512 research outputs found

    On ionisation effects and abundance ratios in damped Lyman-alpha systems

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    The similarity between observed velocity structures of Al III and singly ionised species in damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAs) suggests the presence of ionised gas in the regions where most metal absorption lines are formed. To explore the possible implications of ionisation effects we construct a simplified two-region model for DLAs consisting of an ionisation bounded region with an internal radiation field and a neutral region with a lower metal content. Within this framework we find that ionisation effects are important. If taken into account, the element abundance ratios in DLAs are quite consistent with those observed in Milky Way stars and in metal-poor H II regions in blue compact dwarf galaxies. In particular we cannot exclude the same primary N origin in both DLAs and metal-poor galaxies. From our models no dust depletion of heavy elements needs to be invoked; little depletion is however not excluded.Comment: to appear in "Evolution of Galaxies. I. Observational clues", Eds. J.M. Vilchez, G. Stasinska, Astrophysics and Space Science, in press. 5 pages, including 3 figure

    A New Approach to Systematic Uncertainties and Self-Consistency in Helium Abundance Determinations

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    Tests of big bang nucleosynthesis and early universe cosmology require precision measurements for helium abundance determinations. However, efforts to determine the primordial helium abundance via observations of metal poor H II regions have been limited by significant uncertainties. This work builds upon previous work by providing an updated and extended program in evaluating these uncertainties. Procedural consistency is achieved by integrating the hydrogen based reddening correction with the helium based abundance calculation, i.e., all physical parameters are solved for simultaneously. We include new atomic data for helium recombination and collisional emission based upon recent work by Porter et al. and wavelength dependent corrections to underlying absorption are investigated. The set of physical parameters has been expanded here to include the effects of neutral hydrogen collisional emission. Because of a degeneracy between the solutions for density and temperature, the precision of the helium abundance determinations is limited. Also, at lower temperatures (T \lesssim 13,000 K) the neutral hydrogen fraction is poorly constrained resulting in a larger uncertainty in the helium abundances. Thus the derived errors on the helium abundances for individual objects are larger than those typical of previous studies. The updated emissivities and neutral hydrogen correction generally raise the abundance. From a regression to zero metallicity, we find Y_p as 0.2561 \pm 0.0108, in broad agreement with the WMAP result. Tests with synthetic data show a potential for distinct improvement, via removal of underlying absorption, using higher resolution spectra. A small bias in the abundance determination can be reduced significantly and the calculated helium abundance error can be reduced by \sim 25%.Comment: 51 pages, 13 figure

    The metallicities of UM151, UM408 and A1228+12 revisited

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    We present the results of new spectrophotometry and heavy element abundance determinations for 3 dwarf galaxies UM151, UM408 and A1228+12 (RMB132). These galaxies have been claimed in the literature to have very low metallicities, corresponding to log(O/H)+12 < 7.65, that are in the metallicity range of some candidate local young galaxies. We present higher S/N data for these three galaxies. UM151 and UM408 have significantly larger metallicities: log(O/H)+12 = 8.5 and 7.93, respectively. For A1228+12 our new log(O/H)+12 = 7.73 is close to that recalculated from earlier data (7.68). Thus, the rederived metallicities allow us to remove these objects from the list of galaxies with Z < 1/20 Z_Sun.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages with 3 Postscript figures, A&A in pres

    Formation of the system of management of supporting university on the basis of strengthening of communication component

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    The article deals with changes in the system of management of educational establishments of higher education caused by creation of supporting universities. The program of creation of such universities supposes formation of universities-leaders in regions, which can consolidate educational and scientific basis for training of personnel in Russian subjects. During creation of supporting regional universities, the emphasis is made on the fact that they are to become the centers of innovational development, being a part of economy and region’s infrastructure at the same time. At that, creation of new engineering and implemental centers and R&D laboratories requires complex realization of projects for creation of high-tech production and necessary conditions for development of interface of regional supporting universities and enterprises. The article views functions and organizational structure of management of technical university; establishes dependence of intensity of organizational transformations on various factors. The authors show a process of formation of matrix organizational structure of technical supporting university with the use of mobile informational and communicational structures, which is formed by placement of horizontal connections on existing linear and functional structure.peer-reviewe

    Model of creation and management of the process of technological projects development

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    The purpose of the article is to determine and describe main principles and model of development of regional business accelerator on the basis of technical university for development of innovational startups. The research included the work on identification of the problems of the process of commercialization of technological developments, which business accelerator should solve. One of the basic purposes of creation of business accelerator is increase of the flow of prepared projects for consideration by investment committees of funds of early stages. Accelerator can be a full-scale unified mechanism of formation of deals flow from diversified mass of completed R&D. As a result of the research, the authors come to a conclusion that the process of creation of value and movement from prototype to entering a market supposes long chain with formation of various risks at each stage – scientific, financial, administrative, etc. Minimization of such risks requires from partners, involved with the work of business accelerator, solving emerging problems together. Such motivation could be formed by development of business accelerator by the principles of partnership and creation of equal access and rights for basic members.peer-reviewe

    HS 2134+0400 - new very metal-poor galaxy, a representative of void population?

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    We present the SAO 6m telescope spectroscopy of a blue compact galaxy (BCG) HS 2134+0400 discovered in frame of the dedicated Hamburg/SAO survey for Low Metallicity BCGs (HSS-LM). Its very low abundance of oxygen (12+log(O/H) = 7.44), as well as other heavy elements (S, N, Ne, Ar), assigns this dwarf galaxy to the group of BCGs with the lowest metal content. There are only eight that low metallicity among several thousand known BCGs in the nearby Universe. The abundance ratios for the heavy elements (S/O, Ne/O, N/O, and Ar/O) are well consistent with the typical values of other very metal-poor BCGs. The global environment of HS 2134+0400 is atypical of the majority of BCGs. The object falls within the Pegasus void, the large volume with the very low density of galaxies with the normal (M_B* = -19.6) or high luminosity. Since we found in voids a dozen more the very metal-poor galaxies, we discuss the hypothesis that such objects can be representative of a substantial fraction of the void dwarf galaxy population.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 tables and 2 postscript figures. Submitted to Astronomy Letter
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