26 research outputs found

    Human body pose estimation with particle swarm optimisation

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    In this paper we present the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) approach to 3-D human body pose estimation from multi-view image data. Pose estimation from multiple views is a challenging problem requiring a powerful optimisation algorithm. PSO, a fairly recent technique, has been shown to tackle multimodal functions successfully and as such presents a promising tool for this problem. We use the silhouettes extracted from the multiple views to construct the objective function and a layered subdivision surface body model to represent the pose. A synthetic sequence of a human walking-rotating is used to analyse different parameter settings and performance of the algorithm. Multi-view image data of the upper human body, typical of immersive videoconferencing scenarios, is then used to show the applicability of the method to real data. The upper-body pose estimation algorithm is formulated in two different ways, in 3-D space and disparity space, and the resulting pose estimates are presented

    Partitions. Reshaping States and Minds

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    The present book is the outcome of a joint research project Partitions Compared and Lessons Learnt: Issues in the Politics of Dialogue and Peace, which was carried out in Paris, within the framework of the International Programme for Advanced Studies at the Maison des Sciences de l\u2019Homme (MSH) and the Columbia University Institute for Scholars at Reid Hall. The project was conceived in a planning meeting in Paris in October 2001 through deliberations among the noted historian Eric Hobsbawm, Maurice Aymard and Jean Luc Racine (both from MSH), Rada Ivekovic (University of Paris 8), and Ranabir Samaddar (Peace Studies Programme, South Asia Forum for Human Rights). Rada Ivekovic was the coordinator of the core team, which consisted of four researchers, authors of the present book. The members of the core team worked together for over 3 months from October 2001 to January 2002 on the themes of the study, drew up principles of comparing cases and experiences of partitions and dialogues, organized meetings and seminars, prepared draft essays, and finally a plan for a publication. While in Paris, the core team had regular meetings with other scholars, benefiting from the active contribution, among others, of Sia Anagnostoupoulou (University of Cyprus), Natasha Avtonomova (Academy of Sciences, Moscow), Etienne Balibar (University of Nanterre), Paula Banerjee (University of Calcutta), Urvashi Butalia (feminist historian and publisher, Kali for Women), Marie-Claire Caloz-Tschoppe (University of Geneva), Fabio Ciaramelli (University of Naples), Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes (Editor, Transeuropeenne), Daho Djerbal (Algiers University, & Naqd), Goran Fejic (diplomat, former UN official, and economist), Maurice Goldring (University of Paris 8), David Goodman (University of Sydney), Ali Guenoun (University of Paris 1), Dick Howard (State University of New York), Ivan Ivekovic (American University in Cairo), Christophe Jaffrelot (CERI), Danielle Haase Du-Bosc (Columbia University Institute at Reid Hall, Paris), Radha Kumar, (Council of Foreign Relations), Giacomo Marramao (University of Rome 3), Roma Melkote (Osmania University), Ritu Menon (feminist historian and publisher, Kali for Women), Julie Mostov (Drexel University, Philadelphia), Jacques Poulain (University of Paris 8), Francesco Privitera (Alma Mater-University of Bologna), Jean Luc Racine (MSH), Paolo Rumiz (journalist, Trieste), Jacques Rupnik (CERI), Elias Sanbar (Chief Editor, Revue d'Etudes Palestiniennes), Martine Spensky (University of Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand), Eleni Varikas (University of Paris 8), Susana Villavicencio (University of Buenos Aires) and Oren Yiftachel (Ben-Gurion University). Furthermore, and besides the sponsorship and the assistance provided by MSH and the Columbia University Institute for Scholars, a crucial collaboration for the achievement of the results included in the present volume came from (a) the University of Paris-8, where a 3-years research-and-teaching project \u201cLes partitions compares - Une approche d\u2019anthropologie de la communication\u201d initiated from the Department of philosophy was taking shape, (b) the journal \u201cTranseuropennes\u201d which published a special issue on the topic (19/20, 2001) and triggered discussion on the theme; and (c) the School of Political Science, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Forli Campus, and their Institute for East-Central and Balkan Europe

    Partitions. Reshaping States and Minds

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    The partition of the Indian subcontinent, the collapse of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the reunification of Germany, the continuing feud between two Koreas, the Irish peace process, the case of Israel/Palestine and the lingering division of Cyprus, have together given rise to a huge body of literature. However, studies of partitions have usually focused on individual cases. This innovative volume uses comparative analysis to fill the gap in partition studies and examines cross-cutting issues such as: * violence * state formation * union and regional unification * geopolitics * transition

    Comparação entre o desempenho funcional de crianças com síndrome de down e crianças com desenvolvimento típico dos 2 aos 7 anos de idade

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    Introdução: A síndrome de Down (SD) é a alteração cromossômica mais comum entre os humanos. O desenvolvimento funcional da criança com a síndrome é prejudicado pelas alterações neuromotoras, musculoesqueléticas, cardiológicas entre outras que a caracterizam. Objetivos: Comparar o desempenho funcional de crianças com SD com o de crianças com desenvolvimento típico (DT) dos dois aos sete anos de idade, provenientes da cidade de Porto Alegre e região metropolitana. Verificar a influência de características familiares e de patologias no desenvolvimento funcional das crianças e seus maiores déficits. Métodos: Estudo observacional com delineamento transversal, com amostragem por conveniência. Utilizou-se o Inventário de Avaliação Pediátrica de Incapacidade (PEDI) para comparar o desenvolvimento funcional dos dois grupos de crianças. Os grupos também foram comparados por faixas etárias de um ano e seis meses. Foi utilizado um questionário para verificar as características familiares e patologias associadas às crianças. Resultados: Participaram 95 crianças, sendo 49 com SD e 46 com DT. Os dois grupos apresentaram diferença estatística em todas as áreas do PEDI analisadas quando comparados em conjunto ou por faixas etárias. As crianças com SD tiveram os escores abaixo do esperado em todas as áreas do PEDI, exceto quanto à assistência do cuidador nas áreas de mobilidade e função social. As características familiares que influenciaram no desenvolvimento funcional foram: profissão da mãe fora do lar, grau de instrução do pai e a frequência na escola. A presença de patologias associadas à síndrome não influenciou o desempenho funcional na SD. Discussão/conclusão: Tanto as crianças com SD como as com DT tiveram dificuldades funcionais, porém nas com SD elas apresentaram-se em atividades menos complexas. As limitações cognitivas nas crianças com SD pode ter influenciado no desenvolvimento funcional. A profissão da mãe fora do lar e frequência na escola podem ter sido favoráveis devido à convivência com outras pessoas e crianças. Provavelmente, com o avanço das cirurgias cardíacas e demais tratamentos, as patologias associadas não influenciaram o desenvolvimento das crianças com SD. Foi verificado nesse estudo que as crianças com SD apresentaram desenvolvimento funcional abaixo do esperado em todas as áreas do PEDI. Quando comparados os dois grupos e subgrupos por faixa etária, crianças com SD e com DT, observou-se que as diferenças mantiveram-se mesmo nas faixas etárias superiores. Não temos como prever o desenvolvimento de uma criança com SD, porém podemos investir na sua independência e qualidade de vida.Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosome abnormalities among humans. The functional development of the child with the syndrome is impaired by neuromotor, musculoskeletal, cardiac abnormalities that characterize among others. Objectives: To compare the functional performance of Down syndrome (DS) children with that of children with typical development (TD) from two to seven years of age, from the city of Porto Alegre and its metropolitan area. To investigate the influence of family characteristics and pathologies in the functional development of children and their larger deficits. Methods: Observational study with cross-sectional design with convenience sampling. We used the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) to compare the functional development of the two groups of children. The groups were also compared by age, using age ranges of one year and six months. A questionnaire was used to assess family characteristics and pathologies associated with children. Results: Participants were 95 children, 49 with DS and 46 with TD. The two groups displayed statistical differences in all areas of the PEDI analyzed, when compared together and also in comparisons involving age groups. Children with DS had scores lower than controls in all areas of the PEDI, except for caregiver assistance in the areas of mobility and social function. Family characteristics that influence the functional development were: mother's profession outside the home, level of parent education and school attendance. The presence of pathologies associated with the syndrome did not influence the functional performance in SD. Discussion/conclusion: Both the children with DS and those with TD had functional difficulties; however, for those with DS, the difficulties appeared in less complex activities. Cognitive limitations in the children with DS may have had an influence on the functional development. The profession of the mother outside the home and school attendance may have been favorable due to interaction with other people and children. Probably, with the advancement of cardiac surgery and other treatments associated pathologies did not influence children's development. It was found in this study that children with DS showed lower than expected functional development in all areas of the PEDI. When comparing the two groups and subgroups by age, children with DS and DT, it was observed that the differences remained even in old age. We cannot predict the development of children with DS; however, we can invest in their independence and quality of life

    Supplementary Material for: Solitary clear cell renal cell carcinoma metastasis to the eyelid: a case report

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    Introduction A case of solitary clear cell renal carcinoma (ccRCC) eyelid metastasis in a 66-year-old man as the first sign of a primary tumor. ccRCC usually spreads to the lungs, mediastinum, bones, liver and brain, while ocular metastases are rare. Case presentation Solitary metastasis presented as a solid mass in the central third of the upper eyelid, which has been growing for 3 weeks. Treatment included tumor removal and blepharoplasty. Histopathological examination showed metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma. A thorough examination revealed a primary tumor on the lower pole of the right kidney. A right nephrectomy was performed, and histopathology showed ccRCC. Postoperative examinations showed no signs of local or systemic disease. Sunitinib malate was administered to the patient. Conclusion The eyelid metastasis in this case was still solitary and had been discovered before the existence of the primary tumor was known. Ocular metastasis of renal carcinoma is a rare initial manifestation of the disease and therefore require a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of these patients

    Deep into the Night the City Calls as the Blacks Come Home to Roost

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    In Jean Genet’s self-designated clown show, The Blacks, black actors in white masks play out the proceedings of a tribunal organized to pass judgment on the black perpetrator of the rape of a white woman. There are continuously oblique references to a scenario off-stage where a revolt by blacks which may be under way is side-tracked by having to deal with a traitor among them. In ‘reality’, the crime never took place, and the necessary detour of having to dispose of a traitor becomes the haunting mechanism that identifies the claustrophobic, circular game of reflections and inversions that keep black and white locked into a continuous reiteration of the normative grammars of power. The trajectories of desire, anger, freedom and subjection are held together by the very dissimulations, performances, role-playing, trade-offs and revolutions that take place. Clearly it is the way race is spatialized, and the way that the arbitrary elaboration of identities, so easily interchangeable among themselves, is put to work that holds together specific contexts of operation