766 research outputs found

    Unsupervised clustering approach for network anomaly detection

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    This paper describes the advantages of using the anomaly detection approach over the misuse detection technique in detecting unknown network intrusions or attacks. It also investigates the performance of various clustering algorithms when applied to anomaly detection. Five different clustering algorithms: k-Means, improved k-Means, k-Medoids, EM clustering and distance-based outlier detection algorithms are used. Our experiment shows that misuse detection techniques, which implemented four different classifiers (naïve Bayes, rule induction, decision tree and nearest neighbour) failed to detect network traffic, which contained a large number of unknown intrusions; where the highest accuracy was only 63.97% and the lowest false positive rate was 17.90%. On the other hand, the anomaly detection module showed promising results where the distance-based outlier detection algorithm outperformed other algorithms with an accuracy of 80.15%. The accuracy for EM clustering was 78.06%, for k-Medoids it was 76.71%, for improved k-Means it was 65.40% and for k-Means it was 57.81%. Unfortunately, our anomaly detection module produces high false positive rate (more than 20%) for all four clustering algorithms. Therefore, our future work will be more focus in reducing the false positive rate and improving the accuracy using more advance machine learning technique

    Residual acceleration data on IML-1: Development of a data reduction and dissemination plan

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    The research performed consisted of three stages: (1) identification of sensitive IML-1 experiments and sensitivity ranges by order of magnitude estimates, numerical modeling, and investigator input; (2) research and development towards reduction, supplementation, and dissemination of residual acceleration data; and (3) implementation of the plan on existing acceleration databases

    Residual acceleration data on IML-1: Development of a data reduction and dissemination plan

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    A residual acceleration data analysis plan is developed that will allow principal investigators of low-gravity experiments to efficiently process their experimental results in conjunction with accelerometer data. The basic approach consisted of the following program of research: (1) identification of sensitive experiments and sensitivity ranges by order of magnitude estimates, numerical modelling, and investigator input; (2) research and development towards reduction, supplementation, and dissemination of residual acceleration data; and (3) implementation of the plan on existing acceleration data bases

    Analysis techniques for residual acceleration data

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    Various aspects of residual acceleration data are of interest to low-gravity experimenters. Maximum and mean values and various other statistics can be obtained from data as collected in the time domain. Additional information may be obtained through manipulation of the data. Fourier analysis is discussed as a means of obtaining information about dominant frequency components of a given data window. Transformation of data into different coordinate axes is useful in the analysis of experiments with different orientations and can be achieved by the use of a transformation matrix. Application of such analysis techniques to residual acceleration data provides additional information than what is provided in a time history and increases the effectiveness of post-flight analysis of low-gravity experiments

    Perubahan Struktural Dalam Pembangunan Perkotaan

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    Pertumbuhan daerah kota di negra berkembang menunjukan gejala yang tidak di harapkan.untuk mengantisipasi kondisi keterbelakangan ini, daerah perkotaan haurus di dorong secara kuat untuk meningkatkan permintaan terhadap barang dan pelayanan untuk seluruh kepentingan nasional. permasalahan kota yang telah di hadapi bukan hanya persoalan keruangan dan Perubahan struktur ekonomi saja, tapi juga pembentukan implikasi sosial dan lingkungan. hal ini dapat di lihat di Bogota dengan pola dualisme sistem sosialnya, adanya pemisahan ruang antara masyarakat kaya di daerah utara dan masyarakat miskin di daerah selatan dan barat. Fenomena serupa juga di temukan di Indonesia. Jakarta yang berkembang secara cepat dengan dukungan sektor manufaktur dan keuanga, mencapai kondisi ekonomi dan pendapatan yang baik. Bagaimanapun, di Balik kondisi tersebut, ditemukan biaya yang tak terhindarkan secara nyata, yang umum muncul berupa penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Beberapa kebijaksanaan direkomendasikan adalah: (1) Meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi wilayah kota yang terintegrasi ke dalam pembangunan regional dan pedesaan, (2) Meningkatkan produktivitas kelompok miskin perkotaan melalui perbaikan infrastruktur sosial dan perluasan kesempatan kerja, (3) Menghindari Perusakan lingkungan serta konsekwensi lainnya di sekitar wilayah masyarakat miskin, dan (4) Membangun persepsi yang seimbang terhadap pembangunan kota dan permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengannya: pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat

    Perangkat Konversi Data Dari Statistical Process Control Ke Usb Untuk Alat Ukur Digital

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    Alat ukur digital digunakan di Balai Besar Keramik untuk keperluan sertifikasi produk-produk keramik Indonesia. Saatini proses pencatatan dilakukan dua kali yaitu ditulis tangan berdasarkan data yang tertera di layar display lalu kemudiandipindahkan ke komputer untuk analisa selanjutnya. Padahal satu jenis produk setidaknya memiliki 10 sampel yang masingmasingharus diuji sebanyak 4 kali. Proses pencatatan ini memerlukan waktu yang lama. Karena itu Balai Besar Keramikbekerja sama dengan Politeknik Negeri Bandung untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu sistempencatatan ini. Sistem terdiri atas perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras berbasis Arduino digunakan untukmengubah level tegangan dari indikator digital ke level tegangan yang sesuai dengan komputer. Selain itu digunakan jugauntuk mengubah format data Statistical Process Control 52 reversed bit ke format data USB. Perangkat lunak digunakanuntuk mencatat hasil pengukuran dalam berkas komputer yang kompatibel dengan program spreadsheet. Hasil implementasidi lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini mampu bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan standard yang ditetapkan oleh BalaiBesar Keramik

    Penelitian Toksisitas Daun Stevia Rebaudiana Bertonii M Pada Mencit Dan Tikus Putih

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    The acute and subchronic toxicity tests were carried out on the aquaous extract of the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertonii M. obtained from the Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat in Tawamangu, Surakarta, Central Java. The acute toxicity test was done by the Weil's method (1952) on mice and the subchronic toxicity test was done on rats by a method developed by the Pharmaceutical Research and Deve­lopment Center of the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Jakarta. The results are : the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertonii M. can be grouped into substances which are "practically non-toxic" based on the criteria used by Gleason (1969) and the oral administration of doses up to 320 mg/100 g body weight daily for 6 months showed no negative effect on the organs of the animals examined

    A water sustainability index for West Java - Part 2: refining the conceptual framework using Delphi technique

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    In the first paper of this two-part series on the development of a water sustainability index for West Java, a conceptual framework of West Java Water Sustainability Index (WJWSI) was developed. It consists of three main parts: components, indicators/sub-indicators and threshold values. This second paper of the series presents the application of the Delphi technique, followed by in-depth interviews with selected key experts, to refine the conceptual WJWSI framework. The Delphi application includes the design of the questionnaires, the selection of respondents, the distribution and collection of the completed questionnaires and the analysis of data. After Round One of the Delphi application, the respondents reached consensus for all proposed components in the conceptual framework. However, some modifications to the components were also suggested by few respondents. Regarding the indicators/sub-indicators, consensus for 9 of the proposed 12 indicators was reached, and 5 new indicators were suggested. For the threshold values, consensus was reached for threshold values of 5 indicators. In Round Two of the Delphi application, respondents were asked questions related to results from Round One, which include the modification on the components, indicators/sub-indicators which have not been agreed, and newly suggested indicators/sub-indicators and threshold values. Results of Round Two show that modifications on the components were agreed, and consensus was reached for 8 out of the proposed 9 indicators/sub-indicators. In terms of its components and indicators, the framework was then finalised in the in-depth interview with four key experts, selected from different respondent categories. For the threshold values not yet finalised, further study will be carried out, as there was not much input from the respondents in the Delphi application and the in-depth interview