Operative Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis


Introduction: A retrospective study was performed to investigate the relationship between the severity of liver cirrhosis and the outcome of cardiac surgery. Methods and Results: Twenty-one patients with liver cirrhosis underwent cardiac surgery in our institution. According to the Child-Pugh classification, 13 patients were in class A, 7 in class B, and 1 in class C. Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in 7 patients, surgery for valvular disease in 10 and other procedures in 4. Major postoperative complications occurred in 8%, 29%, and 100% for Child-Pugh class A, B, and C, respectively. Preoperative hemoglobin level was significantly lower in the patients with postoperative complications. None of 4 patients underwent coronary revascularization using off-pump procedure or mini-pump system experienced major complication. The operative mortality was 0%, 14%, and 0% for Child-Pugh class A, B, and C, respectively. Conclusions: Although the overall mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis was acceptable in our study, the incidence of severe complications, such as prolonged ventilation, mediastinitis and irreversible hepatic insufficiency was problematic in Child-Pugh class B and class C patients. Application of less invasive cardiac surgery, such as mini-pump system or off-pump procedure will improve the operative outcome in such patient group.長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医)甲第1,272号学位授与年月日:平成20年7月16

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