384 research outputs found

    Tervishoiupoliitiliste meetmete rakendamine ja nende mõju

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    Tervis kui oluline inimkapitali osa on riigi jätkusuutliku arengu ning majanduskasvu oluliseks eelduseks. Füüsiliselt ja vaimselt terved inimesed tulevad oma eluga paremini toime. Seega on riigi jaoks väga oluline omada hästi toimivat tervisesüsteemi, mis võimaldaks ennetada haigestumist ning tagada haiguse korral inimeste võimalikult kiire tervenemine ning elu- ja töövõime taastumine. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (11): 816–81

    A market research on non-sticking carton packaging material for yoghurt based products for Tetra Pak

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    It is estimated that approximately 8-10% of yogurt-based products stick to the carton packaging material surface (Hansson, 2011), and therefore consumers cannot pour the entire product out of the package. This is a multi-dimensional problem since product loss is expensive, because all the resources throughout the supply chain are wasted (European Parliament, 2011; FAO, 2012). In addition, the remaining product in the carton package makes it harder to recycle the material. Finally, the development of a packaging material that helps towards the reduction of food waste would help sustain the world’s limited resources. This exploratory study is aiming in understanding the market for a carton packaging material that prevents food waste in order to align the material development strategy of Tetra Pak. Experts from key food companies in the dairy industry in the Nordics and in the Netherlands, as well as influencers on the topic were interviewed. Furthermore, a consumer survey in Sweden and in the Netherlands was conducted. The results showed that packaging has a secondary role in the decision making process for the consumers at the point-of-purchase. Consumers are basing their choices mainly on the product they are buying. However, packaging has a crucial role while the product is being used at home. Consumers appear more observant when it comes to packaging attributes. It is critical for consumer’s convenience especially when it comes to the use and storage of the product. Furthermore, although consumers do recognise food waste as a problem and they are interested in environmental claims, their first priorities are convenience and price. Retailers are also working in the food waste issue and as a result they are putting pressure backwards in the supply chain for packaging developments


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    Latar belakang dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa kelas X IIS di SMA Negeri 3 Cimahi. Kemampuan pemahaman konsep merupakan bagian dari kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman konsep pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Quantum Learning melaluiteknik mind mapping (peta pikiran) dibandingkan dengan siswa kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode ceramah bervariasi (ceramah, tanya jawab diskusi). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas X IIS 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X IIS 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam bentuk tes uraian. Teknik analisis data dengan statistik parametrik yang meliputi uji beda rata-rata (paired samples t-test dan independent samples t-test) dan gain score dengan menggunakan aplikasi software SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa di kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan model Quantum Learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode ceramah bervariasi (ceramah, tanya jawab diskusi). Penggunaan model Quantum Learning teknik mind mapping (peta pikiran) lebih efeketif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah bervariasi (ceramah, tanya jawab diskusi);--- The background of this research is the lack of ability of understanding the concept of class X IIS SMAN 3 Cimahi. The ability of understanding the concept is part of a high-level thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference increased ability of understanding the concept in class experiment using model study of Quantum Learning through mind mapping technique (mind maps) compared with the control class that use the lecture method. The method used in this study is an experimental method using a pretest-posttest control group design. Subjects in this study consisted of two classes of class X IIS 2 as an experimental class and class X IIS 1 as the control class. The data collection is done in the form of a test description. Data analysis techniques with parametric statistics covering different test average (paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test) and gain score application using SPSS software version 20. Results showed that increasing the ability of understanding the concept of students in the experimental class Quantum Learning model is higher than the control classes using lecture method. The use of Quantum Learning model of the mind mapping technique (a mind map) more efeketif can improve students' understanding of the concept than the lecture method

    Experiencing Distinctiveness at the Margins of the School: Relatedness, Performance and Becoming a Greek Gypsy

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    This thesis focuses on a sedentary Greek Gypsy population in Athens. The arguments presented in this ethnographic study are structured through a discussion of what I call 'the schooling paradox'. This paradox indicates that the children's and adults' acknowledgement of the importance of the school co-exists with the recognition of the incompatibility between Greek Gypsy life and formal education. The degree to which adults entrust in their children the decision whether or not to attend classes, draws attention to the blurred boundaries between Greek Gypsy childhood and adulthood and processes of becoming through which children actively participate in the adults' worlds. Based on the premise that children are subjects with agency, their views reflect broader perceptions of the Greek state and other institutions. Considering these perceptions, the thesis examines Greek Gypsy projects of identification and explores children's and adults' degrees of participation within wider Greek society. Whilst acknowledging the importance of a specific 'Gypsy' sense of distinctiveness, this study recognises that there is a Greek component to it. Here, the experience of being a Greek Gypsy is seen as premised on age and gender-specific embodied performances. These performances are principally located within marriage, work and the kinship network and are sustained through the acquisition of knowledge through practice. This thesis argues that the schooling paradox is symptomatic of alternative processes of learning as well as relationships and practices which inform Greek Gypsies' experiences of becoming and belonging. The schooling paradox provides the vehicle for examining the ways through which an individual and a shared sense of Greek Gypsy distinctiveness are primarily sustained and reproduced at the margins of the school

    Physical fitness of physiotherapy students

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    One of the inevitable and crucial elements of a physiotherapist’s work, in addition to professional competence, is physical fitness. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the level of health and physical fitness of the first year physiotherapy program students in Tartu Health Care College (THCC) and Kaunas College of Applied Sciences (KCAS). The subjects were 20 and 29 physiotherapy students, respectively. The students’ physical fitness has been assessed by the following tests: Hand grip test, Stork test, ACSM’s push up test, Biering–Sorensen test, ACSM’s curl up test, YMCA sit– and– reach test, and Harvard step–test. The physical fitness level of THCC students were average and below average in different categories. Only the endurance of the abdominal muscle of THCC male students was “excellent”. However, the health indicators (BMI and waist-hip ratio) of both gender of THCC remained within normal range. In most tests, both male and female students from KCAS received a good grade and their avarage fitness level was better than students from THCC. Despite the fact that BMI results of KCAS students remained within normal range and did not differ from THCC students result, their waist–hip ratio was higher. This may indicate an increased abdominal obesity and thereby health risk. In conclusion, the fintess level of the first-year physiotherapy students of THCC is not satisfactory that can negatively affect their future health and coping with future work

    Body composition and physical ability of trained and non-trained elderly women

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    Body composition and physical ability affect the life quality and health condition of elderly people. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare body composition and physical ability of regularly trained and non-trained elderly women. 22 elderly women in the average age 74 years were divided into two groups based on their physical activity: twice a week training and non-training groups. Body weight, body height, blood pressure and waist-hip ratio were measured, and the body composition was evaluated with a SECA 525 analyser. A handgrip strength test, a “Timed Up and Go” test, “Five Times Sit to Stand” test were also performed by the participants. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were made: regularly training women had lower body mass index and systolic blood pressure than non-trained women in the same age; regularly training women had lower body fat mass and higher total body water, fat-free mass and muscle mass than non-training women in the same age; regularly training women had greater hand grip strength than nontraining women in the same age; regularly training women performed “Five Times Sit to Stand” test and “Timed Up and Go” test faster than non-training women in the same age

    Women Objectification in Carl's Jr TV Advertisements

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the Indonesian youth audiences’ reaction to objectification in Carl’s Jr American TV ads. In the ads, white women become the focus of the ads and represent the product as a way to promote Carl’s Jr. The study aims at examining the representation of women in the ads from the audiences’ eyes and the audiences’ reaction to the objectification. Moreover, Frederickson & Robert's Objectification theory serves as the theoretical framework upon which women objectification is examined within the feminism and cultural contexts. The result of this study reveals that the audiences think the white women in the ads are being sexualized and objectified as the product that is being promoted. Furthermore, the audiences also think the women’s existences are reduced as a commodity to lure in male customers and increase the products’ sales. Some of the audiences think there is nothing wrong with the ads, some are neutral with it, while the rest wants the ads to be stopped.Keywords: Women objectification, audience reception

    Enrichment of the low-fat yoghurt with oat β-glucan and EPS-producing Bifidobacterium bifidum improves its quality

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    The addition of β-glucan or EPS-producing bacteria is mainly used to improve the quality and the acceptability of low-fat yoghurt. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding β-glucan, EPS-producing Bifidobacterium bifidum, or both on physical properties, fermentation time, and organoleptic criteria of low-fat yoghurt, additionally to the viability of L. bulgaricus and B. bifidum. Two types of low-fat yoghurt (1.5% fat) were prepared, with the addition of standard oat β-glucan by 0.15% or without its addition. Each type of yoghurt mixture was inoculated with two kinds of starters: traditional and probiotic (B. bifidum) culture. The physicochemical properties, the count of viable bacterial starter culture, and the organoleptic evaluation for all yoghurt types were evaluated after storage 24 h at 4 °C. Moreover, the fermentation time was monitored. The incorporation of both β-glucan and EPS in yoghurt resulted in the highest viscosity (13.7 mPa.s) and WHC (55.94%), besides to the lowest syneresis (28.47%). The acidity and pH of the yoghurt samples were significantly affected (p > 0.05) by the β-glucan addition. The yoghurt type Bifidobacterium glucan had the shortest fermentation time (215 min), and the maximum viability of both B. bifidum (7.63 Log CFU g -1 ) and L. bulgaricus (7.50 Log CFU g -1 ). The β-glucan had a pronounced effect on the overall acceptability of yoghurt more than the EPS. In conclusion, enriching the low-fat yoghurt with oat β-glucan and EPS-producing B. bifidum is the highest effective method for improving the yoghurt’s quality and the viability of probiotics
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