86 research outputs found

    Romantisme et érotisme dans les Poèmes à Lou par Guillaume Apollinaire

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    Using SEM-EDX and ICP-OES to Investigate the Elemental Composition of Green Macroalga Vaucheria sessilis

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    The biomass of Vaucheria sessilis forms algal mats in many freshwaters. There is a need to find the method of algal biomass utilization. Vaucheria sessilis is a rich source of micro- and macronutrients and can be used as a soil amendment. In the paper, the elemental composition of enriched, via bioaccumulation process, macroalga was investigated. For this purpose, two independent techniques were used: scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray analytical system (SEMEDX) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The biomass was exposed to two microelemental solutions, with Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions. After two weeks of the experiment, macroalga accumulated 98.5 mg of Zn(II) ions in 1 g of dry biomass and 68.9 mg g−1 of Cu(II) ions. Micrographs performed by SEM proved that bioaccumulation occurred. Metal ions were bound on the surface and in the interior of cells. Mappings of all cations showed that in the case of the surface of biomass (biosorption), the elements constituted aggregations and in the case of the cross section (bioaccumulation) they were evenly distributed. The algal biomass with permanently bound microelements can find an application in many branches of the industry (feed, natural fertilizers, etc.)

    “English with a Polish Accent and a Slight Touch of Irish”: Multilingualism in Polish Migrant Theatre

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    Issues of migration writing (see Kosmalska) and migrant theatre have recently gained prominence, leading to an increase in research focused on analyzing the theatrical works of artists with a migrant background. This phenomenon is part of a broader trend in intercultural and, often, postcolonial studies. Contemporary Polish migrant theatre is a subject that has not been thoroughly explored yet. Among many methods applied in the study of migrant theatre, intercultural studies or the so-called new interculturalism take the lead. These concepts draw on bilingualism or multilingualism practices, which are slowly taking a more significant role in migrant theatre studies. This article analyzes two theatre plays staged by Polish migrants in Ireland and in the United Kingdom in the context of linguistic practices that exemplify and help define the concept of transnational drama

    Ocena perspektyw rozwojowych instytucji ochrony dziedzictwa przemysłowego w Polsce na przykładzie regionu górnośląskiego

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    The main aim of the article is the assessment of development prospects for the industrial heritage protection institutions in Poland on the example of the Górny Śląsk region. To achieve this aim, the paper presents the results of the SWOT analysis and the PESTEL analysis of the International Documentation and Research Centre on Industrial Heritage for Tourism. According to the obtained results, the Centre’s strengths – including the financial support from the Zabrze City Office – and the opportunities in the form of increasing popularity of industrial tourism allow for a positive assessment of the Centre’s development prospects. Nevertheless, its continued existence and development require a complete strategy and its consistent implementation.Celem głównym artykułu jest ocena perspektyw rozwojowych instytucji ochrony dziedzictwa przemysłowego w Polsce na przykładzie regionu górnośląskiego. By tak przedstawiony cel zrealizować, przedstawiono wyniki analizy SWOT i PESTEL dotyczące Międzynarodowego Centrum Dokumentacji i Badań nad Dziedzictwem Przemysłowym dla Turystyki. Zgodnie z uzyskanymi wynikami silne strony Centrum – w tym m.in. wsparcie fiansowe ze strony UM Zabrze – i szanse w postaci rosnącej popularności turystyki industrialnej, pozwalają pozytywnie ocenić perspektywy rozwojowe Centrum. Niemniej jego dalsze istnienie i rozwój wymagają kompletnej strategii działania i jej konsekwentnego wdrażania

    Plant extracts - importance in sustainable agriculture

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    Plants due to the high content of various bioactive compounds are the main raw material for production of valuable, and useful bio-products (e.g., food, cosmetics, medicines, biostimulants, biopesticides, and feed). Different plant parts, for instance: seeds, fruits, flowers, stems, leaves, and roots can be used for their manufacture. Nowadays, there is a clear need to develop new, efficient, and environmentally safe methods of stimulation of plant, growth and crop protection. Plant-based extracts are new, natural, and multi-compounds products that could be used for these purposes. They possess antifungal, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, antioxidant, medicinal, aromatic, and anti-inflammatory properties. This group of natural products has the potential to become a new generation of bio-products suitable for use in sustainable agriculture. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the literature describing the impact of plant-derived extracts/biostimulants (PDBs) on crops grown in controlled, and real conditions as well as under various abiotic and biotic stresses; the extraction methods used to obtain PDBs, and the specific constituents responsible for their biostimulating activity. The application of these bio-products could be beneficial for sustainable production, due to several advantages, such as low toxicity to humans and the environment, enhanced resistance of cultivated plants to biotic and abiotic stress, increased yields and quality of crops, as well as the reduction in the use of mineral fertilisers and pesticides. However, deeper cooperation between industrial and academic research is required to accelerate the development of new environmentally safe solutions for future agriculture. Highlights - Higher plants constitute a rich source of various bioactive compounds for the production of useful natural products.  - The importance of the proper choice of extraction method and solvent to process and preserve the desired substances. - Plant extracts as biostimulants and plant protection products for use in modern and sustainable agriculture.  - The positive effects of plant-based extracts on plants cultivated under normal and unfavourable conditions. - Plant extracts as a new generation of eco-friendly products for the increment of the production of high-quality food

    Potential use of agricultural waste—Carob Kibbles (Ceratonia siliqua L.) as a biosorbent for removing boron from wastewater

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    The release of boron (B) into the environment as a result of anthropogenic activity modifies sustainable natural conditions, thus affecting ecosystems. To meet water quality regulations, commercial and natural boron adsorbents are available to reduce its concentrations in industrial effluents, with the former being not only more expensive but also less sustainable. In the publication, the biosorption parameters of carob kibbles (Ceratonia siliqua L.) were optimized in order to remove boron from aqueous solutions using batch experiments. The biosorbent used in the present research was agro-waste biomass provided by the local locust-beam gum industry. Boron removal by carob kibbles was favored at high initial pH values, and this capacity was found to be a function of boron initial concentration, biosorbent content in the solution, and particle size. The change in temperature did not affect the potential of biomass to remove boron. The highest boron removal efficiency (55.1%) was achieved under the following optimal conditions: 50 g/L biosorbent dose (Cs), with particle size range 0.025–0.106 mm, for the initial concentration (C0) of boron in the solution of 100 mg/L, at an initial pH of 11.5, for 5 h at 25 °C. This investigation suggests that carob kibble agro-waste can be valorized as a biosorbent to remove boron from wastewater, and the boron-loaded residue may eventually be explored as a new boron-fertilizer.METALCHEMBIO project (no. 29251); CRESC Algarve 2020; LA/P/0101/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of pH of Extracting Water on the Composition of Seaweed Extracts and Their Beneficial Properties on Lepidium sativum

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    Baltic seaweeds were used to obtain aqueous extracts (E) through changing initial pH of deionised water added to algal biomass (EpH3⋅H 2 O, EpH7⋅H 2 O, and EpH10⋅H 2 O) and through changing pH of the mixture of algae and deionised water (EpH3, EpH7, and EpH10). Algal extracts were characterized in terms of the concentration of polyphenols and micro-and macroelements. The highest concentration of polyphenols was determined in extract EpH3 and the lowest in extract EpH10⋅H 2 O. It was found that the obtained extracts had similar concentrations of elements (except EpH3). The phytotoxicity of algal extracts (0.5, 2.5, and 10%) was examined in the germination tests on Lepidium sativum. No phytotoxic effects were observed. It was found that they had beneficial effects on the cultivated plants (length and weight). The best biostimulant effect was observed in the groups treated with EpH3 (2.5%), EpH7 (2.5%), and EpH7 (10%). The dry weight of plants was similar in all the groups. Algal extract also improved the multielemental composition of plant. The greatest concentration of total chlorophyll in plants was obtained by using extract EpH10⋅H 2 O, 0.5%. These results proved that algal extracts have high potential to be applied in cultivation of plants

    Podstawy teoretyczne koncepcji WAZO, cz. 1

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    W serii Metody Organizacji i Zarządzania (MOiZ) publikowane są cyklicznie opracowania, których celem jest upowszechnienie metod (technik, narzędzi) z zakresu organizacji i zarządzania oraz ułatwienie ich transferu z nauki do biznesu. Seria jest wydawana w ramach Centrum Metod Organizacji i Zarządzania działającego na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.Metodyka WAZO powstała w ramach projektu finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2013/09/B/HS4/02722

    Arthrospira platensis enriched with Cr(III), Mg(II), and Mn(II) ions improves insulin sensitivity and reduces systemic inflammation in equine metabolic affected horses

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    Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a critical endocrine condition in horses, characterized by hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, and insulin resistance, posing a significant threat to their health. This study investigates the efficacy of supplementing EMS-affected horses with Arthrospira platensis enriched with Cr(III), Mg(II), and Mn(II) ions using biosorption process in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, reducing inflammation, and mitigating obesity-related fat accumulation. Our results demonstrate that Arthrospira supplementation reduces baseline insulin and glucose levels, contributing to decreased adipose tissue inflammation. Furthermore, Arthrospira supplementation results in a decrease in body weight and improvements in overall body condition scores and cresty neck scores. Additionally, administration of Arthrospira leads to reduced levels of triglycerides and aspartate aminotransferase, indicating a decrease in hepatic adiposity and inflammation. These findings suggest that Arthrospira, enriched with essential micro- and macroelements, can be an advanced feed additive to enhance insulin sensitivity, promote weight reduction, and alleviate inflammatory processes, thereby improving the overall condition of horses affected by EMS. The use of Arthrospira as a feed additive has the potential to complement conventional management strategies for EMS