57 research outputs found


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    Wheat diseases and protection measured on Family farm Miljević in year 2017

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    Cilj rada je bio pratiti pojavu bolesti na pšenici na OPG Miljević (Privlaka) u 2016./2017. vegetacijskoj godini te odrediti mjere zaštite. Tijekom vegetacije uočena je vrlo slaba pojava lisnih bolesti i to pjegavosti lista (S. tritici) i pepelnice (B. graminis). U mliječnoj zriobi nije utvrđena pojava fuzarijske paleži klasova. Tretiranje fungicidima je obavljeno dva puta (jedna zaštita lista i jedna zaštita klasa). Nakon žetve utvrđeno je zdravstveno stanje zrna (4x100 zrna za svaku sortu) metodom izmrzavanja te je utvrđena dominantna prisutnost Alternaria sp. Također je utvrđena i sporadična pojava Fusarium vrsta te slaba do srednje jaka pojava saprofitnih vrsta iz rodova Penicillium i Aspergillus.The aim of this thesis was to monitor the occurence of wheat disease on Family farm Miljević (Privlaka) in 2016./2017. vegetation year and to determine the protection measures. During the vegetation it was noticed a slight appearance of leaf disease such as common leaf spots (S. tritici) and powdery mildew (B. graminis). In milk maturation the appearance of Fusarium head blight was not established. Treatment whit fungicides was performed twice (one time leaf protection and one time head protection). After the harvest, health status of the grains was determined (4 x 100 grains for each sort) by the deep freezing method and the dominant presence of Alternaria sp. was found. Also, there were found sporadic appearance of Fusarium species and weak to medium occurence of saprophytic species from the genera Penicilium and Aspergillus

    Utjecaj porodne mase i dobi odojaka na eritrocitne pokazatelje

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    The preweaning period is the most critical phase in pig production. During that period the production parameters of small birth mass piglets are the poorest and losses are the heaviest. In this study red blood cell characteristics were investigated in suckling piglets of normal and small birth mass, regarding the various changes occurring after birth related to organ development, colostrum intake, degradation of fetal erythrocytes and parental globulins, acquirement of immunocompetence, environmental changes, stress, and other factors. The average values of erythrocyte numbers obtained in both groups of piglets after birth were below the lower threshold of the reference range for pigs and only reached it at 14 (piglets of normal birth mass) or at 21 days of age (small birth mass piglets). The average erythrocyte count at the end of the suckling period was significantly higher (P<0.01) than values established on the first day of life. The increase recorded is probably a result of accelerated erythropoesis in young animals after degradation of fetal erythrocytes. A significantly higher value (P<0.01) of hematocrits was recorded in both groups at the end of the suckling period in comparison with the first day. Only in the group of small birth mass piglets was there a statistically significant higher haemoglobin value (P<0.01) on the 21st day compared with the 1st day of life. All piglets had significantly lower values (P<0.01) of erythrocyte parameters (MCV, MCH and MCHC) at weaning than on the first day of life. Piglets of normal birth mass had significantly larger number of erythrocytes (P<0.05) and lower MCV value (P<0.05) at 7 days of age, and significantly lower MCV and MCH (P<0.01) in relation to low birth mass piglets at two weeks of age.Razdoblje sisanja u prasadi predstavlja presudnu fazu svinjogojske proizvodnje. U ovom istraživanju utvrđeni su hematološki pokazatelji odojaka od prasenja do odbića. Nakon prasenja dolazi do različitih promjena, koje su u vezi sa sazrijevanjem i razvojem organa, uzimanjem kolostruma, razgradnjom fetalnih eritrocita te majčinih globulina, stjecanjem imunokompetentnosti, okolišnim promjenama, utjecajem stresa i drugim čimbenicima. Dobivene vrijednosti prosječnog broja eritrocita odojaka nakon prasenja nalazile su se ispod, a tek u dobi od 14 dana unutar donje granice referentnog raspona za svinje. Prosječan broj eritrocita na kraju razdoblja sisanja bio je statistički značajno veći (P<0,01) od vrijednosti utvrđene prvog dana života. Ustanovljeni porast mogao bi biti posljedica ubrzane eritropoeze u novoprasene prasadi nakon razgradnje fetalnih eritrocita. Statistički značajno veća vrijednost (P<0,01) na kraju razdoblje sisanja, u odnosu na prvi dan utvrđena je i za vrijednost hematokrita. Zabilježene su i statistički značajno manje prosječne vrijednosti (P<0,01) eritrocitnih indeksa (MCV, MCH, MCHC) kod odbića nego prvog dana nakon prasenja


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    U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati fraktalne analize pukotinskih sustava u gornjotrijaskim dolomitima Žumberka. Mehanička svojstva stijena zajedno s dijagenetskim i strukturnim procesima rezultirali su pukotinskim sustavima koji se mogu opisati kao fraktali. Prirodni fraktali neovisni su o mjerilu u određenome intervalu mjerila u kojemu se pojavljuju. Raspodjela pukotina može se tada opisati raspodjelom power-law i fraktalnom dimenzijom. Fraktalna dimenzija mjera je kojom određeni objekt ispunjava prostor. Može se procjenjivati iz fotografi ja izdanaka koje su pretvorene u binarne fotografi je gdje bijela boja predstavlja pukotine/stijenu, a crna stijenu/pukotine. Fraktalna dimenzija pukotinskih sustava tada se može procjenjivati na temelju metode box-counting. U ovome radu prikazani su rezultati fraktalne analize triju izdanaka. Rezultati su vrlo slični dosad objavljenim rezultatima fraktalne analize sličnih dolomita iz Slovenije. Procijenjene fraktalne dimenzije kreću se u intervalu 2,69 – 2,78, a ovise o raspodjeli pukotinskih sustava na izdanku. Niže vrijednosti upućuju na veći utjecaj manjega broja velikih pukotina. Veće vrijednosti fraktalnih dimenzija upućuju na ujednačenu raspodjelu većega broja manjih pukotina. Fraktalna dimnezija vrlo je važan parametar u opisu pukotinskih sustava jer predstavlja mjeru kako su pukotine raspoređene na izdanku. Može se koristiti i pri izradi diskretnih modela pukotinskih sustava (engl. Discrete Fracture Network – DFN) ako se raspodjela pukotina modelira s raspodjelom power-lawThis paper presents results of fractal analysis of fracture systems in upper Triassic dolomites in Žumberak Mountain, Croatia. Mechanical rock characteristics together with structural and diagenetic processes results with fracture systems that can be considered as fractals. They are scale-invariant in specific range of scales. Distribution of fractures can be than described with power law distribution and fractal dimension. Fractal dimension is a measure of how fractures fill the space. Fractal dimension can be estimated form photographs of outcrops by converting photographs to binary photographs. In binary photo there is only black (rock or fractures) and white (fractures or rock). Fractal dimension is then estimated based on box-counting method. In this paper we present results of fractal analysis from three outcrops. Results are very similar to previous published results from outcrops of dolomites in Slovenia. Obtained fractal dimensions are in range 2,69-2,78 and it depends on how fracture systems are distributed in the outcrop. Lower values indicate smaller number of fractures and higher significance of larger fractures. Higher values indicate distribution of more similar sized fractures throughout whole outcrop. Fractal dimension is very significant parameter in rock fracture system characterisation sense it describes how fractures are distributed in the outcrop. It can be used in discrete fracture network modelling if spatial distribution of fractures is represented with power law distribution


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    Termogeološka i hidrogeološka svojstva plitkoga podzemlja u hrvatskome dijelu Panonskog bazena (PBS) istraživana su u kontekstu njegova korištenja za postavljanje sustava dizalica topline s tlom kao izvorom topline (GSHP). Provedene su detaljne determinacije bušotinskih jezgara, uzorkovanja te mjerenja toplinskih parametara za sedam bušotina s četiriju lokacija različitih geoloških obilježja. Sabrani su rezultati ukupno 418 mjerenja provedenih na 82 uzorka sedimenata i stijena te su analizirani u kontekstu postojećih zbirki vrijednosti toplinskih vodljivosti sedimenata i stijena iz Njemačke i Švicarske, koje se često koriste za dimenzioniranje bušotinskih izmjenjivača topline (BHE) i u drugim državama. Utvrđena je razlika u toplinskim vodljivostima između istovrsnih sedimenata i stijena koji potječu iz različitih geoloških sredina. Takvi rezultati upućuju na potrebu razvoja lokalnih setova podataka koji bi omogućili točnije dimenzioniranje izmjenjivača topline. U četirima su bušotinama provedena i testiranja toplinskoga odziva tla (TRT-ovi) te su njihovi rezultati uspoređeni s rezultatima dobivenim direktnim mjerenjem na uzorcima. Usporedba pokazuje da u situacijama kada postoji značajan tok podzemne vode (u krupnije zrnatim sedimentima) mjerenja na uzorcima sistemski podcjenjuju vrijednosti toplinske vodljivosti u odnosu na realno mjerilo, dok su razlike manje kod sitnije zrnatih sedimenata. Zbog toga je pri postojanju značajnoga toka podzemne vode obavezno provoditi TRT-ove, dok se u suprotnome za manje sustave može primjenjivati i analogija s objavljenim podatcima o toplinskim vodljivostima. Važno je imati zbirke takvih podataka zbog slučajeva kada TRT nije ekonomski isplativ. Vrijednosti koje se navode u ovome radu mogu poslužiti kao smjernice za odgovarajuće dimenzioniranje GSHP sustava s ciljem postizanja boljih indikatora, osobito za manje sustave u Hrvatskoj te na drugim geološki usporedivim lokacijama u PBS-u.Thermogeological and hydrogeological properties of the shallow subsurface in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System (PBS) were investigated in the context of its utilization for ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems installation. Detailed borehole core determinations, sampling and thermal conductivity measurements were conducted for seven boreholes at four locations in diverse geological settings. Results of 418 measurements conducted on 82 sediment and rock samples were compiled and analysed in the context of existing collections of thermal conductivities from Germany and Switzerland which are frequently utilized for borehole heat exchanger (BHE) dimensioning in other countries. Discrepancies have been detected between thermal conductivity data from different geographical regions and geological settings. These results imply that local data sets should be further developed to enable accurate BHE sizing. In four of the boreholes thermal response tests (TRTs) were also conducted so the results were compared to direct measurements on samples. The comparison demonstrated that in the environments with significant groundwater flow (coarser-grained sediments) the laboratory measurements systematically underestimated natural-scale thermal conductivities, while the discrepancies were low in finer-grained sedimentary environments. That is why in the presence of significant groundwater flow the TRTs are recommended for all installations, while at locations with low flow velocities the analogy to values cited in data collections can be used for small-scale installations. It is important to have the collection of measurements for local materials in cases when thermal response testing would not be economically feasible. The values reported in this paper can be a guideline for proper GSHP system dimensioning in order to achieve better performance, especially of small-scale systems in Croatia and other geologically comparable localities in the PBS area


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    Ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena (u nastavku: a-gk) uglavnom su heterogenog sastava i neujednačenih svojstava. U svrhu istraživanja ležišta a-gk potrebno je izvesti određene rudarske radove kako bi se prikupili podaci za utvrđivanje: postojanja, položaja i oblika ležišta, količine i kakvoće, te uvjeta eksploatacije a-gk. Položaj i oblik ležišta imaju presudan utjecaj na uvjete eksploatacije a-gk, Kao posljedica dinamičkih i kemijskih procesa u stijenama su nastali diskontinuiteti različitih položaja, dimenzija i oblika. Eksploatacija a-gk iz ležišta izvodi se dobivanjem što je moguće geometrijski pravilnijih i, po dimenzijama, većih blokova. Eksploataciju a-gk potrebno je uskladiti s položajem i oblikom ležišta kao i diskontinuitetima u svrhu dobivanja što većeg iskorištenja stijene. Međutim, poseban zahtjev građenja predstavlja dobivanje a-gk, prvenstveno, ujednačenog izgleda i drugih svojstava. Stoga je nužno optimizirati rudarske radove u svrhu dobivanja i ugradnje a-gk ujednačenog izgleda, što je opisano i prikazano na nekoliko primjera u ovom radu.Deposits of dimension stone (hereinafter: DS) are mostly of heterogeneous composition and non-uniform properties. For the purpose of exploring the DS deposit, it is necessary to perform certain mining work in order to collect data for the determination of: existence, position and shape of the bed, quantity and quality, and the conditions for exploitation of DS. The position and shape of the deposit have a crucial influence on DS exploitation conditions. Discontinuities of different positions, dimensions and shapes were formed as a result of dynamic and chemical processes in the rocks. The exploitation of DS from the deposit is performed by obtaining as geometrically regular and as large in size blocks as possible. The DS exploitation should be harmonized with the position and shape of the deposit as well as discontinuities for the purpose of obtaining the highest possible exploitation of stone. However, a special requirement of construction is to obtain the DS, primarily of uniform appearance and other properties. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize mining works for the purpose of obtaining and installing DS of a uniform appearance, as described and shown on several examples in this paper

    Erste Resultate der Verfolgung der rezenten Sedimentierung im Gebiet des Naturparks Kopački rit

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    Područje Parka prirode Kopački rit (PPKR) jedna je od najvećih fluvijalno-močvarnih nizina u Europi. Zbog vidljivog trenda smanjenja močvarnih i vodnih površina odnosno zadržavanja taloga u području Kopačkog rita osmišljena je i postavljena mreža opažačkih postaja recentnog taloženja kako bi se navedeni procesi kvantificirali. Postavljeno je ukupno 50 mjernih postaja u kanalima, rukavcima, barama i močvarama. Rezultati mjerenja recentnog taloženja i erozije ukazuju na povećano taloženje u većini dijelova PPKR s maksimumom u Kopačkom jezeru koji iznosi 16,5 cm u vremenskom periodu od samo devet mjeseci. Ovakvi rezultati ukazuju da je situacija u području PPKR alarmantna te je potrebno intenzivirati monitoring recentnog taloženja s ciljem definiranja prostorno-vremenske raspodjele taloženja i erozije u području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Detaljnim monitoringom te analizom svih drugih dostupnih podataka, modernim analitičkim metodama, navedeni procesi mogli bi se prognozirati u budućnosti što bi predstavljalo znanstveno utemeljenu podlogu za održivim gospodarenjem Parka prirode Kopački rit.The Nature Park Kopački Rit is one of the largest fluvial wetlands areas in Europe. Due to the evident trend of a decrease in wetlands and water surfaces, i.e. sediment retention in the Kopački Rit area, a network of monitoring stations for recent sediment deposition was conceived and established, consisting of 50 monitoring stations in canals, side channels, ponds and swamps, in order to quantify these processes. The monitoring results of the recent sediment deposition and erosion indicate increased sediment deposition in most parts of the Nature Park, with a maximum of 16.5 cm in Kopačko Lake in the period of only nine months. This alarming situation requires intensified monitoring of the recent sediment deposition with a purpose of defining the spatial and temporal distribution of sediment deposition and erosion in the Nature Park Kopački Rit. Detailed monitoring, analyses of all available data and modern analytical methods are needed for future forecasts and establishment of a scientific basis for sustainable management of Nature Park Kopački Tit.Das Gebiet des Naturparks Kopački rit (NPKR) ist eine der größten Fluvial-Sumpfebenen in Europa. Aufgrund des sichtbaren Trends der Verkleinerung von Sumpf- und Wasserflächen beziehungsweise Sedimentierung im Gebiet von Kopački rit wurde ein Netz von Beobachtungsposten erdacht und aufgebaut, um die Sedimentierungsprozesse zu quantifizieren. Insgesamt 50 Messungsposten wurden in Kanälen, Flussarmen, Teichen und Sümpfen aufgebaut. Die Messresultate der rezenten Sedimentierung und Erosion zeigen einen größeren Bodensatz in den meisten Teilen des NPKR, mit einem Maximum von 16,5 cm im Teich Kopačko jezero innerhalb von nur neun Monaten. Solche Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass die Situation im Gebiet des NPKR alarmierend ist und dass das Monitoring der rezenten Sedimentierung intensiviert werden muss, mit dem Ziel Sedimentierung und Erosion im Naturpark Kopački rit durch Raum und Zeit zu definieren. Durch detailliertes Monitoring sowie die Analyse aller anderen verfügbaren Daten, durch moderne analytische Methoden, könnten die angeführten Prozesse in Zukunft vorhergesagt werden, was eine wissenschaftlich basierte Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Verwaltung des Naturparks Kopački rit ist

    Erste Resultate der Verfolgung der rezenten Sedimentierung im Gebiet des Naturparks Kopački rit

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    Područje Parka prirode Kopački rit (PPKR) jedna je od najvećih fluvijalno-močvarnih nizina u Europi. Zbog vidljivog trenda smanjenja močvarnih i vodnih površina odnosno zadržavanja taloga u području Kopačkog rita osmišljena je i postavljena mreža opažačkih postaja recentnog taloženja kako bi se navedeni procesi kvantificirali. Postavljeno je ukupno 50 mjernih postaja u kanalima, rukavcima, barama i močvarama. Rezultati mjerenja recentnog taloženja i erozije ukazuju na povećano taloženje u većini dijelova PPKR s maksimumom u Kopačkom jezeru koji iznosi 16,5 cm u vremenskom periodu od samo devet mjeseci. Ovakvi rezultati ukazuju da je situacija u području PPKR alarmantna te je potrebno intenzivirati monitoring recentnog taloženja s ciljem definiranja prostorno-vremenske raspodjele taloženja i erozije u području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Detaljnim monitoringom te analizom svih drugih dostupnih podataka, modernim analitičkim metodama, navedeni procesi mogli bi se prognozirati u budućnosti što bi predstavljalo znanstveno utemeljenu podlogu za održivim gospodarenjem Parka prirode Kopački rit.The Nature Park Kopački Rit is one of the largest fluvial wetlands areas in Europe. Due to the evident trend of a decrease in wetlands and water surfaces, i.e. sediment retention in the Kopački Rit area, a network of monitoring stations for recent sediment deposition was conceived and established, consisting of 50 monitoring stations in canals, side channels, ponds and swamps, in order to quantify these processes. The monitoring results of the recent sediment deposition and erosion indicate increased sediment deposition in most parts of the Nature Park, with a maximum of 16.5 cm in Kopačko Lake in the period of only nine months. This alarming situation requires intensified monitoring of the recent sediment deposition with a purpose of defining the spatial and temporal distribution of sediment deposition and erosion in the Nature Park Kopački Rit. Detailed monitoring, analyses of all available data and modern analytical methods are needed for future forecasts and establishment of a scientific basis for sustainable management of Nature Park Kopački Tit.Das Gebiet des Naturparks Kopački rit (NPKR) ist eine der größten Fluvial-Sumpfebenen in Europa. Aufgrund des sichtbaren Trends der Verkleinerung von Sumpf- und Wasserflächen beziehungsweise Sedimentierung im Gebiet von Kopački rit wurde ein Netz von Beobachtungsposten erdacht und aufgebaut, um die Sedimentierungsprozesse zu quantifizieren. Insgesamt 50 Messungsposten wurden in Kanälen, Flussarmen, Teichen und Sümpfen aufgebaut. Die Messresultate der rezenten Sedimentierung und Erosion zeigen einen größeren Bodensatz in den meisten Teilen des NPKR, mit einem Maximum von 16,5 cm im Teich Kopačko jezero innerhalb von nur neun Monaten. Solche Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass die Situation im Gebiet des NPKR alarmierend ist und dass das Monitoring der rezenten Sedimentierung intensiviert werden muss, mit dem Ziel Sedimentierung und Erosion im Naturpark Kopački rit durch Raum und Zeit zu definieren. Durch detailliertes Monitoring sowie die Analyse aller anderen verfügbaren Daten, durch moderne analytische Methoden, könnten die angeführten Prozesse in Zukunft vorhergesagt werden, was eine wissenschaftlich basierte Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Verwaltung des Naturparks Kopački rit ist