51 research outputs found

    Myofascial trigger points in patients with temporomandibular joint disc displacement with reduction: a cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in patients with articular disc displacement with reduction (DDWR) and to identify which clinical variables are associated with the concomitant presence of DDWR and MTrPs. Material and Methods: 130 patients were selected that sought treatment due to joint pain, with ages ≥18 years, of both genders, with DDWR confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. The sample was divided into two groups: Group 1, patients with DDWR and MTrPs (N=101); and Group 2, patients with DDWR and no MTrPs (N=29). Information on gender, age, pain duration, pain scores, and maximal interincisal distance (MID) were collected. The logistic regression model was used and the odds ratios (OR) was calculated (p<0.05). Results: Group 1 presented statistically significant higher mean pain scores (p=0.007), and smaller MID (p=0.0268) than Group 2. OR were significant for the pain scores (1.429), MID (0.937) and gender (women) (2.810). Conclusions: Patients with DDWR and MTrPs had increased pain scores and a MID decrease compared to patients with DDWR and no MTrPs. The variables pain scores, MID, and gender (women) showed a significant association with the concomitant presence of DDWR and MTrPs

    Tumefações do soalho bucal relacionadas às glândulas sublinguais em pacientes edêntulos ou parcialmente edêntulos: estudo microscópico

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    Mouth floor enlargements (MFE) are observed in edentulous and partially edentulous patients, impairing denture fitting, and have recently been described in the literature as hyperplasias of the sublingual glands. OBJECTIVE: This study aims at describing the microscopic aspects of MFE that contribute to their final diagnosis. METHODS: Twenty-four specimens were surgically removed from the enlarged mouth floor of 19 patients (15 females and 4 males). Patient age ranged from 48 to 74 years, with a mean of 57 years. The main surgical indication was to permit or improve the fitting of dentures. Six patients were completely edentulous and 13 were partially edentulous. The material was processed for microscopic examination and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Mallory's trichrome and periodic-acid Schiff (PAS). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The epithelium of the mouth floor was normal in 17 cases, hyperplastic in 4 and atrophic in 3. Six of the 24 sublingual glands removed were microscopically normal, while the other specimens presented acinar atrophy with hyperplasia of duct-like structures. Interstitial fibrosis was observed in 18 cases and was accompanied by adipose tissue infiltration in 15. Decreased lymphoid tissue was observed in 16 samples and oncocytosis was present in 5 cases. We suggest that MFE in edentulous or partially edentulous patients should be considered as an entity for the text books.Tumefações do soalho bucal (TSB) são observadas em pacientes edêntulos ou parcialmente edêntulos, prejudicando a adaptação de próteses, e têm sido descritas recentemente na literatura como hiperplasias das glândulas sublinguais. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo é descrever os aspectos microscópicos das TSB a fim de contribuir para o seu diagnóstico final. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram removidos cirurgicamente 24 espécimes de 19 pacientes (15 mulheres e 4 homens) que possuíam TSB. A idade variou de 48 a 74 anos, com média de 57 anos. A principal indicação cirúrgica era permitir ou melhorar a adaptação das próteses. Seis pacientes eram edêntulos e 13, parcialmente edêntulos. O material foi processado para exame microscópico e corado com hematoxilina-eosina, tricrômico de Mallory e ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: O epitélio do soalho bucal estava normal em 17 casos, hiperplásico em 4 e atrófico em 3. Seis das 24 glândulas sublinguais removidas eram normais microscopicamente, enquanto que as demais apresentaram atrofia acinar com hiperplasia de estruturas ductiformes. Fibrose intersticial foi observada em 18 casos sendo acompanhada por infiltração de tecido adiposo em 15 casos. Uma diminuição no tecido linfóide foi observada em 16 espécimes e oncocitose em 5. Sugerimos que as TSB em pacientes edêntulos e parcialmente edêntulos devem ser classificadas como "entidade" nos livros texto

    Submersão severa de dentes decíduos: diferentes abordagens de acordo com o momento do diagnóstico

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    Introdução: a submersão severa de dentes decíduos, condição em que a superfície oclusal do dente apresenta-se nivelada ou abaixo da margem gengival, é rara e são poucos os casos relatados na literatura. Devida importância deve ser atribuída aos casos de submersão severa a fim de evitar potenciais problemas de desenvolvimento oclusal. Quanto mais precoce o diagnóstico e a intervenção, maior a chance de restabelecimento do desenvolvimento normal da dentição. Objetivo: apresentar dois casos de submersão severa de dentes decíduos com diferentes abordagens cirúrgico-ortodônticas de acordo com o momento do diagnóstico, englobando as possíveis etiologias, diagnóstico e opções de tratamento. Conclusão: a intervenção precoce nos casos de submersão severa de dentes decíduos previne problemas durante o desenvolvimento da dentição. Palavras-chaves:  Introduction: the severe submersion of deciduous teeth, a condition in which the occlusal surface of the tooth presents in the level or below of the gingival margin, is rare and few cases have been reported in the literature. Due importance should be given to cases of severe submersion in order to avoid potential problems of occlusal development. How early diagnosis and intervention should be realized, greater the chance of restoring the normal development of teeth. Objective: to present two cases of severe submerged deciduous teeth with different orthodontic-surgical approaches according to the time of diagnosis, involving the possible etiology, diagnosis and treatment options. Conclusion: early intervention in cases of severe submersion of deciduous teeth prevents problems during the development of the dentition. Anquilose dental. Dentes impactados. Ortodontia. Cirurgia bucal. Dente decíduos. Keywords: Tooth Ankylosis. Tooth, Impacted. Orthodontics. Surgery, Oral. Tooth, Deciduous. 


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    Em 1995 foi criado o projeto de extensão intitulado como “Diagnóstico, tratamento e epidemiologia das doenças da cavidade bucal - LEBU”, que se tornou referência na área de lesões bucais do Paraná, onde nos últimos anos, mais de 12000 atendimentos e cerca de 2000 biópsias foram realizados. Os cirurgiões-dentistas das Unidades Básicas de Saúde dos municípios da 15ª Regional de Saúde e de outras regionais próximas à Maringá cadastram e encaminham pacientes quando detectam alterações na mucosa bucal e nos ossos maxilares. Isso possibilita ao projeto cerca de 40 atendimentos e 10 cirurgias semanais realizados na Clínica Odontológica da UEM pelos 35 alunos envolvidos no projeto. Os estudantes estabelecem o primeiro contato com os pacientes, fazem os exames iniciais, solicitam exames complementares, como as radiografias e os laboratoriais, e fazem cirurgias das lesões mais simples. Em casos mais complexos os docentes das áreas de Patologia, Radiologia, Cirurgia e Estomatologia atuam junto ao acadêmico. Sendo assim, apresentaremos o quadro epidemiológico das lesões diagnosticadas e tratadas no projeto enfatizando a importância do projeto para a comunidade de Maringá e região, levando em consideração que muitas lesões são diagnosticadas e tratadas precocemente melhorando a qualidade de vida dos usuários do projeto

    COVID-19 and Dentistry: a Review of Recommendations and Perspectives for Latin America

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    COVID-19 es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa y potencialmente mortal que nos acompañara por largo tiempo. Las profesiones de la salud y la vida en general ha sido afectada de forma significativa en todo lugar del mundo. La odontología ha pasado de una etapa de gran desarrollo clínico a una etapa donde el manejo de barrera de protección, el control de tratamientos y el tiempo asignado a los pacientes cambiará la forma de realizar la profesión. El presente trabajo pretende resumir las indicaciones y recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia disponible y realizar un análisis de la condiciones de salud oral para Latinoamérica en esta época de pandemia.COVID-19 is a profound, highly contagious and life-threatening viral disease that will be with us for a long time. Health Care-related professions and life in its entirety are significantly, and perhaps irreversibly affected, all around the World. COVID-19 is and will continue to transform Dentistry and its practise. Based on the available evidence accrued to date, this work attempts to address such changes, current and anticipated, as well as present recommendations for clinical practise implementation, tailored for Latin/South America, in light of such lifealtering momentous pandemic

    Morphology and morphometry of the human sublingual glands in mouth floor enlargements of edentulous patients

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    Asymptomatic mouth floor enlargements may be observed in edentulous patients. These masses, which protrude from the mouth floor, may complicate the fitting of dentures and require surgery. Whether this "entity" may be considered an anatomical variation of the mouth floor or represent specific alterations in the sublingual gland is not known. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work is to investigate the morphological and morphometric aspects of the sublingual glands of edentulous patients with mouth floor enlargements and compare the glands of these patients with the sublingual glands of human cadavers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Microscopic evaluation was performed on human sublingual glands from edentulous patients with mouth floor enlargements (n=20) and edentulous cadavers (n=20). The patients and cadavers were of similar ages. The data were compared using Mann-Whitney U, Fisher's exact and Student's t tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: Acinar atrophy, duct-like structures, mononuclear infiltrates, replacement of parenchyma with fibrous/adipose tissue, mucous extravasation and oncocytosis were similar between the groups (p>0.05). Only the variables "autolysis" and "congested blood vessels" presented statistical difference between groups (p=0.014; p=0.043). The morphometric study revealed that the volume densities of acini, ducts, stroma and adipose tissue were similar between the groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The microscopic characteristics of the sublingual glands in mouth floor enlargements in edentulous patients correspond to characteristics associated with the normal aging process. The glands are not pathological and represent an age-related alteration that occurs with or without the presence of the mouth floor enlargements