12 research outputs found
Similarity Based Entropy on Feature Selection for High Dimensional Data Classification
Curse of dimensionality is a major problem in most classification tasks. Feature transformation and feature selection as a feature reduction method can be applied to overcome this problem. Despite of its good performance, feature transformation is not easily interpretable because the physical meaning of the original features cannot be retrieved. On the other side, feature selection with its simple computational process is able to reduce unwanted features and visualize the data to facilitate data understanding. We propose a new feature selection method using similarity based entropy to overcome the high dimensional data problem. Using 6 datasets with high dimensional feature, we have computed the similarity between feature vector and class vector. Then we find the maximum similarity that can be used for calculating the entropy values of each feature. The selected features are features that having higher entropy than mean entropy of overall features. The fuzzy k-NN classifier was implemented to evaluate the selected features. The experiment result shows that proposed method is able to deal with high dimensional data problem with average accuracy of 80.5%
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan sidik jari sebagai alat bukti petunjuk dalam tindak pidana pencurian rumah dan untuk mengetahui kendala dalam proses pelaksanaan sidik jari di tempat kejadian perkara. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan normatif dan empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan sidik jari sebagai alat bukti petunjuk dalam tindak pidana pencurian rumah sangat penting dalam mengidentifikasi korban dan pelaku tindak pidana untuk mengungkap atau membuktikan pelaku dan korban secara ilmiah. Sidik jari juga sebagai sarana alat bukti pembantu alat bukti lain. Kekuatan sidik jari sangat akurat karena tidak ada yang mempunyai sidik jari yang sama dan tidak dapat diganti atau diubah. Pembuktian dengan menggunakan identifikasi sidik jari biasanya disertai keterangan saksi sebagai bahan perbandingan dengan sidik jari laten di TKP. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah sidik jari diharapkan dapat menjadi alat bukti kuat bagi penyidik hukum dalam hal ini sidik jari sangat berperan penting dalam pembuktian oleh karena itu, pihak Kepolisian harus menjaga kestrerilan TKP agar tidak terjadi salah pengidentifikasian yang dapat berakibat salah tangkap bahkan salah memutus terdakwa di pengadilan.Kata kunci: Pencurian; Sidik Jari; Tindak Pidana
Characterization of quadriplegic sufferer in jojo moyes me before you
This research aimed to find out characterization of quadriplegic sufferer in Jojo Moyes' Me Before You. This research was based on the theory on characterization method which proposed by Gill and Patrick. The data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method.There are two methods in characterization that have been found in the novel. The first is telling method, telling has three categories, they are characterization through the use of names, characterization through appearance, and characterization by the author of all which are in the novel. The second is sowing method, showing has five categories but only four are shown in the novel, there are action, reaction, dialogue, and motivation.xi, 62 hlm.; ilus.; 27 cm
Compressive strength of fiber reinforced composite after immersion in citric acid of energy drink
Background: Energy drink consumption has been popular in people age 18-35 years old. A few literature showed that this drink can cause damage to teeth and composite due to its acidity. The use of fiber reinforced composite has been increasing due to its good mechanical properties and aesthetic. Fiber reinforced composite has fiber shaped fillers that can withstand mastication forces. A restoration material has to face the complex oral environment to succeed clinically. Compressive strength test is needed to predict the durability of restoration materials against mastication forces. Purpose: To determine the effect of energy drink citric acid immersion to fiber reinforced composite compressive strength. Methods: 32 cylinder shaped fiber reinforced composite samples with 8mm tall and 4mm diameter were divided into two groups. The first group was immerse in distilled water (K1) as control, and the second group (K2) was immerse in energy drink citric acid. The samples were immersed in an incubator at ±37⁰C for 7 days. After 7 days, samples were washed in water, dried with tissue, and then undergo compressive strength test with Autograph machine at crosshead speed of 10mm/minute. The data were then analyzed using Independent t-test. Results: The mean compressive strength of K1 group was 1469.63 MPa and K2 group 1439.57 MPa. The mean value of K2 group was slightly lower than K1 group, but statistically, there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. Conclusion: Energy drink citric acid immersion has no effect on fiber reinforced composite compressive strength