46 research outputs found

    Episodic mass ejections from common-envelope objects

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    After the initial fast spiral-in phase experienced by a common-envelope binary, the system may enter a slow, self-regulated phase, possibly lasting 100s of years, in which all the energy released by orbital decay can be efficiently transported to the surface, where it is radiated away. If the remaining envelope is to be removed during this phase, this removal must occur through some as-yet-undetermined mechanism. We carried out 1-d hydrodynamic simulations of a low-mass red giant undergoing a synthetic common-envelope event in such a slow spiral-in phase, using the stellar evolutionary code MESA. We simulated the heating of the envelope due to frictional dissipation from a binary companion's orbit in multiple configurations and investigated the response of the giant's envelope. We find that our model envelopes become dynamically unstable and develop large-amplitude pulsations, with periods in the range 3-20 years and very short growth time-scales of similar order. The shocks and associated rebounds that emerge as these pulsations grow are in some cases strong enough to dynamically eject shells of matter of up to 0.1 M\mathrm{M}_{\odot}, 10\sim 10 % of the mass of the envelope, from the stellar surface at above escape velocity. These ejections are seen to repeat within a few decades, leading to a time-averaged mass-loss rate of order 10310^{-3} Myr1\mathrm{M}_{\odot} \: \mathrm{yr}^{-1} which is sufficiently high to represent a candidate mechanism for removing the entire envelope over the duration of the slow spiral-in phase.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures. This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, published by Oxford University Pres

    Comparison of dose rate when working with a C-arm X-ray system

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    Introduction: During working with sources of ionizing radiation, it is of special importance to take into account the dose load of the personnel working with such equipment.Aim: The aim of this article is to discuss the dose load of people working with mobile X-ray systems with a C-arm, who perform orthopedic procedures in the Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the St. Marina University Hospital, Varna. This research tries to convincingly show orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists that using a fluoroscopy mode (in all its variations) of the C-arm X-ray system when the tube is positioned under the patient table is best for their work when it comes to the working conditions, the image quality, the information value and the dose exposure of the staff.Materials and Methods: In the article a comparison of the dose load (effective dose) was made based on dosimetric measurements with respect to the personnel in different modes of operation of the X-ray equipment—roentgenoscopy (single shot) and fluoroscopy. The doses received by the surgeon-operator and his assistant were measured at three points of the body—head, gonads and feet, in radiography mode (single shot) and in three sub-modes of the fluoroscopy mode—continuous fluoroscopy, ½ dose fluoroscopy, and pulse fluoroscopy.For a more accurate comparison of the dose load in the respective operating modes, the time for reaching the dose limit for the personnel, determined by the Bulgarian legislation, was calculated—namely 20mSv per year.Results: The results of all measurements and calculations showed that the dose load in the radiography mode (single shot) was several times larger than the dose that was received in the three variations of the fluoroscopy mode at the same operating time.Conclusion: The results suggest that when using the fluoroscopy mode, even in the sub-mode with the highest dose load, it gives a lower dose than using the mode roentgenography, at the same time of operation of the X-ray tube

    Oкуларни манифестации кај Голденхар синдром- приказ на случај

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    Goldenhar's syndrome (GS) is a complex syndrome characterized by a combination of abnormalities: hemifacial macrosomia, mandibular hypoplasia, ocular dermoids, ear abnormalities, and vertebral disorders. The incidence of GS is about 1 in 5000 to 25,000 live births. The male to female ratio is 3: 2.The etiology of this rare disease is not fully understood. The treatment protocol depends on the age of the patient and systemic clinical presentations. This paper presents a case of a 46-year-old woman with Goldenhar syndrome, which manifested with facial asymmetry, epibulbar dermoid, hearing loss, and scoliosis. Because it is a congenital syndrome, these people's lives are complex from an early age. There is a need for timely recognition of this syndrome and a multidisciplinary approach in treating these patients, with a team of specialist physicians, to enable them as much optimal functioning as possible in the environment. By presenting this case report, we would like to attract the attention of GS, which would be of educational significance for all physicians, primarily ophthalmologists, as well as otolaryngologists and orthopedists.Синдромот на Голденхар (ГХC) е комплексен синдром кој се карактеризира со комбинација од аномалии: хемифацијална макросомија, мандибуларна хипоплазија,окуларни дермоиди, абнормалности на ушите и вертебрални нарушувања.Инциденцијата на ГХС е околу 1 на 5000 до 25 000 живородени. Застапеноста на машкиот во однос на  женскиот пол  е 3:2.Етиологијата на оваа ретко заболување не е целосно разјаснета. Протоколот за лекување зависи од возраста на пациентот и системските клинички презентации.Во трудот прикажуваме случај на жена на 46-годишна возраст со Голденхар синдром,кај која тој се манифестирал со фацијална асиметрија, епибулбарни дермоиди, редукција на слухот и сколиоза. Бидејќи се работи за конгенитален синдром, животот на овие луѓе е комплексен уште од најрана возраст. Потребно е навремено препознавање на овој синдром и мултидисциплинарен пристап во лекувањето на овие пациенти, со тим на лекари - специјалисти, за да им се овозможи што е можно пооптимално функционирање во средината. Со приказ на овој случај, сакаме да го насочиме вниманието кон Голденхар синдромот, што би имало едукативно значење за сите лекари, пред сè за офталмолозите, како и за оториноларинголозите и ортопедите

    Hemorrhagic shock as a primary and unusual manifestation of gastric cancer

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    Gastric cancer represents a major health burden worldwide.The cause of gastric cancer is multifactorial, although infection with Helicobacter pylori is considered to be the primary cause. The early stages of gastric cancer are usually asymptomatic or associated with nonspecific symptoms, such as dyspepsia. Advanced stages and ulcerated tumors may be associated with signs of upper digestive bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is the first preferred diagnostic procedure. The only chance for cure of gastric cancer is surgical removal of the tumor and the adjacent lymph nodes. Case report: 67 year old male presented with melena and haematemesis. On examination pale, covered with cold sweat, adynamic, hypotensive TA = 60/30 mmHg in hemorrhagic shock. After initial stabilization esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed and showed irregular and longitudinal ulceration with elevated and subminated edges, necrotic bottom of the lesion with a fixed coagulum. Gastric cancer was suspected and the patient was transferred to Digestive Surgery where a total gastrectomy was performed. The pathohistological finding is in addition to gastric adenocarcinoma.Conclusion: Epidemiologic studies suggest that eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, eating less salted food and eradicating Helicobacter pylori can decrease the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma. The best way for prevention is to carry out an effective screening program in high-risk groups and in high-incidence areas, so that early discovery, early diagnosis and early treatment can be achieved

    COVID-19 и офталмолошки манифестации: преглед на литература

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    The epidemics of COVID-19 started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared a pandemic in March 2020. COVID-19 can also affect the eyes.  Ophthalmic manifestations of the virus are not so frequent; the prevalence is about 3% up to now. Recognizing the possibility of ophthalmic transmission and manifestation of the virus is of significant importance for ophthalmologists and health workers. According to published studies, the most common ophthalmic manifestation is follicular conjunctivitis with all the symptoms and signs of viral conjunctivitis.  It is usually bilateral, and patients present adenoviral-like symptoms, discomfort, foreign body sensation, redness, or they have no subjective symptoms. The symptoms are more pronounced in patients with a more severe clinical picture of the disease. One of the described non-specific manifestations of COVID-19 as an initial manifestation is keratoconjunctivitis. The effects of the virus on the retina and blood vessels have not been fully investigated, yet. It has been proven that COVID-19 can be isolated from tears and from ocular surface by PCR conjunctival swab. The most common mode of transmission is through direct contact and through aerosols. Through the nasolacrimal system, the eyes can be the entrance for respiratory infection and hematogenous spread of the virus can occur through the lacrimal gland. Early recognition of the ophthalmic symptoms by ophthalmologists as well as the other health workers during this pandemic is necessary because sometimes they can be the only manifestation of COVID-19, and on the other hand, it will lead to greater protection and prevention of the virus spreading. Prevention measures should be focused on the application of administrative protocols, personal protection and environmental control.Епидемијата на COVID-19 започна во декември 2019 година во Вухан, Кина, а пандемија беше официјално прогласена од Светската здравствена организација (СЗО) во март 2020 година. COVID-19 може да ги афектира и очите. Офталмолошките манифестации на вирусот не се толку фреквентни; преваленцијата досега изнесува околу 3%. Препознавањето на можноста за офталмолошка трансмисија и манифестација на вирусот е од сигнификантно значење за офталмолозите и здравствените работници. Најчеста офталмолошка манифестација, според објавените студии, е фоликуларен конјунктивитис, со сите симптоми и знаци на вирусен конјунктивитис. Обично е билатерален, а пациентите пројавуваат симптоми слични на аденовирусен конјунктивитис, со дискомфорт, чувство на туѓо тело, црвенило или, пак, воопшто немаат субјективни симптоми. Симптомите се поизразени кај пациенти со потешка клиничка слика на болеста. Една од опишаните неспецифични манифестации на COVID-19, како иницијална манифестација, е и кератоконјунктивитис. Влијанието на вирусот врз ретината и крвните садови не се сè уште истражени целосно. Докажано е дека COVID-19 може да се изолира од солзите или од окуларната површина, преку брис од конјунктива со PCR.Најчестиот начин на трансмисија е преку директен контакт и преку аеросоли. Очите, преку назолакрималниот систем, може да бидат влез за респираторна инфекција, а преку лакрималната жлезда може да настане и хематогено ширење на вирусот. Неопходно е навремено препознавање на офталмолошките симптоми во време на оваа пандемија, како од страна на офталмолозите, така и од другите здравствени работници, затоа што понекогаш тие може да претставуваат единствена манифестација на COVID-19, а од друга страна, тоа ќе доведе до поголема заштита и спречување на ширење на вирусот.  Мерките на превенција треба да се насочени кон применување административни протоколи, персонална заштита и контрола во средината

    Percepción de los maestros de Educación General Básica sobre el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad en Niños

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    This study analyzes the academic training of basic general education (EGB) teachers and its relationship with the level of knowledge about ADHD in children. The sample included 342 teachers from the different educational centers of District 11D01-Loja; 19.3% (n= 66) men and 80.7% (n= 276) women; whose ages fluctuated between 20 and 65 years, formed in the third and fourth level of education, in whom the KADDS test (Knowlegde of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale) was applied, observing that those with fourth level and training about the disorder, through formal education (undergraduate and postgraduate), as well as non-formal (lectures and conferences), showed high knowledge (58% n=95) mainly in the symptoms and diagnosis subscales, as well as treatment, in relation to teachers who had training up to third level. The chi square statistical test determined a significant association between academic training, level of knowledge and strategies used by the teacher to achieve it. The results suggest that it is necessary for teachers to increase their knowledge about ADHD. Improving the education and training of teachers could have an impact on the quality and quantity of knowledge about this disorder.Este estudio analiza  la formación académica de los maestros  de educación general básica (EGB) y  su   relación con  el nivel de conocimientos acerca del  TDAH en niños. La muestra  incluyó a 342 maestros de los diferentes centros educativos del Distrito 11D01- Loja; 19,3% (n= 66) hombres y  80,7% (n= 276) mujeres; cuyas edades fluctuaron entre 20 a 65 años, formados en tercero y cuarto nivel de educación, en quienes se aplicó el test (Knowlegde of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale) KADDS, observándose  que  aquellos  con cuarto nivel y capacitación acerca del trastorno, a través de educación formal (pregrado y posgrado), así como no formal (charlas y conferencias), mostraron conocimiento alto (58% n=95) principalmente en las subescalas síntomas y diagnóstico,  además de tratamiento, en relación a  los maestros que tuvieron formación hasta de tercer nivel.  La prueba estadística chi cuadrado, determinó  asociación significativa entre formación académica, nivel de conocimiento y estrategias utilizadas por el maestro para alcanzarlo. Los resultados sugieren,  es necesario que los maestros  incrementen sus conocimientos sobre el TDAH. Mejorar la  formación y capacitación en los maestros, podría repercutir en la calidad y cantidad de conocimientos sobre este trastorno

    Percepción de los maestros de Educación General Básica sobre el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad en Niños

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    This study analyzes the academic training of basic general education (EGB) teachers and its relationship with the level of knowledge about ADHD in children. The sample included 342 teachers from the different educational centers of District 11D01-Loja; 19.3% (n= 66) men and 80.7% (n= 276) women; whose ages fluctuated between 20 and 65 years, formed in the third and fourth level of education, in whom the KADDS test (Knowlegde of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale) was applied, observing that those with fourth level and training about the disorder, through formal education (undergraduate and postgraduate), as well as non-formal (lectures and conferences), showed high knowledge (58% n=95) mainly in the symptoms and diagnosis subscales, as well as treatment, in relation to teachers who had training up to third level. The chi square statistical test determined a significant association between academic training, level of knowledge and strategies used by the teacher to achieve it. The results suggest that it is necessary for teachers to increase their knowledge about ADHD. Improving the education and training of teachers could have an impact on the quality and quantity of knowledge about this disorder.Este estudio analiza  la formación académica de los maestros  de educación general básica (EGB) y  su   relación con  el nivel de conocimientos acerca del  TDAH en niños. La muestra  incluyó a 342 maestros de los diferentes centros educativos del Distrito 11D01- Loja; 19,3% (n= 66) hombres y  80,7% (n= 276) mujeres; cuyas edades fluctuaron entre 20 a 65 años, formados en tercero y cuarto nivel de educación, en quienes se aplicó el test (Knowlegde of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale) KADDS, observándose  que  aquellos  con cuarto nivel y capacitación acerca del trastorno, a través de educación formal (pregrado y posgrado), así como no formal (charlas y conferencias), mostraron conocimiento alto (58% n=95) principalmente en las subescalas síntomas y diagnóstico,  además de tratamiento, en relación a  los maestros que tuvieron formación hasta de tercer nivel.  La prueba estadística chi cuadrado, determinó  asociación significativa entre formación académica, nivel de conocimiento y estrategias utilizadas por el maestro para alcanzarlo. Los resultados sugieren,  es necesario que los maestros  incrementen sus conocimientos sobre el TDAH. Mejorar la  formación y capacitación en los maestros, podría repercutir en la calidad y cantidad de conocimientos sobre este trastorno

    Global Spore Sampling Project: A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA

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    Novel methods for sampling and characterizing biodiversity hold great promise for re-evaluating patterns of life across the planet. The sampling of airborne spores with a cyclone sampler, and the sequencing of their DNA, have been suggested as an efficient and well-calibrated tool for surveying fungal diversity across various environments. Here we present data originating from the Global Spore Sampling Project, comprising 2,768 samples collected during two years at 47 outdoor locations across the world. Each sample represents fungal DNA extracted from 24 m3 of air. We applied a conservative bioinformatics pipeline that filtered out sequences that did not show strong evidence of representing a fungal species. The pipeline yielded 27,954 species-level operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Each OTU is accompanied by a probabilistic taxonomic classification, validated through comparison with expert evaluations. To examine the potential of the data for ecological analyses, we partitioned the variation in species distributions into spatial and seasonal components, showing a strong effect of the annual mean temperature on community composition.publishedVersio

    Barcoding a Quantified Food Web: Crypsis, Concepts, Ecology and Hypotheses

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    The efficient and effective monitoring of individuals and populations is critically dependent on correct species identification. While this point may seem obvious, identifying the majority of the more than 100 natural enemies involved in the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana – SBW) food web remains a non-trivial endeavor. Insect parasitoids play a major role in the processes governing the population dynamics of SBW throughout eastern North America. However, these species are at the leading edge of the taxonomic impediment and integrating standardized identification capacity into existing field programs would provide clear benefits. We asked to what extent DNA barcoding the SBW food web would alter our understanding of the diversity and connectence of the food web and the frequency of generalists vs. specialists in different forest habitats. We DNA barcoded over 10% of the insects collected from the SBW food web in three New Brunswick forest plots from 1983 to 1993. For 30% of these specimens, we amplified at least one additional nuclear region. When the nodes of the food web were estimated based on barcode divergences (using molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTU) or phylogenetic diversity (PD) – the food web became much more diverse and connectence was reduced. We tested one measure of food web structure (the “bird feeder effect”) and found no difference compared to the morphologically based predictions. Many, but not all, of the presumably polyphagous parasitoids now appear to be morphologically-cryptic host-specialists. To our knowledge, this project is the first to barcode a food web in which interactions have already been well-documented and described in space, time and abundance. It is poised to be a system in which field-based methods permit the identification capacity required by forestry scientists. Food web barcoding provided an effective tool for the accurate identification of all species involved in the cascading effects of future budworm outbreaks. Integrating standardized barcodes within food webs may ultimately change the face of community ecology. This will be most poignantly felt in food webs that have not yet been quantified. Here, more accurate and precise connections will be within the grasp of any researcher for the first time