371 research outputs found
Document representations for classification of short web-page descriptions
Motivated by applying Text Categorization to classification of Web search results, this paper describes an extensive experimental study of the impact of bag-of- words document representations on the performance of five major classifiers - Naïve Bayes, SVM, Voted Perceptron, kNN and C4.5. The texts, representing short Web-page descriptions sorted into a large hierarchy of topics, are taken from the dmoz Open Directory Web-page ontology, and classifiers are trained to automatically determine the topics which may be relevant to a previously unseen Web-page. Different transformations of input data: stemming, normalization, logtf and idf, together with dimensionality reduction, are found to have a statistically significant improving or degrading effect on classification performance measured by classical metrics - accuracy, precision, recall, F1 and F2. The emphasis of the study is not on determining the best document representation which corresponds to each classifier, but rather on describing the effects of every individual transformation on classification, together with their mutual relationships.
Uloga ekonomskih instrumenata u neutralisanju ekoloških eksternalija
Ovim radom autori ukazuju na različite načine i ulogu države odnosno, ekonomskih instrumenata koji su na raspolaganju, radi minimiziranja i neutralisanja eksternih efekata nastalih kao posledica društvene reprodukcije. U održivoj proizvodnji, kontinuiran proces društvene reprodukcije zaheva i adekvatno tretiranje prirodnog okruženja.“ Eco-Eco“ model, odnosno ekološko ekonski model ukazuje na direktnu uslovljenost ova dva podsistema održivog razvoja. Instrumenti koji usmeravaju privredne subjekte kroz internalizaciju troškova životne sredine ili troškova iscrpljivanja prirodnih izvora su ekonomski. Isključiva upotreba ekonomskih instrumenata neće dati optimalne rezultate ako se izolovano koristi, jer se celokupna privreda odvija u tržišnim, a ne u izolovanim uslovima. Stoga, imajući u vidu specifičnost „Eko-Eko“ odnosa, problemi eksternalija se najbolje rešavaju kombinacijom ekonomskih i ostalih instrumenata, pri čemu je aktivna uloga države neophodna
Strengthening Economic Subjects' Internal Capacities : sustainable energy management
EU strategic orientation towards sustainable energy development, energy reform
and redirecting of companies to new ways of operating and doing business impose
need to consider the concept of application of sustainable energy management as a
concept acceptable for all companies. By implementing sustainable energy
management, companies reach positive results, which primarily refer to reduced
consumption of energy resources and reduced negative ecological effects. Apart from
that, a company which implements the concept of sustainable energy management
creates positive image and improves its competitiveness. The actual application of
the concept of sustainable energy management in a company can be implemented in
several ways and the application of eco-management concept is considered to be the
most acceptable method for realization in developing countries
Environmental and energy tax reform in the EU
The subject of the analysis is determination of energy tax revenue in the countries members in the EU,
and monitoring of revenues generated through energy taxes. Environmental taxes can be collected in
forms of energy taxes, transport taxes, pollution taxes and resource taxes. The role of energy taxes is
to internalize external costs and to encourage potential polluters to change their behavior. Although
they have limited fiscal significance, energy taxes contribute to total public revenue in a country. On
the basis of the presented data in this paper, it is obvious that revenues collected by energy taxes are
not negligible and it is measured in tens of millions of Euros. Monitoring of flow of revenues made by
collecting these taxes proves that revenues have downward trend since the beginning of the crisis,
since 2008, and only two EU countries members did not have negative values. EU has growth of the
energy tax revenue in the period 2005-2008, of: 2,19% in 2006 in relation to 2005; growth of 3,28%
in 2007 in relation to 2006 that is 2,45% in 2008 in relation to 2007. On one hand, collection of
energy taxes provides country with revenues; however there is a possibility of jeopardizing position of
domestic business entities in the future. It is the fact that market position of industries that pay energy
taxes is unfavorable because the prices of their products are increased by the taxes
Sustainable energy management as a pre-requisite for sustainable development: the case of the Balkans countries in the process of the EU integration
Sustainable development as a theory, a concept and an idea, is a comprehensive framework for the development of mankind in the future, that is, the attempt to plan future development based on past experience, on the one hand, and
objectives that are set to a specific or indefinite period of time on the other. The concept of sustainable development implies the need for reviewing and
understanding its complex and multi-disciplinary, multi-dimensional and heterogeneous structure, making it one of the most complex social, economic, civil and any other development since the creation of mankind. Any human
activity can be observed from different points of view and evaluated on several grounds. Problem of energy security is one of the basic modern challenges in the EU and in the Balkans region. The following main characteristics in the Balkans region were noted: high energy consumption per GDP unit, high values of carbon emission, fossil fuels import dependency, high potential but minimal RES energy
production. Further development of regulation framework is a priority for all countries in the region. Respection of the EU regulative in this area is the basic precondition for further stable energy development
Mikrobni biofilmovi - I deo - ekološki i genetski aspekti
Relatively new advances in microscopy and molecular technology have made possible studying of bacterial communities in situ. Natural bacterial associations in biofilm matrix function as cooperative consortia in a complex but synchronized manner. Regardless of formation, biofilms are developing in a multicellular pattern. Microcolonies forming a biofilm can be populations of a single species or multi-species bacterial communities influenced by environmental parameters. Numerous conditions, such as characteristics of the surface and interactions, availability of nutrients, composition of microbial community and hydrodynamics may influence the structure of a biofilm. Implementation of molecular methods in understanding of oral flora and its features is making shifts in our dental plaque knowledge.Relativno nova dostignuća u mikroskopskoj i molekularnoj tehnologiji, omogućila su proučavanje bakterijskih zajednica in situ. Prirodna udruženja bakterija u matriksu biofilma funkcionišu kao kooperativni konzorcijumi na relativno složen, ali i usklađen način. Bez obzira na to da li su sastavljeni od jedne ili više bakterijskih vrsta, biofilmovi se razvijaju po obrascima višećelijskog ponašanja. Mikrokolonije koje sačinjavaju biofilm, mogu da budu populacije samo jedne vrste ili višečlane bakterijske zajednice u zavisnosti od parametara sredine na osnovu kojih je biofilm i nastao. Brojni uslovi, kao što su svojstva površine pripajanja i međusobnog dodira, dostupnost hranljivih sastojaka, sastav mikrobiološke zajednice i hidrodinamika mogu da utiču na strukturu biofilma. Primena molekularnih metoda u razumevanju oralne flore i njenih karakteristika, čini da se saznanja o dentalnom plaku suštinski koriguju
Stanje oralnog zdravlja kod dece uzrasta od 12 godina u Crnoj Gori
Background/Aim. Oral health is very important for the function and the quality of human life. The aim of this study was to determine the spread of caries on the permanent teeth, the state of health of the periodontium and the state of oral hygiene in the children at the age of 12 in Montenegro. Methods. The research was carried out within 2006 and included 455 primary school pupils of both sex, the age of 12 in the northern, midlle and southern area of Montenegro. The parameters used to estimate oral health condition were: mean number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth due to caries (DMFT), Significant Caries Index (SiC), Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), presence of sealants, and to estimate oral hygiene condition: Debris Index (Green-Vermillion) and Calculus Index (Green). A dental team clinically examined all the subjects in line with World Health Organization (WHO) methodology and criteria. All chosen children from the sample were checked by the standard dental diagnostic equipment (plane dental mirror, dental, standard CPITN periodontal probe) under the artificial light on the dry teeth, on the dental chair. Results. The average value of Index DMFT at 12-year-old in Montenegro was 3.43. On average, 88.35% of the examined children had dental caries. The SiC Index was 6.35. Among the examined children, 11.9% had at least one tooth with a fissure sealant. The healthy periodontium had 64% of the 12-year-old children. The average value of Debris Index was 1.086, and the average value of Calculus Index was 0.6508. Conclusion. Oral health condition in children at the age of 12 in Montenegro does not satisfy. Thus the importance of the modern preventive measures and programmes should be emphasized and applied through the system of primary oral protection and intensively promote oral health.Uvod/Cilj. Oralno zdravlje je veoma važno za funkcionisanje i kvalitet života ljudi. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje rasprostranjenosti karijesa na stalnim zubima, stanja parodoncijuma i stanja oralne higijene kod dece uzrasta 12 godina u Crnoj Gori. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2006, a obuhvatilo je 455 učenika osnovnih škola, oba pola, uzrasta 12 godina u severnoj, srednjoj i južnoj regiji Crne Gore. Parametri korišćeni za procenu stanja oralnog zdravlja bili su indeksi prosečnog broja karijesnih, izvađenih i zuba plombiranih zbog karijesa (Mean number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth due to caries - DMFT), Significant Caries Index (SiC) i Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), a za procenu stanja oralne higijene indeks mekih naslaga prema Green-Vermillion-u i indeks zubnog kamenca prema Green-u. Jedan stomatolog klinički je pregledao sve ispitanike u skladu sa metodologijom i kriterijumima Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (SZO). Sva izabrana deca iz uzorka pregledana su standardnim stomatološkim dijagnostičkim sredstvima (stomatološko ogledalce, stomatološka sonda 0,4 mm i standardna parodontalna CPITN sonda) pri veštačkom osvetljenju na suvim zubima, na stomatološkoj stolici. Rezultati. Prosečna vrednost DMFT indeksa za 12- godišnjake iz Crne Gore iznosila je 3,43. Karijes je imalo prosečno 88,35% pregledane dece. Indeks SiC iznosio je 6,35. Među ispitanom decom 11,9% je imalo najmanje jedan zub sa prisutnim zalivačem fisura. Zdravi parodoncijum imalo je 64% 12-godišnjaka. Prosečna vrednost indeksa mekih naslaga iznosila je 1,086, a indeksa čvrstih naslaga 0,6508. Zaključak. Nakon ovih epidemioloških istraživanja zaključujemo da stanje oralnog zdravlja dece ovog uzrasta u Crnoj Gori nije zadovoljavajuće. Shodno tome, treba naglasiti značaj savremenih preventivnih mera i programa, implementirati ih kroz sistem primarne zdravstvene zaštite i intenzivno raditi na promociji oralnog zdravlja
Clinical effects of fixed functional Herbst appliance in the treatment of class II/1 malocclusion
Introduction. Sagittal mandible deficiency is the most common cause of skeletal Class II malocclusion. Treatment objective is to stimulate sagittal mandible growth. Fixed functional Herbst appliance use is beneficial for shortening the time required for treatment and does not depend on patient compliance. Case outline. A 13-year-old girl was referred to the Clinic of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry in Belgrade following previous unsuccessful treatment of her skeletal Class II malocclusion using an activator. The patient's poor cooperation had led to failure of the treatment. Patient was subjected to the Herbst treatment for 6 months followed by fixed appliance for another 8 months. Lateral cephalograms before and after the treatment was performed. The remodelation of condylar and fossal articulation was assessed by superimposition of pre- and post-treatment temporomandibular joint tomograms. The promotion of oral hygiene and fluoride use was performed because orthodontic treatment carries a high caries risk and risk for periodontal disease. Skeletal and dental changes were observed after treatment (correction [Max+Mand]: molar relation 7 mm, overjet 8 mm, skeletal relation 5 mm, molars 2 mm, incisors 3 mm). Combination of Herbst and fixed appliances was effective in the treatment of dental and skeletal irregularities for a short period of time. Conclusion . In the retention period, 14 months after treatment, occlusal stability exists. Follow-up care in oral prevention is based on regular recalls at the dental office and supervision at home by the parents
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