
Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on the Elemental Concentration in Surface Sediment of Oxbows


The Upper Tisza floodplain region provides a mosaic of aquatic habitats including a series of oxbows. Inorganic contaminants can accumulate in the sediment; thus, the sediment is good indicator of the contamination of these oxbows. Our aim was to explore the effects of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of ele- ments and also to study the influence of vegetation types on the element in surface sediment of oxbows. We studied eight oxbows: two of them were protected, four of them were used for fishing and two of them were contaminated with domestic sewage. The following el- ements were measured with MP-AES in surface sedi- ment: Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The elemental concentration was compared to the toxicity classes of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the as- sessment of the level of toxicity was based on this comparison. We found that studied oxbows were differ- ent from each other based on the elemental concentra- tions of sediment using canonical discriminant analysis and analysis of variance. Based on the elemental con- centration in surface sediment of oxbows, separation was also found among vegetation types. But significant difference was not found in the concentrations of ele- ments based on vegetation types. Our results demon- strated that the anthropogenic activities had remarkable effects on the elemental concentration of surface sedi- ment in oxbows. Our findings suggest that the sediment is useful to assess the effects of anthropogenic activities on elemental concentrations of oxbows

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