83 research outputs found

    Kapitalni tokovi u Crnoj Gori: primjena SVAR modela

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    Analysing push and pull determinants of capital flows has become increasingly important with global financial crisis. Namely, global financial crisis has shown that large and volatile capital flows can pose risks, especially, for small and open economies. In this paper we are particularly interested to analyse the vulnerability of capital flows in country with limited monetary policy. We are focused on Montenegro, the country that unilaterally adopted euro in 2002 and regained independence in 2006. Since then, Montenegro has become very attractive for investments and has received significant amounts of foreign capital. Thus, in this paper we are assessing how global shocks could be dangerous for such a small open economy. In addition, we are interested in investigating whether domestic factors can influence capital flows due to the full euroization. In order to answer these questions, we have applied structural vector autoregressive model of the determinants of two main components of capital flows, foreign direct investments and portfolio investments separately, using quarterly data from 2005 to 2017. We provide evidence that mainly push factors, such as foreign output, interest rates and euro area risk sentiment, significantly explain the variation of capital flows. Furthermore, domestic factors are found to play little role for capital flow developments in Montenegro.S globalnom financijskom krizom, sve veća pozornost usmjerena je na analiziranje internih i eksternih faktora koji utječu na tokove kapitala. Naime, globalna financijska kriza pokazala je da veliki i promjenljivi tokovi kapitala mogu biti rizični posebno za mala i otvorena gospodarstva. U radu se osobito analizira ranjivost tokova kapitala u zemlji s ograničenom monetarnom politikom. Usredotočeni smo na Crnu Goru, zemlju koja je jednostrano usvojila euro 2002. godine i ponovno stekla neovisnost 2006. godine. Od tada, Crna Gora je postala vrlo atraktivna za investicije i imala je značajne priljeve stranog kapitala. Stoga, u ovom radu procjenjujemo u kojoj mjeri globalni šokovi mogli biti opasni za tako malu otvorenu ekonomiju. Osim toga, ispitujemo da li i u kojoj mjeri, domaći čimbenici mogu utjecati na tokove kapitala zbog pune euroizacije. Da bismo odgovorili na ova pitanja primijenili smo strukturni vektorski autoregresivni model korištenjem kvartalnih podataka od 2005. do 2017. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da uglavnom eksterni faktori, kao što su inozemne kamatne stope i europski rizik, značajno objašnjavaju varijaciju tokova kapitala. Nadalje, domaći čimbenici imaju manju ulogu na kretanje tokova kapitala u Crnoj Gori

    Expressing aktionsart in Ukrainian and Serbian languages

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    Дисертација представља комплексно истраживање акционалних модификација у украјинском и српском језику. У сфери семантичке категорије акционалности разликујемо два типа значења – акционална иманентна својства и акционална модификациона значења. Предмет нашег рада су акционалне модификације као додатна обележја која се припајају семантици глагола указујући на одређене параметре одвијања радње у времену. Ти параметри груписани су у четири комплекса акционалних модификационих значења: фазни, детерминативни, градуелни и плурални. Истраживањем је обухваћен пре свега формални аспект акционалних модификација, али и садржај ова четири значењска комплекса. При анализи средстава изражавања акционалности, у складу са традиционалним приступом, узимајући у обзир специфичности словенских језика, централно место одредили смо акционалним класама глагола код којих је носилац акционалног значења афикс, али смо у њу укључили и акционалне конструкције у којима је носилац акционалног значења синсемантични глагол и показали да оне могу функционисати као равноправно, граматикализовано средство изражавања пре свега централних акционалних значења – фазности и детерминативности. У раду смо, у складу са постављеним циљевима, одредили елементе садржаја четири издвојене акционалне категорије у анализираним језицима, издвојили, са више аспеката анализирали и упоредили акционалне класе глагола и акционалне конструкције у украјинском и српском језику, а такође указали и на друга средства изражавања акционалности која излазе ван сфере глагола. Поређењем функционисања модификационе акционалности у украјинском и српском језику установили смо да између контрастираних језика постоји значајна сличност у асортиману акционалних значења и средствима њиховог изражавања, али да су у украјинском језику акционалне класе глагола као синтетичка средства знатно продуктивније, док српски језик не користи у пуној мери своје творбене потенцијале и неретко предност даје аналитичким средствима.This dissertation is complex research of aktionsart modifications in the Ukrainian and Serbian languages. In the sphere of aktionsart semantic category we may distinguish two types of meaning – aktionsart imminent properties and aktionsart modification meanings. The subject matter of this work are aktionsart modifications as additional features attached to the verb semantics, indicating certain parameters of development of action in time. These parameters are grouped into four complexes of aktionsart modification meanings: phasal, determinative, gradual and plural. The research encompassed, first of all, the formal aspect of aktionsart modifications, but also the contents of these four meaning complexes. In the analysis of the means for expressing aktionsart, in accordance with the traditional approach, taking into account specific features of the Slavic languages, the central place is assigned to aktionsart verb classes, where the aktionsart meaning is carried through affix, however, we included into it also aktionsart constructions, in which the aktionsart meaning is carried through synsemantic verb, and showed that they operate as equal, grammaticalized means for expression of, first of all, central aktionsart meanings - phasal and determinative meanings. In this work, in accordance with the objectives set, we determined the elements of contents of four selected aktionsart categories in the analyzed languages, singled out, analyzed from several aspects and compared aktionsart verb classes and aktionsart constructions in the Ukrainian and Serbian languages, and also indicated other means for expressing the aktionsart beyond the verb sphere. By comparing the operation of the modification aktionsart in the Ukrainian and Serbian, we have ascertained that between the contrasted languages there is a relevant similarity in the range of aktionsart meanings and means for expression thereof, and that, however, in the Ukrainian language the aktionsart verb classes as synthetic means are far more productive ones, while the Serbian language does not use to the full extent all formation potentials and often favours analytical means

    Role of transforming growth factor-β1 in breast carcinogenesis

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    The main objective of this presentation is to review current knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms of Transforming Growth Factor-β1(TGF-ß1) action in breast carcinogenesis. In addition, our recent results will be presented on TGF-ß1 gene polymorphism and its relationship to TGF-ß1 secretion in breast cancer (BC) patients. Special focus will be made on potential clinical applicability of TGF-ß1 as a putative diagnostic, prognostic or predictive tool in BC detection and treatment. TGF-ß1 has a complex multifunctional profile, with tumor suppressive effects in early stages of breast carcinogenesis, but progressive dominance of tumor promoting effects with transition to more advanced malignant states. Clarification of molecular mechanisms that control parallel processing of these opposing TGF-ß1 activities might suggest new approaches for shifting the balance in favor of net tumor suppression. Now, a major challenge remains in more precisely defining TGF-ß1 signaling pathways and their cancer-related alterations. Current dogma views human tumorigenesis as a molecular disruption of normal physiology through genetic, epigenetic, or somatic alterations. The genetic model offers biological plausibility to epidemiological studies that link the TGF-ß1 gene polymorphism, at codon 10 due to Leu10Pro substitution in the signal peptide, with the risk of developing BC. The somatic mutations approach, provides an explanation for the TGF-ß1 overexpression in advanced BC through mutations acquired in the components of Smad-mediated TGF-ß1 signaling pathway. The available results indicate decreased TßRII (TGF-ß1 receptor-type II) expression, rare TßRII gene mutations, but no mutations in Smad2 and Smad4 genes, in advanced BC patients.

    Doprinos građanskih inicijativa procesima planiranja i upravljanja na lokalnom nivou: primer Prokuplja

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    Rad je posvećen nevladinim organizacijama i udruženjima građana u gradu Prokuplju. Osnovni cilj rada je, da ukaže na značaj udruživanja građana i njihove participacije u donošenju ključnih odluka i sprovođenju akcija koje se odnose na lokalnu zajednicu, utvrdi stepen razvijenosti građanske participacije, kao i doprinos građanskih inicijativa i ekološkog aktivizma procesima planiranja i upravljanja na lokalnom nivou na primeru grada Prokuplja. U prvom delu rada, apostrofiran je značaj udruživanja građana i građanske participacije za lokalni razvoj, ukazano je na najznačajnije mehanizme građanske participacije i na zakonodavni okvir njihovog delovanja. U drugom delu anketnim istraživanjem (pismenim anketiranjem i usmenim intervjuisanjem) prikupljene su informacije o nevladinim organizacijama i o udruženjima građana koje su registrovane i sprovode aktivnosti u Prokuplju, kako bi se anketiranjem njihovih predstavnika, utvrdilo da li su i na koji način njihove inicijative i anktivnosti doprinele procesima planiranja i upravljanja. Dalje su prikazani primeri dobre prakse, na osnovu kojih su izvedeni zaključci i neke preporuke za unapređenje ovih procesa kroz saradnju sa udruženjima građana

    Doprinos građanskih inicijativa procesima planiranja i upravljanja na lokalnom nivou: primer Prokuplja

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    Rad je posvećen nevladinim organizacijama i udruženjima građana u gradu Prokuplju. Osnovni cilj rada je, da ukaže na značaj udruživanja građana i njihove participacije u donošenju ključnih odluka i sprovođenju akcija koje se odnose na lokalnu zajednicu, utvrdi stepen razvijenosti građanske participacije, kao i doprinos građanskih inicijativa i ekološkog aktivizma procesima planiranja i upravljanja na lokalnom nivou na primeru grada Prokuplja. U prvom delu rada, apostrofiran je značaj udruživanja građana i građanske participacije za lokalni razvoj, ukazano je na najznačajnije mehanizme građanske participacije i na zakonodavni okvir njihovog delovanja. U drugom delu anketnim istraživanjem (pismenim anketiranjem i usmenim intervjuisanjem) prikupljene su informacije o nevladinim organizacijama i o udruženjima građana koje su registrovane i sprovode aktivnosti u Prokuplju, kako bi se anketiranjem njihovih predstavnika, utvrdilo da li su i na koji način njihove inicijative i anktivnosti doprinele procesima planiranja i upravljanja. Dalje su prikazani primeri dobre prakse, na osnovu kojih su izvedeni zaključci i neke preporuke za unapređenje ovih procesa kroz saradnju sa udruženjima građana

    Facultative paedomorphosis and the pattern of intra- and interspecific variation in cranial skeleton: lessons from European newts (Ichthyosaura alpestris and Lissotriton vulgaris)

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    peer reviewedPaedomorphosis, the presence of ancestral larval and juvenile traits that occur at the descendent adult stage, is an evolutionary phenomenon that shaped morphological evolution in many vertebrate lineages, including tailed amphibians. Among salamandrid species, paedomorphic and metamorphic phenotypes can be observed within single populations (facultative paedomorphosis). Despite wide interest in facultative paedomorphosis and polymorphism produced by heterochronic changes (heterochronic polymorphism), the studies that investigate intraspecific morphological variation in facultative paedomorphic species are largely missing. By quantifying the cranium size and development (bone development and remodeling), we investigated the variation at multiple levels (i.e., between sexes, populations and species) of two facultatively paedomorphic European newt species: the alpine and the smooth newt. The pattern of variation between paedomorphs (individuals keeping larval traits at the adult stage) and metamorphs (metamorphosed adult individuals) varied between species and among populations within a single species. The patterns of variation in size and skull formation appear to be more uniform in the alpine than in the smooth newt, indicating that developmental constraints differed between species (more pronounced in alpine than in smooth newt). Our study shows that the cranial skeleton provides detailed insight in the pattern of variation and divergence in heterochronic polymorphism within and between species and open new questions related to heterochronic polymorphism and evolution of cranial skeleton

    Examining urban tourists’ attitudes: The case study of Belgrade (Serbia)

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    Personal characteristics have an important role in shaping tourists’ attitudes. The purpose of this study is to examine tourists’ attitudes to elements of the tourist offer of the city of Belgrade, the main urban destination in the Republic of Serbia. The primary research aim is to examine the influence of these personal characteristics on such attitudes. A survey was conducted on a sample of 319 tourists, who visited the city. The collected data were processed in the statistical program SPSS25 while the formed hypotheses were tested using appropriate statistical tests. The research results indicated that tourists highly rated the diversity of the gastronomic offer and the quality of nightlife, while organized tours for visiting tourist attractions and the quality of traffic infrastructure were ranked as elements in which there are opportunities for improvement. Further, the research results showed that origin and education influenced differences in tourists’ attitudes. The theoretical and practical implications as well as research limitations are defined, and recommendations made for the future research based on the theoretical background and research results

    Safety in social and urban restoration context of today’s cities

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    Since the beginning of the 21st century we have been faced with new, totally different and complex questions regarding safety in cities. Today, we are not focused anymore on regular fighting against criminal problems; cities are overwhelmed by all threats, from natural disasters, poverty and misery to the processes of migration. The goal of this paper is to study the cause and stimuli and to do some analysis for further research. The goal will be to make resilient cities where we consider safety the most important factor. Phenomena which we find in the cities, even if they could not be presumed or planned, will be further investigated. Poverty in cities is something we already fight against, but it is an indicator of future instability and crime. Development of disaster resilient communities is an element which has already been worked on globally. By identifying factors of urban renovation, experts should be open to explore the concepts which bring new ideas about urban resistance enforcements. While concept of instable or “zero tolerance” is defined as sensitive to stressors, anti-fragilities are connected with generation of positive answers to damage. Constant estimation needs to be focused on advantages and weaknesses of unexpected events. When it comes to migrations, guidelines should follow the American model – almost two centuries of co-existence. It should be pointed out that there is an active political and professional will to create a healthy, strong, and mixed settlement. By multicultural enforcement in public places during urban regeneration and transformation, we should take into account both local interest, public, private and the new ones

    Ispitivanje koncentracije teških metala u tkivima tri različite vrste riba iz Dunava sa područja Beograda koje se koriste u ishrani ljudi

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    The aim of this study was the investigation of water, sediments and fish tissues contamination with heavy metals. All samples were taken from the Danube River in Belgrade region, a location upstream from Batajnica. Concentrations of Cd, Hg and Pb in water samples were not detected, while concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu and As were in the range of 0.004 - 0.330 mg L-1. Iron was the most deposited metal in sediment samples in contrast to water samples where all investigated metals were detected. For the purpose of heavy metals determination in fresh fish tissue, fifteen samples of three different fish species, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and wels catfish (Silurus glanis) were collected. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, As and Hg were determined in the digestive tract, liver and muscle by absorption spectroscopy. The highest concentration of Pb was in the digestive tract in all three fish species, ranging from 0.036 to 1.518 μg g-1, while Cd was mostly deposited in the liver. Concentrations of As were in the range of 0.36 - 0.73 μg g-1 in Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 0.013 - 0.18 μg g-1 in Cyprinus carpio and 0.003 - 0.005 μg g-1 in Silurus glanis tissues, while the content of Hg was equal in all tested tissues of carp. Concentrations of all metals were found to be present in the fish samples at different levels, but these values are under the maximum residual levels prescribed by the European Union (EU) and the maximum allowed concentrations (MAC) for Serbia, so the fish meat is acceptable for the human consumption.Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje kontaminacije teškim metalima vode, sedimenta kao i tri različite vrste sveže ribe. Svi uzorci su uzeti iz Dunava u regionu Beograda, tačnije uzvodno od Batajnice. Koncentracije Cd, Hg i Pb u uzorcima vode su približne graničnim vrednostima detekcije, dok su koncentracije Zn, Fe, Cu i As u opsegu 0.004 - 0.330 mg L-1. Gvožđe je najprisutniji metal u uzorcima sedimenata za razliku od uzoraka vode gde su svi ispitivani metali podjednako zastupljeni. U cilju ispitivanja teških metala u tkivima riba sakupljeno je po petnaest uzoraka tri različite vrste riba, tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), šarana (Cyprinus carpio) i soma (Silurus glanis). Koncentracije Pb, Cd, As i Hg određene su u digestivnom traktu, jetri i mišićnom tkivu sveže dunavske ribe metodom absorpcione spektroskopije. Najveća koncentracija Pb zabeležena je u digestivnom traktu kod svih ispitivanih vrsta riba i to u opsegu 0.036 - 1.518 μg g-1, dok je Cd uglavnom deponovan u jetri. Koncentracija As bila je u opsegu 0.36 - 0.73 μg g-1 u tkivu Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 0.013 - 0.18 μg g-1 u tkivu Cyprinus carpio i 0.003 - 0.005 μg g-1 u tkivu Silurus glanis, dok je sadržaj Hg bio izjednačen u svim ispitivanim tkivima šarana. Koncentracije svih metala u tkivima riba su različite i ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija predvidjenih pravilnikom Evropske Unije i maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracije (MDK) u Srbiji, a riba može da se koristi za ishranu ljudi