2,442 research outputs found

    Impact of lens distrortions on strain measurements obtained with digital image correlation

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    The determination of strain fields based on displacements obtained via DIC at the micro-strain level is still a cumbersome task. In particular when high-strain gradients are involved, e.g. in composite materials with multidirectional fibre reinforcement, uncertainties in the experimental setup and errors in the derivation of the displacement fields can substantially hamper the strain identification process. In this contribution, the aim is to investigate the impact of lens distortions on strain measurements. To this purpose, we first perform pure rigid body motion experiments, revealing the importance of precise correction of lens distortions. Next, a uni-axial tensile test on a textile composite with spatially varying high strain gradients is performed, resulting in very accurate determined strains along the fibers of the materia

    Caregivers' experiences with the new familyā€centred paediatric physiotherapy programme COPCA : a qualitative study

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    Caregivers' experiences during early intervention of their infant with special needs have consequences for their participation in the intervention. Hence, it is vital to understand caregivers' view. This study explored caregivers' experiences with the family-centred early intervention programme "COPing with and CAring for infants with special needs" (COPCA)

    Physical layer transmitter and routing optimization to maximize the traffic throughput of a nonlinear optical mesh network

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    This paper investigates the physical layer optimization as a means of improving the utilization of limited network resources. A transparent optical network operating in the nonlinear transmission regime using coherent optical technology is considered. A physical layer model is described that allows the transmission signal quality to be included in the optimization process. Initially a fixed power, route-adapted modulation format approach is taken using integer linear programming to solve the static route allocation problem. It is shown that for the 14-node, 21-link NSF mesh network adaptation of the modulation formats leads to increases in data throughput of 17%. Optimization of the individual transmitter launch powers and spectral channel allocation results in a SNR margin of 2.3 dB, which is used to further increase the overall network traffic throughput exceeding the fixed PM-QPSK modulation format by as much as 50%. Compared to other work this paper highlights that increased gains in network throughput can be achieved if nonlinear interference is included in the routing and spectral assignment algorithm and individual transmitter spectral assignment and launch power is optimized to minimize nonlinear interference

    Computerized system for translating a torch head

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    The system provides a constant travel speed along a contoured workpiece. It has a driven skate characterized by an elongated bed, with a pair of independently pivoted trucks connected to the bed for support. The trucks are mounted on a contoured track of arbitrary configuration in a mutually spaced relation. An axially extensible torch head manipulator arm is mounted on the bed of the carriage and projects perpendicular from the midportion. The torch head is mounted at its distal end. A real-time computerized control drive subsystem is used to advance the skate along the track of a variable rate for maintaining a constant speed for the torch head tip, and to position the torch axis relative to a preset angle to the workpiece

    Which Came First the Parent or the Child?

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    From the moment a child is born, she is a juridical person endowed with constitutional rights. A childā€™s parents, however, do not become legal parents until a state statute grants them the fundamental right to raise oneā€™s child. The state, therefore, exercises considerable power and discretion when it drafts the parentage statutes that determine who becomes a legal parent. This article asserts that the state, through its parens patriae power, has a duty to act as an agent for children when it drafts its parentage statutes. In particular, the state must adopt parentage statutes that satisfy childrenā€™s fundamental right to legal parents at birth. This right derives from the Substantive Due Process privacy right to form intimate, familial relationships, as well as the right to intimate association and ensures that a child may develop the parent-child relationships necessary to preserve her liberty, protect her rights, and define her identity. To guarantee childrenā€™s fundamental right to legal parents at birth, states must reform their current parentage statutes. This article argues that states must first replace all presumptions in parentage statutes with clear determinations of legal parentage at birth. Next, states must grant legal parentage of children conceived through sexual reproduction to the childā€™s genetic parents. For children conceived through assisted reproductive technology, states must grant legal parentage to the intended parents. By adopting statutes that assign children parents from these respective groups, states ensure that the persons who are most likely to act in the childā€™s best interest become the childā€™s legal parents. In so doing, the state fulfills its parens patriae obligation to guarantee every childā€™s fundamental right to legal parents at birth
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