166 research outputs found

    Temperature field around a spherical, cylindrical, and needle-shaped crystal, growing in a pre-cooled melt

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    The growth of a single crystal in a precooled melt was examined. The conditions under which this occurs are described. It is found that the movement of the crystallization front is proportional to the root of time. The problem is solved based on the presented considerations

    Velocity selection problem for combined motion of melting and solidification fronts

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    We discuss a free boundary problem for two moving solid-liquid interfaces that strongly interact via the diffusion field in the liquid layer between them. This problem arises in the context of liquid film migration (LFM) during the partial melting of solid alloys. In the LFM mechanism the system chooses a more efficient kinetic path which is controlled by diffusion in the liquid film, whereas the process with only one melting front would be controlled by the very slow diffusion in the mother solid phase. The relatively weak coherency strain energy is the effective driving force for LFM. As in the classical dendritic growth problems, also in this case an exact family of steady-state solutions with two parabolic fronts and an arbitrary velocity exists if capillary effects are neglected. We develop a velocity selection theory for this problem, including anisotropic surface tension effects. The strong diffusion interaction and coherency strain effects in the solid near the melting front lead to substantial changes compared to classical dendritic growth.Comment: submitted to PR

    Quantitative phase-field modeling of solidification at high Lewis number

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    A phase-field model of nonisothermal solidification in dilute binary alloys is used to study the variation of growth velocity, dendrite tip radius, and radius selection parameter as a function of Lewis number at fixed undercooling. By the application of advanced numerical techniques, we have been able to extend the analysis to Lewis numbers of order 10 000, which are realistic for metals. A large variation in the radius selection parameter is found as the Lewis number is increased from 1 to 10 000

    Multidimensional Pattern Formation Has an Infinite Number of Constants of Motion

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    Extending our previous work on 2D growth for the Laplace equation we study here {\it multidimensional} growth for {\it arbitrary elliptic} equations, describing inhomogeneous and anisotropic pattern formations processes. We find that these nonlinear processes are governed by an infinite number of conservation laws. Moreover, in many cases {\it all dynamics of the interface can be reduced to the linear time--dependence of only one ``moment" M0M_0} which corresponds to the changing volume while {\it all higher moments, MlM_l, are constant in time. These moments have a purely geometrical nature}, and thus carry information about the moving shape. These conserved quantities (eqs.~(7) and (8) of this article) are interpreted as coefficients of the multipole expansion of the Newtonian potential created by the mass uniformly occupying the domain enclosing the moving interface. Thus the question of how to recover the moving shape using these conserved quantities is reduced to the classical inverse potential problem of reconstructing the shape of a body from its exterior gravitational potential. Our results also suggest the possibility of controlling a moving interface by appropriate varying the location and strength of sources and sinks.Comment: CYCLER Paper 93feb00

    Influence of external flows on crystal growth: numerical investigation

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    We use a combined phase-field/lattice-Boltzmann scheme [D. Medvedev, K. Kassner, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72}, 056703 (2005)] to simulate non-facetted crystal growth from an undercooled melt in external flows. Selected growth parameters are determined numerically. For growth patterns at moderate to high undercooling and relatively large anisotropy, the values of the tip radius and selection parameter plotted as a function of the Peclet number fall approximately on single curves. Hence, it may be argued that a parallel flow changes the selected tip radius and growth velocity solely by modifying (increasing) the Peclet number. This has interesting implications for the availability of current selection theories as predictors of growth characteristics under flow. At smaller anisotropy, a modification of the morphology diagram in the plane undercooling versus anisotropy is observed. The transition line from dendrites to doublons is shifted in favour of dendritic patterns, which become faster than doublons as the flow speed is increased, thus rendering the basin of attraction of dendritic structures larger. For small anisotropy and Prandtl number, we find oscillations of the tip velocity in the presence of flow. On increasing the fluid viscosity or decreasing the flow velocity, we observe a reduction in the amplitude of these oscillations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Physical Review E; size of some images had to be substantially reduced in comparison to original, resulting in low qualit

    Scaling Relations of Viscous Fingers in Anisotropic Hele-Shaw Cells

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    Viscous fingers in a channel with surface tension anisotropy are numerically studied. Scaling relations between the tip velocity v, the tip radius and the pressure gradient are investigated for two kinds of boundary conditions of pressure, when v is sufficiently large. The power-law relations for the anisotropic viscous fingers are compared with two-dimensional dendritic growth. The exponents of the power-law relations are theoretically evaluated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Extending the scope of microscopic solvability: Combination of the Kruskal-Segur method with Zauderer decomposition

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    Successful applications of the Kruskal-Segur approach to interfacial pattern formation have remained limited due to the necessity of an integral formulation of the problem. This excludes nonlinear bulk equations, rendering convection intractable. Combining the method with Zauderer's asymptotic decomposition scheme, we are able to strongly extend its scope of applicability and solve selection problems based on free boundary formulations in terms of partial differential equations alone. To demonstrate the technique, we give the first analytic solution of the problem of velocity selection for dendritic growth in a forced potential flow.Comment: Submitted to Europhys. Letters, No figures, 5 page

    Simulations of three-dimensional dendritic growth using a coupled thermo-solutal phase-field model

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    Using a phase field model, which fully couples the thermal and solute concentration field, we present simulation results in three dimensions of the rapid dendritic solidification of a class of dilute alloys at the meso scale. The key results are the prediction of steady state tip velocity and radius at varying undercooling and thermal diffusivities. Less computationally demanding 2-dimensional results are directly compared with the corresponding 3-dimensional results, where significant quantitative differences emerge. The simulations provide quantitative predictions for the range of thermal and solutal diffusivities considered and show the effectiveness and potential of the computational techniques employed. These results thus provide benchmark 3-dimensional computations, allow direct comparison with underlying analytical theory, and pave the way for further quantitative results

    Prediction of the operating point of dendrites growing under coupled thermosolutal control at high growth velocity

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    We use a phase-field model for the growth of dendrites in dilute binary alloys under coupled thermosolutal control to explore the dependence of the dendrite tip velocity and radius of curvature upon undercooling, Lewis number (ratio of thermal to solutal diffusivity), alloy concentration, and equilibrium partition coefficient. Constructed in the quantitatively valid thin-interface limit, the model uses advanced numerical techniques such as mesh adaptivity, multigrid, and implicit time stepping to solve the nonisothermal alloy solidification problem for material parameters that are realistic for metals. From the velocity and curvature data we estimate the dendrite operating point parameter σ*. We find that σ* is nonconstant and, over a wide parameter space, displays first a local minimum followed by a local maximum as the undercooling is increased. This behavior is contrasted with a similar type of behavior to that predicted by simple marginal stability models to occur in the radius of curvature, on the assumption of constant σ*
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