487 research outputs found

    Coherence and simple polytopes

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    U teoriji kategorija, koherencija koja je vezana za određeni tip kategori- ja, u najgrubljem smislu znači komutiranje dijagrama sastavljenih od kanonskih strelica tih kategorija...In category theory, the term coherence of a particular type of the category indicates in the broadest sense that the diagrams composed of its canonical arrows commute..

    Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs

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    Focusing on the social aspect of sustainability, this article provides insight into the process of spatial and functional reconsideration of open public spaces in two selected super-blocks in Belgrade, Serbia. Although their spatial typology is similar, one of them was created during the 1960s in New Belgrade, a new administrative center of the city based on the principles of functionalism, while the other one was built during the 1970s, as a part of urban reconstruction conducted in the central areas of Belgrade (Vračar municipality). The beginning of the 21st century has brought new challenges to open public spaces, reflecting the post-transitional changes of the Serbian socio-economic context, as well as the contemporary urban needs of inhabitants. Consequently, both blocks have developed new gathering places for their local communities, although applying two different approaches, spontaneous/informal (New Belgrade) and formal (Vračar). Considering the specificities of both initiatives and the relationship between local communities and the open public spaces of super-blocks, the comparative analysis is conducted in order to identify the occurring social, spatial, and functional modifications, and the achieved level of social sustainability

    Comparison of wooden and conventional houses sustainability - Increasing Application of Modified Wood in Republic of North Macedonia

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    The residential sector in Republic of North Macedonia, situated in south-east Europe, is responsible for the consumption of significant amounts of resources and for the production of large amount of emissions and waste. The increased application of wood products can substantially improve these conditions and contribute towards increasing the sustainability in the construction industry and the creation of sustainable homes. The contribution of this paper is the simulation of four different alternatives of residential buildings in the Republic of North Macedonia, evaluated in terms of energy performance and life -cycle assessment for the "cradle to gate" phase. The results of this study revealed that by replacing conventional concrete and masonry constructions with wooden constructions in low-rise family houses, the carbon emissions can be reduced up to 145%. The contribution of this paper is the simulation and analysis of the energy performance by using building performance simulation tools and life -cycle assessment of a residential building and its optimization through several models. The results give significant insight on the influence that the different construction materials have on the environment and buildings performance. Also, the research enables stimulation of the construction industry in utilizing wooden structures and delivering legislation that could increase their use. These actions would provide means for the development of sustainable buildings, neighborhoods and sustainable development of the Republic of North Macedonia

    What kind of mo(ve)ment is Fridays for Future? Motivation, success perception and climate action framing in Fridays for Future Croatia

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    Fridays for Future climate protests, which began as individual actions, soon morphed into a powerful global youth movement, with millions participating in Global Climate Strikes in 2019. In this study, we conducted 19 semi-structured interviews with the organizers and participants of the Fridays for Future Croatia movement and we aimed to examine the main characteristics of these protests in the context of new social movements theory and contemporary movements research, as well as in the specific national context. Challenging the suitability of the new social movements theory to adequately explain the Fridays for Future movement, we found many connections with contemporary social movements: participants are a new generation of first-time activists; social media use is crucial and qualitatively different; the organisational structure is completely loosened; and the issues encompass environmental protection and political economy, urging the transformation of both individual and social identities and socio-economic systems

    Model characteristics of the explosive force indicators of leg extensors in top level athletes

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    У овом истраживању на основу примарног циља дефинисане су моделне карактеристике различитих индикатора експлозивне силе опружача ногу врхунских спортиста оба пола. На основу секундарних циљева су утврђене разлике у факторској структури, функционалног и полног диморфизма, нивоа развијености и повезаности индикатора за процену експлозивности опружача ногу. У истраживању је учествовало 378 испитаникa распоређених у 8 група према полу и специфичности тренажног процеса којем су подвргнути: врхунски спортисти из групе брзинско-снажних спортова (мушкарци N=40 и жене N=34), врхунски спортисти из групе спортова с комплексним испољавањем свих моторичких својстава (мушкарци N=99 и жене N=43), врхунски спортисти из групе спортова издржљивости (мушкарци N=64 и жене N=33) и контролна група сачињена од нетренираних особа мушког и женског пола (мушкарци N=33 и жене N=32). Мерни опсег дефинисан је на основу 81 варијабле подељених у 6 димензија које се односе на контрактилне карактеристике изометријске силе опружача ногу и то: 1) ниво испољене силе мерене уни и билатерално, 2) интензитет прираста силе или експлозивности мерене уни и билатерално, 3) времена потребног за достизање дате силе мерене уни и билатерално, 4) нивоа билатералног дефицита, 5) нивоа функционалног диморфизма, 6) нивоа полног диморфизма; покривајући простор општих, специфичних и специјалних карактеристика мишићне силе и експлозивности опружача ногу. За процену максималне изометријске силе опружача ногу (билатерално и унилатерално) коришћена је стандардизована опрема, тј. справа металне конструкције за мерење изометријске силе опружача ногу, тензиометријска сонда и стандардизован тест у седећој позицији...This research, based on its primary goal, defines model characteristics of the explosive force indicators of leg extensors in top level athletes, both males and females. Based on its secondary goals, the differences in factor structure, functional and sexual dimorphism, level of development and coherence of indicators that can evaluate leg extensors explosiveness were determined. The research included 378 examinees divided into 8 groups based on gender and training process distinctiveness they have been subjected to: top level athletes from the speed-strength sports (male N=40 and female N=34), top level athletes from the sports with complex exertion of all motoric properties (male N=99 and female N=43), top level athletes from the endurance sports (male N=64 and female N=33) and controls consisting of healthy untrained adults, both genders (male N=33 and female N=32). Measurement range was defined by 81 variables divided into 6 dimensions regarding the contractile characteristics of leg extensors isometric force: 1) level of exerted force, measured both uni- and bilateral, 2) rate of force development or the explosiveness, measured both uni- and bilateral, 3) the time necessary to reach the given force, measured both uni- and bilateral, 4) bilateral deficiency level, 5) functional dimorphism level, 6) sexual dimorphism level; covering the range of basic, specific and special indicators of muscle force and leg extensors explosiveness. To evaluate maximal isometric leg extensors force (unilateral and bilateral), standardized equipment was used, i.e. metal device for measuring leg extensors isometric force, a tensiometric probe and standardized “seating leg extension” test..

    Restoration and conversion to re-use of historic buildings incorporating increased energy efficiency A Case Study - the Haybarn Complex, Hilandar Monastery, Mount Athos

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    A proper approach to restoration of historic buildings is crucial for monumental heritage protection. The objective of the paper is to define a methodology for historic buildings restoration in order to increase energy efficiency and re-usability in accordance with modern standards. The main method used in the paper is the observation of historic buildings during their restoration and exploitation, analysis and evaluation of achieved results regarding energy efficiency and energy saving, through the examples of the buildings belonging to Hilandar Monastery, Mount Athos, in Greece. Mount Athos was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its cultural and natural values. This case study discusses the abandoned and dilapidated historic buildings of the Haybarn Complex (Stable, Mule keepers' House, and Haybarn), the achieved results regarding the restoration of these buildings, their energy efficiency and turning into the premises for occasional stays. The research results are recommendations for increasing energy efficiency while performing the restoration of historic buildings, so that these buildings could be re-used in a new way. The most significant contribution of the paper is the practical test of energy refurbishment of these historic buildings conducted using the principles and methods of energy efficiency, in compliance with conservation requirements and authenticity of historic buildings

    Glass and Media Facades - Energy Refurbishment

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    Modern cities and their architectural structures undergo significant functional and physical changes. In recent years, the interventions on building envelopes have increased. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze potential remodeling of glass facades, along with applying the concept of smart technologies, in order to increase energy efficiency of the existing buildings. This paper analyzes the modernization process of devastated glass façade of the tall Slavija hotel, built in 1960s in Belgrade, Serbia, taking into consideration some positive examples of transformation and reskinning of buildings, where the aspect of medialization is an active part of urban renewal. The subject of this paper is the analysis of research findings about the improved thermal comfort of this building, after performing the replacement of its glass façade and converting the hotel building into a office building. Special attention was paid to the implementation of media facades technologies and final effects on energy balance of the newly designed facade. The proposed solution is supposed to evaluate the improved thermal comfort that was achieved by a radical renovation of the facade and by replacing the existing facade with a new single façade (double and triple glazed units), with media elements as well as without them. The research results are presented as proposals for improving EE public buildings by implementing the latest system of curtain walls in order to increase the value of the buildings. One of the most important criteria included in the process of energy refurbishment is technological improvement of the existing buildings, along with the presentation of media facades. The case study is based on Energy Plus simulations