354 research outputs found

    Response to Kamath et al 'A syncretic approach can yield dividends'

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    We welcome the response from Kamath et al. and their insight into the issues and culture within medicine in India, and their thoughts about how to address these issues. We also agree that a drama-based approach is not sufficient on its own to deal with entrenched power issues which affect students adversely. As we have indicated, we believe “a multipronged approach is needed to generate systemic change.” These authors similarly advocate that student mistreatment be dealt with “in a comprehensive manner” including a ‘grievance redressal system’ and other measures to withhold accreditation where there are issues of abuse of power. Nevertheless, we note that Kamath et al. have responded positively to our approach—as a part of that mix—and it would be of great interest to see whether drama-based workshops could support medical students developing embodied acting skills in their institution and whether they may have similar transformative effects. We’d like to refer the authors to an excellent Medical Humanities paper we referenced that outlined drama-based activities in medical education in India: Gupta S, Singh S. Confluence: understanding medical humanities through street theatre. Medical Humanities. 2011;37(2):127-128. Despite the above article, the authors note that medical education in India has not embraced the medical humanities. We would draw a distinction within the medical humanities between activities which are primarily studious (reading literature, studying medical history) and workshops that are based on participative and embodied activity. Our experience has indicated the effectiveness of drama-based workshops in addressing both the cognitive and emotive aspects of harmful practices and we believe that it is the embodied nature of acting skills workshops that is transformative

    Comparison of Niskin vs. in situ approaches for analysis of gene expression in deep Mediterranean Sea water samples

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 129 (2016): 213-222, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.10.020.Obtaining an accurate picture of microbial processes occurring in situ is essential for our understanding of marine biogeochemical cycles of global importance. Water samples are typically collected at depth and returned to the sea surface for processing and downstream experiments. Metatranscriptome analysis is one powerful approach for investigating metabolic activities of microorganisms in their habitat and which can be informative for determining responses of microbiota to disturbances such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. For studies of microbial processes occurring in the deep sea, however, sample handling, pressure, and other changes during sample recovery can subject microorganisms to physiological changes that alter the expression profile of labile messenger RNA. Here we report a comparison of gene expression profiles for whole microbial communities in a bathypelagic water column sample collected in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea using Niskin bottle sample collection and a new water column sampler for studies of marine microbial ecology, the Microbial Sampler – In Situ Incubation Device (MS-SID). For some taxa, gene expression profiles from samples collected and preserved 33 in situ were significantly different from potentially more stressful Niskin sampling and 34 preservation on deck. Some categories of transcribed genes also appear to be affected by sample 35 handling more than others. This suggests that for future studies of marine microbial ecology, 36 particularly targeting deep sea samples, an in situ sample collection and preservation approach 37 should be considered.This research was funded by NSF OCE-1061774 to VE and CT, NSF DBI-0424599 to CT and NSF OCE-0849578 to VE and colleague J. Bernhard. Cruise participation was partially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grant STO414/10-1 to T. Stoeck

    Manufacturing consensus in a diverse field of scholarly opinions: A comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz (2015).

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    We appreciate the efforts of Bushman and Cruz to provide new data describing parents’ and professionals’ opinions regarding effects of media violence. Unfortunately, we feel it is necessary to call attention to apparent errors and inaccuracies in the way those data are interpreted and represented in their article. The article overstates the extent to which there is agreement that media violence has meaningful negative societal effects and misrepresents the relevance of the study to an understanding of the effects of media violence on societal violence. In contrast, we call for a climate of research on media violence that better recognizes the diversity of findings and conclusions in an active and growing research agenda and eschews unwarranted insinuations about effects on criminal violence from research focused on aggression-related measures not assessing violent crime

    Celebrity abuse on Twitter: the impact of tweet valence, volume of abuse, and dark triad personality factors on victim blaming and perceptions of severity

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    Celebrities are increasingly utilizing social media platforms to establish their brand and interact with their fan base, but in doing so they often become the targets of online abuse. While such abusive acts are known to cause severe consequences in the general population little is known about how celebrity abuse is perceived by observers. This study investigated observers' impressions of the severity of online abuse on Twitter, the blame attributed to celebrities for the abuse they received, and the role of the dark triad of observers' personality factors (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) in these decisions. We manipulated celebrity tweet content (negative, neutral, positive) and the volume of abusive comments (high, low) the tweets received. Celebrities received more blame the more negative their initial tweet was, and incidents were perceived as least severe following a negative tweet with a high volume of abuse. Observer impressions were influenced by their dark triad personality factors. Following negative tweets, as observer narcissism increased, victim blame increased and perceived severity decreased. Following positive tweets, as observer psychopathy increased, perceived severity decreased. Results are discussed in the context of the Warranting Theory of online impression formation and the ramifications for celebrity social media use are explored

    Cutmarked bone of drought-tolerant extinct megafauna deposited with traces of fire, human foraging, and introduced animals in SW Madagascar

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    People could have hunted Madagascar’s megafauna to extinction, particularly when introduced taxa and drought exacerbated the effects of predation. However, such explanations are difficult to test due to the scarcity of individual sites with unambiguous traces of humans, introduced taxa, and endemic megaherbivores. We excavated three coastal ponds in arid SW Madagascar and present a unique combination of traces of human activity (modified pygmy hippo bone, processed estuarine shell and fish bone, and charcoal), along with bones of extinct megafauna (giant tortoises, pygmy hippos, and elephant birds), extirpated fauna (e.g., crocodiles), and introduced vertebrates (e.g., zebu cattle). The disappearance of megafauna from the study sites at ~ 1000 years ago followed a relatively arid interval and closely coincides with increasingly frequent traces of human foraging, fire, and pastoralism. Our analyses fail to document drought-associated extirpation or multiple millennia of megafauna hunting and suggest that a late combination of hunting, forest clearance, and pastoralism drove extirpations.Results - Subfossils and chronology. - Charcoal. Discussion Method

    Integrated optical addressing of a trapped ytterbium ion

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    We report on the characterization of heating rates and photo-induced electric charging on a microfabricated surface ion trap with integrated waveguides. Microfabricated surface ion traps have received considerable attention as a quantum information platform due to their scalability and manufacturability. Here we characterize the delivery of 435 nm light through waveguides and diffractive couplers to a single ytterbium ion in a compact trap. We measure an axial heating rate at room temperature of 0.78±0.050.78\pm0.05 q/ms and see no increase due to the presence of the waveguide. Furthermore, the electric field due to charging of the exposed dielectric outcoupler settles under normal operation after an initial shift. The frequency instability after settling is measured to be 0.9 kHz.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Toll-Like Receptor 9-Dependent Macrophage Activation by Entamoeba histolytica DNA

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    Activation of the innate immune system by bacterial DNA and DNA of other invertebrates represents a pathogen recognition mechanism. In this study we investigated macrophage responses to DNA from the intestinal protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica genomic DNA was purified from log-phase trophozoites and tested with the mouse macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. RAW cells treated with E. histolytica DNA demonstrated an increase in levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) mRNA and protein production. TNF-α production was blocked by pretreatment with chloroquine or monensin. In fact, an NF-ÎșB luciferase reporter assay in HEK cells transfected with human TLR9 demonstrated that E. histolytica DNA signaled through Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) in a manner similar to that seen with CpG-ODN. Immunofluorescence assays confirmed NF-ÎșB activation in RAW cells, as seen by nuclear translocation of the p65 subunit. Western blot analysis demonstrated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation by E. histolytica DNA. E. histolytica DNA effects were abolished in MYD88−/− mouse-derived macrophages. In the context of disease, immunization with E. histolytica DNA protected gerbils from an E. histolytica challenge infection. Taken together, these results demonstrate that E. histolytica DNA is recognized by TLR9 to activate macrophages and may provide an innate defense mechanism characterized by the induction of the inflammatory mediator TNF-α

    Identification of Cytokinin-Responsive Genes Using Microarray Meta-Analysis and RNA-Seq in Arabidopsis

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    Cytokinins are N6-substituted adenine derivatives that play diverse roles in plant growth and development. We sought to define a robust set of genes regulated by cytokinin as well as to query the response of genes not represented on microarrays. To this end, we performed a meta-analysis of microarray data from a variety of cytokinin-treated samples and used RNA-seq to examine cytokinin-regulated gene expression in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Microarray meta-analysis using 13 microarray experiments combined with empirically defined filtering criteria identified a set of 226 genes differentially regulated by cytokinin, a subset of which has previously been validated by other methods. RNA-seq validated about 73% of the up-regulated genes identified by this meta-analysis. In silico promoter analysis indicated an overrepresentation of type-B Arabidopsis response regulator binding elements, consistent with the role of type-B Arabidopsis response regulators as primary mediators of cytokinin-responsive gene expression. RNA-seq analysis identified 73 cytokinin-regulated genes that were not represented on the ATH1 microarray. Representative genes were verified using quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and NanoString analysis. Analysis of the genes identified reveals a substantial effect of cytokinin on genes encoding proteins involved in secondary metabolism, particularly those acting in flavonoid and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, as well as in the regulation of redox state of the cell, particularly a set of glutaredoxin genes. Novel splicing events were found in members of some gene families that are known to play a role in cytokinin signaling or metabolism. The genes identified in this analysis represent a robust set of cytokinin-responsive genes that are useful in the analysis of cytokinin function in plants

    Langerin (CD207) represents a novel interferon-stimulated gene in Langerhans cells

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    Interferons (IFNs) are “warning signal” cytokines released upon pathogen sensing. IFNs control the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), which are often crucial to restrict viral infections and establish a cellular antiviral state.1,2 Langerin (CD207), a well-known surface receptor on Langerhans cells (LC), belongs to the C-type lectin receptor (CLR) family and constitutes a major pathogen binding receptor able to regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses.3,4 Importantly, this CLR was reported as an antiviral receptor, notably able to bind and internalize incoming human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virions in Birbeck granules for degradation.5,6 However, langerin was never viewed as a contributor to the interferon-mediated antiviral immune response. We now provide evidence that langerin is an ISG showing upregulated expression upon IFN treatment in monocyte-derived and ex vivo human skin-isolated LCs
