317 research outputs found

    Kajian keberkesanan olahan larut lesapan menggunakan elektrod aluminum dan ferum dalam sistem elektro-penggumpalan

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    Elektro-pengumpalan merupakan satu kaedah alternatif yang kompetatif selain daripada kaedah konvesional bagi merawat air sisa terutamanya larut lesapan yang mempunyai struktur bahan pencemar yang kompleks dan tinggi. Kajian keberkesanan elekto-penggumpalan telahpun dijalankan bagi menentukan keberkesanan sistem ini beroperasi. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah bagi mengkaji keberkesanan dan potensi sistem beroperasi dengan menggunakan empat jenis susunan elektrod, Fe-Fe, Al-Al, Fe dan aluminum sulfat di samping penentuan nilai optimum ketumpatan arus elektrik, jarak antara elektrod, masa tindakbalas, pH, masa enapan dan aluminum sulfat. Penggunaan CILAS Analyzer digunakan bagi menentukan saiz flok di setiap penentuan optimum yang diperolehi. Sebanyak 750 liter sampel larut lesapan diambil pada awal bulan Disember 2010 - Januari 2011. Pengujian awalan BOD, COD, pepejal terampai, nitrogen ammonia, warna dan kekeruhan turut diuji terhadap sampel mentah yang diperolehi. Reaktor kaca bersaiz 300mm x 80mm x 200mm (4 L sampel) dengan luas berkesan elektrod penggumpal, 60 sm + - + - -Al , Al -Fe 2 digunakan di samping ujian penyingkiran parameter seperti COD, pepejal terampai, nitrogen ammonia warna dan kekeruhan turut diuji di dalam kajian ini. Hasil keseluruhan kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan elektrod Al-Al memberikan peratus penyingkiran tertinggi di mana penentuan optimum yang diperolehi bagi ketumpatan arus elektrik adalah 0.025 amp/sm , jarak antara elektrod, 10 cm, masa tindakbalas, 60 minit, pH 5 dan masa enapan, 30 minit. Peratus penyingkiran yang diperolehi bagi COD, pepejal terampai, nitrogen ammonia, warna dan kekeruhan adalah 82.5%, 94.7%, 65.6%, 91% and 90.6%. Percampuran aluminum sulfat terhadap penggunaan elektrod Al-Al memberikan dos optimum sebanyak 1500 mg/l di mana penyingkiran tertinggi yang diperolehi bagi COD, pepejal terampai, nitrogen ammonia, warna dan kekeruhan adalah 84.2%, 81%, 80.3%, 75% and 81.1%. Kesimpulanya, penggunaan elektrod Al-Al dicadangkan, di mana sedikit pra olahan perlu dilakukan bagi menepati piawaian yang dibenarkan oleh Standard Malaysia bagi tahap lepasan larut lesapan. Katakunci: air sisa domestik; Elektro-pengumpalan; larut lesapa

    Yang-May Ooi's The Flame Tree and the politics of environment in Malaysia

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    The question of “Who has the power?” is often central in environmental politics, since power serves as a crucial mediation through which conflicts related to environmental problems are resolved (or not resolved). In this paper, the author analyses how power relations are unpacked in Yang-May Ooi’s The Flame Tree (1998) and what effects these relations have on land that is threatened by an environmentally-destructive project. Environmental politics within a society is usually carried out based on the political system that exists. In the case of Malaysia, it is within a semi-democracy that environmental politics takes place, which is characterised by liberal democracy (such as competitive elections, citizen participation and civil liberties) as well as authoritarian rule (dominant political ruling parties and strong interventionist states). This analysis compares and contrasts the novel with the Marxist theory of power, which is referred to in this paper as “power over” or the various ways that power is wielded in order to maintain the status quo. The author argues that although Ooi seems to subscribe to this traditional concept of power, representing the state, the capitalists and their ideologies as “having” power, she also undermines that “having” by constructing notions of “power to” – power that refers to an individual and/or a social group’s sense of worth, values, knowledge and potential to shape the course of actions and decisions related to the land – in order to create more equitable relations and structures of power. Ooi also presents this notion of “power to” as “problematic”: demonstrating how “power to” is often constricted by the forces of “power over”, as well as how the realisation of “power to” essentially hinges on paying more attention to ideological rather than coercive domination

    Vocabulary learning through vocabulary scrapbook

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    For the last 25 years, the field of English language teaching has witnessed significant responses to the incorporation of vocabulary learning in the language classroom. Vocabulary learning has been viewed as central to language learning and being of critical importance to the typical language learner. According to Coady (1997), there is a general agreement among vocabulary learning advocators that the heart of communicative competence is lexical knowledge. Such shift in emphasis in the field of ELT, followed by continuous research on vocabulary learning, have shed light on, and have provided valuable information about what to do and what to focus on. All these imply that the teachers in the language classrooms can utilise many interesting and creative techniques in vocabulary teaching and learning. A project called Vocabulary Scrapbook was introduced to the first semester students at Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia France Institute with the aim to enrich students’ vocabulary inventories via specific vocabulary learning strategies. This paper describes how the principles underlying vocabulary learning are put into practice in the project, the problems faced by the teachers and students in carrying out the project, and the effectiveness of the project in improving students’ inventories of words and phrases. A survey carried out after the project was completed revealed the students’ positive reception of the project – viewing it as a useful tool in learning and enriching their vocabulary

    Alienation from nature and the role of forgotten tradition in Keris Mas' Jungle of Hope and K. S. Maniam's Between Lives

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    This essay looks at Keris Mas’ Jungle of Hope (1984) and K.S. Maniam’s Between Lives (2003) and discusses how humanity’s alienation from nature gets different treatments by these two prominent Malaysian writers. This estrangement resonates with current environmentalism as it is seen as complicit in conditioning humanity’s thinking that they are not a part of nature, causing them to take the anthropocentric and utilitarian attitudes that contribute further to environmental woes. Alienation from nature is to a large extent, the reflection of the environmental conditions in which the writers find themselves and the different phases in the country’s environmental history, in which the texts are placed. Keris through Jungle of Hope delves into the onset of this alienation, focusing on the trauma felt by Malay peasants, caught between environmental realities and tradition. Maniam through Between Lives also delves into this rift. He, however, offers a way to heal this rupture – by going back to cultural and religious tradition. Indeed, forgotten tradition is reclaimed and revived in both texts but Maniam seems to foreground forgotten tradition as a way to heal this estrangement from nature. Both texts nevertheless, serve as valuable resources for thinking about alienation and its effects on humanity; and the immense capacity that humanity has to amend their relationship with nature

    Mechanical Properties of Drilling Defect Induced Glass Fiber Epoxy Composites Developed By Resin Infusion Technique

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    Composite laminates such as Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy (GFRE), Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy (CFRE) and other fiber metal composite laminates have been widely used in industries which include aerospace, aircraft structural components and oil and gas fields due to their superior mechanical properties. Drilling can be considered as an important machining operation for the assembling of laminates. By reason of hard-to-machine characteristics of the components, the drilling operation induced defects. This paper studies the mechanical properties that are affected from the induced defect. In this research, GFRE composite were used and fabricated using the vacuum assisted resin infusion method. The results of the drilled samples were tested for its tensile strength and structural analysis. This research is intended to help readers obtain a comprehensive view on mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced epoxy

    Gas-Liquid Separation in T-Junction

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    T-junctions are widely used in piping network for distributing multiphase flows, especially in oil and gas industries. Mal-distribution of the phases flowing through a T-junction poses a challenge in maintaining homogenous splitting across a T-junction at the same time, a potential as a simple, compact partial phase separator. However, the behavior of two-phase flow complicates the process of understanding the phenomena as there are many inter-related parameters that influences the mal-distribution. In order to seriously consider T-junction as a partial phase separator, its geometry and operating condition that for efficient separation must be identified. This project aims to identify the geometric and operating conditions effects on the separation efficiency of a T-junction in terms of gas fraction in branch arm. The concerned parameters under this study are the operating pressure, oil flow rate, GOR, and arms’ length of the T-junction. OLGA Multiphase Simulator is used to model the T-junction for the parametric study. The findings conclude that operating pressure as the most influential parameter in ensuring efficient separation. At the end of this project, sufficient amount of data is collected and the phenomenon of phase mal-distribution when a two-phase mixture passes through a T-junctions is well understood. Hence, redefined the potential of T-junction as a simple, cost saving, passive partial separator for separation process in the petroleum industr

    Field efficiency for infield oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) collection operation / Fauzan Harith Izat Farizan

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    Oil Palm (Elaeis guinensis) one of the biggest crop production in Malaysia as the source of income in the country. Labor are intensively being used in the operation of oil palm production and palm oil is also exported to the demanded country around the globe. Foreign labor from neighboring country especially Indonesia have the highest number of labor in harvesting oil palm bunches. As the development of oil palm plantation growth for the past few years in Indonesia, labor shortage in plantation has now becoming a serious issue in Malaysian plantation. There are more and more foreign labor that willing to return to their homeland to work at their plantation area in their country. As a result, grabber machine has been starting to be implemented in developed company to replace labor work in infield FFB collection. Many machine are produced by researchers to help in plantation operation. Tractor grabber machine is one of the most effective machine that suitable to be used in collection of FFB in the field. The field efficiency of the grabber machine is important to be measured to examine whether the machine is efficient enough to be used in plantation to replace human workforce. At Merlimau six operators are observed in their efficiency in operating six grabber machine with the same model. As a result, the average field efficiency of the machine is at 91% which is considered as highly efficient in machinery range. Company are recommended to hire operator with higher experiences, which tend to have higher field efficiency

    Noise emitted by drop hammer piling machine and workers‘ noise exposure

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    Hammer driven piling machine is the typical piling equipment in Malaysia, according to previous research on piling activities more than a decade ago more than an average of 90 dBA was recorded during the occurrences of piling activities at a common construction site that disturbs the neighbourhood. However, the direct effect of piling activities are the operator and signal man. Up to date there is no detail data about the noise exposure level experienced by these workers from these activities in order to facilitate the noise management in construction site. In this paper the propagation of sound level data on the recent hammer driven piling machines and noise exposure to operators and signal man were acquired and evaluated. Sound data were obtained by using sound level meter type 2 while noise exposure of workers by using noise dosimeter. Data were taken from six sites with piling machine age bellow 10 years, 7ton Hammer, 300mm Spun Pile and Laterite type of soil. It was obtained that piling hammering noise level was found exceeds the permissible maximum noise level of 90 dBA as highlighted by FMR 1989 up to distance more than 4m from piling machine. With this result it directly affected the signalmens and this is confirmed by the reading of noise exposure of them exceeding the 90 dBA and more than 100% dose. From the analysis, clearly that the piling machine workers especially the signal man underestimate the impact of high impact pulsing sound level generated even at the softest soil condition. It is proposed that signal man must wear proper hearing protection device with Noise reduction rating (NRR) of 20-30 dBA


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    Praktk Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan sarana praktik bagi mahasiswa di lapangan dalam upaya pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang professional dengan memberikan pengalaman kepada calon pendidik mengenai pengimplementasian ilmu yang telah dikuasai dalam Pratik keguruan yang sesungguhnya di lapangan. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) diharapkan mampu mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa sekaligus menjadi motivasi untuk terus mengaktualisasi diri dan mengabdi di dunia pendidikan agar mampu mewujudkan dunia pendidikan yang berkualitas di masa depan. Kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan mulai 18 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016, mahasiswa praktikan memperoleh tugas melaksanakan praktik mengajar di dalam kelas yang diampu oleh guru pembimbing dengan mengembangkan proses pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan apa yang telah dipelajari dibangku kuliah dengan penuh tanggung jawab Kegiatan PPL merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari observasi kelas, serta proses pengidentifikasian lingkungan belajar dan karakteristik peserta didik, koordinasi dengan pihak terkait antara lain, Koordinator PPL SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak dan guru pembimbing, penyusunan RPP, serta pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan non-mengajar selama kurang lebih 8 minggu di kelas X MIPA 1, X IPS 2 ,dan XI IPS 1. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL selama kurang lebih dua bulan di SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak ini dapat dipetik hasilnya oleh mahasiswa berupa penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan praktik keguruan di dalam bidang Pendidikan Geografi yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan. Meskipun demikian, tetap masih ada hambatan dalam pelaksanaan PPL. Penulis menghimbau supaya hubungan kerja sama antara pihak sekolah dan LPPMP UNY tetap terjaga dengan baik

    Peer-editing practice in the writing classrooms: Benefits and drawbacks

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    Small scale studies have shown that peer-editing is beneficial to students as it increases their awareness of the complex process of writing improves their knowledge of and skills in writing and helps them become more autonomous in learning. Teachers too may benefit from peer-editing as this practice discloses invaluable information on students’ writing weaknesses and strengths; and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. This is a small scale study conducted on fifteen first-year degree students majoring in Tourism to view the usefulness of peer-editing practice in enhancing their writing skills....1 PEER-EDITING PRACTICE IN THE WRITING CLASSROOM: BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS Ann Rosnida Md. Deni Zainor Izat Zainal Small scale studies have shown that peer-editing is beneficial to students as it increases their awareness of the complex process of writing improves their knowledge of and skills in writing and helps them become more autonomous in learning. Teachers too may benefit from peer-editing as this practice discloses invaluable information on students’ writing weaknesses and strengths; and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. This is a small scale study conducted on fifteen first-year degree students majoring in Tourism to view the usefulness of peer-editing practice in enhancing their writing skills. Retrospective notes were taken to record students’ receptiveness and reaction towards peer editing practice; students’ writing samples and peer-editing questionnaires were analysed to view students’ revisions and comments; and an open-ended questionnaire was distributed to identify students’ perceptions of peer-editing practice in the writing classroom. Analysis of data gathered revealed that peer-editing practice benefitted both the teacher and most of her students as it exposed important information that could improve her teaching of writing and her students’ writing practices