180 research outputs found

    Differential diagnosis of adrenal masses by chemical shift and dynamic gadolinium enhanced MR imaging.

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    Chemical shift MRI is widely used for identifying adenomas, but it is not a perfect method. We determined whether combined dynamic MRI methods can lead to improved diagnostic accuracy. Fifty-seven adrenal masses were examined by chemical shift and dynamic MR imaging using 2 MR systems. The masses included 38 adenomas and 19 non-adenomas. In chemical shift MRI studies, the signal intensity index (SI) was calculated, and the lesions classified into 5 types in the dynamic MRI studies. Of the 38 adenomas studied, 37 had an SI greater than 0. In the dynamic MRI, 34 of 38 adenomas showed a benign pattern (type 1). If the SI for the adenomas in the chemical shift MRI was considered to be greater than 0, the positive predictive value was 0.9, and the negative predictive value was 0.94 and kappa = 0.79. If type 1 was considered to indicate adenomas in the dynamic MRI, the corresponding values were 0.94, 0.81 and kappa = 0.77 respectively. The results obtained when the 2 methods were combined were 1, 0.95 and kappa = 0.96 respectively. The chemical shift MRI was found to be useful for identifying adenomas in most cases. If the adrenal mass had a low SI (0 &#60; SI &#60; 5), dynamic MRI was also found to be helpful for making a differential diagnosis.</p

    Vitellogenin gene of the silkworm, Bombyx mori: Structure and sex-dependent expression

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    AbstractVitellogenin of Bombyx mori is a precursor of major yolk protein synthesized in the female fat body at larval—pupal ecdysis. The gene for B. mori vitellogenin is composed of seven exons interspersed by six introns. Developmental profile of the primary transcript of the gene indicated that the biosynthesis of B. mori vitellogenin is regulated transcriptionally in a sex- and stage-dependent manner in the fat body. The Arg-X-Arg-Arg sequence, which conforms to the recognition site of mammalian furin, occurs in a region just upstream of the putative proteolytic cleavage site of B. mori previtellogenin

    Smoke-like echo in the left atrial cavity in mitral valve disease: Its features and significance

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    In some patients with mitral stenosis, a smoke-like echo is observed in the left atrial cavity. The present study in 116 consecutive patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease investigated the echocardiographic features and clinical significance of this echo. The smoke-like echo is characterized by the following echocardiographic features: 1) it is composed of numerous microechoes; 2) it curls up slowly in the enlarged left atrial cavity; and 3) it vanishes as soon as it pours into the ventricular cavity. Hemostasis in the left atrial cavity was considered to be an important underlying condition for development of the echo. Hemorheologic conditions indicated that the shear rate of blood flow in the left atrial cavity was calculated to be low enough for the development of red blood cell aggregation.These conditions suggest that the source of the smokelike echo might be aggregated cells due to hemostasis in the left atrial cavity. Left atrial thrombi were detected in many patients who had this echo in the left atrial cavity. Although it has not been conclusively determined that the presence of the smoke-like echo is a necessary condition for thrombus formation, this echo appears to be closely related to thrombus formation in the left atrial cavity. It is concluded that the presence of this echo indicates severe left atrial hemostasis and is a warning for thrombus formation


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    We reviewed the records of 13 patients with adrenal masses operated on over a ten-year period to clarify clinical characteristics of adrenal tumors. Tumors were found incidentally in seven of nine patients with primary adrenal tumors (78%); however, three of these seven patients (43%) proved to have shown symptoms related to adrenal hyperfunction when re-e、raluated. Other adrenal tumors (metastatic in three patients and inflammatory in one) were found without any symptoms referable to the tumors. In nine of 13 patients (69%), tumors were discovered by computerized tomography (CT). All patients with primary tumors have been gotten free of disease postoperatively. In contrast, although all three patients with metastatic adrenal tumors underwent resection of all known disease tissue, they died of the recurrence of malignancies within 10 months. This study suggests that a number of functional adrenal tumors are possibly left undiagnosed until found incidentally, and that CT is the most powerful tool to detect adrenal tumors. Our data did not support surgical intervention in cases of metastatic adrenal tumors.副腎腫瘤の臨床的特徴を明らかにするために過去10年間に当科で手術された13例を検討した. 原発性腫瘍9例中2例は臨床症状より原発性アルドステロン症を疑われ副腎腫瘍を発見されているが, 残りの7例(78%)は偶然腫瘍が発見された, いわゆる incidentaloma であった. しかしながら, retrospective にみるとこの7例中3例(43%)で副腎機能亢進によると考えられる症状を呈していた. 転移性腫瘍3例, histoplasma による肉芽腫1例は全て無症状であった. 13例中9例(69%)はCTにより, 2例は超音波, 1例は血管造影, 1例は scintigraphy によりそれぞれ病変を発見され, CT で副腎腫瘤を指摘できなかったのは1例のみであった. 13例中11例は経腹的に, 2例 は開胸開腹で手術されたが, 術後合併症は1例に創感染を認めたのみであった. 原発性腫瘍例は全例術後再発を認めていないが, 転移性腫瘍の3例は全例, 術後10ヶ月以内に再発死した. 以上の結果は機能性副腎腫瘍でも偶然発見されるまで診断されない場合が多いことを示唆しており, 臨床症状を注意深く検討し常に副腎腫瘍の可能性を考慮にいれることが肝要であると考えられる. また, 今回の結果より CT が副腎腫瘤の診断において重要な位置を占めるものと考えられた. なお, 転移性副腎腫瘍に対する手術療法は今回の検討ではそれを積極的に支持する結果は得られず, 今後さらに検討を要する問題と思われる

    <症例>胃癌手術 (脾摘術合併胃全摘術) 後の門脈血栓症の1例

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    A 48-year-old woman underwent total gastrectomy, splenectomy, and distal pancreatectomy with en bloc regional lymph node dissection for gastric carcinoma. Dull pain in the right upper quadrant and the back developed postoperatively. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and ultrasonography disclosed portal vein thrombosis (PVT). Heparin and urokinase were given in conjunction with antbiotics. This treatment resulted in clinical improvement, but failed to achieve complete thrombolysis. Cavernous transformation of the portal system was confirmed. Although PVT after splenectomy has been reported mainly in patients with hematological disorders, our case suggests that splenectomy for en bloc node dissection in gastric carcinoma is a possible cause of PVT.門脈血栓症は肝硬変や肝癌の患者で時に認められる病態であるが, 術後の門脈血栓症は稀であり, そのほとんどが脾腫に対する脾摘術後に発生している. 我々は胃癌根治術に伴う脾摘術後に門脈血栓をきたした症例を経験したので報告する. 症例は48才の女性で, 胃体上部後壁を中心とする5型胃癌に対し, 胃全摘術, 脾摘術, 膵尾側切除術を行なった. 病変は組織学的には低分化腺癌, 深達度ss, No, Po, Ho の stage I b で, 摘出した脾重量は 150g であった. なお, 術前の出血凝固系検査には異常を認めなかった. 術後18日目より右上腹部から背部の鈍痛が出現し, 白血球数, CRP, 血清アルカリフォスファターゼ値も上昇してきた. 術後19日目の造影CTで, 門脈, 上腸間膜静脈がほとんど造影されず, 門脈から上腸間膜静脈におよぶ血栓形成が考えられた. 抗生剤の投与とともにただちにへパリンの持続静注とウロキナーゼ投与を併用したところ, 臨床症状や検査所見は軽快した. ただし, 血栓は完全に消失せず, その後の腹部血管造影では側副血行路としての肝十二指腸間膜内の静脈拡張, いわゆるcavernous transformation が認められた. へパリン, ウロキナーゼの投与からワーファリン内服に切り替え, 患者は術後66日目に退院した. 現在, 術後2年経過したが, 食道静脈瘤の出現や消化管出血などの門脈血栓, 門脈圧充亢進に起因すると思われる症状は認めていない. 我々の症例は, 進行胃癌根治術の際にしばしは合わせ行われる脾摘術後にも門脈血栓症の出現する可能性があることを示唆しており, そのような手術を受けた患者が術後原因不明の腹部症状や白血球増加を来たした時には門脈血栓症も疑い精査を進める必要があると考えられる

    Guideline from Japanese Society of Echocardiography : 2018 focused update incorporated into Guidance for the Management and Maintenance of Echocardiography Equipment

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    Echocardiography plays a pivotal role as an imaging modality in the modern cardiology practice. Information derived from echocardiography is definitely helpful for a patient care. The Japanese Society of Echocardiography has promoted echocardiography for a routine clinical and research use. One of the missions of the Society is to provide information that is useful for high-quality examinations. To ensure it, we believe equipment in good conditions and a comfortable environment are important for both a patient and an examiner. Thus, the Committee for Guideline Writing, the Japanese Society of Echocardiography published brief guidance for the routine use of echocardiography equipment in 2015. Recently, the importance of international standardization has been emphasized in the medical laboratories. Accordingly, the committee has revised and updated our guidance for the routine use of echocardiography equipment

    Operative Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

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    Introduction: A retrospective study was performed to investigate the relationship between the severity of liver cirrhosis and the outcome of cardiac surgery. Methods and Results: Twenty-one patients with liver cirrhosis underwent cardiac surgery in our institution. According to the Child-Pugh classification, 13 patients were in class A, 7 in class B, and 1 in class C. Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in 7 patients, surgery for valvular disease in 10 and other procedures in 4. Major postoperative complications occurred in 8%, 29%, and 100% for Child-Pugh class A, B, and C, respectively. Preoperative hemoglobin level was significantly lower in the patients with postoperative complications. None of 4 patients underwent coronary revascularization using off-pump procedure or mini-pump system experienced major complication. The operative mortality was 0%, 14%, and 0% for Child-Pugh class A, B, and C, respectively. Conclusions: Although the overall mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis was acceptable in our study, the incidence of severe complications, such as prolonged ventilation, mediastinitis and irreversible hepatic insufficiency was problematic in Child-Pugh class B and class C patients. Application of less invasive cardiac surgery, such as mini-pump system or off-pump procedure will improve the operative outcome in such patient group.長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医)甲第1,272号学位授与年月日:平成20年7月16

    Kinematic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the normal shoulder: assessment of the shapes and signals of the superior and inferior labra with abductive movement using an open-type imager.

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    A preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the superior and inferior glenoid labra with abductive movement using an open-type MR unit in asymptomatic healthy volunteers. Both fast low angle shot (FLASH) and turbo spin echo (TSE) images were obtained to evaluate the shapes of both the superior and inferior labra, as well as to assess changes in signal at these sites. As the abduction angle was increased, the shape of the superior labrum changed from round or triangular to crescentic and a higher signal was frequently seen. At an abduction angle of 150 degrees, an increase in signal was seen in one-half of the superior labra; this increase was noted more frequently in volunteers over 40 years of age. In some of the superior labra, the increase in signal seen at 150 degrees abduction disappeared on subsequent images obtained at 0 degrees abduction. Hence, the increase in signal was considered to be a reversible change. The shape of the inferior labrum tended to change from crescentic to triangular or round. An increase in signal in the inferior labrum was unrelated to the abduction angle. Abductive kinematic studies using an open-type MR unit provides information about the morphology of the superior and inferior labra, as well as information about signal changes occurring at these sites.</p

    Validation of TNM classification for metastatic prostatic cancer treated using primary androgen deprivation therapy

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    Purpose: The current tumor–node–metastasis (TNM) classification system has been used for many years. The prognosis of patients with metastatic prostate cancer (mPC) treated using primary androgen deprivation therapy (PADT) was analyzed according to the TNM classification. Methods: A total of 5618 cases with lymph node metastases only (N1M0), non-regional lymph node metastasis (M1a), bone metastasis (M1b), and distant metastasis (M1c) were selected from the Japanese Study Group of Prostate Cancer database. Overall survival (OS), cancer-specific survival (CSS), and progression-free survival (PFS) rates were calculated using Kaplan–Meier analysis. The influence of clinical variables on patient prognosis was evaluated using the Cox proportional hazard regression model. Results: The 5-year OS, CSS, and PFS were 76.0, 83.2, and 38.8 % in N1M0, 57.5, 69.0, and 23.0 % in M1a, 54.0, 63.1, and 23.0 % in M1b, and 40.0, 51.5, and 16.6 % in M1c, respectively. OS, CSS, and PFS worsened as the stages progressed. OS, CSS, and PFS were all significantly worse in N1M1b compared with N0M1b. Multivariate analysis revealed that OS and CSS were worse in patients with a Gleason score ≥8 and that combined androgen blockade (CAB) treatment provided better OS than non-CAB treatments at any tumor stage. However, OS and CSS were worse in individuals with a prostate-specific antigen >100 ng/ml only in M1b. Conclusions: Patient prognosis worsened with stage progression; therefore, current TNM classification system of mPC for PADT was shown to be trustworthy. Each PC cell that develops bone or lymphoid metastasis may exhibit different characteristics. © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg