40 research outputs found

    Future changes in extreme events in Mozambique as simulated using the PRECIS regional climate modeling system

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    Future climate change is generally believed to lead to an increase in climate variability and inthe frequency and intensity of extreme events. Mozambique is well known for its occurrenceof severe weather and extreme climate events such as floods, tropical cyclones and droughts.Such events have serious impacts on the livelihoods of most people who often rely on subsistence agriculture.This dissertation explores possible changes in extremes in temperature and precipitation over Mozambique, based on high-resolution (25 km) simulations of the regional climate model system PRECIS (HadRM3P), forced by the ECHAM4 global mode

    Future changes in extreme rainfall events and circulation patterns over southern Africa

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    Includes bibliographical referencesChanges in precipitation extremes are projected by many global climate models as a response to greenhouse gas increases, and such changes will have significant environmental and social impacts. These impacts are a function of exposure and vulnerability. Hence there is critical need to understand the nature of weather and climate extremes. Results from an ensemble of regional climate models from the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) project are used to investigate projected changes in extreme precipitation characteristics over southern Africa for the middle (2036-2065) and late century (2069-2098) under the representative concentration pathway 4.5 (RCP4.5) and 8.5 (RCP8.5). Two approaches are followed to identify and analyze extreme precipitation events. First, indices for extreme events, which capture moderate extreme events, are calculated on the basis of model data and are compared with indices from two observational gridded datasets at annual basis. The second approach is based on extreme value theory. Here, the Generalized Extreme Value distribution (GEV) is fitted to annual maxima precipitation by a L-moments method. The 20-year return values are analyzed for present and future climate conditions. The physical drivers of the projected change are evaluated by examining the models ability to simulate circulation patterns over the regions with the aid of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)

    Assessing the spatio-temporal distribution of extreme heat events in Mozambique using the CHIRTS temperature dataset for 1983-2016.

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    The frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat events are increasing worldwide, posing a significant threat to public health. However, these events have been largely under-reported and understudied across the African continent. Consequently, the nature of extreme heat hazards and the impacts of such events across Africa remain largely unknown. This research aims to address this research gap by characterising extreme heat events and their trends for Mozambique using the high- resolution remotely sensed CHIRTS-daily temperature data for 1983-2016. The results can be used for heat impact assessments and development of heat early warning system for Mozambique and other data-scarce regions

    An evaluation of CORDEX regional climate models in simulating precipitation over Southern Africa

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    This article evaluates the ability of the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating monthly rainfall variation during the austral summer half year (October to March) over southern Africa, the timing of the rainy season and the relative frequencies of rainfall events of varying intensities. The phasing and amplitude of monthly rainfall evolution and the spatial progression of the wet season onset are well simulated by the models. Notwithstanding some systematic biases in a few models, the simulated onset and end of the rainy season and their interannual variability are highly correlated with those computed from the reference data. The strongest agreements between the reference and modelled precipitation patterns are found north of about 20∘S in the vicinity of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone. A majority of the RCMs adequately capture the reference precipitation probability density functions, with a few showing a bias towards excessive light rainfall events.The CORDEX-Africa programme was supported by the Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training (START) through the Climate Systems Analysis Group of the University of Cape Town. Support from the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1530-261Xhb2016Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorolog

    Potential of Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Cocoa Suitability in Nigeria

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    Cocoa is an important cash crop that contributes to the economy of Nigeria via job creation and foreign exchange earnings. However, escalating global warming trends threatens Cocoa cultivation and have resulted in a decline and heightened variability in Cocoa production in Nigeria, with potential for further exacerbation in the future. A potential way to reduce the warming is through climate intervention (CI) techniques, including Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which involves the injection of sulphur into the stratosphere to reflect a small percentage of incoming solar radiation and lower earth’s temperature. To gauge GHG and SAI impact on Cocoa suitability in Nigeria, we used Geoengineering Large Ensemble Simulations (GLENS) dataset as input into Ecocrop model for historical (2011–2030) and future periods (2070–2089). Our results show GHG impact will increase mean and minimum temperatures (up to 3°C) and total monthly rainfall (up to 15 mm) by the end of century in the southwest and north-east area of Nigeria while rainfall decrease of similar magnitude in the other parts of the country. With SAI intervention, rainfall may decrease by about 10–20 mm over the country and reduce mean and minimum temperature by 2°C. Suitable land for Cocoa cultivation in Nigeria may decrease by 24 and 18% under GHG and SAI, respectively, while unsuitable may increase by 14 and 24% by the end of century. Our study has implications for the economies based on Cocoa production in Nigeria

    Evaluation and projections of extreme precipitation over southern Africa from two CORDEX models

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    The study focus on the analysis of extreme precipitation events of the present and future climate over southern Africa. Parametric and non-parametric approaches are used to identify and analyse these extreme events in data from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) models. The performance of the global climate model (GCM) forced regional climate model (RCM) simulations shows that the models are able to capture the observed climatological spatial patterns of the extreme precipitation. It is also shown that the downscaling of the present climate are able to add value to the performance of GCMs over some areas and depending on the metric used. The added value over GCMs justify the additional computational effort of RCM simulation for the generation relevant climate information for regional application. In the climate projections for the end of twenty-first Century (2069-2098) relative to the reference period (1976-2005), annual total precipitation is projected to decrease while the maximum number of consecutive dry days increases. Maximum 5-day precipitation amounts and 95th percentile of precipitation are also projected to increase significantly in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of southern Africa and decrease in the extra-tropical region. There are indications that rainfall intensity is likely to increase. This does not equate to an increase in total rainfall, but suggests that when it does rain, the intensity is likely to be greater. These changes are magnified under the RCP8.5 when compared with the RCP4.5 and are consistent with previous studies based on GCMs over the region.Water Research Commission-Project K5-2240.http://link.springer.com/journal/105842017-04-30hb2016Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorolog

    Projected future daily characteristics of African precipitation based on global (CMIP5, CMIP6) and regional (CORDEX, CORDEX-CORE) climate models

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    We provide an assessment of future daily characteristics of African precipitation by explicitly comparing the results of large ensembles of global (CMIP5, CMIP6) and regional (CORDEX, CORE) climate models, specifically highlighting the similarities and inconsistencies between them. Results for seasonal mean precipitation are not always consistent amongst ensembles: in particular, global models tend to project a wetter future compared to regional models, especially over the Eastern Sahel, Central and East Africa. However, results for other precipitation characteristics are more consistent. In general, all ensembles project an increase in maximum precipitation intensity during the wet season over all regions and emission scenarios (except the West Sahel for CORE) and a decrease in precipitation frequency (under the Representative Concentration Pathways RCP8.5) especially over the West Sahel, the Atlas region, southern central Africa, East Africa and southern Africa. Depending on the season, the length of dry spells is projected to increase consistently by all ensembles and for most (if not all) models over southern Africa, the Ethiopian highlands and the Atlas region. Discrepancies exist between global and regional models on the projected change in precipitation characteristics over specific regions and seasons. For instance, over the Eastern Sahel in July–August most global models show an increase in precipitation frequency but regional models project a robust decrease. Global and regional models also project an opposite sign in the change of the length of dry spells. CORE results show a marked drying over the regions affected by the West Africa monsoon throughout the year, accompanied by a decrease in mean precipitation intensity between May and July that is not present in the other ensembles. This enhanced drying may be related to specific physical mechanisms that are better resolved by the higher resolution models and highlights the importance of a process-based evaluation of the mechanisms controlling precipitation over the region

    SEAmester – South Africa’s first class afloat

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    publisher versionFrom Introduction: Marine science is a highly competitive environment. The need to improve the cohort of South African postgraduates, who would be recognised both nationally and internationally for their scientific excellence, is crucial. It is possible to attract students early on in their careers to this discipline via cutting-edge science, technology and unique field experiences. Through the engagement of students with real-life experiences such as SEAmester, universities supporting marine science postgraduate degree programmes can attract a sustainable throughput of numerically proficient students. By achieving a more quantitative and experienced input into our postgraduate degree programmes, we will, as a scientific community, greatly improve our long-term capabilities to accurately measure, model and predict the impacts of current climate change scenarios. The short-term goal is to attract and establish a cohort of proficient marine and atmospheric science graduates who will contribute to filling the capacity needs of South African marine science as a whole. The SEAmester programme, by involving researchers from across all the relevant disciplines and tertiary institutions, provides an opportunity to build a network of collaborative teaching within the marine field. In doing so, these researchers will foster and strengthen new and current collaborations between historically white and black universities (Figure 1). The long-term objective of SEAmester is to build critical mass within the marine sciences to ensure sustained growth of human capacity in marine science in South Africa – aligning closely with the current DST Research and Development strategies and the Operation Phakisa Oceans Economy initiative