82 research outputs found

    Influence of packaging attributes on perception of juice: Eye-tracking study

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    Today, consumers are increasingly aware of the impact that the fast and stressful way of life has on their health. They focus not only on physical activity, but also on a diet filled with fruits and vegetables. As a result, they often choose a tasty alternative which is one of the main sources of vitamins and nutrients - fruit juices. However, these products are often labeled as drinks with high amounts of sugar. Therefore, it is very important for these drinks to be perceived by the consumers as healthy and tasty, which is one of the most important features of their packages. Their goal is to appeal to customers, catch their attention and make them buy the product. One of the most convenient methods to study how packages appeal to customers is the eye-tracking method. The aim of this article is to find out how different attributes of packages can influence customers' perception of the juice. The research was carried out in a form of eye-tracking experiment (A/B testing), which involved 38 participants at the age from 20 to 29 (generation Y). Results showed that lower color saturation significantly reduces the attention of individual packages and also reduces the influence of craving the juice as opposed to brighter colors. The importance of information on the back side was also confirmed, since moving the information from back to the front side did not show any significant decrease of the back side's attention span. Last but not least, it has been found out that the image type used on the orange juice package holds importance too, since photography of oranges led to a higher craving of the juice in comparison to the illustration of oranges. However, it was not proven that photographs of oranges held a higher attention span compared to the illustrations. The article contains demonstrable proof of individual package attributes' influence on how generation Y consumers perceive the juice.O

    Problém slovakizmov v staroslovienskych (staroslovanských) pamiatkach

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    Slovakizmi u staroslavenskim (crkvenoslavenskim) tekstovima U tekstu Ivanova evanđelja XV (Zogr. Mar.) uz pravilne staroslavenske oblike rozga, zbirno roždie, nalazimo i oblike razga, raždie. Prema A. Vaillantu (Manuel du vieux slave, Paris 1964, str. 49) "oblik razga posljedica je nezgodnog ispravljanja do kojeg je došlo ponovnim uvođenjem staroslavenskog raz- umjesto moravskog roz-." Treba imati na umu da su oblici razga, raždie dobro poznati u središnjem slovačkom. Osim toga, u više slovačkih dijalekata, također nalazimo oblike rózga, róždie (ruozga, ruoždie). Drugi slavenski jezici nemaju oblika s raz-. A. Vaillant smatra da su oblici rozga, roždie prvotni, pa su prema tome oblici razga, raždie, koji se nalaze u tekstu Ivana XV, nastali iz velikomoravskog govora. Ipak se u istom poglavlju teksta Ivana XV, 15, opaža kolebanje ra-, ro- u riječi rabъ/robъ. Iako književni slovački jezik poznaje samo oblik rab, u nekim slovačkim dijalektima postoji i oblik rob. Podsjetimo se ovdje imena Rasticь koji oblik poznaje samo središnji slovački, naime tu je -c- umjesto *tj i ra- (usp. rást, rastiem, zrast, ráztoka, razcestie itd.) Staroslavenski poznaje zamjenicu ni-čь-to, ni-čь-to-že. U Glag., Cloz. I, 122 i u Ps. Sin 38, 6 nalazimo oblik ni-čь-že, sastavljen od zamjeničkog oblika ni-čь i čestice že. Općenito uzevši, zamjenica ničь poznata je u slovačkom, slovenskom i ukrajinskom dijalektalnom govoru. Znači, da u gore spomenutim tekstovima oblik ničьže dolazi iz slovačkog. Oblik cirъky-cirъkovь- nalazimo u Ps. Sin. u Kijevskom misalu cirъkъve VI 4. cirъknаě IVb 17 i u fragmentu Freising II, 35.36 Ucircuvah. U slkovsčkom je sačuvan i danas još postoji obik s cir- (cirkev). Naše je mišljenje da glagolska imenica krъstenьe Glag. Cloz. 2a 17-19 ne mora nužno biti krivi oblik za krъštenьe "krštenje" (vidi A. Vaillant, Manuel, str. 83). U slovačkom postoje dva oblika: krstenie i krštenie. Riječ krstenie оznačuje "obred krštenja", a rječju krštenie označavaju se "krstitke" (slavlje poslije krštenja). Iz toga slijedi da bi se oblik krъstenьe, u Glag. Cloz. mogao smatrati slovakizmom. U staroslavenskim i crkvenoslavenskim tekstovima poznat je oblik genitiva-akuzativa za neživa bića. A. Meillet i J. Lépissier proučavali su tu pojavu. S tim u vezi podsjećamo da je i u slovačkom jeziku poznat genitiv-akuzativ za neživa bića, tako u: t\u27ahal zvona; máme vlaka itd. - Uostalom i mi mislimo kao i Lépissier da je povijesni studij modernih jezika tek pred nama (RdEtSl 1964, str. 137) U slovačkom su se neutrumi tipa znamenie razvili u ova tri oblika: 1. nom-acc.sing. znamenie, gen. sing. znamenia; 2. nom.-acc.-gen. sing. znamenia i štoviše; 3. nom.-acc.-gen. znamené u određenim narječjima središnjeg slovačkog. Ipak, ovdje nije riječ o fonetičkoj pojavi već o posljedici sinkretizma padeža. U Praškim glagoljskim fragmentima nalazi se samo jedan oblik na -ie za nom.-acc.-gen. sing. U dijalozima Grgura Velikog oblici na -ie izmjenjuju se s onima na -ia. Isto tako i u nekim djelima sv. Klimenta Ohridskog, koji i sam potječe iz Velike Moravske odakle je došao u Ohrid. U sintaksi je vrlo uočljiva pojava oblikovanja deziderativnih rečenica pomoću da + infinitiv (bez bi, by). Isto to nalazimo u slovačkoj narodnoj poeziji, pa čak i u jednoj od pjesama Sama Chalupke (Spevy, 1868). Imenica neprijäznь, prijevod visokonjemačkog unholda "đavao", postoji u slovačkom u obliku nepriaznik. Isti taj oblik nalazimo i u više staroruskih tekstova

    The effect of intesification factors to total antioxidant activity of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)

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    Public attention is increasingly drawn to the protective effects of natural antioxidants against civilization diseases. An important source of antioxidants are berries, which until recently has received little attention, but the latest research towards the right to it. The phenolic profile and quantitative composition of blueberries as well as the corresponding antioxidant activity of blueberries is well documented. The aim of this paper was the determination of the relationship between different methods of fertilization and total antioxidant activity of six selected varieties of blueberries and five varieties of lingonberries. Each sample of blueberry varieties (Bluejay, Nelson, Bluecrop, Patriot, Berkeley and Brigitta) and lingonberry varieties (Koralle, Ida, Sanna, Linnea and Sussi) were collected from the research station Krivá in Orava. The values of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of blueberry after organic fertilization ranged from 27.15 to 52.25 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. After mineral fertilization, the values of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of blueberry ranged from 21.27 to 51.00 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. In the control treatment, the values of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of blueberry ranged from 26.99 to 54.15 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. The values of values ​​of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of lingonberry after organic fertilization ranged from 42.49 to 60.27 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. After mineral fertilization, the values of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of lingonberry were in the interval from 38.85 to 55.15 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. In the variant without fertilization, the values of total antioxidant activity of the extracts of studied varieties of lingonberry ranged from 37.16 to 65.11 μg.mg-1 eq. Trolox. The application of organic fertilizer has a positive effect to increasing values of antioxidant activity in blueberries and lingonberries. It should be noted that the value of the total antioxidant activity is significantly influenced by the rainfall

    Study of surface roughness of machined polymer composite material

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of selected cutting parameters (speed of rotation and feed rate) on the surface topography of drilled WPC material. Objective of the study is to establish dependence of the surface roughness of borehole walls (parameter —average maximum height) on the speed of rotation and feed rate of a drill bit. Technological parameters of experimental drilling were feed rate of 100–300 mm·min−1 and speed of rotation of 2000–6000 rpm.Web of Scienceart. no. 30351

    Meranie vzdialeností za pomoci 3D optického zariadenia pre potreby mobilnej robotiky

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    This paper presents the collision-free operation of a robotic arm mounted on a mobile robotic unit, using the MS Windows Kinect 3D optical system. The 3D optical system is used for measuring distances and aiding the collision-free manipulation of objects by means of the robotic arm installed on the mobile robotic system (MRS). Attaching of the optical system directly to the robotic arm, essentially, ensures the autonomy of the overall system. The MRS is capable of recognizing the pre-defined objects in the three-dimensional space as well as automatically approaching and manipulating them using the robotic arm. The aim of this article is to present the algorithms used in the MRS to guarantee the collision-free operation of the system. The novelty of our approach lies in the a priori collision avoidance strategy instead of solving collision states as they occur. In addition, the article presents the problem of the localization of the objects in the robot’s surrounding. For this purpose, the balls randomly placed on the floor were localized by the MRS, estimating their real coordinates. Instead of using the standard RGB color space, we propose to utilize the HSV color space in order to enhance the process of objects recognition since the HSV color space provides the more consistent results in the case of varying intensity of the ambient light.Príspevok sa zaoberá bezkolíznou manipuláciou ramena mobilného robota s využitím 3D optického kamerového systému MS Windows Kinect. 3D optický systém slúži pre potreby merania vzdialeností a následnou bezkolíznou manipuláciou s nimi na použitom mobilnom robotickom systéme (MRS), zaujímave je jeho konštrukčné umiestnenie priamo na ramene robota pre zachovanie autómnosti celého systemu. MRS je technologický mobilný robotický demonštrátor, kompletne vyvinutý na našom pracovisku a jeho úlohou je oboznámiť študentov a odbornú verejnosť s možnosťami súčasnej mobilnej robotiky. MRS dokáže rozpoznávať v priestore vopred zadefinované objekty priblížiť sa autonómne k nim a za pomoci robotického ramena bezkolízie aj s nimi manipulovať. V článku budeme riešiť ako boli zadefinované a aplikované konkrétne algoritmy pre garanciu bezkolíznej manipulácie MRS s objektmi, kde na rozdiel od iných prístupov našou snahou je prvotne sa kolízii vyhnuť a nie riešiť stavy ak už kolízia nastane. Riešená bola aj lokalizačná úloha objektov v priestore. Pre potreby riešenia lokalizačných úloh budú v priestore náhodne rozmiestnenené loptičky a úlohou MRS ich bude lokalizovať a stanoviť ich reálne súradnice pre potreby navigačného subsystému MRS. Pre stanovenie pozície nepoužijeme štandardný RGB farebný model, ale HSV farebný model, ktorý dáva lepšie výsledky hlavne pri zmenách intenzity osvetlenia okolného priestoru MRS. Po stanovení reálnych súradníc za pomoci nami zvoleného 3D optického systému, prevedieme záverom štatistický výpočet pre zistenie presnosti nami riešenej lokalizačnej úlohy a výsledných neurčitostí merania v jednotlivých súradných osiach

    Changing patterns of allotment gardening in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

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    Allotment gardens have played a significant role in Czech and Slovak society for decades, building upon a rich history of gardening. This article elaborates on Czech and Slovak allotments in the European context and identifies their core functions, services, and benefits. We provide a thorough historical review of allotments in this region, reaching back to the eighteenth century to trace significant periods and historic events that shaped society in general and urban gardening in particular. We analyze the development of allotments until and after 1989 and illustrate key aspects of their present situation using case studies and examples. The article provides a complex historical narrative as a good basis for discussions on contemporary trends, challenges, and visions for the future of urban allotment gardening in both countries

    Selection and allocation of a warehouse linked to reloading terminal and seaport

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    Combined transport provides great possibilities for material reloading in terminals or warehouses. However, this cannot be done without a tailored warehouse, geographically suitable for all stakeholders, technically adequate for the handled material, providing the required service while keeping the transport costs at minimum. Allocation design and warehouse erection, connecting the warehouse with the reloading terminal - the seaport, provides an ever-increasing number of options and solutions in the form of integrated freight trains and regular container trains linking seaports with reloading terminals, which significantly saves transport costs and allows for more route and transport type combinations. The paper presents how a suitable warehouse is selected and how its allocation is decided on to cater to transport of the material through the reloading terminal and the seaport. Warehouse allocation was proposed using the Cooper iteration method. The given warehouse location will ensure the optimal cost of shipping and deliveries to individual customers.Web of Science65417316

    Improving the energy efficiency of a tram’s running gear

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    This research analyses the influence of some design features of an undercarriage of a tram on the energy efficiency in terms of mechanical energy losses during its operation. The work includes the comparison of results of the research from two main points of view, namely from a running gear design and a railway wheel design. Two variants of a tram’s bogie are investigated. A standard bogie and a bogie with a system that allows a radial adjustment of the wheelsets in curves. Two designs of a railway wheel are compared, a wheel with the traditional construction scheme and a wheel with a perspective construction scheme. The values of mechanical energy losses due to slippage in the contact between the wheels and rails are analysed. These losses are obtained with reference to a specific route and the value of the average power dissipated. Moreover, an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of bogie designs has made it possible to consider the most appropriate bogie design in terms of ensuring the energy efficiency. In this case, the bogie design with the wheels with the perspective construction scheme can be considered as the optimal option

    Elevation gradient affects the distribution and host utilisation of Zatypota anomala (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) associated with mesh web weaving spiders (Araneae, Dictynidae)

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    The spatial distribution of parasitoids is closely linked to the distribution and ecological requirements of their hosts. Several studies have documented changes in the fauna composition of parasitoids in response to elevation, but data on parasitoids associated with spiders are missing. The koinobiont ichneumonid wasp Zatypota anomala is strictly specialised on spiders of the genus Dictyna (Dictynidae) in Europe. We examined the distribution of spiders of the family Dictynidae in forest ecotones in central Europe across a broad elevation gradient (110–1466 m a.s.l.). We checked the spiders for parasitism by Z. anomala. It was most abundant at the mid-elevations (median 712 m a.s.l., range 179–870 m a.s.l.). We identified four dictynid spider species as Z. anomala hosts. These were Dictyna arundinacea, Dictyna uncinata, Nigma flavescens, and Nigma walckenaeri. All four species and the genus Nigma were recorded as hosts for the first time. The parasitoids strongly preferred juvenile instars of their hosts. The body length differed between parasitised Dictyna and Nigma spiders (medians: 1.95 mm and 2.55 mm, respectively). The distribution of Dictyna and Nigma spiders overlapped along the elevation gradient, but parasitism incidence significantly differed between spider genera along the elevation gradient. Nigma was parasitized at lower elevations between 179–254 m a.s.l. and Dictyna at higher elevations between 361–870 m a.s.l. The phenology of Z. anomala is closely tied to the univoltine life strategy of its host spiders. The parasitoid female oviposits in autumn, and its offspring overwinter as larvae on the host, reach adulthood during spring, and pass the summer as an adult