275 research outputs found

    Ki-Pode: Keypoint-based Implicit Pose Distribution Estimation of Rigid Objects

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    The estimation of 6D poses of rigid objects is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Traditionally pose estimation is concerned with the determination of a single best estimate. However, a single estimate is unable to express visual ambiguity, which in many cases is unavoidable due to object symmetries or occlusion of identifying features. Inability to account for ambiguities in pose can lead to failure in subsequent methods, which is unacceptable when the cost of failure is high. Estimates of full pose distributions are, contrary to single estimates, well suited for expressing uncertainty on pose. Motivated by this, we propose a novel pose distribution estimation method. An implicit formulation of the probability distribution over object pose is derived from an intermediary representation of an object as a set of keypoints. This ensures that the pose distribution estimates have a high level of interpretability. Furthermore, our method is based on conservative approximations, which leads to reliable estimates. The method has been evaluated on the task of rotation distribution estimation on the YCB-V and T-LESS datasets and performs reliably on all objects.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    A Flexible and Robust Vision Trap for Automated Part Feeder Design

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    Fast, robust, and flexible part feeding is essential for enabling automation of low volume, high variance assembly tasks. An actuated vision-based solution on a traditional vibratory feeder, referred to here as a vision trap, should in principle be able to meet these demands for a wide range of parts. However, in practice, the flexibility of such a trap is limited as an expert is needed to both identify manageable tasks and to configure the vision system. We propose a novel approach to vision trap design in which the identification of manageable tasks is automatic and the configuration of these tasks can be delegated to an automated feeder design system. We show that the trap's capabilities can be formalized in such a way that it integrates seamlessly into the ecosystem of automated feeder design. Our results on six canonical parts show great promise for autonomous configuration of feeder systems.Comment: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022

    Med Pinocchio i skole: - om udvikling af den professionelle dømmekraft i undersøgelsesfællesskaber

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    Med udgangspunkt i de politiske ønsker om en læreruddannelse, der har mere praksis, analyseres og diskuteres, hvordan praksis kan kvalifi ceres. Artiklen indledes med en påstand om, at en studiemæssig kvalifi cering af praksis ikke skal drivespå afveje af akademisering, men udfordres af høj faglighed i pædagogik, fag og akademiske dyder. Herfra argumenterer vi for et perspektivskifte i forståelsen af praksis, hvor det centrale er refl ekteret arbejde med fokuseret empiri og udvikling af den studerendes dømmekraft. Med udgangspunkt i fænomenet kernepraksis gøres fokuseret empiri til ”kernen” i perspektivskiftet. Vi har valgt at fremhæve et eksempel fra praksis for at argumentere for, at en dialektisk omgang med empiri skaber en refl ekterende sammentænkning af teori og praksis. Den dialektiske arbejdsform er kendetegnet ved at være dynamisk og ved, at den udfordrer de studerendes dømmekraft ved at bringe viden, didaktik og erfaring i spil i forhold til den fokuserede empiri. Afslutningsvis foreslår vi etablering af undersøgelsesfællesskaber som rammesættende for et rum, hvor refl eksion og dømmekraft kan faciliteres. I disse fællesskaber skaber teori og praksis mulighed for at kvalifi cere empirien og dermed den studerendes praksis og faglige refl eksion. Endelig konkretiseres fokuseret empiri, som det kan tage form i et refl ekteret undersøgelsesfællesskab

    Strontium isotope investigations of the Haraldskær Woman – a complex record of various tissues

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    Bog bodies form a unique group of archaeological human remains which offer unparalleled insight into the past. Unlike most ancient human remains, bog bodies have preserved their skin and other soft tissues through natural tanning processes in the bogs. We present the first comprehensive strontium isotope investigation of the Haraldskær Woman and her garments, dated to the Scandinavian Pre-Roman Iron Age (500-1 BC). Our interdisciplinary research applies new advances in strontium isotope tracing protocols enabling us to go a step further in unravelling the life of bog people. Our study reveals long distance travel of the Haraldskær Woman shortly before her death, leading to new speculations on to why her body ended in the bog.Les corps tourbières forment un groupe unique de restes humains archéologiques qui offrent un aperçu unique du passé. Contrairement à la plupart des restes humains anciens, les corps deposés dans les tourbières sont parfois conservés avec des organes humains (peau, cheveux, etc.) grâce à des processus de tannerie naturels in situ. Nous présentons la première étude isotopique complète de la Femme de Haraldskær et de ses vêtements, datée de l’âge du fer pré-romaine en Scandinavie (500-1 BC). Notre recherche interdisciplinaire applique de nouveaux protocoles de traçage isotopique du strontium et nous permet d'aller un peu plus loin pour retracer la vie des gens des tourbières. Notre étude révèle un voyage de longue distance de la femme de Haraldskær peu avant sa mort, conduisant à des nouvelles hypothèses concernant la raison pour laquelle son corps se trouve dans les tourbières