9 research outputs found

    Use of Acrylic Resin to Fill the Orbital Cavity after Exenteration in a Dog with Conjunctival Hemangiosarcoma

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    Background: The hemangiossarcoma (HSA) is a malignant tumor originated from the alterations of vascular endothelial cells. As it has an aggressive behavior, it is indicated, as initial treatment, wide surgical excision, such as the exenteration, which results in the surgical removal of the ocular bulb and adjacent tissues. The referred technique has as a result a concave orbit and aesthetically unacceptable. Therefore, various materials, used as orbital implants, have been studied and used in several species. Thus, it was aimed to report the use of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) to fill the orbital cavity after exenteration in a dog with conjunctival HSA.Case: A 10-year-old male Pitbull dog was assisted, with a clinical history of growth of a reddish tissue in the left eye, causing constant hemorrhage, with an evolution of two months. At ophthalmic examination of the left eye, in the temporal bulbar conjunctive was found a reddish neoformation, with an irregular surface, measuring approximately 4x2x2 cm. The biopsy and aspiration cytology of the neoformation, revealed cells that inferred that they were those of conjunctival HSA. The hemogram revealed normocytic anemia; the biochemical profile was with the standards of normality and no metastasis were found in the ultrasonography and X-ray. The treatment of choice was the exenteration. Initially, the palpebral borders were approximated using continuous simple suture wit monofilament nylon thread. An incision was made in the skin, along the orbital rim and then was performed a rhombus dissection of the conjunctive and all the extraocular muscles. Next, the eye globe, together with the neoplasia, soft tissues of the orbital cavity and third eyelid were removed. The PMMA was obtained from a mixture of the powder (polymer) and of the liquid (monomer) in the ratio of 1:1 in a sterile recipient, in order to obtain a liquid suspension. Still in its paste-like form, the PMMA was molded in the orbit itself without going beyond its limits, filling in. At the moment of the polymerization of the PMMA, the site was irrigated with cold sterile saline solution for the reduction of the temperature caused by the thermal reaction. For the closing of the conjunctive, a continuous simple suture was performed, using 910 4-0 polyglactin thread and, in the suture of the skin, simple interrupted stiches were used with 3-0 monofilament nylon thread. After the surgery, tramadol hydrochloride was administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg/SC and meloxicam at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg/SC.  In the post-operative phase, the animal was treated with ampicillin suspension at a dose of 20 mg/kg/TID/PO during 10 days; metronidazole at a dose of 15 mg/kg /BID/PO during 10 days and the application of 0.5% chloramphenicol ocular ointment, 10.000UI of retinyl acetate and 2.5% amino acids on the stiches, SID, until their removal. After nine months, the owner reported a satisfactory result in relation to the aesthetic aspect, denying the presence of any ocular alterations or discomfort of the animal.Discussion: The use of the PMMA implant proved to be an excellent alternative to fill the anophthalmic cavity after exenteration in a dog with conjunctival HSA, seen as it provided, most importantly, the maintenance of the orbital volume, granting an adequate aesthetic aspect, already established among some authors, without the presence of secretion, inflammation and local infection.  It is worth emphasizing that, despite the patient in question having been treat with a broad-spectrum antibiotic after the surgery, in other reports, the absence of local infection was associated to the high temperature that the PMMA reaches during the exothermic reaction in the polymerization stage. Furthermore, the referred implant is cost-effective, offers easy molding to the orbit and absence of extrusion. In light of this, it is therefore suggested that the referred implant is a pertinent alternative for use in similar cases

    Multicentric Squamous Cell Carcinoma with the Involvement of the Ocular Annexes in a Dog

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    Background: The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is considered to be a frequent neoplasm in dogs, however, its origin in ocular annexes, especially in relation to the conjuctival location, is a rare finding in dogs. Therefore, it was aimed to report the occurrence of a multicentric SCC, with the involvement of ocular annexes in a dog, emphasizing its clinical characteristics and histopathological findings.Case: A 6-year-old non-castrated white-coated Pitbull dog was attended, with a history of increased volume and bloody secretion in the left eye, with an evolution of approximately six months. By means of general physical examination, ulcerated lesions in the foreskin and scrotum were found. During the ophthalmologic examination was identified an extensive and irregular exophytic mass, of a reddish color and with a cauliflower-like appearance, located in the inferior bulbar conjunctiva and third eyelid of the left eye, accompanied by a large quantity of piosanguinolenta secretion, mainly during manipulation. Other alterations were observed, such as, meibomitis, conjuctival hyperemia, hypopyon, corneal edema and loss of sight. In the right eye, the only alteration found was conjunctival hyperemia. The hemograma revealed discreet anemia; the serum biochemical profile was inside the normal range and there was no evidence of metastasis in the imaging examinations. The animal was submitted to the incisional biopsy of the lesions for histopathological analysis, which revealed a proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells, highly pleomorphic, composed of eosinophilic cytoplasm, which varied from scarce to moderate, of indistinct borders, with a large nucleus and loose chromatin and large and evident nucleolus, compatible with SCC, enabling, also, the classification as multicentric due to the multiple localizations. Additionally, associated to the conjunctival tumor, there was necrosis and mixed inflammatory infiltration; in the scrotum and conjunctiva, the cells presented more accentuated pleomorphism, with the presence of dyskeratosis and little formation of keratin pearls; however in the prepuce, there was abundant formation of keratin pearls in the midst of the tumor. In the immunohistochemical analysis, the neoplastic cells demonstrated strong and uniform cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for pancytokeratin. It was recommended the exenteration of the left eye followed by the introduction of acrylic resin intraorbital implant, together with the resection of the neoplasm from the scrotum and foreskin, associated with cryotherapy. However, the owner was reluctant to the proposed treatment and opted for the euthanasia of the animal, not consenting to the performance of the necropsy.Discussion: The etiological factors related to the development of the SCCs, especially concerning those of the ocular and periocular region, in dogs and cats, are still not well defined. However, the overexposure to the ultraviolet radiation has been pointed as the main etiological factor, especially in tropical and high-altitude regions. Indeed, the characteristics of the region in which the animal resided, associated to its way of life and its phenotypical characteristics suggested that the chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation would be the most plausible cause related to the emergence of the multicentric SCC of this case. Thus, it is suggested that, while the physiopathology of the neoplasm has still yet not been elucidated, it must be avoided that the dogs, with these characteristics, expose themselves too much to solar radiation.


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    A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das principais doenças ortopédicas que afetam os cães. Muitas técnicas cirúrgicas foram descritas no intuito de aliviar a dor, restaurar a estabilidade biomecânica do joelho e prevenir a progressão da osteoartrite. Fáscia lata, fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida foram empregados na estabilização do joelho após excisão do ligamento cruzado cranial em cães, os quais foram submetidos à avaliação radiográfica e macroscópica da articulação. Neste estudo, foram utilizados 18 cães com massa corporal superior a 15Kg (peso médio - 19,67kg), separados em 3 grupos eqüitativos correspondentes a cada técnica, avaliados durante 30 e 60 dias. Ao exame radiográfico, independentemente de grupo, os cães apresentaram evidência de efusão articular moderada a severa, distensão da cápsula articular e, na maioria dos casos, ausência de sinais de doença articular degenerativa. Ao exame macroscópico da articulação do joelho observou-se espessamento da cápsula articular e tecidos moles periarticulares, erosão da cartilagem articular dos côndilos femorais em todos os grupos e afrouxamento dos fios nos cães submetidos às técnicas de estabilização extra-articular com fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida.The cranial cruciate ligament rupture is one of the main orthopaedic diseases which affect dogs. Many surgical techniques have been described and they aim to relief the pain, restore stifle biomechanical stability and prevent the progression of osteoarthritis. Fascia lata, braided polyester and polyamida were used in lateral fabellar suture to stifle stabilization after induced cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs that were submitted to radiographic and macroscopic evaluation of joint. In this study 18 dogs weighting more than 15kg were used (middleweight - 19.67kg), distributed in three groups corresponding to each technique, evaluated during 30 and 60 days. In the radiographic exam, the dogs had evidence of moderate to severe joint effusion, capsular distension and, in most cases, lacking of degenerative articular disease features. At the macroscopic exam of the stifle joint thickening of the joint capsule and periarticular soft tissues, erosion of the femoral condyles cartilage in all groups and loosening of the suture were observed in dogs submitted to extra-articular stabilization techniques employing braided polyester and polyamida

    Behavioral assessment of shelter dogs submitted to different methods of environmental enrichment

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    ABSTRACT: Environmental enrichment is a dynamic process consisting of a set of activities designed to meet the ethological and psychological needs of animals. It stimulates the natural behavior of each animal species improving the well-being of the individual and avoiding the development of stereotyped behaviors. The present study aimed to assess the potential benefits that four different types of environmental enrichment would bring to the quality of life of shelter dogs. Twenty dogs were observed for 6 hours daily for 5 consecutive days in the first week in order to assess and document their behavior patterns in an experimental kennel. Between the second to the fourth week, 3 forms of game and 1 type of food enrichment were used in the first 4 days of each week. On the fifth day of each week, behavioral patterns were recorded and later compiled and analyzed according to the Tukey test. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in behaviors associated with lying down, standing up, and licking. Based on our findings, we concluded that the use of environmental enrichment methods through different types of games and toys in shelters decreased signs of depression and stereotyped behavior of kennelled dogs. Results of the present study showed that these tools may help improve life quality of these animals