4 research outputs found

    Infecci贸n por dengue: una causa frecuente de s铆ndrome febril en pacientes de Quibd贸, Choc贸, Colombia

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    Introduction: Quibd贸, a municipality in Choc贸, has poor public services and weather and social conditions that favor dengue transmission. However, there are few studies about this problem in this district.Objective: To determine the frequency of dengue infection in patients with acute febrile syndrome and to compare clinical features among dengue infected patients with other febrile diseases.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from January, 2008, to March, 2010. The study population comprised patients with febrile syndrome of seven or fewer days of evolution, recruited from hospitals in the town. Dengue diagnosis was made in serum samples by detection of IgM antibodies, NS1 antigen, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, and virus isolation. Clinical and laboratory information from the patients was obtained.Results: During the study period, 469 patients with acute febrile syndrome were recruited, of whom 98.3% were Afro-descendant. Dengue fever was found in 28.4% of the cases. Four dengue serotypes were identified with DENV-1 predominance. The ages ranged from zero to 76 years. From all patients, 70.7% of cases were classified as dengue without warning signs. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough, nasal congestion and sore throat were significantly more frequent in patients with another febrile disease.Conclusions: Active surveillance of the acute febrile syndrome allowed for the detection of undiagnosed cases of dengue; the observed frequency of this infection suggests that the study area has a high risk of dengue infection.Introducci贸n. El municipio de Quibd贸 (Choc贸) presenta condiciones sociales, clim谩ticas y de servicios p煤blicos que son propicias para la transmisi贸n del dengue, sin embargo, son escasos los estudios sobre el problema en este lugar.Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de dengue en pacientes con enfermedad febril aguda y comparar las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas de los pacientes con dengue y los pacientes con otras enfermedades febriles.Materiales y m茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio de corte transversal entre enero de 2008 y marzo de 2010. La poblaci贸n de estudio estuvo conformada por pacientes con s铆ndrome febril de siete o menos d铆as de evoluci贸n que consultaron en hospitales de la ciudad. El diagn贸stico de dengue se hizo por detecci贸n en suero de anticuerpos IgM, ant铆geno NS1, reacci贸n en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa inversa y aislamiento viral. Adem谩s, se recolect贸 informaci贸n cl铆nica y de laboratorio de los pacientes.Resultados. Se captaron 469 pacientes con s铆ndrome febril, de los cuales el 98,3 % eran afrodescendientes. El 28,4 % de ellos ten铆a dengue. Se identificaron los cuatro serotipos del virus con predominio del DENV-1. La edad de los pacientes oscil贸 entre 0 y 76 a帽os. El 70,7 % de los casos se clasific贸 como dengue sin signos de alarma. S铆ntomas como n谩useas, v贸mitos, dolor abdominal, tos y congesti贸n nasal fueron significativamente m谩s frecuentes en los pacientes con otra enfermedad febril.Conclusiones. La vigilancia activa del s铆ndrome febril agudo permiti贸 la detecci贸n de casos de dengue no diagnosticados; la frecuencia observada de esta infecci贸n sugiere que la zona de estudio es de riesgo elevado para dengue

    Frequency and Clinical Features of Dengue Infection in a Schoolchildren Cohort from Medellin, Colombia

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    To determine the incidence of dengue infection, we established active surveillance of febrile episodes in a cohort of schoolchildren from three schools in Medellin, Colombia. We followed a cohort of 2,379 schoolchildren in 2010 and followed 1,840 of these children the following year. During the follow-up time, 264 schoolchildren displayed 297 febrile episodes; of these, 23 episodes (7.7%) were caused by acute dengue infection. All four dengue serotypes were found, and all of the cases were mild. The most common symptoms in the dengue cases compared with those in other febrile illness were asthenia (96% versus 87%), anorexia (78% versus 57%), rhinorrhea (65.2% versus 58%), abdominal pain (56.5% versus 47.8%), arthralgia (43% versus 33%), and positive tourniquet test (13% versus 3%). This difference was not statistically significant. Pulse was elevated, and systolic arterial pressure was lower in dengue cases compared with other febrile illness (P<0.05). Mosquito indexes were determined in 8 children鈥檚 houses and in the schools. Aedes aegypti adults were found in both households and in schools, whereas Aedes aegypti larvae were found only in schools. These results showed an elevated dengue frequency in children, with symptoms similar to those of other febrile illness and transmission risk in households and schools

    Actividad en suero de CK y CK-MB en pacientes con infecci贸n por el virus dengue

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    Objetivo Determinar la actividad en suero de CK y CK-MB en pacientes con dengue.M茅todos Se realiz贸 un estudio de corte en el Departamento de Antioquia. La poblaci贸n de estudio estuvo constituida por 54 pacientes con diagn贸stico de dengue y por 10 controles sanos. A todos los participantes se les tom贸 muestra de suero para confirmar la infecci贸n por dengue y para hacer la medici贸n de la actividad de CK y CK-MB.Resultados La mediana de la edad de los casos de dengue fue 18 a帽os y la de los controles fue 28,5 a帽os. La mitad de los pacientes con dengue (50,9 %) y ninguno del grupo control presentaron CK-MB elevada. Ning煤n paciente present贸 miocarditis, sin embargo, se observ贸 CK-MB elevada en 33,3 %, 44,4 % y 40 % de los casos con bradicardia, taquicardia e hipotensi贸n respectivamente. En 29,6 % de los pacientes con dengue se detect贸 CK elevada, en contraste con 10 % en el grupo control. Se observ贸 actividad de CK en pacientes con dengue con presencia de s铆ntomas como v贸mito, hematemesis y dolor abdominal, 87,5 %, 60 % y 50 % respectivamente.Conclusiones En este estudio ning煤n paciente con dengue present贸 cardiopat铆a o miositis, sin embargo, el hecho de encontrar mayor frecuencia de CK y CK-MB elevadas en los pacientes con dengue con respecto al grupo control, sugiere compromiso del m煤sculo estriado y card铆aco en este grupo. Por esta raz贸n ser铆a pertinente el monitoreo de estas enzimas en pacientes con dengue como parte de la evoluci贸n de la enfermedad.Objective To determine the serum activity of CK and CK-MB in patients with dengue infection.Methods A cross section study was conducted in the State of Antioquia, Colombia. The study population consisted in 54 patients with diagnosis of dengue infection and 10 healthy controls. A blood sample was taken from all participants to confirm dengue infection and to measure the activity of CK and CK-MB.Results The median age of dengue cases was 18 years and the median age of healthy controls was 28.5 years. Half of dengue patients (50.9 %) had elevated levels of CK-MB, in contrast with the healthy controls in which none presented increase of this enzyme. No patient presented myocarditis; however, elevated CK-MB was observed in 33.3 %, 44.4 % and 40 % of cases with bradycardia, tachycardia and hypotension respectively. In 29.6 % of the dengue patients, high level of CK was detected, in contrast to 10 % in the control group. Activity of CK elevated was observed in dengue patients with symptoms such as vomiting, hematemesis and abdominal pain, 87.5 %, 60 % and 50 %, respectively.Conclusions In this study, no patient with dengue infection had heart disease or myositis; however, the finding of a higher frequency of elevated level CK and CK-MB in the dengue patients compared to the control group suggests the involvement of the striated muscle and of the cardiac muscle in this group. For this reason, the monitoring of these enzymes should be considered as part of the monitoring of patients with dengue

    Factores asociados a extravasaci贸n plasm谩tica en pacientes con dengue de Antioquia y Choc贸 entre el 2000 y 2013. Colombia

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    .Introduction: Plasma leakage is the most severecomplication caused by dengue virus infectionand is also the mechanism that frequentlyleads to dengue shock syndrome. Plasma leakageis characterized by ascites, pleural and pericardialeffusion and increased hematocrit level.The present study was conducted to identifysocio-demographic, clinical and laboratory factors聽that more are associated to the presence ofplasma leakage in dengue infected patients.Materials and methods: A cross sectionalanalytic study was performed on clinical recordsfrom dengue infected patients using the casecontrolmethodology. Pearson鈥檚 chi-square testor Fisher麓s exact test, Mann-Whitney鈥檚 non-parametricU test and a multivariate logistic regressionmodel of associated factors were used toevaluate the data. Odd Ratios with 95 % confidenceintervals were calculated and significancelevel of 5 % was considered.Results: A total of 350 clinical records wereanalyzed, 128 cases (36.6 %) presented signs ofplasma leakage. After adjustments by confoundingfactors, we observed that abdominal pain,leukopenia and melena were the variables thatexplain the presence of plasma leakage in dengueinfected patients.Conclusion: During the follow-up of dengue infectedpatients priority should be given to thesurvey of these clinical and laboratory findingsin order to identify the cases with higher probabilitiesof developing plasma leakage, allowingachieving more timely and appropriate management.Introducci贸n: la extravasaci贸n del plasma es la manifestaci贸n m谩s severa de la enfermedadproducida por los virus del dengue y que con mayor frecuencia conduce al estado de choque. Secaracteriza por derrames serosos a nivel de diversas cavidades y aumento del hematocrito. Se realiz贸el presente estudio con el objetivo de determinar los factores sociodemogr谩ficos, cl铆nicos y de laboratorioque m谩s se asocian a la presencia de extravasaci贸n plasm谩tica en los pacientes con dengue. Materiales y m茅todos:聽estudio observacional anal铆ticotransversal, analizado bajo la metodolog铆a de casosy controles, a partir de registros cl铆nicos de pacientes condengue. Se utilizaron prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson,prueba exacta de Fisher, prueba no param茅trica U deMann-Whitney y un modelo de regresi贸n log铆stica multivariadode factores asociados. Fueron calculados los OddsRatio con su intervalo de confianza al 95 %. Se consider贸un nivel de significancia de 5 %. Resultados: fueron analizados un total de 350 registros,de los cuales 128 presentaron signos de extravasaci贸nplasm谩tica (36,6 %). Despu茅s de ajustar por factoresde confusi贸n se observ贸 que las variables que m谩sse asocian a presencia de extravasaci贸n plasm谩tica enlos pacientes con dengue fueron el dolor abdominal, laleucopenia y las melenas Conclusi贸n: estos hallazgos cl铆nicos y de laboratoriodeben ser priorizados en su vigilancia en la atenci贸n alpaciente con dengue, para identificar los casos con mayorprobabilidad de extravasaci贸n plasm谩tica para sumanejo oportuno y adecuad