21 research outputs found

    Laboratory of Linguistic Meanings Within Communication Trends of the Post-Literacy Era

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    The article investigates the problem of forming polyliteracy within the framework of the University Laboratory of Linguistic Meanings. The choice of activities is justified: ontolinguistics; Russian as a foreign language; linguoecol ogy; creative linguistics. The paper describes the following forms of work: virtual Museum “Samara linguistic school”; linguistic club “Language and the world”; international recitation competition; online conferences with leading linguists; interactive classes; regional interuniversity linguistic competition. The article presents the results of a pedagogical experiment undertaken at Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.This work was supported by the Russian Humanities Research Foundation grant for the regional research project “Volga region in the Russian History and Culture” 2013 — Samara Region “ Designing a regional model of research school virtual museums (based on the research data of Samara Linguistic School)” Project № 35/2013 — RHRF. NIOKR Registration № CITiS 01201364148)

    Alishan’s poem “Hrazdan”: Polyvariety of Meanings, Interpretations, Translations

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    The question of polyvariant existence of meanings, interpretations of the poem “Hrazdan” (and its translations) by G. Alishan is considered. The novelty of the research is seen in the multidimensionality of synoptic research with an appeal to the concepts of polyvariance as a research tool, “hot” chronological periods (attention to linguistic culture) and points (anniversaries). The phenomenon of the text-heritage is studied in its historical perspective. A brief overview of the Russian-Armenian literary relationship is carried out. The Russian-Armenian literary relationship is characterized as a factor contributing to the formation of the text-heritage. The importance of the creative work researching of the outstanding Armenian figure G. Alishan is noted. The authors dwell on the history of the texts of the invariant and variants of translations into Russian, English and French (four translations). The author’s development of a synoptic model of the philological analysis of a poetic text and its translations is presented. The questions of representation of ethnocultural signs (onyms) in translation variants are touched upon. The consequences of their elimination or equivalence are commented on (the onomastic layer of the text is examined). Various translation strategies are evaluated. The features of the representation of emotions by interjections in the original and in the translation variants are compared. The technique of recursion in the refrain is revealed, its specificity in translations is discussed

    ‘Posledniy’ [Last] vs ‘Krayniy’ [Latest] in Ontological Presentation

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    The question of replacement in the synonymic pair last — latest is considered. Attention is paid to the characteristics of speech stereotypes and types of frames that form substitution in a synonymic pair. The results of a comparative analysis of the heuristics of linguo-creative thinking with the level of speech culture of communicants using catachresis in this pair are presented. The study of replacements in ontological coverage is carried out, taking into account the lexicosemantic, cognitive, generistic, extralinguistic, linguocultural and orthological aspects. The variety of functions of the studied synonymic pair in various types of discourse is described. The relevance of the study is due to the ongoing linguistic fashion to replace the lexeme last with the word latest. The authors dwell on the study of memes related to synonymous replacement, identifying their functions and features. It is shown that when the function of artistic figurative concretization of the depicted is actualized, a mimetic character is manifested in the application of this substitution. The parameters of social reality, which caused the replacements in the synonymous pair of the language fashion of the “first and second wave” are determined. A characteristic of the pragmatic meanings of reflexives in newspaper discourse is proposed in relation to the functions they perform. It is shown that the substitute latest becomes a reflexoid

    Study of Russian Language and Literature Abroad (Results of Scientific-Methodological Online Conferences)

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    It is reported about the cycle of events organized with the involvement of European philologists in December 2016 - January 2017 at the Faculty of Philology of Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University. It is reported that during the online conference scientists from Poland and Serbia shared their experiences of teaching the Russian language and Russian literature abroad

    Laboratory of Senses

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    It is reported about a series of scientific and research events “Laboratory of Senses” organized in October and December 2016 at the Philological faculty of Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University. The content and purpose of “Laboratory of Senses” are characterized - teaching the analysis of literary text in literary, philological and linguistic methodology aspects with the achievements of various methodologies and scientific schools. Constructive performance of this series of activities carried out by teachers of the University with the bachelors and undergraduates is described

    Monte Carlo N-Particle simulations of an underwater chemical threats detection system using neutron activation analysis

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    In this paper we present Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) simulations of the system for underwater threat detection using neutron activation analysis developed in the SABAT project. The simulated system is based on a D-T neutron generator emitting 14~MeV neutrons without associated α\alpha particle detection and equipped with a LaBr3_3:Ce scintillation detector offering superior energy resolution and allowing for precise identification of activation γ\gamma quanta. The performed simulations show that using the neutron activation analysis method with the designed geometry we are able to identify γ\gamma-rays from hydrogen, carbon, sulphur and chlorine originating from mustard gas in a sea water environment. Our results show that the most efficient way of mustard gas detection is to compare the integral peak ratio for Cl and H.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Problems of linguoecology in the light of creativity linguistics

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    В статье проблемы лингвоэкологии русской речи исследуются в аспекте лингвокреативной деятельности; автор высказывает предположение о том, что лингвоэкология и лингвокреативная деятельность находятся преимущественно в контрадикторных отношениях, поскольку игровая деятельность говорящего основана на игровых нарушениях установленных норм, правил; устранение взаимоисключающих отношений лингвоэкологичности и игровой эвристичности современной русской речи автор видит в подключении этических норм. В статье обосновывается необходимость сохранения во всех сферах русского дискурса кириллицы и противодействия применениям латиницы, в частности, лингвокреативным практикам, использующим креолизованные графодериваты с игрой латиницы и кириллицы. Автор относит к лингвоэкологической зоне риска сферы русской речи, в которых решаются прагматические задачи лингвокреативной деятельности, что раскрывается на примере анализа стикеров для голосования-2018. В практической части статьи на материале "автомобильной" тематики описано игровое поле homo ludens, осуществляющего лингвокреативную деятельность, образующего номинации в сфере неофициальной речи ("народные"); показано, что игровые метафоры со сферой-источником машины в отношении к человеку выполняют преимущественно пейоративную функцию и нелингвоэкологичны; напротив юмористические номинации машин и их качеств не нарушают лингвоэкологию языка, выполняют компенсаторную функцию, словесно переводя негативную ситуацию в позитивную.In the article the problems of linguoecology of the Russian speech are investigated in the aspect of linguistic-creative activity; the author suggests that linguoecology and linguo-creative activity are mainly in counter-dictatorial relations, since the playing activity of the speaker is based on play violations of established norms and rules; elimination of mutually exclusive relations of linguoecological and game heuristics of the modern Russian speech, the author sees in the connection of ethical norms. The article substantiates the necessity of preserving Cyrillic alphabet in all spheres of the Russian discourse and counteracting the use of Latin script, in particular, linguo-creative practices using creolized graphite derivatives with Latin and Cyrillic script. The author refers to the linguoecological risk zone of the sphere of the Russian speech, in which the pragmatic tasks of linguo-creative activity are solved, which is revealed in the analysis of stickers devoted for elections-2018. In the practical part of the article, on the basis of the "automobile" theme, the playing field of homo ludens, which performs linguo-creative activity, forms nominations in the sphere of informal speech ("folk") is described; It is shown that game metaphors with the sphere-source of the machine in relation to a man perform predominantly a pejorative function and are not linguistic-ecological; contrary to the humorous nominations of machines and their qualities do not violate the linguoecology of the language, perform a compensatory function, verbally translating the negative situation into a positive one

    Axiology of the Province Phenomenon in Russian Mass Media of the Beginning of the 21<sup>st</sup> Century

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    The article presents the results of a study of value meanings of the province phenomenon in the discursive environment of the Russian mass media at the beginning of the 21st century. The basic semantics of the Russian lexeme provintsiya is described based on the data of the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. The analysis is made of adjectival and verbal combinations selected by a continuous sampling method from the materials of the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The categories based on which the value semantics of the province in time and space are identified are defined. In accordance with the established categories, the selected adjectival and predicative combinations were distributed, and their estimation scaling was performed in relation to positive and negative evaluation. It is established that at the beginning of the 21st century the texts of mass media record changes in the value layer of ideas about the province in the language consciousness of modern Russian speakers. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the axiological component of the lexeme provintsiya, a decrease in negative ratings was recorded with a simultaneous increase in positive ratings since 2006 for adjectival combinations and since 2004 for predicative ones. Dynamic changes in the evaluative meanings accompanying the word provintsiya in the media discourse can be considered as a reflection of the changing role and status of the province in the socio-cultural space of Russia

    Multilayer tube impedance and external radiation

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    The paper describes a method for calculating the longitudinal and transverse impedances of the laminated round pipe with many layers of different materials. The charge is moving along the pipe axis with arbitrary constant velocity. The study is based on the field-matching technique applied for the arbitrary harmonic of the electromagnetic field. The matrix formalism has been developed to describe the field transitions through the subsequent layers that allow coupling the electromagnetic fields inside and outside the pipe. The number of equations to be solved is then reduced to four algebraic equations. The solutions and ultrarelativistic limits for the field harmonics in the inner and outer regions of the pipe are derived