the sample, we carried out the research by quartiles. According to our results, the geographical node for the sport companies is the capital city or its agglomeration. Ranking by the company profit, the concentration is the highest in the first 25% while the profit distribution is more or less uniform among the remaining quartiles. There was no strong connection between the company profit, the personnel expenses of the companies and the number of employee in the sample. Our results imply that the market competition is the strongest among the traditionally well-known sport provider companies. Furthermore, based on the literature, the successes of the company related sport team are still the main driving force for the economic development of the sport companies.A tanulmány a magyarországi sportszolgáltató vállalkozások gazdasági helyzetének egyes kérdéseit mutatja be a 2016-os évben. A vállalkozások magas száma miatt kvartilisekre osztva végeztük el a leíró jellegű összehasonlítást a vállalkozás főbb mutatói között. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a magyarországi sportszolgáltatók a fővárosban és annak agglomerációjában csoportosulnak földrajzilag. Az árbevételt tekintve az első 25%-ban (árbevétel alapján rangsorolva) van a legnagyobb koncentráció, a fennmaradó vállalkozások esetében viszonylag egyenletes az árbevétel eloszlása. Az árbevétel, a személyi jellegű kiadások és az alkalmazotti létszám nem mutatott különösebben szoros összefüggést a mintában
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