515 research outputs found

    Doing well by doing good? : an empirical study of 69 S&P Dow Jones ESG Indices 2009-2019

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    This thesis discusses whether one sacrifices returns by investing in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) screened portfolios. Assuming that the ESG investments are channelled into funds that are trading one of the many S&P ESG indices, I analyse the performance of these investments using S&P Global 1200 as the benchmark. I focus on tracking error, information ratio and alpha to investigate whether the 69 S&P Dow Jones ESG Indices have outperformed, underperformed or performed in line with the benchmark. The empirical analysis is aligned with previous studies on performance and compositions of ESG indices compared to the benchmark, and the conclusion is manifest. On average the ESG indices underperform on overall risk-adjusted return the S&P Global 1200. Among the worst or best performers, neither positive nor negative screening is significant. Bottom performers have had inferior risk and return due to the indices tilted towards the industry sector, the European market and constituent size. While top performers have gained due to tilt towards technology and exposure to the U.S market. The Fama-French approach with adjusting for fluctuations in the value and size premiums, do not indicate any difference whether the investing style is tilted in any directions. However, the indices exposure to the market premium is significant low for top and high for bottom performers. The relative performance measures showed positive information ratios for indices with exposure to Carbon and the U.S market due to the relative low tracking error, while Europe and Emerging market registered high negative information ratios caused by relative high tracking error. As a result, this thesis shows that environmental, social, and governance investor should have selected Climate instead of Thematic and Core ESG indices to have enhanced the probability of risk-adjusted returns compared to the S&P Global 1200.submittedVersionM-ECO

    The effect of activity-based financing on hospital efficiency: A panel data analysis of DEA efficiency scores 1992-2000

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    Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a result of the reform, the majority of county councils have introduced activity-based contracts with their hospitals. This paper studies the effect of activity-based funding on hospital efficiency. We predict that hospital efficiency will increase because the benefit from cost-reducing efforts in terms of number of treated patients is increased under ABF compared with global budgets. The prediction is tested using a panel data set from the period 1992-2000. Efficiency indicators are estimated by means of data envelopment analysis (DEA) with multiple inputs and outputs. Using a variety of econometric methods, we find that the introduction of ABF has improved efficiency when measured as technical efficiency according to DEA analysis. Contrary to our prediction, the result is less uniform with respect to the effect on cost-efficiency. We suggest several reasons why this prediction fails. Keywords are poor information of costs, production-oriented drive, tight factor markets and soft budget constraints.Public hospitals; financing; efficiency; DEA-scores; panel data; Norway

    The Effect of Activity-Based Financing on Hospital Efficiency: A Panel Data Analysis of DEA Efficiency Scores 1992-2000

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    Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a result of the reform, the majority of county councils have introduced activity-based contracts with their hospitals. This paper studies the effect of activity-based funding on hospital efficiency. We predict that hospital efficiency will increase because the benefit from cost-reducing efforts in terms of number of treated patients is increased under ABF compared with global budgets. The prediction is tested using a panel data set from the period 1992-2000. Efficiency indicators are estimated by means of data envelopment analysis (DEA) with multiple inputs and outputs. Using a variety of econometric methods, we find that the introduction of ABF has improved efficiency when measured as technical efficiency according to DEA analysis. Contrary to our prediction, the result is less uniform with respect to the effect on cost-efficiency. We suggest several reasons why this prediction fails. Keywords are poor information of costs, production-oriented drive, tight factor markets and soft budget constraints.Public Hospitals; Financing; Efficiency; DEA Scores; Panel Data; Norway

    Luftforurening fra vejtrafik: Hvad sker i EU - og i USA?

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    I forlængelse af indlæg på "Trafikdage på AUC" i 1995, 1997, 1998 og 1999 gives en opdatering af udviklingen omkring begrænsning af luftforurening fra vejtrafik i EU og i USA. Hovedvægten er lagt på den seneste udvikling efter auto/oil 2. Svovl, CO2 og MTBE er nogle af nøgleordene. Der vil også blive redegjort for de kommende års forventede aktiviteter

    Fremtidig EU-regulering af partikeludslip fra motorkøretøjer

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    At partikeludslip fra dieselmotorer har væsentlige sundhedsskadelige effekter har været erkendt i mange år. Tidligere blev de kræftfremkaldende egenskaber anset for det væsentligste problem, og interessen var derfor i høj grad rettet mod kræftfremkaldende stoffer (f.eks. PAH), som kunne være adsorberet på overfladen af partiklerne. Egentlige krav til partikeludslip blev dog først introduceret i starten af 1990’erne. Grænseværdierne refererer til den partikelmasse, som opsamles på et filter ved en nærmere specificeret testprocedure. Partikeludslippet angives i g/km for person- og varebiler og i g/kWh for tunge køretøjer. Partikeludslippet fra en dieselmotor er typisk 100-1000 større end fra en normal benzinmotor. Det er baggrunden for, at man hidtil ikke har interesseret sig så meget for partikelforureningen fra benzinmotorer. Efter offentliggørelsen af to store amerikanske befolkningsundersøgelser i første halvdel af 1990’erne, som påviste en signifikant sammenhæng mellem ”dødelighed” og koncentrationen af især de helt små partikler i luften, er fokus blevet rettet mod partiklerne selv, og især mod de allermindste partikler. De små partikler bidrager kun lidt til massen af partiklerne, og det diskuteres derfor nu, om de eksisterende grænseværdier skal erstattes af eller suppleres med grænseværdier for antallet af partikler. Dette har rejst en række nye problemstillinger: Skal man skelne mellem faste partikler (sod) og flygtige partikler (væskedråber)? De flygtige partikler udgør en meget væsentlig andel af de allermindste partikler (nanopartiklerne). Endvidere udgør de den fremherskende del af partiklerne fra almindelige benzinmotorer, som anvendes i personbiler, motorcykler og knallerter. Problemstillingen synes at være lidt anderledes i de moderne benzinmotorer med direkte indsprøjtning (GDI-motorer). Det er en almindelig opfattelse, at de flygtige partikler ud fra en sundhedsmæssig vurdering er mindre problematiske, idet de typisk vil blive opløst i luftvejene, før de når lungerne. Udvikling af reproducerbare og meningsfyldte målemetoder for partikelantal De flygtige partikler dannes primært ved opsamlingen af udstødningsgassen i forbindelse med afkøling og fortynding. Det er derfor ikke muligt rent motorteknisk at påvirke dette udslip. Opsamling af partiklerne bliver kritisk element

    Kommende EU-regulering om luftforurening fra motorkøretøjer (auto/olie-pakken)

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    På "Trafikdage 1995" blev givet en orientering om det igangværende "auto/olie-program", som Kommissionen igangsatte i 1993. Programmet blev afsluttet i starten af 1996 og var baggrunden for det forslag til fremtidige EU-normer for motorkøretøjer og brændstoffer, som Kommissionen fremlagde i juni 1996. På miljøministermødet den 19. juni 1997 traf et enstemmigt ministerråd beslutning om væsentlige skærpelser i Kommissionens forslag. Europa-Parlamentet har krævet endnu større skærpelser, så det må anses for sansynligt, at der vil ske yderligere ændringer i de endelige regler, som forventes at foreligge i efteråret 1998. I dette paper gives en status for den nuværende situation

    Hvad bliver indholdet af de kommende udstødningsnormer for motorkøretøjer?

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    De væsentligste problemområder i relation til luftforurening fra motorkøretøjer anses at være: jordnær ozon, NO2, partikler og CO2. Der er givet en status for for forureningen med disse stoffer. Der er endvidere redegjort for arbejdet med Euro 5 (personbiler)og Euro 6 (tunge køretøjer), som ud over egentlige udstødningsnormer også indeholder bestemmelser, der har tilformål at sikre, at køretøjerne under aktuelle kørselsforhold opfylder normerne

    Status for det europæiske auto/olie program

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    EU’s auto-olie program kører på sidste vers. Der er vedtaget direktiver for person- og varebiler og for de anvendte brændstoffer. Eneste udestående punkt er de tunge køretøjer (lastbiler og busser). EU’s miljøministre blev i december 1998 enige om et forslag, som indebærer, at fremtidige lastbiler og busser skal forsynes med filtre og denox-katalysatorer. Det forventes, at det endelige direktiv vil blive vedtaget inden udgangen af 1999. Indlægget udgør en naturlig afslutning på de indlæg, der er givet i forbindelse med "Trafikdage på AUC" i 1995, 1997 og 1998 om EU’s auto-olie program med hovedvægten lagt på de fremtidige regler for lastbiler og busser. Der gives en kort omtale af de beregninger, der er udført inden for rammerne af det såkaldte auto/olie II program, omhandlende den fremtidige udvikling i trafikkens forurening på EU-basis, ligesom udviklingen i Danmark belyses

    Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles

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    Peatlands encode information about past vegetation dynamics, climate, and microbial processes. Here, we used δ15N and δ13C patterns from 16 peat profiles to deduce how the biogeochemistry of the Marcell S1 forested bog in northern Minnesota responded to environmental and vegetation change over the past  ∼ 10000 years. In multiple regression analyses, δ15N and δ13C correlated strongly with depth, plot location, C∕N, %N, and each other. Correlations with %N, %C, C∕N, and the other isotope accounted for 80% of variance for δ15N and 38% of variance for δ13C, reflecting N and C losses. In contrast, correlations with depth and topography (hummock or hollow) reflected peatland successional history and climate. Higher δ15N in plots closer to uplands may reflect upland-derived DON inputs and accompanying shifts in N dynamics in the lagg drainage area surrounding the bog. The Suess effect (declining δ13CO2 since the Industrial Revolution) lowered δ13C in recent surficial samples. High δ15N from −35 to −55cm probably indicated the depth of ectomycorrhizal activity after tree colonization of the peatland over the last 400 years, as confirmed by the occasional presence of wood down to −35cm depth. High δ13C at  ∼ 4000 years BP (−65 to −105cm) could reflect a transition at that time to slower rates of peat accumulation, when 13C discrimination during peat decomposition may increase in importance. Low δ13C and high δ15N at −213 and −225cm ( ∼ 8500 years BP) corresponded to a warm period during a sedge-dominated rich fen stage. The above processes appear to be the primary drivers of the observed isotopic patterns, whereas there was no clear evidence for methane dynamics influencing δ13C patterns